#for context redstoner is an OLD redstone tutorial parody/horror mcrp series
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functionally continuing my habit of being the empires redstoner crossover guy, i have come to a couple realizations.  no one understands my vision yet and i am going to explode.
Image Description under the cut!
[Image Description: A Venn diagram comparing BdoubleO100 and Ross Redstoner.  A green circle is labelled with “BdoubleO100″ and his glowstone cloak skin, while a red circle is labelled with “Ross Redstoner” and his skin, a squirrel in a red and yellow scarf.  All of the other text is in the centre of the Venn diagram, inside of both circles.  The text reads:
Redstone ““genius”“
Abandonment issues (needs friends)
Betrays their friends
Really effective possession arc that one time
Closely associated with a sun
Really likes to get enough sleep
Associated with time stuff
/End ID]
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