ohannibal · 11 years
florentinacassiopeia replied to your post: “♔”
omg you little shit - even the “isst zur not auch klopapier?!” wow ich lach mich grad so schlapp asdfghjlkl das müssen wir maria zeigen haha
le repräsentation pérfecte von dir;) 
i. am. hilarious.
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chunprince · 11 years
Tag Game #5
Tagged by florentinacassiopeia
Micky Yoochun! Hmm. Who is my second favorite group? G Dragon from BIG BANG.
2. whose a person in dbsk that surprised you with his personality?
Changmin. He's quite a funny guy. 
3. have you ever dreamed about anyone of them?
Just the other night, I dreamt that I was bringing Homin to meet Junsu in what looks like a carnival. The three of them didn't know I had planned for them to meet. Yunho went to get in line for something. Junsu found me and Changmin and Changmin was not happy to see him like I had thought. Instead, he said that he resented Junsu for leaving SME and did not want to see Junsu. He walks away from me and Junsu. Junsu stated that he resented Changmin as well but I can tell that he was hurt that Changmin didn't want to see him. Then he walks away as well, leaving me all sad that this "reunion" didn't go as I had expected. :( 
4. if you could choose the future wife/husband for your bias, who would it be (except you)?
Yoochun - Han Ji Min
I'm not picky with the other members.
5. ever been to a concert?
No. :(
6. ever seen anyone of them?
No. :( 
7. if you could decide which otp should be real - wich one would it be?
I wanna say Yoosu b/c they're my otp, but with an unbiased response, I would say Yunjae.
8.the bad points of the members in your opinion?
The members bullies Junsu too much and I don't like that. That's pretty much it.
9. good points?
They're all very kind and hard working. They make us all proud when we read praises from staff, actors/actresses, and other people. 
10. what would you do if you’d have 2 min with your bias alone in a room?
I'd listen to his speak (love his voice!), make him wear a tank top so I can enjoy looking at those collarbones, and then try to convince him to grow his hair long again. :D 
You actually need 11 questions, but that's all right.  Thanks for tagging me.
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pocketful0fhope · 11 years
ksdfjskdjfksdf awww thank you honey!
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ohannibal · 11 years
I drew you
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ohannibal · 11 years
from FLORETINACASSIOPEIA "TAG, you’re it! The rules are to state ten random facts about yourself. Then send this to the fifteen nicest people on tumblr."
1: I wish it was  autumn again 2: I hate summer 3: I'm about to read GoT soon and I'm soooo excitedddd!!! 4: My newest celebrity crush is Hugh Dancy. He. Is. So. Fucking. Cute.  5: I actually had a crush on him when I was like 13 so I bought all his movies.  6: I'm very proud of my 13 yo self because NOW I CAN REWATCH THEM!!!! 7: I have a small face so I can't find any (sun)glasses that fit me.  8: I'm reeeaaalllyyy bad at French. 9: that's mostly because I'm so LAZY urgh 10: My cats are out now because it's wrm outside. ANOTHER REASON WHY I HATE SUMMER.
okay those weren't really facts about myself but TEN. whoa. 
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ohannibal · 11 years
I was tagged be Themagicalfringe
Rule 1: post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you, then make 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 7 people and link them to your post Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them
3 favourite bands of all time? The Shins, Neutral Milk Hotel, Ezra furman and the Harpoons
One thing you want right now? Nutella. but it's in the kitchen aaahhhhhh
Your favourite Harry Potter book/ movie? book: 5 definitely!!! movie: 2 (it's the scariest by far) or 3 
Are you part of any fandoms? If so, which ones? DW, Sherlock, HP... 
Who was your last kiss with? A guy at a club and I'm not proud of it. I'm no at allt the "kissing-a-stranger-in-a-club" kind of girl, really...
What’s the strangest thing you have in your room at the moment? I don't have strange things in my room;)
If you could meet one band member from any band, who would it be? James Mercer from the Shins
What’s your natural hair colour? Dark brown
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? hopping into books (that's a superpower, okay!)
Do you believe in love at first sight? why not...!?
Biggest turn on? great hair and shoes;)
My questions: 
favourite book?
nutella or chocolate?
favourite hp character?
hp death that hurt you the most?
cats or dogs?
Favourite kind of music?
3 songs that make you cry
If you could live in anywhere you want: where would you go?
nut-chocolate or plain chocolate?
the moon or the stars?
tea with or without milk?
tiefdurchatmen florentinacassiopeia recklessmadworld eleventhbowtie williamdarcystie sherlockiers clever-doctor
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ohannibal · 11 years
13 and 18 ;)
aaahahaha FINALLY. okay. 
13: What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself?
ummm…..I really have no idea. but even if I had I wouldn’t tell you because YOU’D USE IT AGAINST ME!!!!!
18: Why is your favorite band your favorite?
because it’s cool. harhar
aaaaahhhh that was fun. blöööb
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ohannibal · 11 years
Flo if you're reading this
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