#feeling cute might go visit the BATS tomorrow what a town
beggars-opera · 5 months
Linnda Caporael: lol everyone in the Salem Witch Trials was on acid
Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum trying to explain the intricate web of religious, class, and personal conflicts that would actually cause a small isolated village of extremist, ptsd-ridden people to kill each other:
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everybodyscupoftea · 3 years
to grandmother’s house we go
sigma chi jj x reader
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you bring jj to your family’s christmas
ope. two days late again 
(warnings: a little bit of cursing, minor editing)
The first Christmas JJ came home with you, you felt like you should warn him. The two of you had been together for just over two years, and he was used to your immediate family, but your extended family was a different story.
“Okay,” you started when he crossed over the state line into your home state, “I feel like I should say that we aren’t going to be at my house much.”
“What?” he asked, glancing over at you out of the corner of his eye.
“Yeah, um, my family normally goes to stay out of town with my Grandma. We do one half of the family on Christmas Eve and the other half on Christmas Day.”
JJ raised his eyebrows, “Your family knows I’m coming right? Like your extended family?”
“Yeah, definitely! My mom told them.”
“And they were okay with it?” he asked, sounding cautious.
“They’re eager to meet you,” you reassured him, “I think they’re just happy to see me finally dating someone.”
He snorted, “Yikes.”
“Yeah, well, my family lives to pressure my sister and I into marriage.”
“Wait,” he looked a little panicked, “they’re not expecting us to be engaged, right?”
“No, but they might bring it up. Just ignore it.”
“I-” he cut himself off, “okay, if you say so.”
You were just glad the conversation had gone as well as it did.
“Three hours?” JJ hissed at you when your dad took both of your duffle bags out of the car and stuck them in your parents’ trunk.
“It’s a long drive,” you offered innocently, “but at least you don’t have to drive.”
“Nope, just get to sit in the backseat.”
“J, at least you get a window seat, I’m sitting in the middle.”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah and you’re going to fall asleep on me no more than 45 minutes in.”
“Slander,” you protested.
Your sister walked out in time to hear him and she laughed, “He’s right.”
“You can’t talk,” you argued, “you’re worse than me.”
“Twins,” she singsonged in a high pitched voice, and you rolled your eyes.
“Brought headphones for this ride thank god.”
“I can be louder than headphones,” she spoke confidently.
JJ let you climb in first before reaching across you to give your sister a fist bump, and you sighed, “I hate that you two know each other. Y’all are the worst together.”
He squeezed your thigh, “You love us.”
“Unfortunately,” you muttered.
You did fall asleep, but much to your satisfaction, so did JJ. Your sister woke you up first when you pulled into your grandma’s driveway, elbowing you straight in the ribs. Jolting, you woke up JJ immediately, and his head flew up from where it was resting on top of yours, looking around wildly.
“Christ,” you muttered, glaring at your sister, “that was rude as hell.”
“I got a cute picture of you two.”
You paused, “Okay, send it to me.”
JJ blinked adorably, trying to get a grasp on his surroundings, and mumbled, “Did we make it?”
“Yeah, bud,” you told him, grabbing his hand.
He smiled softly, maybe even a little thankfully, and took a deep breath, “Okay, let’s do this.” 
“If it makes you feel better,” your sister leaned around you to talk to him, “you aren’t meeting the problematic side of our family until tomorrow.” 
JJ paused for a second to process, then nodded, “That does actually, thank you.” 
Before you could say anything else, JJ climbed out of the car, seemingly more awake, to help your dad carry in the bags and presents for his side of the family. Your dad nodded at him, a satisfied little smile on his face, “Thanks, son.” 
“You’re welcome, sir.” 
Together they carried them through the porch to where your grandma was waiting with the door open. Your sister muttered, “Kiss up,” under her breath, and you snorted. 
“He’s trying to make a good impression on grandma and pawpaw, we both know that they’re super laid back and judge more based on conversational ability, but he doesn’t.” 
She widened her eyes at you, “You didn’t tell him?” 
“I didn’t tell him we were staying here until like five hours ago.” 
“Oh my god,” she muttered, “you’re actually a disaster.” 
Your grandma cooked dinner, traditional Christmas dinner with the turkey and ham, macaroni and cheese, dressing, sweet potato casserole, and green beans. JJ was staring at it in confusion, arms stiffly by his side even though you knew he’d normally have an arm around your shoulder.
Leaning into his side a little, you told him, “We eat steak on the actual holiday here, that’s why it’s traditional early. You don’t have to look so scared, bud. I promise they’re super chill.” 
“What does everyone want to drink?” your grandma asked before JJ could react.
“Water,” you answered, and JJ nodded, signalling the same. 
“Guests first,” your pawpaw urged, and JJ hesitantly grabbed one of the plates in the stack to start filling it up. He was careful to not spill anything, and his grip on the plate was like steel. You reached over to pat his hand in some sort of effort to soothe him, and he relaxed the slightest bit.
Until he finished and walked over to the table where there were five spots for 10 people. You almost ran into his back, “J, what’s wrong.” 
“Where do I sit,” he hissed, clearly anxious about it.
“Find a place with a glass of water and sit there. It’s not like assigned,” you answered, secretly hoping you could steer him toward the seat you normally sat in.
You did, and he sat down, not starting to eat right off the bat until he saw you dig in. It was slow, as if he was trying to wait for everyone to sit down, but you elbowed him until he picked up the pace.
“I’m trying to be polite,” he whispered.
“Trust me, you wanna hit the dessert before my dad.” 
JJ snorted, finally relaxing a bit. Your grandma, cousin and his girlfriend, and sister sat down next and immediately started asking JJ questions about his major, his frat, his favorite hobbies, and what he wanted to do in the future.
That he’d gone through before, with your immediate family, and he had the answers on deck. He spoke confidently, and you could tell your grandma was impressed. It helped him relax, and by the time everyone moved to the living room to watch a Christmas movie before bed, he sat on the couch next to you and was even comfortable enough to put an arm around your shoulder.
When he left to get ready for bed in the one bathroom, your pawpaw finally spoke up, “He’s a good kid.” 
“He’s the best,” you agreed.
“We got him a gift,” your aunt added, “so that he has something to open on Christmas Day.” 
You teared up, knowing it would mean the world to him. JJ didn’t talk about his childhood much, especially holidays. You knew he had no interest in going home to his dad, and from what you did know, there was never much of a Christmas celebration involving gifts.
“Thank you guys so much,” you finally managed.
Immediately JJ went straight back into discomfort mode as soon as your family walked into your aunt’s house. Everyone was already there, and the small house felt stuffed.
You leaned close, “Party vibes, huh? Should be pretty familiar.”
He snorted, “Not even close.”
“This is the problematic side,” your sister reminded him, “they’ll definitely get in your business and you’re going to hear a ton of small town gossip.”
“ The gossip is pretty interesting,” you admitted, “but the yearly questioning isn’t the best.”
“How often do you see your family?” JJ asked.
“Christmas. And sometimes a trip during the summer.”
He hummed, and followed you and your sister deeper into the house. Your sister took over, introducing him to whoever you ran into on the way. You could hear your mom in the kitchen catching up with her sister, and your dad took his normal spot on the couch with your uncle and cousins.
JJ shook hands with your favorite cousin, who immediately started asking him questions.
“How’d you two meet?”
Glancing over at you, JJ cleared his throat, “We were in the same orientation group and became friends through that.”
He hummed, looking at the two of you skeptically before turning back to JJ, “Major?”
“Marine biology.”
“You fish?”
JJ nodded eagerly, finally in his element, “Definitely.”
“Saltwater or fresh?”
“Either, but back home mostly salt.”
Your cousin looked impressed, “Where are you from?”
“Outer Banks of North Carolina.”
“Sometime when it warms back up, you’ll have to come visit again and we’ll go fishing.”
“Looking forward to it.”
JJ relaxed, stretching back into the couch a bit while the conversation picked back up around him. Your cousins’ kids were in another room napping, and you leaned over to him, “We’re getting the gossip early while the kids sleep. Board games after lunch.”
And as you explained, your grandmother dove into the rumors she’d heard about the new pastor in town. She leaned forward and you knew it was going to be a particularly interesting take.
“And then we saw the preacher’s wife smoking a cigarette outside the movie theatre.”
Your sister dramatically gasped, “How dare she?”
You snorted, but your grandmother, used to ignoring both of you, kept on talking until she finally came back around and landed on your sister.
“Your sister has a boyfriend, when will you be bringing one for us to meet?” she asked.
“Well, whenever I can get a boy to like me, I guess.”
She looked at JJ, “Are you planning on marrying my granddaughter.”
He froze, staring at your grandmother with wide eyes, “We haven’t really, uh, talked about marriage.”
“Mhmm, yet here you are, at family Christmas.”
“Okay, grandmother,” you cut in, “he’s family, and you know family doesn’t have to be by blood or marriage. It can be friendship.”
“You love her?” your grandmother ignored you to ask.
JJ reached over and took your hand, meeting your grandmother’s eyes, “Of course.”
She nodded and backed off, seemingly satisfied with his answer. Turning back to your sister, she added, “I expect a boy to be at Christmas with you soon, young lady.”
“What if it’s a girl?” your sister asked, clearly trying to egg her on.
“I’ll take either at this point.”
Clapping your hand over your mouth, you held in a loud laugh at your sister’s indignant face, and your dad didn’t even try. JJ squeezed your hand and you looked over to see his eyes squinted, biting his lip, to hold in his laughs. 
“Just wait until I never get married,” your sister crossed her arms with a huff.
“I’m going to murder you,” your uncle glared at you, “you better stop looking at my sheet.”
You scoffed, “Don’t put it in my eyesight then. Hold it up.”
“Just don’t cheat!” he exclaimed.
“Not cheating, just using my resources.”
And when he didn’t respond, you started crossing out the weapons on the sheet your uncle had just accidentally let you see. Your sister cleared her throat, “Well since he threatened her, Colonel Mustard is the killer and I’d like to make an accusation.”
“We started five minutes ago,” your cousin told her, “hush.”
She lunged forward and almost elbowed JJ’s empty gumbo bowl off the table. 
“Hey,” your dad yelled, “relax.”
“No. I simply will not relax until you let me accuse.”
“Dude, you haven’t even had a turn yet,” you rolled your eyes
“I’ve been looking at mom’s card,” she admitted.
Your mom gasped, scooting away from her, “Cheater!”
“How’s it feel to raise two cheaters,” your uncle taunted your mom.
“Only at board games,” you added, looking over at JJ.
He smiled at you, clearly amused at everything unfolding. The game went on for 30 minutes before JJ eventually won it. Your sister glared at him, “Should’ve left you at Grandma’s.”
Reaching over to ruffle her hair, he teased, “Sore loser.”
“I’m keeping your gift.”
“You won’t.”
“I will. Better show some respect.”
“Respect is earned.”
Her jaw dropped and your mom snorted, “Give up now.”
Your sister, always needing the last word, “Watch out, new kid, you’re the replaceable one here.”
JJ leaned forward, elbows on the table to look into her narrowed eyes, “Until I propose.”
Cheeks heating, you stared at him in shock, and he moved back, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Damn,” your dad coughed, “got her again.”
“Okay, any present marked JJ comes to me now,” she announced, “now that we’re family.”
Before anyone else could answer, one of the kids walked in holding a box, and your cousin stood, “Time for presents.”
JJ had a few, one from your parents, two from your grandmother, and a couple your cousins chipped in on. His eyes widened when he actually had a small pile, mostly gift cards, but he was still excited.
And at the end of the night, the five of you walked out to the car to drive back to your grandma’s house. Your dad looked at JJ over his shoulder, “You made it through. How’re you doing?”
“Pretty good.”
“Well, you got yourself a standing invitation.”
JJ’s smile was small but pleased as he stared at the window. You reached down to grab his hand and he squeezed in response. Right as you got to your grandma’s house, it hit midnight, and you leaned over to kiss his cheek, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
day 10 of @obxmermaid​‘s holiday challenge: visiting relatives
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smolspiderboy · 6 years
Love & Baseball ~ Scott Reed
Request: Hi can i request a scott reed imagine where the reader doesnt go to liberty high (she does online/homeschool) but they meet through a summer job and start dating, but when school starts back up he never wants her to come to games or parties or anything and one day she surprises him at one of his games and he gets really mad and doesn’t want to introduce her to his friends and she thinks its bc hes embarrassed by her or cheating or something worse but it turns out he just doesn’t want her to know that he’s friends with such awful people and likes that their relationship is private and he can get away from it all when hes with her
Pairing: Scott Reed x Reader
A/N: @sunshinegally requested this and i’m so happy they did! I love them and they are absolutely amazing (: This was honestly so much fun to write and I’m super sorry it took me so long to post it. I really hope you like it even though it kinda sucks. Also I’ve been super busy with school and family this summer. But i’m back and better than ever so go ahead and request imagines and ships now!
Warnings: Cursing and mentions of Bryce Walker (ew)
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You never would’ve imagined that working at the local Dairy Queen for the summer would be the best decision of your life. Usually teenagers dreaded going back to work during the summer and originally this was the case for you. At least until you met him. Scott Reed, the most wonderful, fun-loving, and caring guy in this small town. This boy meant everything to you and this was the best summer of your entire life. But of course, summer always comes to an end.
“Scottie, I can’t believe how lucky I am to call you mine.” You smile at him leaning into his open arms. This was the usual date night for you and Scott, laying in bed watching movies together. It may seem simple and lame to others but the both of you loved the idea of being close to one another and not having to do fancy/expensive things to make each other happy.
“Babe, if anything I’m the lucky one. I mean have you seen yourself? You’re basically a Goddess.” Scott remarks, true infatuation evident in his eyes. “Spending time with you is my favorite activity.” He places a kiss onto your temple.
“I love spending time with you too. I’m so sad that school starts back tomorrow.” You fill a twinge of guilt wash over you because Scott goes to Liberty High and you’re currently homeschooled. “You’ll be so busy with homework and sports that I won’t get to see you as often.” You pout.
“Y/n, you’re one of my top priorities don’t worry about any of that. I can always make time for my girl.” He smirks peppering your face with kisses.
“You’re too cute, Scott Reed. Too cute.” You chuckle rolling on top of him.
“Only for you y/l/n.” He winks pulling you back down to him so that he can easily wrap you in a hug. “I can’t wait for you to come see me play baseball in the Spring. The teams going to be great this year. We have so much to work for since Jeff Atkins isn’t with us anymore.” He slowly looks down, you can tell how close him and Jeff were. Losing a friend is always hard, especially if they were your closest teammate.
“Oh yeah. Just look for the loudest girl cheering in the bleachers every game. That will be me.” You genuinely smile feeling great about your relationship.
“Gotcha babe. Spring can’t come fast enough.” Scott chirps giving you a slow and passionate kiss.
Times skip to Spring
As your relationship with Scott progressed from the summer forward it seemed as if it couldn’t get any better. The world just seemed better when you and Scott were together and you couldn’t see yourself with anyone else. But of course nothing is perfect at all times.
Scott seemed to have been distancing himself lately and you honestly had no idea why. Things seemed to be perfect earlier but as soon as baseball season started he started going to parties with the team and not inviting you. Thoughts raced through your head wondering what you have done wrong but no logical explanation came to your mind except that Scott was either embarrassed of you or cheating on you. Actually no, Scott would never do that to you. But this still made no sense at all.
“Hey Scott, it’s y/n. Just wanted to check in and make sure the baseball game is tomorrow at 5?” You ended the voicemail feeling slightly awkward leaving a message. You were always a little awkward at phone calls and expressing your feelings when you aren’t face to face. Luckily Scott had invited you over this afternoon after practice so you could see him then.
“Hey.” You greet him with a kiss. “Did you get my voicemail earlier?”
“Oh yeah, I was just about to call you back but I remembered you were coming over today anyway.” He says moving out of the doorway letting you enter his home.
“Oh yeah that makes sense.” You mentally facepalm yourself.
“But coach rescheduled the game tomorrow for next week.” He says visibly frowning. “But I’ll try to see if you can get into that game.” He says instantly replacing his previous frown with a smile.
“Oh yeah, that’s fine. I just can’t wait to see my baby in action.” You giggle sitting down on the couch beside him.
“I’ll make sure we win just for you.” He places a soft kiss onto your lips. “But the team is a little shaky this year without Jeff and since there’s so much drama going around Liberty.”
“Drama? What happened?” This was the first time he’s told you about drama on the baseball team. Usually he makes it seem like they all walk on clouds and are perfect. Especially a boy named Bryce Walker. But you might be wrong.
“Ah well it’s nothing really.” He shrugs it off obviously not wanting to go into further detail.
“Oh alright.” You whisper feeling a little upset that he isn’t sharing his problems with you. “Well I hope everything turns around before the seasons over.” You try to lighten the mood.
“Doubt it.” He mumbles under his breath.
“What was that?” You question barely able to understand what he says.
“Oh um, I said let’s eat. My mom made us some dinner.” He stands up outstretching his hand towards you. “M’lady.” This makes you chuckle.
“Why thank you kind sir.” You meet his hand with yours and walk into the dining room with his parents. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Reed.” You smile receiving a hello back. They all begin to eat once you sit down and for awhile dinner goes by in complete silence. A silent dinner isn’t abnormal in the Reed household though. Scott usually isn’t home until late at night due to practice and both of his parents work crazy schedules. Mr. Reed breaks the silence though.
“So Scott, how was practice?” Mr. Reed asks after taking a bite of his food.
“It was pretty good. The team’s a little rusty right now.” He refuses to make eye contact.
“Well I hope that you guys can catch a few wins this season.” His dad laughs a little. “How is that Bryce kid doing?” When this question leaves his dad’s mouth you notice Scott physically freeze and look upet.
“I don’t really wanna talk about Bryce right now dad. I’m going to the bathroom.” Scott gets up and leaves the table.
“Sorry about that y/n, Scott’s been a little iffy lately with baseball.” Mrs. Reed apologizes
“It’s fine Mrs. Reed. Baseball is really important to Scott and he probably just wants to make you proud.” You smile at her before taking a bite of the mashed potatoes.
“Are you planning on coming to the game tomorrow?” Scott’s dad asks making you look up quicky.
“Oh they have a game tomorrow?” You question feeling slightly suspicious of Scott’s statement earlier.
“Yes, it is a home game at 5 pm.” Mrs. Reed chimes in.
“Hm alright. I will try my best to be there.” You mutter while attempting to force a smile. Scott comes back after that conversation and you pretend everything is fine. After dinner you make up an excuse to leave so that you can go home and clear your head.
Why would Scott lie to you? What is he hiding? These questions filled your head throughout the night, keeping you from falling asleep. Scott never lies to you. Never. Something is definitely wrong.
The next afternoon
You’re getting dressed for the baseball game when you receive a text from Scott.
Scott: Hey babe, I miss you so much. 😫
Y/n: I miss you too 😔
Scott: Maybe we could hang out later tonight?
Y/n: I’m actually busy tonight. But maybe tomorrow?
Scott: Tomorrow is fine with me (:
As you finish applying your makeup you grab your keys and begin heading out the door. Coming to Scott’s secret game could either be a really good idea or a really bad idea.
As you arrive you try to blend in with the crowd so that way Scott won’t notice you until later when you run up to him and hug him. The baseball game lasts for awhile and soon it’s the last inning and Scott is up to bat. The pitcher throws a fastball but Scott swings with just the right amount of force and speed to send it flying across the field and over the fence. He hit a homerun!
“Woo!!! Go baby!!!” You accidentally yell once he runs around the bases making it back home. He quickly turns around and spots you and forces a very uncomfortable smile onto his face. He gives a small wave and then walks back to the dugout with his teammates to celebrate their win. As fans begin to leave or go visit their kids you go wait by the dugout for Scott, hoping that he has come up with a good excuse as to why he would lie to you.
You feel a body move behind you and whip around to see a tall boxy boy standing a little too close for comfort. “Hey, haven’t seen you around here before.” The mysterious man says sticking out his hand in order for you to shake it.
“Yeah, this is my first time coming to a game.” You mumble praying that Scott walks out any second.
“Well a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be standing here all alone. Some guys around here are sleazy.” He says placing a hand on your shoulder. You shrug it off just as Scott exits the dugout and walks over to you.
“Bryce, get your hands off of my girlfriend.” Scott says throwing his stuff down on the ground and shielding you from the boy now known as Bryce.
“Reed chill. I was just getting to know her. Telling her how some guys around here do bad things to pretty girls.” He says eyeballing you. Immediately you feel uncomfortable and place your arms over your chest and slide behind Scott.
“Walker get the fuck away from us right now or I swear you’re going to regret ever looking at y/n.” Scott says stepping towards Bryce sizing him up.
“Dude calm down. I’m leaving. Way to ruin all of the fun.” He says walking back towards the dugout.
“Are you okay?” Scott says placing his hands on your arms searching your body for any signs of discomfort.
“Y-yes, I’m fine.” You stutter feeling scared of your previous surroundings. “He didn’t get to do anything because you showed up so thank you.” You look down at your feet afraid to meet his gaze. Why would he be friends with such terrible people?
“I’m really sorry you had to meet him. And I’m also super sorry that I lied to you about the game tonight.” He says tilting your chin up so that you can look at his face.
You nod. “Well now I see why you never invited me.” You roll your eyes at the situation. “I want to be mad at you but I do understand why you wouldn’t want me to be put in this kind of situation.”
“I never wanted to hurt you by lying, I just know some of the guys on this team aren’t the best people to introduce to girlfriends and I didn’t want you to be put in an uncomfortable situation like this.” He says blabbering on and on about how sorry he is.
“Scott it’s fine. I’m just happy you aren't embarrassed of me or something.” You chuckle making him become the one to look confused.
“You thought I was embarrassed of you?” He looks confused and you slowly nod your head. “Y/n, I would never in a million years be ashamed or embarrassed of you. You are the literal light of my life and I love to show you off. I just liked keeping our relationship private and away from all of the team because it helps me escape from all the drama while keeping you safe.” He holds your hands while looking into your eyes.
“Aw Scottie, I love you.” You giggle placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I love you too. And I will never be able to tell you how thankful I am that you chose me.” He leans down to kiss you. The kiss is slow but yet passionate and you can feel just how much he loves you and never wants to let you go.
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notgoingtohappen · 7 years
Revenge, Interrupted (Part 18)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17
Stefan couldn't fall back asleep after his conversation with Caroline.
Also, this relationship was seriously messing up his sleeping pattern.
He didn't want to disturb Damon and Elena or Bonnie and Enzo who were probably next door, so after reading in his room for a few hours he decided to go out for a late night stroll.
The moon was obscured by dark clouds, chilly wind blew through his carefully styled hair, and streetlights flickered over him. The street was mostly deserted. He smiled a little, thinking of how Damon and Lexi would call this a perfect setting for him.
Starving and not having eaten since lunchtime, he stopped at a mostly empty 24-hour diner. After ordering a burger, he sat there staring out of the window, lost in thought.
"You know, Damon and Enzo told me you were the loner, broody type, but I never really saw it until now."
Stefan started a little and looked up to see Bonnie Bennett smiling at him.
"Hey Bonnie"
"Hey," she sat down across from him. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Nah. So, what's up? How come you're here?"
"I was gonna ask you that! This is my favourite place to eat in town so far. Have you tried their cheese fries? Heaven on a plate."
Stefan quickly ordered some as the waitress walked past them.
"I was getting bored and Damon was with Elena so I came here."
"Yeah same, there's no interrupting those two. Enzo had work stuff and I couldn't sleep."
"How's the teacher job going?"
"Good. Scary, but good."
He smiled. "Kids are cute so that must help."
She laughed. "Yep. I can totally see why things are going so well with Caroline! You're total boyfriend material."
Stefan tried not to look confused. Things were going 'so well'?
Bonnie seemed to catch herself and bit her lip. "Sorry, best friend sharing..."
He nodded. "Yeah, things are great. We’re pretty serious."
Bonnie grinned. "We should matchmake more often! Elena suggested... Nadia and Matt.... or ooh, maybe Kai and Vicki..."
Oh dear god.
"Hey, you guys got lucky with us" Stefan interrupted.
What he was really thinking was, please spare the poor guys the angst I'm feeling right now.
"We really did, huh? This is so cool. Damon's brother dating Caroline. Us six living in the same city. It's the best."
Stefan smiled back. "Must be awesome to have your childhood and college best friends, and boyfriend."
Bonnie nodded. "Lexi is nice. Any plans of her moving here too?"
"That would be the best. But I don't think so, she got a job in our old town... she's going to visit soon though."
"Great! ...As long as Enzo didn't really like her."
"Oh no, he didn't. He used to call me from college sometimes when Damon wasn't in the room and lament about his feelings for you."
Bonnie's eyes sparkled. "What did he say?"
"Stefan, mate, there's this girl, Bonnie." Stefan started in a British accent. "Her eyes are like emeralds and her smile is like the sun. She was in a study group with me once and she explained everything perfectly to me and it was like magic, mate. She is taken by this bloke on my floor and I fear she will never be mine..."
Bonnie was shaking with laughter. "No... way" she gasped in between laughs.
"He might have been drunk that time."
"You know what? We should have another group date!"
"After the park one? Pass."
"No ditching this time, I swear. I'll talk to Elena and Damon."
It might be a good opportunity to show them how in love he and Caroline were. He held his hands up in defeat and then shoved a fry into his mouth. "Woah, this is good!"
"I know right? Oh yeah, I had to talk to you and Elena about this, how are we going to celebrate when Caroline returns?"
Stefan thought for a few moments. "She likes parties, right?"
"God, yeah, she always throws the best ones for us. When Elena decided to go into medicine. When I topped the exams. When Matt got promoted at the Grill. When Tyler and Vicki finally did each other and the town a favour and broke up. We need to do something epic."
"But does she know that many people here yet? Work hasn't even started for her."
"Maybe we ask around, see if her college friends can make it?"
"None of them are close by, Caroline complains about it sometimes. It must be awful sometimes, not having them around... Oh, wait! Liam told me about this rave one of his friends were having here! Elena and Damon were totally going. I'll text him for the details. She loves parties! And it'll be a stress buster for her!"
Bonnie looked pleased with the idea but Stefan hesitated. 
It really wasn't his scene. But it was Caroline's, and she deserved some fun after everything she'd been through, and the prospect of being her boyfriend at a party with loud music and dancing people and flashing lights and alcohol made his heart skip a beat in anticipation. 
Oh god, alcohol, he realised. As much as he'd liked what had happened despite himself, it couldn't happen again.
He realised Bonnie was watching him and snapped out of his internal turmoil. "Yeah, that sounds fun."
"Aw. Damon's first reaction was that you'd never go in a million years. I thought we’d have to talk you into it."
"I'm a great boyfriend."
"Okay, so I'll talk to the others about it then. She's gonna love the surprise! She said she went to one in college that had glowsticks and body paint and it was the best party she'd gone to all year"
"Here's to hoping this one is as glowy" Stefan muttered, eating some more. "These fries are epic."
“So epic.”
"So are you or Elena picking her up from the airport? She said she was coming early morning tomorrow."
"Oh, I can't, I have an early staff meeting tomorrow. And Elena will be at the hospital observing some surgery with her friends."
"I can do it! After what she went through, it's the least I can do."
"Great." Bonnie yawned. "Okay, I'm full and I'm sleepy."
"Let's head back."
Stefan awoke to the buzzing of his phone next to his pillow.
Vision blurry, he hit the patch of green on the screen. "Hello?" he croaked.
"Hey Stefan." came Caroline's voice.
He sat up quickly, blinking. "Hi"
"Did I wake you? Sorry."
"It's okay, it's just–" he glanced at the clock. "Afternoon, wow, I am going to kill Damon."
She giggled. "Sleeping so well without me? I'm hurt."
Stefan's heartbeat quickened as he remembered what sleeping cuddled up with her was like. Suddenly, he missed her blue eyes and pretty smile and soft hair... what was he doing?
"So how are you? What's up?" she said quickly.
"Just woke up"
"Right, heh.”
"I'm good. Bored. I was driving past the Salvatore estate and thought of you." she said, and swiftly added “I’m hungry.”
"I went to this diner last night, ran into Bonnie, great fries."
"Oh, she took me there! The ice cream sundae was so yum."
"I gotta try that now. We should go there this week."
"Yeah, sure."
"How is it being back home?"
"So good. I wish half my friends weren't on some cross country road trip, though."
"That sounds fun. I always wanted to go to Europe, see the world."
"Just not Paris, probably." she said, her voice light again.
He laughed. "Will be steering clear of all European museums."
"It does sound fun," she admitted. "Maybe someday."
"Yeah, someday..."
"Well I should go eat now or something. Bye!"
She hung up before he could say a word, and Stefan forced himself not to dwell on it. He got dressed and walked outside, wincing at the light. Someone had pushed all the curtains aside.
"Stefan! I was just about to wake you. What's for lunch?"
"What's stopping you from cooking?"
"Your talent at it, dear brother."
Stefan sighed. "I'll make something with what's in the kitchen."
"How I missed you in college! Want to play some Xbox?"
"Nah, I'm writing."
"One day I will read your diaries, I promise."
"They're journals."
"Same diff. On second thoughts, I don't want to read them." Damon said. "Dear Diary, I miss my childhood pet bunny Chester. Dear Diary, Lexi helped me quit weed. Dear Diary, I like the plants in the Estate back in Mystic Falls. Dear Diary, I'm mad at mom and dad for separating. Dear diary, Katherine is a bitch. Dear diary, Caroline is so pretty I just want to brood all day–"
"You're cooking your own lunch" Stefan cut in.
"Dear Diary, I know Damon likes to bug me but deep down he loves me very much," Damon said, batting his eyes sincerely.
"Ugh, fine."
"By the way, Bon-bon told me you're going to the rave too?"
"Yeah, to celebrate. For Caroline." he clarified.
Damon jerked his arm in a whipping motion and made a whooshing sound.
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swapnagangadharan · 6 years
It was a beautiful morning and we got determined to leave by 8.30 am. Julia packed cheese sandwiches for the trip. Lyat had spoken to a driver to take us till Dharanaula. After that we could make our own way out.
Lyat mentioned that it was pouring cats and dogs at Dharchula a few days ago which means snow up there in the mountains, he told us to be careful.
We dropped off our excess baggage at Arjun’s office and in an hour’s time we were at Dharanaula. We got off and made our way to the taxi stand. We haggled until we got a cab till Pitthorgarh.
The man Lalit Joshi was really nice as he spoke about his village, his kids. His brother was a Sarpanch in the village below Pitthorgarh. He tried to play some English Electronic music but we made him change it to local songs, we were like, play something that is native here.
He was not as condescending towards Garhwalis like Ajay, our previous driver. He also took us to an awesome breakfast place where we had the best Onion Aloo Parathas, and Paneer Parathas. Yup! Huge delicious Parathas and we washed it down with Strong Chai.
We were passing villages, civilization and sometimes just forests and hills. Kumaon had something about it. Rolling green fields to brown landscapes, the barrenness added a mysticism to it.
Sometimes I felt I was in a different time zone, a bygone era.I wondered how this must have been with the Gora Sahibs during British rule. So wild and untamed..
We started seeing a lot of army wagons and officers, Lalit told us that lot of outposts were here. Indo-Nepal border, Indo-China border. So much of concrete and construction existed because the Army jawans built homes for their families. There was a huge population of Nepalis in Pitthorgarh and Dharchula. We were really surprised that Pitthorgarh was not some small town as we imagined.
After 4+ hours, we got down at Pitthorgarh and started asking around for Shared taxis to Dharachaula. It was 200 Rs per head and at that time we thought we will actually reach Dharachaula by 4 pm, how wrong we were!
Finally a taxi jeep was on its way and we got in. Bhim made me sit in the front with the driver for better leg space and he got a seat in the middle. And here is the thing, until that day I didn’t realise 16 people could fit in one vehicle! Yup 16! We were squashed with people.
There were 5 people in the driver’s seat including me and Bhim was getting squashed with at least 5 people in the middle! And the back seat had 6-7 people!
How we managed, we don’t know, but yeah we were laughing looking at our condition. It was an adventure. The driver Raju would stop every 5 minutes and I truly mean every 5 minutes! To greet someone, to chat with someone in the middle of the road mind you! We would keep looking at the watch but No Sir, an hour gone by and we were still meandering around Dharchula.
What do you do at that time? We did what travelers do, we sat back(whatever little space we had) and went with the flow. The Mountains were teaching us, Patience my dear Patience, you got to have patience, no point in fretting and fussing, let it be. You have to earn it.
You will reach when you have to reach. The Pahadis were teaching us that nothing goes according to our mechanical set clock time, it’s their time and they will go at their own pace. So we enjoyed the journey.
The only woman next to me in the front seat was Ira Devi, having one of the most beautiful smiles and a pretty red Bindi. Her eyes twinkled! I started chatting with her and she was very friendly.
She was Nepali in origin but brought up here. She was visiting her sister in Dharchula. Her husband worked in Gujarat, while her older son was a CA and married, he was currently in Chennai. Her younger son was studying in Delhi.
When I asked her doesn’t she feel alone with no family living with her? It might be very tough. She said kya kare, kaam ke liye to jaana padta hai na? Humen koi takleef nahin hai, yaha apne gai bakri ko dekthi hoon, bas yahi kaafi hai. (What to do, you got to work. I don’t have any problem, I am happy taking care of the livestock) She was so content I tell you. She had a radiance about her.
Our driver Raju was continuing his socializing along with driving us. He would stop if any of the passengers wanted to eat or any small thing. He actually stopped at a sweet shop and told Ira Devi Aapko mithai kareedni hai na? He didn’t bat an eyelid when she took a full 20-25 minutes. And the number of people that would get in and get off was hilarious. It was already past 4 pm and we were nowhere near Dharchula.
He would play Hindi/Kumaoni songs and Bhim and I would be tapping to it, we were able to squeeze in a tiny nap too among the squashy tight passengers 🙂
We were getting used to this. At one point there was a lady with a cute tiny  girl of maybe 5 years with an even tinier cute puppy in her hand as they got in next to Bhim. My heart just melted seeing this.
The mother sensing it told me to hold the cuddly squishy puppy and the girl started saying Mera Kutta! The mother told her I was just holding the puppy and I will give it back. I reassured her and held the pupper until we reached Dharchula. The whole scene was surreal and Bhim and myself were thoroughly enjoying ourselves. It had been a whole day of travel and it was almost 7 pm but our spirits were high!
Finally at 7 pm we reached the guest house at Dharchula. Our driver Raju extended a 4+ hour ride to another 3 hours. We looked around and realized we were the only freaking tourists in town. No one, absolutely no outsiders/ tourists, only locals.
There was a room available in the guest house and when we told our plans to the Manager that we wanted to go as far as the last road towards Panchachauli, he said the road stops at a certain point near a river and he will check out which one.
That done, we relaxed and had some dinner. We still had no idea which village to go to, and where to exactly and that was the fun part. All we wanted was to explore and go further up towards the mountains, however it may be.
The Manager came back with some info. He said most of the villagers hadn’t yet returned to their villages! It was empty! We were like what?? Yup folks, all the village folks come down to Dharchula with their families and livestock for the winter and move back sometime in mid April!
So when Bhim and I had planned a trip here, we read an article that said Season opens from April, we literally took it as 1st of April! We were two silly South Indians I tell you!
We burst out laughing! So we would literally be the first ones to go to those villages even before the villagers?? Surely there might be someone up there! The Manager again found out and optimistically said 2 families went up to the mountains 3-4 days ago, maybe we will find someone up there?
It goes without saying what we decided to do, villagers or no villagers. We had our sleeping bags, we had certain food stuff and basic ration and there was always water sources for water, what else did we need? Usually in those villages, there would be an open dhaba shelter with no doors, we could sleep there so what’s stopping us?
It was pretty easy with Bhim, he was as open and adventurous. We didn’t come all the way up here just to go back!
So tomorrow morning we would set off, the only question was how? The rides hadn’t yet started, no vehicles going that side, no people on that route, how were we gonna manage this tomorrow?
  The Road Less Travelled – Part XI It was a beautiful morning and we got determined to leave by 8.30 am. Julia packed cheese sandwiches for the trip.
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