#donkey_kong country
mr-erik-viking · 7 months
Blog 1: Narrative and Storytelling - Video Games. A study of Donkey Kong.
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In 1981, Nintendo's Donkey Kong marked a pivotal moment in gaming history by incorporating fully developed cutscenes to convey a narrative. These cutscenes showcased the disruption of equilibrium as Donkey Kong kidnapped Mario's girlfriend, Pauline, providing a compelling backdrop for the player to assume the role of Mario and initiate a quest to restore balance. Todorov's Narrative Theory aligns well with the game's progression, from the initial equilibrium of Mario and Pauline's happiness to the disruption caused by Donkey Kong, Mario's recognition of the disturbance, his attempt to repair it by overcoming obstacles, and the restoration of a new equilibrium upon Pauline's rescue. While the storytelling in the 1981 Donkey Kong may appear rudimentary compared to contemporary standards, it adheres to Propp's Narrative Theory. Propp's categories neatly fit into the game's structure: Donkey Kong serves as the disruptive villain, and Pauline represents the reward for Mario's heroic actions. The simplicity of the narrative, devoid of helpers, false heroes, or donors, reflects the limitations imposed by the technology of the time, where only three characters could be present on the screen simultaneously. Nintendo's influence on the gaming industry burgeoned with the success of Donkey Kong, solidifying its standing in both the Japanese and American video game markets. Fast forward to 1995, and the release of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest showcases advancements in storytelling techniques. Developed by Rareware and published by Nintendo for the SNES, this instalment maintains the core narrative structure but introduces more sophisticated graphics and a broader range of cutscenes.
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In contrast to the 1981 release, Donkey Kong Country 2 boasts a livelier narrative with enhanced visual storytelling. The game allows players to explore 52 unique levels, and the cutscenes are more detailed, providing a richer visual experience. While the fundamental narrative structure remains consistent, the storytelling is elevated by the addition of graphical details during item interactions. For instance, collecting special items triggers visual displays accompanied by moving text and joyful music, offering players a more immersive and engaging experience. This evolution in storytelling techniques within the Donkey Kong series exemplifies the progression of the gaming industry, with advancements in technology enabling developers to deliver more nuanced and visually captivating narratives over time. Nintendo's innovative approach to storytelling has played a crucial role in shaping the evolution of video game narratives, setting a standard for immersive and engaging storytelling in the digital age.
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Wikipedia Contributors (2021). Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_Kong_Country_2:_Diddy%27s_Kong_Quest.
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gilbert557 · 3 years
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