#except i get so excited people feel like i am being pretentious and don't appreciate them as a result :pensive:
katyspersonal · 2 years
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#thank u........#dash commentary#sorta#just tags#saved#for the context this is the praise under my headcanons post about micolash and gehrman#this is... god just please please PLEASE tell me who is paying you to compliment me djhfhfdsfd#I know for a fact I do not deserve SO many compliments fdhhfds but the person that pays people must be LOADED#i am finding them and taking their money and spending them on BB merch#like that one figurine with maria being about to punch the hunter#okay jokes aside thank you....#i don't know how many people read this but if I ever seem lazy/negligent about nice comments?#it is not because i am vain it is because i literally Do Not Know how to react on them ;-;#when i am praised i just make animal noises or go 'WHAT IS YOUR REAL MOTIVATION' mode fdhdhshfsd#this is what lack of active feedback does to a mf#this is also why i usually leave elaborate commentaries if i really loved something#except i get so excited people feel like i am being pretentious and don't appreciate them as a result :pensive:#seriously though stop praising meeee gdhshds i start acting so AWKWARD under praise that i make myself a fool#haha trolled you losers i am a fool by DEFAULT sdjhfdhs but it becomes WORSE#but again jokes aside sdfufds i am glad our takes on the two are similar!#in this house we love gehrman and micolash#best fucking characters#funny enough gehrman isn't even in my top five but after how much i defended his ass from lame shit he became like an actual friend for me#so it is now personal#but yes laurence had interesting friends! man got divine charisma#all these men laying at his feet and simping......#not ludwig tho his only true love is his dumb ass deceitful sword :pensive:
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shuitsuki · 26 days
we don't talk much but i really love it when i see u on my dash ^_^ the way u speak is so light and whimsical and airy idk its so pleasant to read and i think smtimes i wanna embody that too. i'm not super into enstars anymore but i like reading your analyses and stuff theyre super interesting!!!
Ah, thank you〜! We probably don’t talk much because of my shyness as much as it is a dual effort but to exist under the same sky is so nice. Funnily enough, I have had so, so, so many people comment on the way I speak and the weird stuff I say (my boyfriend & Noelle have said I just “say things” sometimes & the church seems to think my thought processes in general are unreasonable LOL but I think it’s in a cute way at least. I hope?) on various separate occasions and the way it’s worded always fascinates me since it’s always a little bit different. I don’t mind & kind of even like it, I’m used to being observed and commented on.
I once made a tweet about it stating “My friends & lover tend to be witnesses to my, quote, shakespearean demeanour。。。my form of speech has been commented on by others, referred to as "whimsical", even. My boyfriend frequently likes to point out how weird I am too, lovingly I presume.” I have screenshots of a few instances saved though there have been very many. Why? It simply amuses me! Being perceived appears to have it’s perks.
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But, enough of that! I am so touched you’d say that I’m pleasant to read。。。I’m someone who thinks a little too deeply about everything in the world, not just the things he likes, but I am prone to being pretentious in that regard (and very much proud, I shall say! Despite my occasional, negative form of self consciousness at the fact.) I’ve been forcing my mutuals to learn about the things I like this way for years like second-hand smoke and since ansta is my big interest now that I’m older even more so hahaha 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 I think I’ve never shut up in the past four years about anything, though, especially as I learn to become less unashamed about the things I love. It’s okay if you don’t ansuta as hard as I do anymore, after all, our feelings for things can be so fleeting, I’m happy to have your company as is.
I don’t like to call them analysis directly, typically, because I don’t like to seem too full of myself or try-hard or fake-deep, but when other people do so it makes me happy in a way, to know my observations are appreciated and seen as interesting and even novel at times (I get so excited or otherwise feel a lot when others point out things I haven’t noticed, so to think I can make others feel the same—!), or at least just nice to read about in the way I put them. I’ve had cases where I have a belief but someone is able to put it into words so well and even add to it and it’s like… wow… kyah. But anyway, it used to be an insecurity, as someone who fears coming off like this:
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Speaking of, I’ve kept them mostly to twitter nowadays whether in small or big doses (partly due to my compulsions that kept me away from blogging for a bit, that was a really sad time 🥲) since the exposure of my mind to the masses has become addictive to me, but I’m so happy you’re here and still enjoy them. I’ve even had crazy long letter exchanges in the form of long screenshots of thoughts back and forth with likeminded people and it’s like, omg. It’s probably not healthy to be that hooked so I’ve been trying to reel myself back into the tumblr sphere where it is more for my own sake than anything, but it’s so fun to engage in discussions about anything ever, really!
My friends tell me things like saying I’m well spoken and other nice things I have forgotten yet definitely internalized and it brings a kind of euphoria I can’t explain because it’s something I can’t Help I love that everything in the world means so much to me and I love art and everything in the universe basically except for the things I hate and that hurt me badly and sometimes the things I truly love wound me and that’s fine too. I try my best to convey my feelings because honestly, I don’t necessarily even think in words. It’s more vague abstract feelings and concepts that I have to try to string together 🥹 so to do so successfully makes me happy. SORRY FOR RAMBLING ON SO MUCH ABOUT, well, myself! I don’t mean to be self-absorbed, but aren’t we all living inside our heads? That’s where our brain is.
I think the most important part is to be yourself unapologetically。。。being light and whimsical to mee is fun and comes naturally ♪ sometimes I wish I was just like the sun, and hope I won’t burn anyone. I don’t play these things up or anything. It’s an earnest portrayal, despite the more grotesque aspects I keep hidden. Anyone can embody what they would like to and become their best/most preferred self, if they try, I’m sure! Though it is hard to be so malleable. I want to be truer to myself and better every day。。。there’s also the aspect of, as my best friend Kris said, a few minutes ago, the way the self wills itself to be. I’ve worked hard to shape myself and be comfortable with it, and I’m happy to be loved for it. Thank you to anyone who read.
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random-esfp · 4 years
1/2 HI!! SO happy I found your blog!! I'm reaching out to you for help with BTS typing!! I agree with you re: Jungkook ISTP (girl, YES!), V ENFP (my type as well!), J-Hope ESFJ, RM INFJ, Suga INTJ, and Jin xNTP (I lean ENTP but eh at least NTP for sure)! The 1 I need helping understanding is Jimin. Please don't get mad =(, I am genuinely trying to learn! I KNOW he's not ENFJ, and yet I get stuck because I feel I see both Fe and Se. I don't see Ni high up in him, I just get stuck with Fe and Se.
s2/2 You've probably already done a breakdown, and I'll keep reading your blog posts and may find the answer myself! But I figured I'd ask for your Jimin breakdown just in case and because understanding how others approach type helps me improve!! I think I'm usually decent at this (for ex you and I agree that Hwasa, Jackson, and Sulli are ESFP (would you say Hyuna and Ravi are too?). But I am so confused by Jimin. UGH WHY?! I'm stuck thinking he has both Fe and Se, and I need help seeing his Fi!
3 Ah sorry, I'm excited now and want to type more (if you're getting annoyed please just skip this part! Would much prefer reading your answer than you getting stressed/mad reading all I wrote)! So I definitely see Se in Jimin 100%!! AND I know he's a feeler. I think the problem is Fi usually jumps out at me--for us Fi users, that sense of identity and independence is usually so apparent (let me know if you relate to this!!), so I think my problem is that I'm having a hard time seeing Jimin's Fi
4 (This could also be because sometimes Ne uses general connections as a starting place to understand things and can miss some specifics?!) So I compare myself (my Fi) and V, Hwasa, Hyuna, Ravi, Jackon, and Sulli (sweet Sulli
5 Maybe it's just that ExFP's have auxiliary Fi, so it may not be as apparent? Anyway, if he's not ENFJ (he's not!), then the ONLY other option imo is ESFP. So then you MUST be right, I just need help seeing Jimin's Fi. Maybe if you have some vids or interviews you love that highlight Jimin's Fi that would completely make things click for me?! Ok sorry this is so long-winded T_T!! So excited to read your response!!! (PS Some say Ravi=ESTP & that could be true don't know him SUPER well!!) Thanks!
It’s totally okay for me to answer I love when people are really interested!!! so don’t worry. 
About Jimin being ESFP: Where is his Fi? Why does he sometimes seem to use Fe?
1) A lot of ESFPs seem ENFJ. Firstly, because Se+Fi can look like Fe sometimes. I’ve talked about this a few times (check the tags), but also I’ve recently discovered that ESFP seem to use SeFe given by Jungian stack? this is difficult but anyway, a lot of ESFP are likely to display a Fe behavior when there’s NOT exactly Fe in the roots. 
Basically, ESFP are very sensitivy towards someone’s gestures, change of voice tone, and reactions in general, we are always aware of our surroundings so it’s easy for us to check if someone is feeling something even if they want to pretend they don’t. ESFPs are kind and sensible with their own feelings and needings, and they tend to be so with others too, so they are quite empathetic. That’s why Jimin doesn’t seem the embodiment of a tortured high Fi user but a caring Fe user.
I’ve said that Fi is “I treat people the way I want to be treated”, beyond “treating people well”. It’s like: “I don’t mind if you go out without me, because I would appreciate if you don’t get mad at me If I go out without you”. While probably Fe users are more like: “You should always count on all your friends to go out. It’s basic friendship” (or something like that, like collective values vs. individual values). Fe is thinking about the other all the time, pretending to know what everybody feels and should feel. 
(Have you read Hobi’s part in UGH? To me those are Fe statements af.)
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And as Fi is like that, Se users and Especially ESFPs, are very aware of what people may require from them, of what do people except from them. That sometimes can be seen as Fe, as it is a way of feeling accepted, matching with people, and please everyone. The difference is that Fi users don’t do that if the context doesn’t fit with their inner values or feelings. We can become unattached from someone or something we may see fake or pretentious. 
ANYWAY. Jimin, as many healthy ESFPs, is sensitive and wants to give others the attention he needs (which is: A LOT, as a good ESFP he is). Wa crave for attention and quality time, so we give it to others too. We can be very caring and clingy, and people mistake that for being Fe user. 
2) Jimin is enneagram 3w2 most likely, and that put us in some difficulties with Fi. First and foremost, being a eneatype 3 means you are succcess-oriented and relay on your public image / persona to survive. Enneatypes 3 can seem fake because they put their effort on “how are they seen” rather than in “how they feel”. This, along with the obsession of appearing succesful and always willing to shine, casts a shadow over Jimin’s Fi. Happens the same with Jackson and Yuta, they are both ESFP enneatype 3 and both are mistyped as ENFJ and ESTP repectively. Jimin is very aware of the image he wants to display to his fans, and it’s definitely not a “Fi-like” one. But you see in little gestures and actions that Jimin is aware of his feelings and emotions but he chooses to suppress them, which is (BREAKING NEWS) a thing many ExFP do. Promise or Filter (even if he didn’t write the last one) express very well how Jimin feels inside and how he is aware of how he is seen from the outside. 
3) Also people see his 2 wing as Fe because he’s caring, helping and always watching what other members are feeling like, but it’s not the same as using Fe, literally every type can behave like that especially with loved ones. 
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I answered this because I found it out in drafts T___T but as I said weeks ago, my plan is to make a deep profile of Jimin’s MBTI! 
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gottabestyles · 7 years
what do you like so much about matty? as an artist/person? i don't know much about him but i'm quite curious to hear (that is, if you wanna talk about that).
Wow, nonnie, that is one big question but I’ll try to break it down for you as briefly as I possibly can. Musically: The first thing I noticed about Matty as an artist is that he is an amazing singer/songwriter. There is something really special about him that I think sets him apart from the great majority of songwriters and that’s his honesty. Whether he’s writing about his experiences with drugs, women, religion or about family issues, he’s not sugarcoating things. He’s not trying to portray himself as a better person. He is not censoring himself or pretending to be someone he’s not. I think his lyrics are brilliant. They’re both introspective but also observational. They’re deep, contain a self-aware irony, are ritually reflexive and subtly, constantly self-critical. Just one example:
My heart is telling me the telly isn't telling me anythingI need but it needs to keep selling me
In Loving Someone, Matty knows deep down that mass media isn’t contributing anything of substance to the world. It’s just selling products, ideas, and lifestyles to consumers. However, he’s also aware of the fact that his band needs the media to stay in business since their income relies on it—they, too, have been made into a product that is being sold to consumers. This is just one example of the multiperspectivity and self-awareness that leaves me in awe. I love the way Matty articulates his deepest emotions in a highly simplistic way then often neutralizes it with an awkward, sarcastic comment like so:
You said I'm full of diseases Your eyes were full of regret And then you took a picture of your salad And put it on the Internet 
I’m gonna stop here because this is already getting too long but I hope you get my point. There aren’t many other lyricists I admire as much as Matty, he’s just genius. 
As a Person: 
Again, I love his unapologetic honesty. He says things as they are, how he perceives them and how he feels about them. I appreciate that. And I respect that. He’s lovely to his fans. He has a big heart. He can’t say no. He appreciates and cares for us so much. At the same time he’s not afraid to call us out on our shit and he’s highly critical of his celebrity status, which just makes him seem even more legit and real. I know he used to be very problematic which was mostly due to being uneducated about certain social issues. Yes, he said some Islamophobic and sexist things in the past. I couldn’t listen to his music for months because I was so upset and felt like the 1975 doesn’t accept who I am because I have a certain religion.But, and this is another thing I respect about him, he is willing to grow as a person. This is from an interview in 2015, when a reporter asked him about one of those incidents. 
“I may not be as progressive as I’d like to be. There are some innate structures of thought within me that I’m really embarrassed about. I’m not as bright as I’d like to be, I’m not as clued-up on jargon as I’d like to be. I’m learning, and I do get pissed off. Young girls scare me, the things they come out with and ask about.”
As much as he is not afraid to call fans out on stuff, he is not afraid to call himself out on his bullshit either. He is way more educated on things now and has changed so much for the better. I would even say he has become the voice of a generation for many people because he fights against homophobia, islamophobia, racism and sexism and takes young girls seriously. 
“I have 450,000 young women [followers on Twitter] and I genuinely believe the empowerment of young women is the most important thing in the world and will lead to the destruction of injustice.” 
“Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein when she was 18, do you know what I mean? There’s fans of ours that I meet that are far smarter than me. Of course they scream and they go wild — but if I was young and really, really excited, and drunk, and my favorite band was there, I’d be screaming and going wild. ” 
He is highly opposed to meaningless music. He knows music is possibly the most gigantic platform on this planet and he wants people to use it for the good. 
“And I just want to say… people in pop music and in the broader public consciousness are told to stay in your lane…  [but] if you have a platform, don’t [stay in your lane].”
“Everything’s fucked. And if your music isn’t purposefully informative, then there’s no point to it. So let’s make sure that we do that.”
I love Matty, he is brilliant, ambitious, caring, honest, pretentious, loving, cocky, courageous, arrogant, inspiring. He makes mistakes, he apologises. He talks a lot of shit sometimes. Then he says some amazing things. He has good days and bad days and accepts himself and his actions through all of them. Sometimes he becomes insecure, vulnerable. Then he writes a song about it. Shares it with the world. Doesn’t hide it. He’s unapologetically human and I aspire to achieve that level of honesty, confidence and self-acceptance one day. 
That was so long, are you with me still? Not because I have anything to say in particular, except thank you for reading.
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