genosha-meiuqer · 4 years
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innerpartysystem - Don't Stop: "I'll buy my way to talk to God so he can live with what I'm not."
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victory-mag · 5 years
Another vote for Mina!! Your art looks awesome, btw ;3
You got it!  Thank you so much!
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auideas · 7 years
Ask the Admins: 11.0
Anon asked: any of you get pranked on 4/1?
Chamomile: I didn’t get pranked, but I work in retail and we all pranked my manager by writing up a whole bunch of fake ‘angry customer’ reports and leaving them in the break room where she could read them. She didn’t know they were fake until she got to the complaint from a nun who was disgruntled because we didn’t carry her favorite vegan chapstick anymore.
M: Nope, and I’m very happy about that - Loot Crate almost fooled me via email, but I was in good shape other than that
Syren: I am disappointed to say that I was not, but to be fair, I spent most of the day at my little half-sister’s 2nd birthday party (yes, my sis was born on April fools, and no, no one believed me when I told them my sister was born. They all thought I was pranking them. Safe to say, her future birthdays will be full of pranks from yours truly).
Jynn: No, but I did prank someone. I work at a school affiliated wellness center as a lifeguard for their pool. Normally on Saturday mornings there's a water aerobics class taught by a peppy lady who stands on the pool deck and does all the exercises while the old ladies do them in the pool. Well she's been gone the past couple weeks, so the gym's floor manager Tim has been teaching it. Now Tim is just the most precious thing. He's the most adorable personal trainer ever. He'll get up there in front of all the elderly people and they'll hoot and whistle and tell him to take his shirt off till he's a blushing mess. So anyways he going through the exercises and get into it and have his workout music playing. It starts to get pretty intense, he's working up a sweat, he's pumped, the old people are pumped, they're feeling the burn… and I go back to the guard room and switch their workout music to Mozart.
Anon asked: What do the admins and assistant admins think about soulmates?
Chamomile: I’m a bit iffy on them? I like the concept, but I like the idea of multiple soulmates and outcomes because the idea of a preset destiny freaks me out.
M: I'd like to think they exist - there's someone for everyone - but I think that probably less than an eighth of a percent of the population actually meet them, if that. They're fun to write about, though.
Syren: In the world of fic, it is my jam. I'm writing a soulmate AU rn, actually. Irl? Nooo thank you. I don't believe in it, and I wouldn't want one anyway. Cause that's creepy.
Jynn: Eh it's a cool thought but? It seems a little bland to juat have like one preset partner you're meant to be with former and ever. I think there can been lots of kinds of soulmates.
@askrileyw asked: How do you feel about fantasy AUs? (bonus: what is your favourite fantasy sub-genre and why?)
Chamomile: I love them! I’m really big into combining bizarre fiction and traditional fantasy settings.
M: They can be loads of fun when done properly! I actually like it when fantasy elements are combined with the modern world - it's totally my aesthetic. Give me CyberKnights fighting mechanical dragons, goddamnit!
Syren: Oooooh boy, fantasy au’s are my jelly. I love dystopian fantasy stuff, with outlawed magic and mages on the run. I love fantastical creatures like elves (especially elves- thank you LotR). I love adventure in fantasy (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is my favorite game in the world. I'm planning on writing a Zelda AU soon as well). I freaking love fantasy.
Jynn: I can appreciate fantasy, but I don't seek it out a ton. As for fave genres of fantasy, I'm always a sucker for coming-of-age adventures!
Anon asked: If you could only use one which would you choose? Magic, guns, or blades.
Chamomile: Magic! I can enchant my blades!
M: Magic. C’mon.
Syren: Magic, cause I'm a pacifist and could use it for more non-violent purposes. And it's awesome.
Jynn: Magic.
@genosha-meiuqer asked: If life was like a videogame where you level up by gaining experience points, what level do you think you'd currently be at? Everyone would start off as a noob-born.
Chamomile: 20, going on 21 (why are yall ranking so low omg)
M: Maybe 5. And that's being incredibly generous.
Syren: Like 4 maybe? Assuming it's out of at least 30 possible levels lol
Jynn: 3
Anon asked: Hello, lovelies! I'm making a bet with my partner (gimmemygurryback); prize is home-cooked breakfast in bed. Anyway, this ask involves genosha-meiuqer, but she's not betting! I'm assuming you read the added parts on your posts' reblogs. You know last month's AtA where Gurry and Geno were talking about Geno's stories? Out of all those 57 titles, are there any you found interesting or want to know about? Geno said that you probably couldn't care less, but she doesn't know your personal opinions???
Chamomile: I read all of the post reblogs! Especially ones from genosha and gurry. For the titles, I was immediately partial to all of the ones with auideas’ titles, but the other ones that I really liked were “Pieces of Time”, “Clear and Forever Young When I Close My Eyes”, and “Miss Murder & Mister Brightside”.
M: There were so many to choose from, but I finally settled on “ Docosahexaenoic Acid”, “ Mark His Way to Canaan”, and “Dreams May Not Come True”.
Syren: “Miss Murder and Mister Brightside” “Farmer in Dank Armor” and “Travel In a Pack, Street Rats” sound like stories I would treasure forever tbh
Jynn: Shall We Do The “One, Two”?, Shall We Sing The “Un, Deux”?, and I Will Make Your House Fly Away If You Rick Roll Me Again all sound really interesting!
(side note: here’s the link to all 57 titles, and chamomile told all the admins to pick their top 3 titles because they were all so good)
Anon asked: Do any of the new admins watch anime or read manga?
Chamomile: I used to be really into anime/manga when I was younger, but when I got into junior year (the year I came out and when I joined auideas) I just didn’t have time to keep up with any of it. Now that I’m in my second year of college, I’m super desperate for any cutesy lighthearted form of stress relief, so I’m slowly getting back into anime.
M: I tend to just rewatch the same three animes over and over. It's a bad habit….
Syren: Veeery little. I've watched InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist (both series), Ouran High School Host Club, and random eps of random others. And I have maybe a quarter of the FMA manga, but that's about it.
Jynn: Yep! I like my classic shonen anime, but I keep up with a couple of the newer ones. I also own every volume of Yu Yu Hakusho...
@gimmemygurryback asked: Do admins (and now assistants) actually read any of the "followers' works" other than the one about M driving like a war boy?
Chamomile: Y’all have no idea. I read every single fic that came in during our 2016 Auideas Advent Calendar event, and whenever somebody tags us in something they’ve written then I immediately bookmark it to read later. I live off of seeing people get inspired by our aus.
M: YUP!! We have read every single fix submitted during AAC (where do you think the rating system came from??). We love reading everyone’s work and would love to have more.
Syren: I've read a few, but not as many as I wish :(  Time and motivation are fickle lil buggers
Jynn: Yes!!!
Anon asked: Hi! So I recently got into this thing on resistantradio.com, and basically it reminded me of your AU "Rebel Yell"! It's sort of a podcast/radio broadcast that's part of this series, um, The Man In The High Tower, I think, where the year is 1962 and nazi germany/imperial japan have won wwii and split America into two parts, but there's this neutral territory where an American resistance has sprung up, and so these three members are broadcasting in order to get others to rebel!
Chamomile: I’m familiar with Man in the High Tower, and after giving this podcast a listen, I have to say that it’s pretty good! I’m digging it! Currently I’m binging The Adventure Zone and The Hidden Almanac so I’ll bookmark Resistant Radio for later.
M: COOL!!!
Syren: That sounds rad as all get out; maybe I should start listening to podcasts! I never have before.
Jynn: I'm not huge into podcasts atm but that sounds cool!
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auideas · 7 years
I was too lazy to login to my account, but this is gimmemygurryback. She isn't religious, but would you mind keeping Geno in your prayers/thoughts? She's really sick rn. Her stress levels have been high, and her immune system is starting to fail a bit as a result. Since her immune system isn't working, she's been sick for a a week. She's going on a big trip with our school's science department as one of the few who were directly invited by the staff. I just really don't want her to be miserable.
For all of our religious followers, please keep @genosha-meiuqer in your thoughts and prayers! While you’re at it, keep admin m in your prayers as well since they’re like genosha and (of course) has pushed themself too far and is sick too.
Have fun on your trip, genosha!
-admin chamomile
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genosha-meiuqer · 7 years
Graduation begins in less than an hour 🎓 I can't wait to be a graduate ✨ @gimmemygurryback and Syd are here at the stadium with me, and we're all ready to go! Can't wait for this to begin. The past four year have been one hell of a ride, but I survived and am grateful for the experience!
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