#error404: lore not found
trashcanwithsprinkles · 2 months
I know you already mentioned Scara wouldnl't exist in the rewritten Teyvat, but what if Makoto and Ei creates him anyway? Out of curiosity on how to have a bigger family with a young child or sth
Say, from Childe's spy network, he hears that the two were working on a project so he lets them be, then after some time, they create Kunikuzushi? Like actual good boy Kuni who gets named by name and brought up as normal as possible even if he's a creation?
So ofc Childe would bluescreen, go error404 and every existential crisis known to man. Then he actually meets Kuni, I think it would be funny if Childe would be like:
first meet: Wtf Wth Where did I go wrong? Get the fuck away from me! Stay 30 feet away!
every time Kuni does something a normal good boy would do: Nononono eww why the heck are you like that disgusting
then if and when Childe actually manages to find a soft spot for Kuni, he goes back to earth and sees Scara: Kuni's such a good boy whoever made you turn out like a disgusting rat deserves a punch so hard they'd meet Asmoday asap
Scara: Wtf-
quite frankly no, i cannot see how makoto and ei would ever have any need to create the puppet. the only reason the puppet was made was in an effort to eventually land in the raiden shogun, and the raiden shogun's purpose was to let ei sequester herself in euthymia to combat erosion. if makoto never dies, ei would never have any incentive to go hide there. given erosion is a weird topic in-game, i never brought it up in the fic, but the idea i always had was that it was imposed onto the people by celestia/the heavenly principles. so with celestia's turnover, there's no forced erosion, there's no war, and there's no dead makoto.
i also really don't think ei or makoto would have any interest in creating a bigger family? i can't speak for makoto since we barely know her, but ei has never struck me the type who is out on the market for found family situations – and if she were to ever end up in one, it wouldn't be in the caretaker role. plus ei and makoto get miko at some point anyway, so it's not like it's just the two of them. i imagine they'd be plenty busy watching over inazuma, and if my take on makoto makes sense, she'd see all of inazuma as her family, so why would she make a puppet?? it just does not make sense in my head. if you don't kill makoto, i genuinely cannot see how you'd justify creating a puppet, let alone a puppet that results in kunikuzushi. like that's another problem entirely. plus the whole family thing is entirely on kunikuzushi. like maybe i'm not adept enough in scara lore for this but i'm pretty sure the only one ascribing a family dynamic to this fiasco is him lmao
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theotherpot8os · 4 years
what if i write his story??
but ha-ha for me, ive been trying for months and the story just goes in circles
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