#don't tag as todom0mo
gaysagainsttodobaku · 5 years
Issue 9
That was humiliating.
Defeated by a man in multicolored spandex on your first attack!
"Spiderman."Tomura spat out,"You will face my wrath."
"Oh by the way,i'm gonna hang out with my friends after school."Shouto mentioned as he put on his shoes.
Mom beamed,"You made new friends?!"
"Yeah.Sero,Kaminari,Mina,Tsuyu,Iida,Uraraka,Kirishima,Hagakure and Bakugou."He listed them off.
Mom looked like she was about to start barfing rainbows."Oh Shouto!"She hugged tightly,"I'm glad you're talking to your classmates!"
"Yeah,me too,Mom."The hug was a bit constricting.
She released him,still beaming."This is great!"
He smiled back,droopy eyed."Well...bye."
"Good luck at school!"She called to him as he walked down the hall.He waved in response.
Shouto offered the receptionist a chocolate bar when he made it down stairs.They blinked in surprise and took it,smiling.
"Thank you,Shouto."It felt odd that they called him by his first name but not bad.If he remembered correctly,their own first name was Shizuka.
"You're welcome.See you after school!"He walked out of the building.
Shouto jumped as his spider sense suddenly went off.A few seconds later,he saw the octopus man heading in a certain direction.The direction of the school.
Shouto ran into a random empty ally,putting on his costume over his clothes and leaving his backpack behind as he swung towards him.
The man suddenly turned towards him,grinning sinisterly."Well,if it isn't Spiderman-"He was cut off by Shouto shooting webbing onto his mouth from his place sticking to the side of a building.He coughed violently and Shouto took the opportunity to tie up his extensions once again.
"WE LOVE YOU!"A random fan yelled as he swung away.
"Spiderman appeared again!"He heard Kirishima eagerly say as he approached his friends."Manly as always!"
"You've seen him twice."Bakugou deadpanned.
"Dude,what's with your hair?"Sero laughed as he saw Shouto,who began tidying up his hair in response.
"Todoroki,you're still up for the arcade,right?"Bakugou asked.
Shouto nodded,smiling and heart in his throat.
Bakugou actually smiled back,causing Shouto's heart to nearly skip a beat.The other four looked at him jaw-slacked.
"Dude!"Kaminari whispered,"Bakugou's smiling!"
"I know!"Ashido whispered back.
"I can hear you."A now irritated Bakugou said,"I'm deaf but that dosen't mean ya gotta be fuckin' rude."
The two smiled sheepishly.
"Iida,i forgot my book.Can you share yours with me?"Kirishima asked worriedly.Iida nodded eagerly.
"Of course!As class rep,i'm always happy to help a classmate!"
Kirishima smiled at his response.Shouto looked at them curiously.
Did Kirishima have a crush on Iida?Iida was a very nice guy so it wasn't too much of a stretch.
Kirishima practically curled himself up to Iida so they could read from his book.He touched Iida's arm,who blushed furiously."Man,you're ripped!"
"T-t-thank you."Iida clumsily adjusted his glasses.
'Kirishima sure is a bold person.'
"Shouto,i was wondering if you'd like come visit me and my wife."Shouto blinked in surprise at Shizuka's words but nodded as he registered them properly,hitching up his backpack.
"Yes,that would be nice.I'm hanging out with my friends today so i'll be there tommorow."
Shouto smiled,finishing his way down the stairs.
"Have fun,dear!"They called to him as got out the door.
"Thanks!I will!"
"Hey,Bakugou,Midoriya!"Shouto greeted them as he saw them loitering by the arcade entrance.
"Todoroki!"Bakugou stood straight,"Let's play."
"I'll go get snacks."Midoriya said as they entered,walking towards a cashere.
Shouto and Bakugou settled on a zombie shooting game.
"How you doin',Half and Half?"
"Just fine.How about you?"
"Pffft!I got this."
Midoriya watched them,entranced and eating a hot dog.
"Midoriya,soda me!"
Midoriya put the soda near Shouto's mouth and he drank without taking his eyes off the screen.
"I call next turn."
Shouto turned his head so fast his neck almost made a cracking noise.'Yaoyorozu?!'
It was her.
"Todoroki!"She seemed just as surprised as he was.
"Oi!"Bakugou said in annoyance,"Pay attention to the game!"
They finished their turn,Shouto still stunned at such a strict-seeming person like Yaoyorozu was into violent video games.She was most likely thinking the same of him,actually.
"Here."Shouto said as he handed her his gun and she smiled awkawardly in return.
"I'm not holding back,ponytail."Bakugou said.
Yaoyorozu gave him a hardened expression,"Neither will i."
Judging by how good she was at it,this was a regular thing for her.She bit her lip so hard Shouto was surprised it din't start bleeding.
Suddenly,Shouto's spider sense went off.He wipped his head towards the arcade entrance and as if on cue,the earth shook.
"Fuck!"Bakugou said.
Shouto bolted to the bathroom and heard Midoriya call out to him.He locked the door as he began undressing himself and tried to ignore the knocking.
"Todoroki,come out!We gotta get out of here!"
"I'll hide in here!"He insisted as he pulled up his costume.
"That's a terrible ideAAAAAAAAA!!"Shouto heard a loud sound,then screaming from multiple people and rapid running.
Shouto dressed even quicker and climbed up the wall and out the window.He made his way to the side of the arcade,seeing that the octopus man had crashed down part of the roof and that everyone was scrambling to get out-Including Midoriya,Bakugou and Yaoyorozu.
"Hey,Octopus Man!"He said in a deeper voice,"Why don't pick on someone your own size?",he squinted,"Maybe bigger,actually."
Perhaps that wasn't the smartest thing to say,seeing as the octopus man turned red in the face and launched one of his tentacles at him for that.
"The name's Doc Oc."Octopus Ma-Doc Oc snarled as Shouto dodged,landing next to the crowd,"And you're about to be squashed,bug boy."
The next tentacle caught a civilian,a blonde civilian-
BAKUGOU.Shouto managed to slap his hands over his mouth before he let out a yell.
Shouto tried to web up Doc Oc's tentacles like he did the last two times but was pinned to a wall by two of them.He struggled to break free but din't have to for long,thanks to someone throwing a rather thick book at Doc Oc's head,causing him to accidentally open up the tentacle that was holding Bakugou.
Shouto shot himself towards Bakugou,catching him bridal style and made a web bed under them to prevent them from falling.
"SPIDERMAN!"Bakugou said in shock.
Shouto simply nodded to him,pretending he wasn't freaking out on the inside('I'M CARRYING BAKUGOU,HOLY SHIT')."I'm going to put us down now."He kept his deep voice.
Bakugou responded by wrapping his arms around his neck for safety and Shouto melted like a marshmallow(what was it about Bakugou that gave him such cheesy thoughts?).
Taking advantage of Doc Oc's disorientation,Shouto cocooned him before placing himself and Bakugou back on solid ground.
Bakugou din't let him go,looking at him with an stunned expression.
"You can let go now."Shouto said,voice deep.
Bakugou blinked rapidly,jumping away from him."Right!"
"Spiderman!"Midoriya and Yaoyorozu shouted from behind him and it was only then he noticed that all eyes were on him,staring in awe.He turned to his two friends.
"Pleasure to meet you,citizens,but my work here is done so now i must go!"He swung away before anyone could protest.
"Todoroki!"Midoriya said eagerly as Shouto came out of the bathroom,"Thank God,you're okay!"He looked like he wanted to hug him.He then perked up,"We saw Spiderman!"
"Yeah,i heard him."Shouto placed a hand on the back of his head,"Wish I'd gotten some pictures."
"You'll get them next time."Yaoyorozu reassured him.
"Thanks."Shouto suddenly had an idea,"We should all exchange phone numbers."
Yaoyorozu blinked in surprise,"Sure!"
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