#got too lazy to draw the vihuelas paint marks lol
peonycats · 3 years
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“But what luck I have to call a man like you my son. It is an honor you cannot understand. One day you will have children and if you have just one who is as dear as you are to me, you will understand how blessed my life has been.”
(from left to right, top to bottom: al-andalus/umayyad, spain, portugal, bby cuba, spain)
historical footnotes (and a bonus comic!):
obligatory disclaimer that spanish colonization of Cuba and other places was Bad, to put it lightly- just because i portray two nations having a relationship analogous to family does not mean the two have good or even healthy relations
al-Andalus was the name of the Iberian Peninsula while it was under Muslim rule. The Umayyad Conquest of Spain took place in the 710s AD, and succeeded largely due to the fragmented nature Iberia and Visgothic rule, who had taken control after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Under Caliphate of Cordoba, al-Andalus was a cosmopolitan center of learning and culture, with advancements in trigonometry, astronomy, medicine, and art. Muslim rule in Iberia eventually fell to the rising Christian kingdoms in the Reconquista, which concluded with fall of the Emirate of Granada in 1492, the same year Columbus made that fateful landing in Hispaniola.
(technically, Spain and portugal have other iberian sibs at this time (and continue to do so!) but just imagine that they’re off playing while port decided to stay to see tonio’s weird music shenanigans)
tried really hard to research to make the clothes historically accurate, but my research wasn’t really satisfactory, so i can’t attest to how accurate they are, especially the first part! and i will be the first to admit that I made portugal’s coat periwinkle blue mostly because i thought it looked nice lol
(…..also spain’s breeches would most certainly not be skin tight but i claim artistic liberty on that one) 
In the first panel, Spain is playing an oud, which is a short necked, pear shaped lute. It was brought to Iberia in the Ummayyad conquest, and fused with the previous lute tradition under the Romans. There have been many depictions of musicians playing the oud throughout Umayyad Spain, which would go onto influence European music traditions, and it continues to be a popular instrument in the Middle East, Turkey, and Iran! 
(now that i’m looking at it, this oud must’ve been custom made for spain because it’s rather small for compared to their typical size LMAO)
In the second panel, Spain is playing a vihuela, which is 15th century string instrument that is shaped like a guitar, but tuned like a lute. It was brought over to the New World and is often used in Mexican mariachi bands!
The quote is technically a wee bit off base because it implies that Cuba was Spain’s fave which…… wasn’t really the case until spain lost his other colonies in the Latin American wars for independence WHEEZE
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rest in piss tonio
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