#ego boost to the person who caught the criminal. and then beyond that it's no longer their business if the criminal escapes or not
yeonban · 20 days
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It's lovely when I read a book and some random paragraph in it hits me in the face like a train at mach speed
#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#ask to tag#Before this I was catching up with the Doctors are Out webtoon too and atm it's an arc where an abuser#got back to his victim bc he and the authorities dgaf about upholding his restraining order like bro I GET it. I get it. I KNOW#Tobias showing up like that one surprise 'heyyy' girl meme gif bc he's the solution (<- getting rid of them Permanently): >:)#No matter where I look this guy manages to weasel his way in. I cannot escape#Now I'm thinking about how Wammy's orphans have such different perspectives on what they should do and what justice means...#to some of them (ex Near) it means catching sb legally by mostly lawful means and yeeting them into prison#to others (ex Mello) it means catching sb by any means necessary but still trying his best to avoid murder#and then to others (ex Tobias) murdering these people who he knows will escape sooner or later anyway is justice in itself#You try to put Wammy orphans down at a table to come to a collective agreement on how they should operate and they simply Cannot#Watari mildly fucked up when he made them ALL headstrong and under the belief that they're always the right one in the room#I bet any of them comes up w a cohesive plan and there's sb in the room IMMEDIATELY pointing out why that plan isn't it 😭#Obviously they'd still synch with each other if need be (ex Mello & Near) but forbid they work TOGETHER together as more than ~2 people#Tobias and Near would be such a funny duo esp. bc Near sees people resorting to murder as wrong and disgusting no matter if it's valid#meanwhile Tobias sees lawful justice as nothing but a farce because 99% of the time it does nothing besides giving a momentary#ego boost to the person who caught the criminal. and then beyond that it's no longer their business if the criminal escapes or not#but it IS very much everyone else's business; and why many live in terror daily wondering if their nightmare will return tomorrow#to be fair Tobias couldn't care less about their feelings 99% of the time either but Watari DID teach him to enact justice. and to him#getting rid of the root of the problem rather than locking it up IS justice. He perceives the problems from much closer than#other Wammy orphans ever have. He's RIGHT THERE in the middle of it whereas they're in some safe place far away from the victims#plus their backgrounds are far too different from his own to reach a consensus too... you can't make him believe prison = justice#just as you can't make them believe murder = justice. But I do think people would prefer Tobias' approach far more than idk Near's#again it's not like Tobias cares about how he's perceived by the people he saves! (or if he's even perceived at all) but I can imagine#going to sleep knowing the person/people/group/etc having it out for you no longer exists is a much more heartening sentiment than#hearing they've been sent to prison; from where they can send sb else after you or from where they can escape in due time
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wesker20 · 5 years
Fallen Hero 1.5 Episode 11 The Rise of Sidestep Part 1: Like a Doll
Episode 10 MIA
            Years ago – The Farm
            You remember the days when it happened, a domino effect of circumstances set on by the last person you expected it to do. Your team was on the final days of a yearlong mission where a politician had ties to a rising criminal organization with a very powerful boost at the helm. You and Alpha posed as a rich couple interested in supporting the politician. You remember Alpha got way into the role much more than you did, always hugging you and kissing you when you least expected it. Not that you minded at the time, you and Alpha have been playing this little game long before the mission, but had to do it quietly. Thanks to General Slyther. This mission in particular gave Alpha all the freedom she needed to show you how she felt.
But it was a mistake, a very stupid one.
            The mission was a success because of course it was, you were Trevor’s team. You never really failed. What could be counted as failures still had small victories that Slyther could not deny, even at his angriest. When you came back, Trevor congratulated all of you much to Slyther’s annoyance, as he instantly intervened.
            “Stop your sappy reinforcement, Ms. Trevor. The dogs did their jobs, dismiss them.”
            She stared at him with the same contempt that we all did and said, “Positive reinforcement goes a long way of making them better at their job Slyther. Proven by the scientists themselves.”
            “And yet you are the only one who does it. Every other unit succeeds without your so called ‘positive reinforcement.’ Enough of this. Cuckoos you are dismissed.”
            You held back the urge to remind him that your team has a bigger success rate than most of the others. Maybe you should have told him anyway, considering it changed nothing of what was to come.
            That night you and Alpha got back to the roof one last time, staring into the woods, side by side.
            “I wonder if this will ever get old,” Alpha chuckled.
            “Well let’s see. We have been sneaking up here for years and we have yet to fall asleep out of sheer boredom, so I’ll say not anytime soon,” you responded.
            “Yeah,” she sighed, “you’re right. I’m going to miss it.”
            “What?” you blurted out, turning to her. She turns to you with eyes wide open.
            “Oh, uh, nothing,” she began and turned back towards the woods. “Was just thinking that if Ms. Trevor moves we will probably move with her, and if it happens, well, I’ll miss this.” A quite elaborated thought if you think about it yourself. And you told her as such. “I’m smarter than you, remember,” she nudged you, chuckling. “I always have more complex thoughts.” You accepted it at the time, just as you had accepted it before. Maybe indeed you were not as smart as she was, because if you had, you would have called bullshit. But you didn’t, you just accepted it and let it pass.
            You remember her getting closer to you, turning you around to look straight into your eyes. Eyes that could pierce your mind and stick there forever, in a soft tranquil state, swimming in them. They made you feel safe, secure, that nothing could happen, that, like her, this moment was indestructible. And her lips touched yours, a soft rub that brought you back from that gaze you loved so much. It’s funny how soft they were despite her invulnerability, they were as soft as a drop of water, effortlessly sliding around yours. You did not wanted to stop looking at her eyes, but you also wanted this to continue. An impossible choice, so she made it for you, closing her eyes and turning her head sideways to deepen the kiss. You brought her body closer to yours as the kiss deepened, a dream you did not wanted to end, a dream you wish had continued. And the sudden impact of the door opening brought you back to reality, much to your chagrin.
            “Time’s up. Soldier’s are coming,” Kappa said with Zeta right behind her. Alpha gave you an apologetic look before turning towards the other exit. It wasn’t an exit per se, but it was a small ledge you four could easily hide in. Easily as in not the first time you have done that. In the outside anyway. You were never really caught before this point on the rooftop so this was an experiment to see if it worked.
            The four of you stood tightly packed together as the soldiers busted through the door, forming a perimeter. Strange, a lot more than you had seen at any part of the facility. And soon after you realized why as General Slyther steps through the door with the same look of superiority he always have. You wonder if he ever had an off button for it.
            “Did you find them?” he asked to one of the soldiers. The soldier shakes their head and Slyther huffed. “Unit Alpha 203, if you are here, show yourself, now!” he yelled. You looked at Alpha but she just shrugged her shoulders. You remained hidden for several minutes, Slyther had surprising patience now that you think about it, before he finally decided to leave. As soon as he left, you questioned Alpha.
            “What was all that about?”
            “I don’t know. Maybe Slyther is pissy again?” she said with a shrug and a smile. You glared.
            “It’s fine Jeremy. You know it’s not the first time Slyther comes looking for one of us because he doesn’t like us. Come on, we’ll talk with Ms. Trevor. She has to know.” you kept your glare but nodded and followed her back. But even then you could feel someone else’s glare directed at Alpha. When you turned you realized it was Kappa. Strange, Kappa barely showed any emotion most of the time. But once again, as ignorant as you were then, you didn’t think much on it and went back to your quarters. Next day was quite the show.
            Trevor did not say anything but the expression on her face was enough to show that she was unaware of Slyther’s search. And she was pissed. You remember swallowing hard at the sight. Almost none of her features changed except for her eyebrows but it was more than enough, to convey her fury. You had never seen her angry. She dismissed you almost immediately and called her secretary, probably to call the good General. But before you walked out, he was already here.
            “There you are,” he said eyeing up Alpha with disdain.
            “What about it scarface?” Alpha said. Sometimes you forgot how much she liked antagonizing the general.
            “You will not address me until I order it too. And even less in such a manner.”
            “Of course sir. Permission to tell you to kiss my ass,” she said with mock obedience and an exaggerated salute.
            “Alpha please,” Zeta said sheepishly at her. As Slyther walked closer Trevor interfered.
            “I have on good information that you proceeded without my authorization general.”
            “I don’t need your authorization for anything Trevor.”
            “You do when it falls on my jurisdiction. In this case my team.” She emphasizes the ‘my.’
            “Your unit has been compromised. Unit Alpha has gone beyond her design and is en route to corrupting the rest. Starting with it,” he pointed at you and for the first time you saw Alpha almost flare up.
            “May I ask what evidence you have of this,” Trevor asked, standing between the four of you and Slyther.
            “Of course,” he responded with mocked obedience and hands her over a tablet with a video; a video of you and Alpha last night kissing on the roof.
            “It’s this it?” Trevor responded unimpressed.
            “It’s that it! These dogs are not even supposed to know this sort of things,” his eyes flare up in rage.
            “They had just gone on a mission that required this exact thing out of them. And besides even if it was something more, what about it? They do their job well, better actually. Out of all the cuckoo units in this facility, my team has the highest success rate. Whatever they do in between missions, as long as it does not interfere with their performance, makes no difference to me,” she said, walking towards the general and he is forced to step back. Then he stopped and glared back at her.
            “Ah, but you see general, it does affects their performance. What if in the middle of a mission they decide that the “lives” of their fellow dogs is more important than the mission? You would risk the success of a mission because of your neglect. And how about if they decide that they no longer want to do any more missions? What then? We will have to reeducate them and waste years of investment and skill sets when we could have stopped the cancer before it spreads.”
            “General Slyther. If such a thing were to happen, I will deal with it myself. You are stepping out of bounds. This is my responsibility, not yours,” Trevor said in a calmer albeit more intimidating tone.
            “NO! I will not let you risk the people of this facility and the reputation of our army for the sake of your ego! I have put up with your pathetic measures for long enough. Soldiers, prepare Unit Alpha 203 for reeducation.” Immediately all four of you spring into action. Even without your powers you were still far better trained than any soldier. No way in hell were you going to let Slyther get away with this.
            “Frank don’t you dare! This is my team. I will take this to the secretary of defense-” but before she could continue, Slyther slapped her away with almost inhuman strength. You then heard the sound of something coming from his arm. You know that sound: the sound of mods, old ones at that.
            “When I’m done here and explain it to the secretary, they will understand and accept my reasoning,” he muttered. “Unit Alpha 203, stand down and prepare for reeducation.”
            “Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself,” she answered in her typical cocky tone. The soldiers prepared, but before any of them could do anything, Kappa was on them faster than any of you. She may not have her invisibility, but her mods still made her fast enough to appear out of nowhere. Several soldiers fell down injured and that was the cue for the rest of you to tag in. And there you were all four of you fighting off a dozen soldiers. Without powers you relied on your skills and you realized just how good Alpha really was. She always relied on her strength and endurance, there was really no reason not to. But you always saw her training, practicing and learning new moves on the fly. And here all of that skill came into play. She was ruthless and minimal, nothing flashy or dramatic, just punches and kicks aimed at specific points, most of them to the liver, though some also went to joints and you were certain you saw some legs and arms contorted in ways they shouldn’t ever be.
            Kappa fought as she always did, dodging and evading attacks, working through her opponents attacks to counter. The same reckless abandon that most re-genes take, but unlike them, with elegance and making sure never to get tagged. You and Zeta fought side by side, although you clearly had more experience considering your powers weren’t always all that useful in combat, whereas Zeta always relied on his teleportation. You distracted your opponents, while Zeta snuck up behind them and took them down.
            “That’s enough!” you heard a familiar voice yell, and before you knew it, a gloved hand wrapped around your throat and lifted you up. “Unit Alpha 203, stand down. Or I’ll terminate unit Beta 010,” the fight ended there. With your weak ass being lifted by the General and used as a hostage. Alpha stared worried at you and then looked at Kappa and Zeta too, as if she was thinking about something. And she knelt down, raising her arms in defeat. You tried to say something but you had no voice thanks to Slyther’s choke. The unharmed soldiers moved in and cuffed Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta. When Slyther released his grip on you, you got cuffed too.
            “Alpha no,” you yelled as they began to take her while the general ordered the soldier to take you to a cell.
            “It’s ok,” she whispers, smiling and with tears rolling out of her eyes.
            “It’s ok, it’s alright. I’m sorry. I love you…”
            “Alpha!” was the last thing you heard yourself say before it all went black.
            Farm – Cell – Hours later
            You didn’t know how long you were out but it did not matter. It was over. Soon you were going be reeducated and turned into someone else, an empty shell to be remade. All because of one stupid mistake, one you should have known better. Now thanks to it, Alpha, Kappa, Zeta and you were all going to disappear.
Your fault, it was your fault.
            You rested your head against the wall as you waited that final fate, where you would live the rest of that life without knowing who you were, without remembering them. Alpha’s kisses and quips, Kappa’s cold but caring stare, Zeta’s shy but friendly voice. All of it, as if it never happened, just another leaf blown away by the wind… but you didn’t wanted that. You don’t want to give up all of it. You can’t, there has to be a way out, you can’t let them erase all of it. What would be the point of it all if it’s just whisked away? It can’t end like this. You banged on the door, trying to get the attention of the guards, begging them not to do it, begging them to tell you what you had to do to resolve it, make up for it. So that you, Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta could go back to how things were, to how it all was. You promise to never do it again, to never hug or kiss Alpha again, if it means that they will be back and keep their memories, their personalities. But the guards did not care and laughed at you, taunted you. Told you to “be quiet dog.” You fell down on your knees, arms against the door. Defeated, broken.
            “Not like this…” you whispered. “Not like this…”
            And then it happened. The lights went out, darkness surrounded you, everyone yelled and asked what was going on. The emergency lights turned on, covering everything in red, but you noticed something else, something that shouldn’t be happening, something you have not felt in almost a day; you were hearing the scared thoughts of the two guards in your cell. And they were inside your cell, telling you lie down on your stomach and put your hands behind your back. But that was not going to happen. You heard their scared thoughts, you heard more than you thought you could. You stared at them and smiled as you felt the next step one of them was going to take. You acted immediately, kicking the man down right as he lifted his foot. The other one did not have time to react as you pushed him against the wall head first, his head bouncing inside his helmet. The downed one tried to get up but you locked him in a rear naked choke hold and knocked him out.
            You grabbed one of their guns and ammo and walked out of your cell only to be received by a group of five soldiers raising their guns at you. You tried searching for a cover but there was none, a wide open space with no cover. Shit.
            “Get on your knees,” they yelled and you begrudgingly obeyed. So much for your great escape. But then one of them fell down; cut in half. The others tried to yell but they were quickly cut down as well. You didn’t saw anything, only blood sliding down from an invisible blade. You couldn’t help but smile.
            “Kappa!” you yelled and instantly the invisible form was visible. You never thought you would ever see the day were Kappa would smile, but you did. The biggest smile adorned her face as she ran to you, hugged you before you could get up.
            “Are you alright?” Kappa asked as she released you.
            “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?” you ask because you were curious about this.
            “Alpha. This was Alpha’s plan to get everyone out. Turn the lights out and get all those who wanted to get out, including us. She’s been planning this for years.” What? Years? Alpha? All of this was her?
            “Who else knows?” you asked.
            “No one. Only me.”
            “Why you? How long?” you asked as your rage began to rise.
            “She only told me a couple of days ago, ok? She was waiting for the right and was planning of doing this much more quietly, but Slyther began investigating and she needed to get the EMP in the main generator,” she pauses as she lets you swallow everything in. “She needed someone who could get in without anyone else knowing. The best one at that.” she finished. You anger somewhat subsided as you put the pieces together. Alpha been planning this for years and all by herself?
            “Why didn’t she say anything?”
            “To protect us. She did not wanted anyone else to risk it…” the look on Kappa’s face said she understood what you were feeling, she felt it too when Alpha told her. “Come on, we have to find Zeta and Alpha,” she said, suddenly back to her cold demeanor but offering you her hand. You take it and stand up, ready to find your friends and get out of here.
              It surprised you how many Re-genes wanted to get out, not just cuckoos, but also blue ones. What should have been you and Kappa against the world, turned into you, Kappa, and dozens of others against the soldiers. But the battles were far from one sided and hundreds died. You and Kappa walked through hallway after hallway, some paths blocked by fire, others by soldiers ordered to shoot on sight.
            A bullet grazed your arm and you took cover, as a re-gene with wind control abilities blew the soldiers against the walls. But then what you did expected happened, another re-gene came in and attacked the one who had just saved your life. Obviously not all re-genes thought of getting out, and most fought against the escapees. Kappa dragged you off of the ground as the two re-genes duked it out. But in one motion Kappa took out a small knife and threw it at the enemy re-gene, hitting her on the back of the neck. The re-gene fell down, probably dead, and the wind re-gene nodded at the two of you.
            The two of you wandered through the halls, passing through dozens of bodies, searching for the room, the reeducation room. Where Alpha was most likely to be. It didn’t took long for the two of you to decide to go after Alpha first, since she was running the most risk. As shy as Zeta was, he could take care of himself just as well as any of you. So you decided to trust that he would keep himself alive long enough while you searched for Alpha. Yes, search and find Alpha so you can all get out of here. Suddenly it dawned on you that all of your dreams could now be a reality. To get out of here, to see the world, to live in it. And all of it with Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta at your side. Maybe explore the cities, go to the beach, fly to other countries, maybe even scale the Everest if you were feeling bold. There was so much you could do now. Just like she said days ago, ‘soon, it will all be a reality.’ You finally found the room but just as you were going to wrap your hand around the handle, a sudden pain invades you and you turn with a scream. You looked at your hand to find a small knife deep into your right hand.
            “Units Beta 010 and Kappa 331 stand down and return to your quarters immediately. This is your final warning,” you heard a very familiar monotone voice and turned to its source. Delta.
            “Delta listen just let us get-” before you finished Kappa pulled you out of the way as a whip covered in spikes passed you by.
            “He’s not going to listen,” Kappa told you as she took a stance. You took yours right next to her.
            “You will be reassigned back to my unit once your reeducation is complete Kappa 331.”
            “I prefer my current team Delta,” she responded before charging in. You stood back, knowing full well you will only get in the way. As she always does with others, Kappa danced through Delta’s whip with little effort. But Delta was just as fast as even when she caught him in the middle of an attack he managed to dodge all the same. In honesty that’s how you could describe their fight: a dance, each one doing a move meant to pass the defenses of the other but the target always dodging at the last second. It soon became clear you were only witnessing half of the fight. The other half was happening too fast for your eyes to see, only in your telepathy you realized this, as Kappa’s thoughts spoke of attacks from both her and her opponent that you could not see. You wondered why she did not turned invisible, why she was fighting him head on, then in her scattered thoughts you caught a glimpse of knowledge; Delta had modded eyes that could see heat. Meaning he could see her even if she turned invisible. A draw, tie, stalemate. There was no way one could get through the other’s defenses. And she was clearly not trying to, a trap. She’s pushing Delta to focus only on her, to never take his eyes off of her, because if he did she would take him out. But if he didn’t, you could easily sneak up on him and take him down. Kappa has him between a rock and a hard place. He knows it, but can’t come up with a solution, this is clearly too much for his brain to handle.
            You smile as you take out the knife of your hand, biting back a scream. You take point, ready to do what Kappa just did minutes ago. A thought screams on your head to do it now, her thought. This is what it was like to fight with Kappa by your side. You were always the primary infiltrator, you got in, extracted, and got out before they saw you. And when it was time to fight, Kappa would do just this, keep them occupied while the real threat, you, snuck behind them. You fought many battles together for so long that you did not communicate through words anymore, but through thoughts. She would always think of something hoping you would catch it, knowing the information you needed. When you fought together, you were not just a team, but an unit working in tandem. You did as the thought said and threw the knife aiming it at the base of Delta’s neck.
            And then knife was swept away by the whip, and you could see the eyes of Delta boring into you. Big mistake. As he stared into you Kappa’s blade tore through the back of his neck and out the front. Gurgling, Delta did one final move and threw his whip at Kappa wrapping her in it. Damn it! You ran to her almost immediately as Delta fell, pulling on the whip and the spikes tore into Kappa, slashing and tearing at her skin. You catch her just as the whip untangles, leaving Kappa covered in cuts, but alive.
            “Scared me there for a second,” you said as you helped her up.
            “So did I,” she responded with a chuckle. She limped beside you towards the door ready to free Alpha and get out of there.
            The scientists cowered at the sight of Kappa, grouping on one side of the room. The room had several beds with straps and some sort of helmet at the edge, where the head goes. You looked at the scientists, and asked “Where’s Alpha.” When they did not respond, you repeated the question again, louder. They pointed to an open room at the end of the end. Strange you could feel nothing there. But it did not matter. You ran towards the room, your smile already breaking through when you saw a silhouette sitting at the end. “Alpha!” you yelled, finally Alpha. You hugged her almost immediately, even if it only been hours since you last saw her it felt like days.
            “Sorry for the wait, traffic was terrible,” you said, already expecting her classic quips. “Come on let’s get out of here,” you said, releasing her from the hug and finally staring at her for the first time.
            “Beta,” you hear Kappa say behind you but you ignore her. All you wanted at that moment was stare at Alpha’s eyes again, to tell her how much you care, to thank her for getting you out of here, and also to tell her how stupid she was for going with this plan. To tell her…
            Her eyes did not stare back. They did not look back at you, they did not swept you in, caught you in a whirlwind of emotions like they used to do. They simply… pointed at you, pass you. No emotion, no intensity, just emptiness. “Alpha?” you whispered, hoping to get some reaction. “Alpha, come on, we have to get out of here. This was your plan, remember?” you whispered but she did not say anything, she simply looked…
            “Beta,” Kappa said again. But her voice was far away.
            “Alpha,” you said again, but she did not react. “Alpha,” you said again. And again, and again, and again. Each time louder. You shook her, you begged her, to be there, to be here. “Alpha!” you yelled, but she did not react. You pushed your forehead to hers, trying to find something in her mind. Anything, a hint of the woman she was. But only emptiness remains. A black void devoid of energy and color, an empty shell.
            “Beta, we have to go,” you heard Kappa again, her voice weak, almost breaking, her hand on your shoulder.
            “No! not without her!” you yelled, pushing the hand away. “Alpha come on. Listen to me, I know you are in there, you have to be in there, you have to be in there, you have to be in there, you have to be- you can’t just-” your voice breaks, your air gets stuck on your throat. “You have to be in there! You have to be in there! You have to! You can’t just leave, you can’t just leave! Not like this Not like-” you voice breaks again. Air once again stuck in your throat.
            “Beta,” Kappa said again turning you around. You resist, you scream, you fight her, but in the end you surrender to her embrace. “I’m sorry,” she said, the weakest you have ever heard her voice. You look at her, straight into her red wet eyes.
            “We can’t leave her,” you said.
            “We have to. We can’t get her out like this.”
            “No! We have to.”
            “In this state she would slow us down. She can’t defend herself, she can’t fight, she can’t run. Think, she wouldn’t want us to get captured because of her,” you shook your head, turning away from her and to Alpha. “This was her goal. To get us out of here, all of us. She wanted us to escape. You especially. If you get captured again, it was all for nothing.” She was right. She was painfully right. Alpha wouldn’t have wanted you to remain here, she would have wanted you to keep going, to live. But… you can’t just… this was Alpha. Your leader, your friend, you partner, your… you knelt in front of her again, staring into her empty eyes. You close your eyes as you kiss her one last time. But she’s unresponsive, empty, her lips don’t even move.
            “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.” But once again, she did not respond. You stood up and Kappa knelt in front of her, hugging her and whispering something in her ear. She stood up, cleaning her face and turning to you. No words. You both turned, ignoring the scientists and heading for the entrance. You sneak a look one last time, and there she remains, Alpha, the strongest person you’ve ever met, still, unmoving, empty, like a doll…
  To be continued…
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