#for q every single other time i've been tagged for this xD
queen-scribbles · 1 month
Username song game
Rules are simple: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people!
Tagged by @greyias and @dingoat
Quitter//Carrie Underwood Up in Flames//Icon for Hire Entanglement//Imogen Heap Electric Heights//PHILDEL No Limits//Royal Deluxe Stella//Cereus Bright Chance//The National Parks Rhythm of Love//Plain White T's In a Field Somewhere//Hailey Whitters Burn the Ships//For King&Country Beneath Your Beautiful// Long Way Home//Walk of the Earth & Lindsey Stirling Emperor's New Clothes//Panic! at the Disco Supermassive Black Hole//2CELLOS & Naya Rivera
Not tagging anyone bc my username is v long, but consider this an open tag if you wanna do it for funsies <3
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20 Q's for Fic Writers
Another tag from @assorted-candy, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
193 as of now! Wow that's more than I thought I'd have.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
1,537,974! That's about what I expected actually xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well I got dragged into the Danny Phantom fandom recently as I'm sure you all can tell. The show was actually a really big part of my childhood, but this is the first time I've been actively in the fandom, go figure! Of course I'm still in the Sanders Sides fandom, and I'm back once again in the Phineas and Ferb fandom, still chipping away at that long fic I've been working on for a while.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
These aren't too surprising to me, as they're also my fics with the most hits.
5. You Just Didn't Notice with 349 kudos (dear god please don't go find that one it's from so long ago I can't bear to look at it).
4. Warm with 356 kudos! I think this is the touch starved light sides au I wrote! Yeah I'm still fond of that one
3. By Any Other Name has 365 kudos! Still think fondly of my time writing that one, it was so fun.
2. Consequences with 420 kudos! Honestly I'm a little surprised this one is in my top 5 I guess a lot of people just really liked it.
Protector! Yeah, no surprises here. This one seriously blew up on me, it's got more hits than any other work I've ever posted on AO3. 504 kudos!
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sure do! I make an effort to respond to every single one I get if I can, unless I just cannot for the life of me think of anything to say. And I do read all of them, rest assured that even if all you get is a "Thank you!" that I loved and appreciated your comment, and that I mean those "Thank you"s every time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, I'm not sure, most of my fics tend towards happier endings, even if the time before that sucks ass for everyone involved. I could pick any number of one shots from series, but I'm not sure those count as complete stories, since most of one shot series do actually tell a story. Oh you know what, I'm looking through my stuff and it's "Denied Reconciliation" for Roleslaying With Roman. Yeah nothing's getting better in that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This might sound weird for anyone who's read the fic, but in my mind I think it might be Protector? I listen to "Carry On" by Fun whenever I think about the ending for that fic because it fits the vibe so well, and because that's what the ending is about. Everyone is going to move on and live their lives to the fullest. Not everything's going to be sunshine and rainbows, but the characters don't want that anyway. They get to work to fix things and they have a chance for a really good and full and fulfilling life coming for them. What's happier than that?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, actually, I'm very fortunate in that everyone seems to get that I'm just trying to share stories I love writing for fandoms and characters that I love. Thanks to all my readers, y'all are the best!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! Not necessarily because I'm completely opposed to the idea, I have technically written a couple makeout fics, but when it comes to smut I feel like I'm too ace to know what I'm doing xD
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't, mostly just cause they don't scratch my brain in the way that inspires writing for me. I've read some really amazing ones and I definietly come up with some in my head from time to time, but I'm not sure I'll ever actually write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no, or at least not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! I'm currently writing and co-posting Defense Mechanisms with VorpalGirl on AO3, and I brainstorm enough with her and with my QPP @mishiitake-mushrooms that I end up putting them in the author's notes with credit quite a bit, and in my mind, that counts!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Honestly I don't ship nearly as much as I used to. This may be a bit of a cop-out answer, but I find myself getting way more invested in sibling dynamics lately. I'm loving writing about Phineas and Ferb and Candace in my long fic, and Danny and Jazz in my new AU. Even in Sanders Sides, I'm tending more towards Roman and Remus lately, and of course brotherly dukexiety will have my heart until the end of everything. If I had to pick one, it would probably honestly be Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice? Kind of an out of left field answer, but I love how much both of them change in the book and I love how their romance is handled. Jane Austen is good at romance, I know, hot take.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Light Side Virgil AU where Virgil was a light side from the start that I still absolutely love, but I'm not sure I'll finish at this point. I still want to, I've just got so much going on that it's going to be a while if I ever get to it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and plot! Sometimes I write what I jokingly refer to as my "stick two characters in a room together" fics where I do exactly that and just let them talk to each other. It's some of my favorite writing to do, actually. And I absolutely adore getting to plan and figure out plots and watch everything as it comes together as I write. Story epiphanies are the best.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a bit with action scenes, since character and dialogue are my strong suit writing characters just doing a whole bunch of stuff is difficult (especially if it's a fight scene, woof.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I am definitely not strong enough in any languages other than maybe French to pull it off, but I think it's really cool when people do it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I was 12 no you can't see them.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm not sure I have one, honestly? I have this thing that happens where I put all of my excitement and energy into whatever fic I'm currently writing xD
I do definitely have a couple that are very close to my heart for various reasons, though. Protector was my first fic that went over 100,000 words, and for that as well as numerous other reasons I'm very proud of it! Hope With Me turned out almost exactly how I pictured it in my head which is, like, crazy to me. I did a shit ton of math I'm really proud of for Three Minutes Less. I did coding for Seeking Advice. I wrote a bit about how I think aplatonicism would work in Friendship is Magic in Same Conclusion, which is the one MLP fic from me you get to see.
I don't know, I don't really want to name a favorite fic I've ever written, that takes away the possibility that I could still write it in the future! And yeah, I get the question is really asking "favorite fic so far," but... I don't know, I like too many of my fics for different reasons. I hope that's not too much of a cop-out answer.
Tagging @anxious-mess19, @sometimes-love-is-enough, and @prince-rowan-of-the-forest again, still no pressure!
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