#dont rly like the second one but 🤷
masonsystem · 8 months
trying to watch the last mca episode to try and understand the one and only existing kagepro route with a good ending that is actually 'written out' and am trying so hard to not throw up from laughter like ohhhhhh myy god. oh my god. the animation is so janky. the budget is at its wit's end. I FORGOT KONOHA/KUROHA SOMETIMES GETS ON ALL FOURS.... FOR SOME REASON........ also everything is so fast im throwing up. cuz in like. 90 seconds, ayano randomly shows up, HARUKA IS ABLE TO COMMUNICATE.. FROM THE DAZE?, ayano projects the timelines onto mary, and mary swallows up the world. yes.
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^WHAT IM ALSO SAYING....... i dont think that ever gets fucking explained??? HOW DID THEY LEAVE THE DAZE???
anyways um. so it seems like at first the power of friendship stalled saeru (so weird to not refer to him as kuroha lol), power of friendship being mekakushi dan minus shintaro and konoha (duh) telling mary to not reset the timeline, even tho their snakes were taken away.... and that should kill them... but WHATEVER i guess. and then the whole ayano shebang happens uh.... let me toss the rest of this ruminating into a read more
ok so the ending is Somewhat Coherent if youre like me, aka already has context for how kagepro and it's routes work in general (which 14(?) year old me who first watched mca didnt possess hence did not understand it at all).
and so it seems like jin did write out a coherent ending, but that the pacing and visual language was so insane that it ended up being incomprehensible. pacing and visual language is likely like that bc a.) jin did not supervise it or b.) jin did not have the visual artistry skills to sufficiently supervise it. same outcome either way. you can tell this was written out by jin bc there are many jin-esque lines like there:
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anyways so the ending essentially is..... - shintaro is 'killed' earlier (just enters the daze, basically) (also i dont remember how he dies in this route. whatever lets ignore that) - he reunites w ayano yayyy - meanwhile mekakushi dan tries to stop saeru - mekakushi dan excluding mary gets fatally incapacitated by saeru - but they dont die. but their snakes gets absorbed by mary. but theyre still able to convey The Power Of Friendship to mary thru speech so like... eh whatever 🤷 - this stalls mary from resetting the timeline which allows ayano and shintaro to show up Out Of Nowhere. shintaro's power of Remembering Every Timeline and ayano's power of Projecting The Thoughts Of People Onto Other People combine so they can project the memory of every timeline onto mary. haruka is also able to shit talk on saeru during these 5 seconds somehow too bc uh...... idk? - with mary remembering every timeline, she decides to swallow the whole world (or maybe just the whole room) into the daze, and refuses to reset the world. so now all the dying mekakushi dan + kenjirou + shinaya + saeru are in the daze - with kenjirou in the daze, he is able to see ayaka one last time. this grants kenjirou's wish, and saeru, whose only able to manifest and exist when he is granting a person's wish, then begins to fade away. - begging to not disappear, he asks for anyone else to make a wish. konoha is some astral projection world then wishes to save hiyori. saeru is unable to think of some devious way to make saving a person into some convoluted timeloop, and so hiyori is rescued from the daze, and saeru disappears. - mary gets to see shion again (?!?!?) and they have heart-felt conversation.
and this all happens in like... FOUR MINUTES???? i wish i was exaggerating but no all this shit just happens rly quickly in 4-ish minutes. goddamn. anyways right after this is a cutaway to The Future where everybody is alive.... yeah...... how does ayano and haruka escape the daze? does everyone still have their snakes? if they dont, how did they survive? why did mary decide to conveniently swallow them all into the daze? WHAT HAPPENS TO AZAMI? well that never gets explained. anyways this is the ONE (1!!!!!!) and only "good" route we have that like. actually gets from point a to point b instead of just, randomly existing (looking at you summertime record song route and lost day hour one shot manga). yeahh..... what the hell 🤣😭
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snorsii · 2 years
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more takutos 🍎
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