#georgia is adorable though she tried her hardest despite getting the lamest villain arc of all time
Staged 3 thoughts! (This is gonna be much shorter than my last two because I really Didn’t like this season)
I talked about codependence in my previous post and how that would have been a more interesting angle to take Staged 3, and the finale proves this.
Staged was always "meta," but season 3 took any truth within the meta and warped it to the point where it was a farce-- without the comedy. I pretty much summarized exactly how I felt in my last post, but what's so frustrating about the final episode is that it does exactly what the third season should have been doing the entire time!
The dialogue is clever, the meta is poignant without being too self aggrandizing (except for the post credit sequence, which just annoys me to no end and takes the teeth out of the breakup,) and overall the culmination of the rest of the third season's events and tension comes together.
The last episode goes into improv theory and acting, which is something the first two seasons did quite well, and something that was sorely missing throughout this series. The usage of family members (Simon's sister and Michael Sheen's actual daughter) is a nice change of pace from celebrity cameos, at least for the last crescendo of everything falling apart.
I don't think the ending would have been as effective if David and Michael hadn't put their all into it. The script is better than the rest of the episodes (save the second episode, which I quite liked,) but you can feel the actual sadness about being separated.
This is where the meta works: Imagine your friend is sick of you. Imagine you don't want anything to change but it always does. Imagine that you're torn apart again. This is the only time codependence is referenced to seriously, and it's a shame because it would have given the last scene more of an impact.
I don't think Staged 3 is completely without value, but it's really only good when David Tennant and Michael Sheen are on screen having a good time acting together, and that's hard to do when the script is so blah and beige.
@get-me-off-this-site @tricksyliesmith @ingravinoveritas since y'all asked ✨
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