#dont go here but the graphics are soooo gorgeous
malo-mart · 5 years
I saw some of your tags in a previous post, did you not like BotW? (not trying to stir shit, genuinely curious because I didn't love it myself)
 so i’ve gotten a couple asks today like this one so I think it’s finally time to make a post about why i didnt love botw :~) this is like 2 years worth of internal critique that ive held in because i know its a really really popular game and arguably the most mainstream zelda game ever (possibly after oot) but i managed to write just my top 3 dislikes!!! woo!!!!
anyway so i just want to disclaim that botw is an amazing and incredible open world game with fantastic graphics and designs and just all round gorgeous! but it doesnt really hit the standard of a Zelda game to me....so here we go
music: forgettable ost  so we’ve all played Zelda games before and we’re all familiar with the music of the franchise. We all know the classics, like the overworld theme, and song of storms, dragon roost island, midnas lament etc. These are really, really iconic songs which we all know and love....So i want to ask how many memorable songs did we get from botw? i loved the trailer music, you know the song that plays when you unlock towers, but the best use of that song was seriously only done in the trailer. I know a big argument a lot of people use to defend the music in botw is “you’re supposed to feel empty and alone” but I don’t want to feel like im alone! I want to feel like i’m on an adventure to save Hyrule. just want to reiterate that botw outside of the zelda franchise is AMAZING but as a zelda game im not impressed. so for the music, in comparison to 30+ years of incredible soundtracks, botw didn’t leave a mark (for me) ((these are just personal opinions)) (((so keep hate to a minimum thabk u))) also i want to add that i shouldn’t like watching the trailer more than i actually like playing the game......you gotta admit the trailer was awesome 
plot: weak plot, boring, no flavour lol  plot.....what plot....lol....surely we can all agree that botw had a weak ass plot. i understand that nintendo was trying to break zelda conventions by allowing you to do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted but what i dont understand is why that had to come at the cost of a good story....the fact that you could do a playthrough of botw without having to collect the memories really made the characters and the arc feel so insignificant when it could have been a really great story. one of my favourite zelda games is albw because i loved how they gave you the choice of where to go and what to do through Ravio! and then the plot right at the end....blew my tiny mind. i loved it! albw broke zelda conventions while also delivering an iconic story line. Finishing botw was not satisfying for me. The characters felt incomplete and there were entire plot points that were completely insignificant, like the Koroks. Even the Guardians were made to feel completely obsolete by the end of the game. They were never given a finishing story line. My girlfriend was telling me how botw would have had a greater impact if the final boss fight had involved the guardians, as in they returned to your side and helped you finish ganon or something like that, but instead they were just forgotten about. i feel like a lot of botw was just forgotten about...........but yeah. it was a weak plot, especially in comparison to other zelda games. i really feel like a good story is a key element to a good zelda game 
shrines: too easy, too short, underwhelming  ahhhh. shrines. 120 shrines, and all you get at the end are some clothes. i have a LOT to say about the shrines. they tried hard to switch it up here, replacing dungeons with shrines & divine beasts. i was really excited about this change at first but i felt they really under-delivered. Here are the zelda conventions they got rid of with the divine beasts: boss keys, dungeon specific items (bow, hookshot, boomerang etc), maps (kind of), compasses, mini boss. cool cool cool cool cool thats fine. i feel like they couldnt include any of these because the divine beasts were soooo short. i feel like i completed them in like 20 minutes. i’d say that they were underwhelming! it really made me miss getting stuck in the bloody forest temple in oot shooting an arrow at the walls trying to get the hallways to untwist for like 7 hours u know? as for the shrines, they were boring too lol. the music was all the same, there was barely any variety in the elements or challenges and they were pretty simple to complete. i thought they were booooorrriiiing. i think definitely my key word for this section is underwhelming. the only reason i would get excited about finding a shrine is because it actually gave me something to do instead of just frolicking around and foraging for like 15 hours straight  
but yeah anyway i did like botw but its not in my top 5 loz games barely even in my top 10 like maybe its tenth. and reiterating these are my personal opinions if u relate im starting a club we will have shirts that say ‘botw was okay’. if u thought this was completely wrong then i feel for ya i dont blame u for loving botw. its great! i have high hopes for the sequel!!! also if anyone read this far im surprised but i love u 
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luvdsc · 4 years
oh, i hope you can visit your grandparents soon!! and, yeah, everything kinda sucks right now :( but i do hope your grandparents are well and safe. and, ugh, id love to do all of that!! i guess youve been to a lot of farms then, right? do you have like a favourite thing? like is it milking cows or picking fruits? haha i guess im still a baby?? its funny to hear that you miss high school because i cant wait to get into college? like that independence and everything!! but id love to go to (1/4)
hong kong and vietnam again!! aside from asia i think id love to go to england? or like in general an english speaking country? i really love to english language and id love to go somewhere where they only speak english. i feel like thats just different from learning the language in school 🤧 and, ohhh, youve got plans!! a global rotation sounds soooo cool!! i hope you get to do all of that!! and, oh, i really love jake!! i feel like rosa is too cool for me you know? i do love all of them (2/4)
and, yes!! the art in japanese films are always on a whole new level!! 'your name' comes to mind when speaking about beautiful japanese films!! youre soo right in the heir its so noticeable that they arent 16 or whatever fdadfad as a high schooler im just like 'uh, literally nobody looks like that wtf'. ngl i absolutely loved the drama in the heir asdfads and im definitely gonna look into age of youth when ive got time!! and, oh, my painting isnt good at all asfadf i dont even know where i (3/4)
put it because i just couldnt look at it dfsafd and, oh, yeah, i heard that about oil, but i think its also nice because you can fix smth hours later? but you definitely need patience haha and thats a nice tip!! definitely need to keep that in mind!! and, oh, ive only seen people use white as a base, why do you use a yellow? what difference does it make? sorry for the late reply btw!! i spent my weekend catching up with school and everything!! hope your weekend was nicer!!💕 (4/4)
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ahhhh i really hope so, too! they’re quite old, so i’m hoping they’re doing ok during the pandemic ): ah yeah, i’ve been to quite a few of them!! i really enjoy seeing and petting all the animals, but picking fruit is quite fun! of course, it’s not fun after doing it for more than a couple hours, but my family likes to drive out to the cherry orchards outside of the city and pick some when they’re in season! my parents also really like fruit trees, so we have over 30 different variety of fruits in our backyard :’) and a little veggie garden!! college is honestly my favorite time out of all my schooling, like yes, the independence is amazing, and you’re not like a whole adult yet, y’know?? i still get to do a bunch of dumb things with my friends, but i’m also living on my own and having my own little place for myself is so nice!!! i miss it a lot ): my last quarter of college overall is being spent at home because of the virus, so i guess my true college days are over now /: but i’m sooo excited for you to experience college when you do! 💗
omg how is hong kong? i’ve never been there before, but i want to! and do you want to visit certain places in vietnam? and oooo i’ve only been to london in england, but i really love it a lot!! also omg wait, is english not your main language?? :o this entire time i thought you were a native speaker oh my god asdflkjahsf you’re saying you became fluent from classes in school??? i wish i paid more attention in spanish class now 😭 and yes!!! I really want to travel, and the global rotation program my future employer has is one of the reasons i chose to sign with them! omg yes jake is honestly husband goals :’) he’s such a wholesome character, i love him!! but also yes, i feel that, like i’m honestly always just heart eyes at rosa, she’s too cool ashldfkas
ooo omg yes i’ve seen that ‘your name’ before!! the graphics are indeed gorgeous :’) i watched the anime ‘free’ with my friends, and i remember it had absolutely stunning graphics, like especially the scenes with the cherry blossoms in the pool. and yes!!!! omg i was in hs when i saw it the first time and i was also like ??? no one looks like that here LOL i really enjoyed the progression of the relationship between tan and his brother, but i was really sad when his brother had to give up his gf ): tbh i liked the side stories more than the main couple in the heirs, like hyoshin and rachel made me happy for some reason askjdfhas 
and oh nooo ): maybe you can repaint it into something you like? also, yes, that’s true! it’s easy to fix with oil since it takes like 12 days to fully dry! but it also means i have to wait a long time before painting the next part /: ah it’s personal preference for the color of your base, but i use yellow ochre because it’s not as noticeable if it shows through the paint layer on top of it! like if you don’t fully paint over an area, those tiny spots are more noticeable with white than a dull yellow color :)  of course, if you’re doing a pastel, lighter color painting, then you should use white because that blends in more than the yellow! i tend to use a darker color palette, so i prefer the ochre :D and omg no worries, school is important! i hope your classes are going well 💕 and thank you! my weekend went well!! i finished my coding assignments, analyzed some case studies for class, and facetimed my friends 💓
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