#gil estel the star of high ho tom bombadill
it's crying over himbos hour tonight lads ladles and ladies.
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trying to write characters I haven't before is so haaarrrddd. I don't have any stable headcanons for you yet sir! I need you to cooperate! Sir! Please follow your script! NO I DIDN'T WANT TO WRITE AN EPISTOLARY-
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I got a fountain pen (it's kinda garbage but eh) and decided to finally make a reference page for tengwar (working on numbers rn) so that I can start learning it beyond what I need for my oc's names and yooo it looks so much better with it than with pencil!
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Like even with my mediocre grasp of how fountain pens work it looks pretty good!
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"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" no tengwa for X so I squished K and S together. Also, Silme Nuquerna supremacy (I can't believe I have opinions on that now).
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alsdjflaskj i had a thought: Feanor chose silver as one of his house colors to be petty because that was the color of his mom's hair, Fingolfin did the same with gold. like, im pretty sure that's not how heraldry works but it's so in character.
people who think their colors are red and gold/blue and silver DNI /j
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So sometime last month I said I was considering posting a ranty thing about why Luthien (and specifically not Maedhros) is my favorite character but I was worried that it was kinda iffy? Yeah that's what this is, in all it's (mostly) unedited glory. Warnings for vagueposting salt I guess? Oh and this isn't directed at anybody, or anything in particular, it's all just stuff that I've absorbed somehow, so ymmv and this is definitely not supposed to be a callout.
so with that disclaimer out of the way, enjoy(?) me submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Y'know. I think Luthien is my favorite character because she's not complicated. Yes in my headcanons I've given her more depth and what not, but in canon she's basically The definition of a Mary Sue. And I love that!
Don't get me wrong, I like complex and complicated characters too (Maedhros ranks ~#2 in my heart and he's the poster boy for that) but there isn't any drama with liking Luthien: her status as a victim to fairytale character syndrome (little-no canon personality beyond "nice, pretty, somewhat stubborn") means she isn't super popular and I don't often have to see scorching bad takes or worry that my takes are the scorching bad ones. (Except for her being shorter than Beren. That take is just objectively wrong /j)
And she's the perfect blank slate too, I can project or idealize as much as I want, because she has so little depth to her in the writings, but what depth we do get lays out a fascinating canvas I love filling in.
It's the ultimate self-indulgence: I want spooky pretty eldritch grey/omni-aroace lady who scarfs raw meat and fights gods on the regular, who loves her quiet(er) vegetarian bog-man husband and their far smarter dog very much, who literally changes her destiny for her own sake, for freedom, and for true love, who has a complicated relationship to her parents and her kingdom and adores her baby brother while dunking on him at every opportunity, and you know what? I can have that! No one cares that it's not canon, or what Jirt intended or that my headcanons don't fit with their canon, because frankly very few people sincerely care about her at all! Most everyone likes her, but in that same distant way I like Numenor: i enjoy it vaguely, there's bits of it that are cool, and I have some headcanons, but I'm not super hyped.
And she's so unproblematic! (Unless you're one of the people who's like "Sauron/Morgoth were good guys actually" in which case I admire your steadfast crusade against Jirt's long-cooled corpse but I shall not partake of it) Again with Maedhros: sometimes I don't want moral dilemmas and awful unresolved angst as all hope for redemption burns out and the endless "how bad was he? how much of an influence was the oath actually? how accountable must I hold him in my mind? how seriously do I have to take fictional war crimes?" because I have no steady headcanon for that, it depends entirely on my current vibes, and (RSD my belothed) it feels like I always have the wrong answer!
With Luthien it's like: haha and THEN she yells at Death to give her boyfriend back and she looks SUPER COOL and also like a terrifying monster because that's fun to write, and Death is like "I'm crying for the first time ever, you can do what you want, but you'll have to be mortal" and she's like "pshh are you kidding that's a bonus!" And she gets to meet her boyfriend's dead friends before they go back, and she gets to a comfortable status quo with her parents and reunites with her brother and they finally feel like they belong and she has a kid who she loves and is a good mom to and lives the cottagecore dream, and she and her husband live happily ever after and die peacefully of old age and she once more goes to death and greets him like a friend and asks him "what comes next?" and gets to meet her mortal descendants in the mystery afterlife. It's not complicated! There's no big "well actually", no asterisk that has to be attached to my love!
Beh. Yeah I don't really have any good way to end this. Just... don't clown on this post please? These aren't my actual, organized thoughts. My normal posts are always enthusiastically up for addition or commentary, but I'm pretty much only posting this for catharsis.
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Haha nice
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absolutely love that elf-names can canonically be prophetical and/or are given later in life so that they fit their personality. makes coming up with character names so much easier.
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I am having Lots of opinions on elvish hair in this Chilli's tonight. Like. Customs and stuff. Debating if I should make a post bc it will be very long and rambly and obnoxiously detailed but I'm fixating on it for some reason right now so. Will I show off my piping hot takes, in which I posit bangs are a mourning hairstyle for Noldor? Stay tuned to find out.
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Ok guys am I going insane? I could've sworn I posted a fic about Miriel and Vaire (The Goddess and the Weaver) back a while ago, but its not on AO3 or Tumblr? I'm? Did I fool myself into thinking I posted when I actually didn't?
Pls respond either way because I'm losing my mind.
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Hmm trying to decide if I should post something... Don't think it's controversial but anxious brain says it is and i know its easy to take things in bad faith online but any criticism makes me cry /hj... It has to do with why Luthien and not Maedhros is my favorite character and Spoiler! It's not the reason you think.
Ughhh I probably will once I work up the courage since I don't want it to languish in my drafts forever and can't shut up about my beloved but I'm still fairly new to the fandom and don't want to accidentally poke any drama...
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haha whoops gotta make sure I have anon asks on G-G
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Finished watching the LotR musical... I cried... Had such a good time with everyone in the chat... I am joyous.
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