#happilyeveranders: all
gotmattitude · 5 years
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To Mr. Matthew Rutherford,
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Belated Rising Day.
I know you and the rest of the gang are at the barricade and there’s nothing more exemplary than that. May you find success and joy. I’ve read a bit more into hoodoo, and thought these tools would be useful for your trade… and knowing you are also a fan of socks, I hope you like these winter-ready ones. With chocolate.
Sincerely your public servant,
Blaine Devon Anderson.
[What a guy. Matt’s far from the viewpoint that Blaine was somehow superhuman, but if there’s someone who comes the closest, it’s definitely Blaine. The hoodoo shit is sturdy, good quality, and he’ll get a lot of use of them before they even start to break down. The socks are a good touch too, or at least he thinks so, because the RPer can’t see the picture but is sure they’re wonderful. Stashing away the hoodoo tools in his e-grimoire, he nibbles on a bit of chocolate and saves a chunk for his friends, or someone with low blood sugar, he guesses. Merry Christmas, Blaine.]
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solarmason-blog · 7 years
BLAINE: Ah, no, not really! It’s what Commons call a “manip”, where they “manipulate” (hence the moniker) images with a photo editing program. In fandom-ish terms, it’s manipulation of images to give a “sub-canonical” visual element to a fanon theory (½)
BLAINE: , in this case, the idea of an older Harry Potter meeting an older Professor McGonagall in the popular Commons take on witch life, the Harry Potter Series. (2/2)
BLAINE: I wish it was real, but whose to say imagination is fake? :)
MASON: Woah. Dang. You're so smart.
MASON: I've missed you, Blaine.
MASON: I'm working on reading the Harry Potter series myself - Sebastian and I are reading them together, we're on the fourth one now, and we're not watching the movies until we're done with the books. I thought maybe that was an actual scene from one of the movies, like way later or something!
MASON: Man. Commons are so neat.
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ellnaturae · 5 years
Strength is Compulsory
Who: Kitty Wilde ( @wildevvitch ), Tina Cohen-Chang ( @cohentoplaywithmagic ), Blaine ( @happilyeveranders ) Anderson and Elliott Gilbert. Location: Undique Stadium. Time: 24th May 2019. Summary: Kittina vs Blelliott. Triggers/Notes: violence, stabbing, homophobia, slurs.
Blaine usually doesn't come to Undique Stadium with a furrowed brow, one manufactured from anger. Its usual place are doubt, self-pity, and disappointment from how one-sided he's been in active duels, from how pointless his presence even feels. The last fight alongside Kurt only shows how different their caliber. Blaine feels alienated from his own body, his own magic, and try as he might to say things will change for the better, and he'll progress, he has an abject reminder he's stagnating. From the result of the battles, all he has received is hundreds of notes on his fellow students and how great they are with their magic and how Blaine just... isn't. But he can't allow himself to get inside his head when he's facing off with one of the most challenging people he's ever dealt with. Kitty Wilde. Blaine paces in the training room, wondering if Elliott's on his way or if Blaine should use their pendant, and he lets go of that cool piece of metal affixed around his neck when he thinks he hears someone approaching. Elliott enters the room, his expression matches his friend's frown but he hasn't seen him yet. He usually fights Kitty only verbally, partially because he told himself fighting her solved nothing, but mostly because he has to admit to himself she is a little... scary. Holy magic, potentially knowing the kneeling spell, it would be that crazy fight he told Santana to stop him from doing, but here he was, ready to fight her with all he got, influenced by the limit of his patience and anger. However, even in times like these, when an uncomfortable knot is starting to form on his stomatch wondering if this would end up anything but well, when he sees Blaine waiting there a small smile appears on his face and he feels a little better. Last time they fought it didn't go great at all, but his trust on Blaine was unwavering, and he believed firmly on them as a team. They could do this, right? "Hey, partner" he winks at Blaine as he stand next to him. Kitty was scowling when she entered the stadium and saw the brat Anderson and his Shedim. 'What an eyesore. Doesn't matter. God will give me His favor and I will WIN.' Kitty thought and raised her cross necklace to irritate Blaine and Elliott. "You two are going to witness God's love today. Repent now or I'll show you God's hatred." She threatened them. She stuck her nose up at the offending sights. Kitty was slightly nervous about Alena but she'd come when Kitty was fighting a demon. She had to. Tina was speeding her way to the stadium not wanting to leave Blainey Days, Elliott-Senpai and Wilde all in the same room together without her to defuse the tension or Kitty being Kitty. Rushing in, she grimaces as everyone was already there. Hopefully, bitter words had not been traded but as she walks in she was too late with Wilde threatening her best friends. "Don't underestimate them, Wilde," Tina calls out,"Pretty sure that these two can show you the most love than any god could." Blaine can't hide his dislike of Kitty Wilde when she strolls in. She's literally threatening us, Blaine thinks and stands closer to Elliott for support -- his or Ell's, that's debatable -- and fires back, "You'd be surprised today." Blaine gives Elliott a look, an encouraging one, when Tina enters in and doesn't know how to add to it. His relationship with Tina feels tenuous too, and Blaine's mind softly nudges him to remember what transpired with Rachel not long ago too. Does he know what Tina's thinking about too? What's going on with Tina and Kitty to make Tina stay with a legitimately vile person? Elliott looks at Kitty showing her cross and he touches his ear where he is wearing his inverted cross earring as a response. He gives a little squeeze to Blaine's shoulder and then places himself a couple of steps before him. He then takes a look at Tina wondering why she isn't on their side of this fight "Let's just start this" he says annoyed as Ziggy appears around his arm surrounded by smoke. He has never wanted to get into a fight more than he wanted today. Kitty rolled her eyes at the garish earring. "Queers just love ruining everything." She muttered. She doesn't listen to Tina because she doesn't need to. However, Kitty was eyeing the three of them to see what would happen. 'Who knows, this could be a trap. People aren't as loyal as they say they are.' Kitty was looking straight at Tina and ignored the anger brimming inside her. 'Those stupid anonymous messages from that raccoon bitch. Who's the liar here? Trashy? Or her?' Kitty tossed her pretty ponytail behind her and threw the salt across the ground to scare Elliott. She walked past them with a mean smirk. "Whatevvs, Trashy. Get on the stage and let's get this done. I have an appointment for nails later." She ordered Tina to stand in front of her. Tina was starting to become slightly anxious for this fight as her hands felt clammy taking out her phone in preparation.  Everything on the room felt on the edge, as she takes a look at Blaine who steps closer to Elliott who seems rather annoyed and boomed. Tina thinks back to the first time she physical met Kitty along with the brutal battle with Blaine. Even though it was training she didn't want that to happen again. Looking at the two boys, Tina never wants to find herself face to face like this with them. This was her doing what she thought was best.  She takes her place in front of Kitty, not because she was taking orders, it has just always been apart of their strategy to be like this. Standing with Kitty behind her and her best friends in front of her, the unease flurries more. If Kitty does hold back at least Tina would be in front to try and defuse it all.  "Wilde," she barks back at the order, facing Bee and Ell to ask them,"Same rules that we had at the SP torment sound good?" Blaine pulled a face at the slur Kitty threw at them and also at Tina's passiveness. "Not as much as hypocritical homophobes love to blame gay people for every instance." He said evenly but it was clear he was not humoring Kitty Wilde or even Tina when she looked at him as they took their places on stage. Unlike other duels, Blaine was seething when he bowed out of politeness of dueling courtesy. Blaine couldn't believe Tina taking her place like this. What exactly was happening at Zephyrus? "Ell, let me know if you need any backup." Blaine whispered. "Who attacks first?" He asked the two women in a polite if tight tone. Elliott frowns "Fuck you, fascists like you ruin people's lives" he looks at Kitty then back at Tina when she is a few steps away from him "Sure" he looks at her confused, he really didn't want to fight Tina, but he was starting to wonder if she did want to fight them. He never had doubted Tina before, but her behavior lately... He sighs and before he gets more serious and on position he turns to Blaine "let me know as well, you can count on Ziggy too" when he faces Tina again his face turns more serious. Kitty smiled at Blaine and Elliott's comments and laughed them off. clicked her tongue at Tina's suggestion and smiled behind her at the two weaklings in front of her. "Yeah, let's show them. This time we won't have St. Pierre or Boulder holding me back." Kitty boasted and pointed at the two of them with prejudice. "With God as my witness, I'll make you two see the light." Kitty couldn't see Tina's face and wondered if the three of them were plotting something against her. 'I can't trust anyone.' Kitty thought. 'I always get betrayed. The club. My parents. That bitch Alena. I need to strike first instead of being hurt first!' Kitty decided to take the initiative.
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Kitty pressed her palms together to pray. "Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence! Soul Armament!" Kitty pulled something out of thin air. It was her glaive but it still had a cracked end. When Kitty grabbed it, she didn't feel any body there behind the weapon. 'Still being such a brat!' Kitty grimaced at Alena's absence. When that fish came back, Kitty was going to give her a talking to. "Heavenly Father! I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence! Shield your Chosen One!" Instead of protecting Tina, Kitty shielded herself. Kitty: (1d7 + 1d10)*2 Shield Kitty = ((5) + (10))*2 = 30 Over her shoulder, Tina with gritted teeth,"You are not going to be like that with them. Don't you even dare." All of this was already hard enough standing on the in between, Tina swears that it was getting hotter here the more anxious she was becoming. Kitty was in no mood to hold back evident from not even to wait to hear how she wanted to battle as she attempts to summon her Soul Armament but something, something was off about it, she tries to work out what it was but she only bared witness to her Soul Arment a handful of times.  Something pauses as the Bloodline Witch protects herself first, not Tina. "What the..." Tina is thrown off muttering under her breath. This was not how they did things. What was going on in Kitty's head? Tina snaps out of it as she looks at her best friends, both sporting a more serious look. A flat line upon her face as she summons one of her queens to the right of her.🔮⚔👑 ⚔️ 🔮  taking full form, in all its data glory.
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Tina: 1d7+2+1-1:  1d7 Queen HP = (1) = 1 Blaine tries as he might to understand Tina's logic, he cannot. "Why are you over there?" He asks from behind his position, trying to get Tina's attention. "Why are you fighting us? Does Kitty have something on you? I just... I don't get you, Tina!" Blaine finally lets that last bit out. It's a bitter truth and Blaine's been skirting around it but now it's out there. Blaine sees another data creature summoned next to her and Blaine bites behind his lip and sees that he needs to take down the enemies.
Blaine: 2d6kl1 Attack Queen = (2+2) = 2 Blaine fans both hands out and casts, Esteemed one of wind, please help me clear my path! Blaine doesn't have a lot of emotional control and his mind is teeming with questions. The loss of focus makes his spell waver but it's enough to slice toward Tina's digital creature.
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Tina: 2d7kl1-1 Queen Counter Blaine = (4+3)-1 = 2
Elliott hears what Blaine asks Tina, maybe what he was also wanting to ask but hadn't been brave to all this time either "I'm interested to know to..." he says as Blaine attacks. He takes that moment to concentrate if Blaine goes for the Queen, he will go for Kitty. He shakes his arm a little as if telling Ziggy, this is your turn. The snake slowly moves to his hand and starts disappearing into smoke, when the smoke disperses a rusted chain appears around the place where the snake used to be. He lets one of the ends of the chains hang and he starts swinging it in the air. 
Elliott: 1d6 + 1d5  + 2= (6) + (4) + 2 = 12
Elliott he throws the chain against Kitty's shield.
Kitty whispered back to Tina with a bitchy glare. "I'm going to be whatever I want with anyone, you're not my boss. You're supposed to be my battle partner. So battle. Or I'll fight by myself. That's what you want, isn't it, for me to be alone!" Kitty wouldn't let that happen. She wouldn't lose. Everyone would hate her if she did. She shook her glaive to throw one more attack when the light inside fizzled out. "Cheese and rice, what in Big Daddy God's holy name?" Kitty swore. The glaive didn't feel powerful. It felt like there was no magic inside. "Alena? Hello? Is this you?" Kitty yelled at her weapon. She wasn't paying attention to the chain thrown at her. It clanged loud against her shield and Kitty looked up to see that heathen demon had a Soul Armament too. 'That can't be right. God would never give...' Kitty was frightened.
Tina watches as her Queen is obliterated by Blaine's wind fading away into binary ones and zeros. Remnants of his cause her hair to flicker behind as she stun by his words. Despite being behind Elliott, his words were loud and clear. "You, don't get me?" Tina repeats in disbelief. "You seriously don't get me?" She repeats out loud trying to understand what her distant best friend was asking of her. "It was meant to be just us but then, then Kitty came in and I don't want you fight just her. I don't want to have Kitty fighting alone," she looks back at her Socium Partner. "That's all this is Bee! You too Senpai. This is all that it is." Rather clearly, it wasn't there was something more than just fighting face value.  Not attacking, she sticks with her plan to just to keep on summoning, this time to her left  🔮 ⚡ 🐉️⚡️ 🔮 her magic circle glows as she digitally constructs her usual partner.
Tina: 1d7 Dragon HP = (4) = 4
Blaine 's face gets hot from the disarming tone Tina takes up with him. What is he missing here? That's what he is asking from Tina, to fill him in. "Why? You could have told her no! I said no! But she's threatening people, and are we kidding ourselves when I say no one seems to respond to that? That we all think if we ignore that she'll go away? Why are you fighting with her, then? If you're so against her beliefs?! Why don't you want to have her fighting alone? She's the only one who thinks I should go to conversion therapy, and that Elliott deserved to be a slave! That's not all this is! This is more than just a simple duel, this is our lives here! How are we supposed to feel when you're on her side, and then say 'this is all that it is' without understanding why we'd be upset?!" Blaine moves forward. "If you don't want to fight me, that's fine! But don't stop me from fighting Kitty."
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Elliott chain swings in his hands for a moment he stands there listening to Blaine, he has Tina right in front of him and he looks directly at her "Is that all that it is?" he asks echoing Blaine's sentiment "I feel like you are the one not getting it..." he sighs "You always say you are on our side, that you support what we believe in, and your words are beautiful and touching... I want to believe in you, because it's you, but... what are we left to feel when we see you standing in front of her?" he pauses " your words mean nothing if they are not backed up by your actions" he says bitterly and swings the chain up in the air ready to attack again.
Elliott: 1d6 + 1d5 +2  = (2) + (2) +2 = 6
Elliott sents the chain Kitty's way again.
Kitty: 1d6 + 1d10  = (2) + (3) = 5
Kitty didn't understand why Tina wouldn't just zap the two of them like she had done with Kitty in the past. What was her partner thinking. Was this a trap for Kitty? "Come on, move your digital summons! Hit them with your tech magic! You were so strong with them!" Kitty said to Tina hotly. She wasn't even listening to Blaine and Elliott talking. 'Who cares to listen to their dumb heroic speeches.' But she caught onto a part the Shedim had said and fired back, "Why are you guys acting like I'm not even here! Freaking notice me! I'm here!" She was getting angry. "Is this the secret plan with the three of you, to pretend I'm not here? Fine. I'll make sure you guys notice me. Get the hell out of my way, Trashy." She didn't want Tina to get caught under the beam even if Tina was thinking of betraying her. Kitty smashed the end of her glaive into the ground and it sparked with a little life. The glaive cracked more. Heavenly Father! I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, let my spirit be yours, my body nothing, let it bear all wounds, all pain, all death, for my place is with you in Heaven, shed me of this mortal sin…  Kitty's body was sparkling with light.
Here is were the strain and voices tug in Tina's heart and in her mind. All the things that she had gone on ignoring blinded by her feelings, deniable feelings towards the toxic Bloodline. This is were all the lines seem to blur between feelings and the way that they rippled out, hurting, ruining and restricting lives.  She runs her palms pushing her away from her face to try speak without a crack in her voice,"Because I didn't wanna tell her no, I didn't want her fighting you one on one, either of you. Kitty is powerful and I think we know that." Tina looks between Blaine and Elliott,"Just because I'm fighting along side her does not mean that I believe the same thing as her. Please don't think that, that is nothing I ever want you to think of me. I'm not on her side when it comes to how she thinks we should live. But then...." she struggles and stammers,"One thing, one thing that no one else see's no one else see's is the reason why we have all be partnered up in the first place. After...after what happened that night with mom and dad..." Tina looks directly at them,"Kitty makes me feel safe. She strong, she can fight, she can heal she can protect. It's a feeling I'm trying to ignore and say that I don't need, I can't help it if that is the way that she makes me feel. Call me selfish for it but it's true." So lost in her own battling thoughts and emotions she vaguely hears Kitty until her voice is fuelled with anger and a bright light leaves from Kitty. That fear that trembles comes over her knowing the spell all too well. "Kitty, no!!!" Tina screams taking a step closer to Kitty's left.
Blaine replied, "Why didn't you want to? What's wrong with telling Kitty 'no'?! Who cares if she's powerful if she's evil. I don't care if she's strong, I'll fight her regardless because she's wrong!" Blaine saw Tina's face screw up and wished he could feel sad, but he couldn't. He couldn't when the sadness and pity and sympathy he was feeling for Tina dissipated when she moved away from Kitty, revealing what was behind her. Tina revealed she didn't feel secure with Blaine or Elliott. Only Kitty. Even if Kitty was the one threatening their lives. Blaine's blood ran cold at seeing the prone girl on the floor, glowing. He remembered the spell Kitty was doing. He remembered a year from ago. Kitty was facing Elliott. She was going to hurt Elliott and not even that -- Kitty's holy magic could kill Elliott. "No!" Blaine moved in front of Elliott, right in the line of Kitty's aim.
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Elliott can't even react, everything is happening so fast. Tina runs aside, Blaine gets on the way, Kitty is... shinning? He acts by instint realizing Blaine is getting on the way to protect him, but he doesn't want his friend to get hurt either so he tries to move him aside.
Elliott: 1d6 to push blaine = (4) = 4
Blaine: 1d6  = (3) = 3
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Kitty: 1d50*4  = (36)*4 = 144
Kitty didn't see anyone acknowledging her in their talk. Including her socius pactum. They were speaking around her like Kitty wasn't in the room. She couldn't respond due to the spell but she wanted to scream at them. She wanted to scream at Tina. Tina liked her because she was strong. So what about when Kitty was weak? Was she worthless? When Kitty was weak, didn't they all take advantage of it? Sister Quinn finally replied when Kitty told her about Alena's disappearance. Tina told Santana Lopez, the trickster, all about Kitty's moment of weakness in the desert. But they all pretended they didn't hurt Kitty. They pretended Kitty was the only one who hurt them. 'Nobody asks me if I feel safe. Only God protects me but sometimes I don't feel secure.' Kitty felt the power rise up in her though. She had to let it explode. And let my body burn up in your light of Justice, oh Heavenly Father!! She sent the blast in front of her. Whoever it was, they would taste Kitty's pain.
Tina was in a blind furry to by Kitty's side as she did the spell in a means to stop her with no knowledge how too. In her moment of desperation, she was not even thinking of the consequences to the people that were in front of her, Blaine and Elliott. Everything happened way too fast for her process it as Kitty unleashed her holy beam onto Elliott. Rationality hit in as her idiotic heart and foolish actions were leading to something that would be unforgettable and unforgiveable.
Blaine's readying himself, he doesn't want Elliott to feel the searing pain of holy magic, however something solid grabs him by the scruff of his neck, wraps a strong around around his shoulder and drags him to the side, near pushing him a good three feet away. Blaine lands in the ground in an uncoordinated heap as he hasn't been expecting it and the worst thing imaginable flashes in front of his eyes as the bright light overtakes everything, engulfing Elliott. Blaine shouts but he can't hear himself scream out Elliott's name. When the light is gone, Blaine scrambles up on his feet and runs to his partner's side. He skids on his knees and holds Elliott. "Elliott. Oh my--aether, no, no..." Blaine tucks his head in and can't help but tear up.
Elliott sees the strong light out of Kitty's body. Spreading. There isn't anything he can imagine, how this would feel, what would happen to him. And he is terrified but he is glad he did have time to move Blaine out of the way. This couldn't be good. His eyes are almost blinded and there isn't really time to react, the holy magic hits him. If he could think that time he felt intense physical pain when he was stabbed, it wasn't even comprable to what this was. There weren't words to describe it, it was like burning through inside out, as if his body could practically break in thousand pieces. And it drains him. There isn't strength in him, and he lets out a scream that makes his whole body tremble as he falls to the floor unconcious.
Her light was dazzling and blinding but how was it deadly and destructive. Tina watches in utter horror paralysed by Elliott's deafening scream, a scream that makes her blood turn cold. The scream echoes within her as flashes of other deadly screams play back fast: Blaine's from the number times she bares witness to him hurt, her own scream as she stands and watching as the moments unfurl. Her mother's own heart wrenching scream watching as her father falls hurt from the Pagan. Each times the moment plays the same: a scream, the one she cares about hurt and Tina Cohen-Chang only every standing there. Right now, the moment plays the same, all she does it stand there doing nothing, the only thing that tears this moment apart, Tina had made a choice. But her head becomes a furry between the logical, rationality and reason against complex emotions that dwell in her heart. How could the tech witch dare say she chose her heart when the sight of her the people she cares for most in the world, the two she would call her heart, she had broken and turn against? How could she say she thought with her heart? Elliott falls. Blaine to his side. Kitty is faint. And Tina does nothing. A choice was made with consequences that will last, unforgivable: making ties she once considered to be unbreakable cut and undone. There would be no coming back from this one.   
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hautekurture · 5 years
[para] the one i want
characters → @hautekurture​, @happilyeveranders, and a special cameo.
location → nyc, ny.
timeframe → february 14, 2019 
summary → kurt celebrates a stereotypical romcom valentine’s day with blaine, leading to unexpected results.
notes → mentions of parental death, body horror, dysphoria.
Blaine smiles as he places his card on the bill, his eyes never leaving Kurt’s face as they finish their dinner. His boyfriend looks extra wonderful tonight, and Blaine’s happy to see he wasn’t the only one looking forward to St. Valentine’s Day. Everyone complains about it being overproduced, but it’s no different than any other holiday, Blaine thinks. What’s special is how Blaine celebrates it. He reaches over to clasp Kurt’s hand, which he sees, has the decorative ring Blaine gave him over Kurt’s birthday. “Shall we head back to campus?” Blaine says, checking his watch. There’s one more gift Blaine has planned for Kurt, and he can’t wait to see Kurt’s face when he sees it.
Kurt pulled over his black PS Paul Smith breasted overcoat over his patterned Givenchy white shirt. The thorny pattern covered well by the simple jacket, and Kurt swung his colorful Alexander McQueen printed pants over to get up. “Why not,” said Kurt. He smiled at Blaine’s watch checking. Another gift? The Valentine’s Day date was romcom trash involving an Old Hollywood movie, another trip to the Empire State Building, and this fancy dinner. It wasn’t bad however. Although Kurt’s hands were freezing in his Fendi Karl Gloves, holding Blaine’s similarly gloved hand as they strolled back to campus made the cold winds bearable.
By the time they were at Sciron Square, Kurt was feeling the playful mood, which was a stark difference whenever he saw the emptying dormitories day by day. Flipping his Offwhite Intarsia scarf out of the way, when Blaine opened the door for him and Kurt followed him to the lobby of the dorm, Kurt too had a very intense itch to put his hands on his boyfriend. He initiated by wrapping his arm around Blaine’s shoulder to pull him into a short kiss. Stranger was the occasion with Kurt wanting more than the first touch.
Blaine is bouncing in the inside stepping into Sciron Square. The reservations have gone perfectly all throughout the night, and the special gift for Kurt, Blaine has agonized over in getting it down without any problem -- and Blaine hopes everything’s in place. These worries leave momentarily when he feels the solid push of Kurt’s fingers on him, and the addicting feel of Kurt’s soft lips. “Mm,” Blaine hums, instantly closing his eyes and sinking into the gentle intimacy of their kiss. Kurt’s a bit different tonight, bolder, and whilst Blaine would have already been loosening his tie eagerly, he can’t tonight. “Mnhey, hey-- Kurt, not here. We have to get to your room. I have a special present for you back at your place.”
“Yes you do, babe,” Kurt whispered back. His interest was piqued by Blaine’s insistence they go to Kurt’s dormitory. Maybe tonight they’d cross all the bases? Kurt hadn’t been thinking about his nights with Blaine in the fore front of his mind since there were so many other things to worry about instead of whether or not Blaine would let him, however the proposition wasn’t something Kurt was going to decline. He followed Blaine beyond the lobby however seeing the back of his boyfriend’s head had Kurt already missing touch. “Your jacket’s too bulky. I wish I had picked out something different,” Kurt muttered, spinning Blaine around and nudging him to the wall of his floor’s hallway. Someone was off in the distance however Kurt was sure the person would slink into their room. He was unbuttoning some of the toggle loops on Blaine’s coat.
Blaine doesn’t get embarrassed with public displays of affection, in fact, it’s where he feels no shame at all but this is not the time. He sees the person in the hallway and notices the baseball cap. Oh, Aether. “Kurt, Kurt! Wait, ah, not here!” Blaine whispers and gently pushes Kurt off of him, though he really likes kisses near his ears. The figure grunts and Blaine slides out to the side, launching toward the person in the hallway with a hand out. “Mr... Mr. Hummel! Good evening, thank you for being here.” Blaine shakes Kurt’s father’s hand, keeping his head down since he’s one-hundred percent certain Mr. Hummel wasn’t expecting seeing Blaine and Kurt in the middle of what Blaine would say is a “frisk.”
Kurt’s eyes widened when he realized why Blaine pulled away. He was face-to-face with his dad in the flesh. “Hi Kurt,” Burt said looking embarrassed. 
“Dad,” Kurt said and then in an exasperated tone, “Blaine.”  Blaine, what the fuck.
Blaine knows that tone. “Sorry! I saw there was a discount on plane tickets and I’m so, so sorry to have kept this from you! But I saw how you don’t get to see your dad a lot and I thought this would be a good time! Mr. Hummel said it was okay!”
Kurt said again, “Blaine.” Blaine, what the fuck. I’m going to die of embarrassment.
Blaine is immediately hit by Kurt’s stare and feels the pressure. Kurt’s probably not the happiest with him but Blaine asks for forgiveness by holding Kurt’s hands and kisses him on the cheek in a G-rated manner as Mr. Hummel is there. It’s now time to escape this situation, quick, just get out of there! “Okay, I’ll be heading out, happy Valentine’s, have a good night with your daddy, Kurt! Bye! Love you!” Blaine fumbles his words and rushes it out of there.
Kurt wound around to yell at Blaine’s retreating back, “Oh my god, just go! People can hear what you’re saying! Why are you like this?!” Blaine was gone by the time Kurt finished his sentence and Kurt groaned, slapping a hand over his eyes. He felt a flush over his face and not the good kind when Blaine was being cute and Kurt couldn’t handle it. Burt was chuckling and Kurt hated this night even more. “Hiya, Dad. Sorry about that. Oh my god. He’s just... ridiculous.” Kurt muttered as he lead his dad to his room.
Once inside, Burt spoke in his simple twang. “He’s a nice boy. Real good to you, it seems like. He showed me by booking the flight, the hotel, and even writing me an itinerary for the type of eats I like in this big city.” Burt took a seat on Kurt’s chair, and Kurt was preparing some tea for them both. 
Just like Blaine to go the extra mile. Kurt shrugged though he was pleased to know Blaine had been accommodating to his dad.
“Was... Carole ok with this? It’s Valentine’s,” Kurt still found it awkward to talk about his dad’s girlfriend who was Finn’s mom. It’s because I only see her like two times a year. I don’t know what she’s like at all. Kurt poured the two cups of tea and passed the mug to his dad. Burt sipped it slow. 
“She was the one who told me to go for it! She knows how much I miss ya, and while you and Finn don’t text us back much, she knows she gets to see him easy and I ain’t got that.” Burt patted Kurt on the arm and Kurt smiled.
“Sorry, Dad. It’s been weird,” Kurt said. He didn’t know how to say more. He didn’t want to freak his dad out with what was going on with his body. The flowers and vines growing out of his skin.
“S’alright. I bet. Carole fills me onnit. Scary things that I don’t get, but the world’s becoming scarier the second. ‘M glad to have her to keep updated with what might happen to you, son.” 
Kurt took the seat next to his dad and sipped his drink too. It was soothing to have this night chat with tea with his dad. It made Kurt think of the past. He fought back a watery smile. “Even if you’re a common?” Kurt realized late he said common instead of human.
Burt chuckled. “She says the authorities won’t know. She got some privileges and pulled some strings so I should be fine. No MIB memory zappin’ here.”
So the cops are corrupt no matter who they are. I guess it’s not bad to have her on our side though. Kurt hummed behind his cup to acknowledge his dad’s statement.
“Y’know, she’ll be here up tomorrow, and I’m going to be with her... You and Finn, try to find some time this week, yeah? We should all go have dinner together, like at one of ‘em family places,” Burt suggested.
Kurt put his mug down and wiped at his mouth with a napkin.
“Kurt, I know when you’re angry,” said his dad. Kurt froze mid-wipe. 
“I know it’s been a long time since your mom passed. Long time since we ever talked about it.” 
Don’t. Please don’t talk about her. Kurt shook his head and forced a smile. He knew he would only make his dad sad if he got bitter about a non-relationship he had with his mother. That’s on me. It’s not on Dad or... even Mom.
“No, I’ll give Carole a chance. It’s not about Mom. I didn’t know Mom.” Kurt admitted and he saw how his dad’s eyes twitched with incoming tears. “I don’t know if I’ll know... how to act around Carole because of it.” Kurt’s fingers circled around his cup. “But she’s nice. I know you wouldn’t like anyone if they weren’t good people.”
Burt nodded. “I think she’s the best and don’t know how she doesn’t think a balding man like me is the pits--”
“Dad, come on--”
“I wanna ask you to give her a chance to be more than just my girlfriend, Kurt. When she’s coming up, I’m... uh. Going for it.” He pulled out a box from his pocket. Kurt felt his insides get cold.
Ah there it is. The punch. Straight into my gut. No minced words. You taught me that, Dad.
Both Hummel men sat at the table with their teas cooling. Finally Kurt spoke up.
“Do you think you love her, Dad? No BS?”
“No BS, Kurt. She makes me feel the happiest I’ve ever been. I want to show her I’m for her as she’s for me, son. love her.” 
Kurt saw the determination in his dad’s eyes and couldn’t get mad at that. I can’t. Dad deserves to be happy.
“What about Blaine?” Burt asked. Kurt wasn’t expecting the question back. 
How do I feel with Blaine? He drives me nuts. He’s doing these extra, very him things for me which he doesn’t need to waste his time, energy, or care on however naturally he does it, every single day, unflinchingly. He makes me laugh hard enough to cry. And cry hard enough to laugh. However...
Kurt’s mind drew up Blaine’s face next to him in sleep and it warmed up Kurt right from his chest, driving all the cold out he had felt. He makes me the most I’ve ever been. Angry. Sad. Surprised. Wanting. Before him, I don’t know if I felt... The happiest I’ve ever been. 
Kurt didn’t say anything. If Burt was indeed his dad he would know what Kurt was feeling. 
“Is what you felt with Mom the same as you feel with Carole now?”
His dad’s face changed. “I don’t know. Elizabeth was... she’s different. I love her, but it’s not the same as I love Carole. I’m sorry, son.”
Kurt nodded though he didn’t know what he was appearing to agree to. He knew he wanted his Dad to move on. However there was the underlying shadow. The fickleness of the heart. Is there such a thing as a one true love.
Pushing his cup aside, Kurt went to give his dad a hug. “Don’t be sorry, Dad. I’m happy for you. Honest. Hope the proposal goes well. We should all have a family dinner together. I’ll ask Finn. I’m sure... I’m sure Mom would be happy to see you move on.” Kurt hated to pretend to know how a dead woman felt. 
“Thank you, Kurt.”
His dad hugged him back and the two Hummel men sat there, both of their hearts simultaneously lightened and burdened with their relationships, new and old.
6 notes · View notes
trickstersantana · 5 years
[PARA] Doubt truth to be a liar
Who: Santana, @alyricalberry @hautekurture @happilyeveranders and Isabel. Location: A creepy abandoment building at New York. Time: 9 February 2019 Summary: Santana asked her friends for help to get a book from an old acquitance of her, by force. They are as distrustful of their adversary, but they are also distrutful of Santana. Is she hiding something, or is she hiding everything? Triggers/Notes: Violence, death, murder, shooting, guns, PTSD, trauma
Santana was dressed with sports clothes so her bringing a baseball bat didn't look as strange. It was just a woman going to play some baseball, should be what people though, with her boob cap and ponytail.  She was out in New York, thanks to Elliott secret illegal teletransportation powers. She left him way behind to do whatever he wanted to do, and walked to her meeting point with Kurt and Rachel. She was more than nervous. Holy shit, this fucking day decides everything. But what the fuck am I doing? She wonders, even when she really can't find any other way to solve this. "Yo! Ready for the game?" She asks the others when she sees them, trying not to stutter or shake too much.  There was supposed to be that 'no talking magic around commons' and also 'don't talk about criminal activity around people. "Alright, first of all, thank you so much for this and I owe you a big one. Now, our adversary is an expert manipulator. She would be like 'I don't want to fight let's talk' but that's how she gets to you. That's her power." She says, with a tone that indicates it was literally a power. "A conversation with her and she gots you trapped on her spiderweb."
Kurt wasn't necessarily pleased to go manhunting. The term made him cringe in fact. Not only that, bringing Rachel Berry along only furthered Kurt's limit of patience to fulfill Santana's favor. Do I tell Berry or not? In the end, Kurt chose not to disclose the information in case Rachel told her grandparents or something. It's not that Kurt didn't trust Rachel however why call red blood orange? He didn't trust Rachel. He asked her for the day out, and dressed in a wine-coloed Gucci gg logo turtleneck sweater, black Bed J.W. Ford wool trousers, distressed silver Marsèll platform boots, and a brown-black plaid Calvin Klein double breasted coat. Kurt topped it of with a warm red-black dye patterned merino wool scarf from Matthew Miller, and brought his messenger bag with his personal objects. Some hand cream, a small sketchbook for ideas, and his blunt-tipped sai.  It was cold as hell in New York, and Kurt's teeth chattered enough for his disgust so he kept tight-lipped the walk over with Rachel. He only answered questions vaguely until he saw Santana with her bat. He smirked to the side of his mouth because of the ridiculousness of her outfit, until she downright said it out loud. "Who is this? Some person you  pissed off before NYADA?" He asked.
Rachel wasn’t sure what to make of this favour Santana asked of her. She knew that deep down it probably wasn’t a good idea to go into it blindly, but also something made her want to help Santana. She was slightly nervous when Kurt asked her to go out for the day. But she figured maybe she could slip away and help Santana and get back to Kurt before the day was up. However, he wouldn’t tell her where he was going, which made her plans slightly difficult. But then they both ran into Santana, and Rachel realised that Kurt was also meeting Santana. “Are we both helping you out with this?” She asked, slightly confused. “And how are we supposed to fight her properly if she can manipulate us so easily?” She asked
Santana looked at Kurt trying to hide her fear. "Ha...honestly, yes." She nodded to Rachel. "Yeah, why just 2 when 3 is more...mmm, secure. I mean, I have chances of winning alone. Slight, yeah, but it's possible. But with the three of us and if we strategize well, there is no way we can lose." She says, not sounding really sure of herself. If all depend on what would Kurt and Rachel chose to do. And whatever her 'mom' will say to them. She hands the baseball to Rachel. "Just don't engage with her on a conversation. We go, we fight, we take the book , and then we left." She says, still trembling. She hopes they think is for the cold. "Follow me." She says, while trying to get close to the part of the city where she told her 'mom' to met.
Kurt flipped his head to look at Rachel and Santana. Rachel is in this too? And Santana didn't tell me. What. Kurt narrowed his eyes, not sure of how to feel about this situation. If this is a big favor why bring Rachel? What's Santana's deal with her. Kurt crossed his arms and listened to Santana's lack of a battle plan. "How do you know where she is?" Kurt asked, following Santana. He glanced around to check for anyone following them for good measure.
Rachel took the baseball bat and looked at it. She wasn’t sure what she was going to accomplish with it but she could figure it out? “So... basically we’re going to wing it?” She said as she started walking with them. “Tell me we’re meeting her somewhere we can use our... skills?” She asked Santana.
Santana thought Kurt was asking too many questions and she knows answering this one will just make more questions pop up. "I have my ways." She says, recolocating her cap for additional effect of looking cool and mysterious. "We are going to ambush it, more like it. And, we can, no one else would see us. You are more of a... luck charm" She says, looking back to smile at Rachel. "That's why you get the bat." When they walked for a while to a seemly deserted and pretty creepy part full of abandoned buildings, Santana points at one. "She is in there. First floor, or you know, 0 floor, whatever americans call it. Get ready. You guys don't need to be nervous about this." She said, very clearly nervous about this.
Kurt wrinkled his nose at Santana's offhand reply. "This sounds like you're pulling stuff out of your pocketless jeans." Kurt voiced, not buying it. "How would we know she's alone? It doesn't sound like you've properly tracked her movements. Shouldn't me and Rachel actually know what kind of person we're supposed to be even ambushing? There's no description of the person except she's a woman." When they got to the place, Kurt eyed around incredulously and crossed his arms. He stood his ground and whispered in case Santana was right about people around. "This doesn't seem like an ambush as it does going in blind." Although Santana's aura was always there, this time something felt off. "You're not telling us everything. Or anything in fact." He said sharply.
Rachel bit her lip. “I don’t really know how much my luck can help. I told you that,” she told Santana. She listened to Kurt and nodded along. She was glad he was along. She wasn’t the best at figuring out how to properly... ambush someone. Kurt seemed to be good at thinking it through, at least. “I agree with Kurt. What are we even trying to accomplish? What is this person’s fighting style like?” She asked. “Also this place is really creepy. Why do these things always take place in creepy buildings?”
Santana wonders why the hell she decided to bring Kurt of all people, the only person who wasn't a fucking dumbass on campus. What, since when we have to share things before going to beat up someone? She tries to breathe. "I would never have pocketless jeans because those are a treason to pants." She smiles at Kurt like 'Fuck, I actually didn't think of that but I really hope she is.' "She's probably alone." She doubts if to tell them the truth or not. "Alright, alright. I know she is probably alone because she doesn't know people in here." She pretends to get a picture for her pocket pants, as they should always have pockets, and showed them a illuion picture of the woman. "This is her." She sighs at Kurt being Logical and tried to see how to explain it without telling too much. "Alright, let's say she is like me. She is really good at close combat with her bare first and also she is very good with weapons. But she isn't as good at the start of a fight. If it gets too long, she would definitivelly win, though." She looks at the creepy place she herself chosed, but then she noticed someone calling her from behind.
Blaine's wandering through the vagrant streets, keeping his bag close and eyes darting around. Does he look like an overprivileged white-passing heir to a billion dollar* family fortune obviously out of place and knows he's out of place? Blaine puts on a smile, in hopes it will make him look less like an easy target to rob, murder, and bury under a building. It doesn't help much! Breath catching on every corner he turns, Blaine's so thankful when he sees the familiar outfit -- Kurt first, as his fashion choices tend to strike the eye, followed by Santana, and then... is that Rachel? Blaine's confused by how she looks, as she's not dressed how she is normally. Is this the makeover she went through? "Santana! Hey!" Blaine calls out, waving his arms. His voice carries through the abandoned street. He runs up to the them, panic subsiding as he greets everyone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I found you guys. I was lost, so I asked these homeless--wait, I shouldn't presume they are homeless, though they had a sign saying they needed spare change--and they led me here because the directions you gave me weren't detailed, Santana! Then I felt bad I took them someplace far from their spots, so I actually went to have brunch with them and gave them two hundred dollars each, but now I'm out of bus money and there's no portals around here." Blaine explains in a mile a minute, drifting over to Kurt and linking his arm with his boyfriend's. Wow. Instant security. "What's everyone here for? Are we all going to go fight an expert manipulator who we shouldn't take lightly?" Blaine looks over to Santana and grins, showing her he listened and studied on the material.
[*billion dollars converted from witch gold]
Kurt wasn't feeling comfortable with the plan Santana was making. "She's probably?" Kurt questioned. "Ok, she is like you, like how. Is she part of the group you were in?" Kurt was trying to put the pieces together. What kind of dirt do they have?  However, as Kurt was getting to something, everything flew out the window the second Blaine Anderson walked in. Kurt felt like he was having an out of body experience. Not only was Blaine yelling blew their supposed cover, but as Blaine explained his absurd entrance, Kurt looked at Santana like bitch really, Blaine? Out of everyone you call, Blaine? Kurt didn't want Blaine to get hurt. His boyfriend got hurt by an egg. "Santana didn't tell you we were coming, did she." Kurt asked Blaine. Naturally his arm went beyond the link to wrap around Blaine's body. This is getting dangerous now, Kurt thought.
“It appears Santana didn’t give anyone much information,” Rachel said. “It’s good to know what she looks like though. I think we can do this. I can use my sound barrier to protect us from her manipulation powers,” she suggested.
Santana can't fucking believe Blaine Anderson ends up coming. "Oh my, why don't you talk louder so you blew our whole surprise ambush?" She says, not so loud. "Alright, just, remember to not talk to her, alright Blaine? And do not fucking call the police. That's literally the worst thing you could do. Did you bring any weapon?" She looks at Kurt like Look, I was desperate and I actually didn't expect it to come at the end. "I didn't know he was coming to the end, because he was all like 'Nooo, Santana let's solve this by legal ways calling the police.' and then I was like 'Then if you don't want to help me, fine! Don't come.' And now we are here. So let's just fucking enter already!" She is getting more nervous. "I don't think you can actually use those, just swing that bat." She tells Rachel, just going for it and walking inside to enter the building. without answering any of the actual important questions "Follow me."
Blaine winces, realizing his mistake after the intros are said and done. Maybe this is why he's not good at field missions. He's not in the mind to go after a target. Refocusing himself, Blaine leans into Kurt's touch and hears the discussion around him. He feels like he's missing something; a lot of somethings, actually, but looking at Santana's face and hearing the tinge of impatience and jitters behind her words, Blaine knows there is no doubt there's something important here. He quietly lets Santana talk over him because he doesn't have in him to say he came only to supervise and to call the police if things go bad. He knows she's not supposed to be here, and with Kurt and Rachel now into the mix, there's a lot more to worry about. "Well, I know this is important to you, so let's do it. And guys! I'm an illusionist," in theory, "too! You can't use a sound barrier to protect from a trickster spirit's manipulation powers! It doesn't work that way." Blaine says. Santana's already going, therefore he nods and makes his way behind Santana's lead.
Kurt arched an eyebrow and looked at Santana like good job, you /really/ covered your bases with Blaine here. Since there was nothing Kurt could do to convince Blaine from following Santana like a lost sheep, he went behind Blaine. He dug one hand into his bag and hovered over the grip of one of his sai.
“You know I can heard you all from here, right?” A voice of a woman sounds from inside the building, looking to them a tired expression. She wears confortable winter clothes, and carries a backpack, an umbrella and a book under her arm. She seems to study the group, and then looks at Santana. “Santana.” She says with a firm voice. “You look different, but you didn’t change at all.” She sounds dissapointed, but not surprised. Then she looks at the rest and waved at them. “Hello everyone, did she forced you to come here, or did she lied to you?”
Santana enters the building, and sees her 'mom' already waiting for her. Looking at her with judgy eyes. “Shut up!” She says and pretends to get a gun from her backpack, that she illusions, obviosly. “Give me my book back and you won’t get hurt. We’re 4 against 1!”
Blaine says, "I'm sorry! We didn't mean to disturb you?" Blaine's voice warbles, and he sees a middle-aged woman in the middle of the abandoned, dark building. A small stream of cold February sunshine, greyed by the clouds covering it, doesn't illuminate the situation at hand. "Santana?!" Blaine reacts when he sees her drawing guns. They have to be an illusion, right? Blaine's unsure, already the moment has gone from an one to a hundred, and it feels like he's in a standoff rather than trying to calmly persuade this woman to give back Santana's book. "Look, madam, um... We don't want to hurt you, please give back our friend's book! She needs it for...." Blaine trails off. What does Santana need it for?
Kurt drew his sai and held his ground when the woman spoke. "She didn't tell us everything. Like you aren't. Who are you?" Kurt was pressed to admit the woman had a point. Santana had pulled out her weapons now. Kurt had remembered she was a force to be reckoned with, however he also had the feeling he and Blaine and Berry were being used. "Why are you here?" Kurt asked. It makes no sense she's just hiding out in this abandoned building alone with no shelter.
Rachel shuddered as they walked into the building. She’d gotten used to Santana’s trickster aura enough that she wasn’t sharply aware of it whenever she was around her. But now... she had a very sharp feeling crawling down her spine. Something was wrong. That’s how she knew that whoever Santana wanted them to fight was here. She raised her bat when they caught sight if the woman, trying to look threatening (though she had a feeling that might fail. Maybe it was better to leave it to Kurt to do the tough talking). “We’re here because we want to help our friend,” she told the woman. “And we’re ready to take the book back if we have to. Or you could just give it to us so we could avoid a fight,” she said hopefully.
The woman raises an eyebrow to Santana, and thats as far as she shows to her reaction to a gun. Mildly annoyance. “I was going to give it to Oliver, like we agreed to, Santana.” She looked at the group, talking. “You don’t need to apologize, sweetheart.” She says with a supiciously try of a warm smile. It was a smile that says it was all according to plan. “Why do you need the book for, Santana? Why don’t you tell your friends?” She looks at Kurt, studying him before answering. “The name is Isabel. I’m Santana’s acquitance. I’m here because Santana lied to me, as she did to all of you. And you believed this would work...” She shows the book, an edition of Hamlet. “If you want it so bad, why don’t you tell us why do you want it?”
Santana shoots her gun at the woman. “I said don’t talk with her! Fucking liar!” She said annoyed. “We didn’t agree to anything! Stop saying bullshit! You know I’m being blackmailed to get that book, so fucking give it to me.” She says, while shooting. 
1d7 Santana attack = (7) = 7
1d5 Isabel counter = (5) = 5
Blaine doesn't like the way Isabel smiled at him. It felt like... Grandmother. He immediately distrusts her, and steps back, already fearing the magic she could unleash.  "San--" he starts but jumps away at the sound of the gun firing. It's so close and feels so real, Blaine freezes for a moment as he processes through the chilling sound. Working through the trauma, Blaine knows he has to de-escalate the situation. "Santana! Stop! I have an edition of Hamlet if you want it! It's annotated but you can turn the annotations off! It's magic! Figuratively speaking on the work of the playwright, William Shakespeare, and also literally due to the alteration spell on the book! You can have my book!!" Blaine shouts, taking cover behind a overturned dining room table with rotted off legs.  "It's a really good story about family and betrayal!!!"
Kurt wanted to get more information. "Who is Oliver? And if Santana won't tell us, how about you." Kurt was getting annoyed of the double-speak happening from both Isabel and Santana. What is up with this cryptic bullshit? I hate rubik's cubes. However Santana started shooting up the building. "Santana! What the hell!" Kurt shouted. It was hard to hear anything with Blaine screaming about the magic of literature and the gunshots going off.
Isabel tries to dodge the guns. “Stop it. You’re scaring your friend.” She commanded, with a cold anger, and tries to answer the boy asking him things. “I would love to tell you everything if you would as so kindly stop this.” She talks over the sounds of shooting, pointing at Santana with her illusion gun. 
Santana keeps shooting. “Blaine just attack her with whatever! Throw her a rock or something! I don’t care about the fucking Hamlet! That one book is something really special and personal for the one blackmailing me, that’s Oliver! It has to be that fucking book! Now stop asking her questions! You are making her more powerful!” She shouted, and keep attacking, not letting her talk. 
Blaine is quietly freaking out behind the table, putting both hands up to his ears to block out the sound to no avail. Amidst the gun fighting, illusion or not, being in this situation is making Blaine feel physically sick and trapped. He throws a rock over his shoulder without properly aiming and it lands next to the table. "I can't concentrate on any spells!" Blaine says.
1d7 Santana attack = (7) = 7 1d6 Isabel counter = (4) = 4
Kurt saw Blaine being affected by the guns. "Stop shooting!" Kurt tried to grab Santana's arm. "She's not even shooting back." It was too suspicious. Kurt had a bad feeling in his gut. "What aren't you telling us?!" Kurt yelled before ditching her to get to the table behind Blaine. "Blaine, it's ok." He put his hands over Blaine's and brought them down so Blaine could hear him. "You can't see but she's not fighting back, I don't know why we're even here. I think this is an ambush on us instead. We need to get out of here." There's something fishy about this.
Rachel wasn’t quite sure what to do among the chaos of the shooting sounds. She looked at where Blaine was behind the table and wanted to help him but... she had to figure out what to do. She briefly debated whether to attack Isabel with the bat, but that seemed rash amid Santana’s words to stay away from her. And Kurt’s words got to her. Why wasn’t Isabel fighting back? She looked at Santana. “Are you sure there’s nothing you aren’t telling us Santana?” She asked, running her hands over the bat. She didn’t want to attack before she knew all the facts. Something felt off and Rachel wasn’t sure if it was the trickster auras or something else.
Santana throws her fake illusion gun away, and pretends to take a fake illusion knife from her backpack. “Guys, please, help me!” She begs, getting desperate. “That’s what she always do she seems like she is not going to hurt you and then she fucks you up!” She was feeling more alone in this fight. “What the fuck you want to know? She tried to kill me and she’s the reason I’m trapped at fucking NYADA and then she wants to ruin my life again by not giving me that book!” She says, throwing the knife at her ‘mom’. “I need this!” 
1d7 Santana attack = (7) = 7
1d7 Isabel counter = (4) = 4
Isabel tries to dodge the knife but fails. It seems to cut her arm a bit, and hurt her, but it doesn’t seem to matter to her. “I never tried to kill you, Santana. *You* are the reason you are there. The more you try to be human the more you get far away from humanity. Stop this senseless quest” She smiles, looking at the group’s reaction, like she already won, and then her smiles goes away for a more neutral expression. “That’s what’s this book is about. An endless bunch of senseless quests to reach humanity. That’s why you want it. The blackmail is a bad and excuse no one is buying.”
Blaine's head is hurting and he grips on Kurt's hand; it's his only anchor. He wants to help Santana, Blaine does, the desperation sounds so real, but she hasn't been telling them anything, and Isabel is. But Isabel isn't someone to be trusted either. The back and forth is stretching his thoughts like taffy. "What can I give you in exchange for the book?" Blaine asks, standing up from the cover of the table. He puts both his hands up to signify he has no weapons. "How much for the book?"
Rachel is having a hard time thinking. She’s trying to remember what Santana said about Isabel being a master manipulator. But then the auras are probably making her distrustful, but she knows she has to trust Santana. “Okay, okay. Yes, can we give you money for the book! I think between Blaine and I we have enough that we can make a deal,” she said to Isabel.
Kurt shook his head. "No one is paying anything! Blaine, we're leaving." Kurt grabbed his hand and gave Santana a look. "We are all leaving instead of getting ambushed!" Kurt wasn't going to put anyone in danger.  He was heading out. "Santana, come on!" He called out to her. "Get the book later! When we have an actual idea of what we're up against!"
Santana feels her world coming to an end when her ‘mom’ tells what the book is. “You’re lying! You can show them the book, it’s nothing like that!” She says, knowing only tricksters could see what the book was about. But Blaine and Rachel tried to offer money. She knows it wasn’t going to work. “Blaine, Rachel, please, attack her.” She asks again, more hopeless than ever. “Kurt! This is not a fucking ambush I know she won’t hurt you guys. But I know she has no problem in hurting me. Please. I can’t do this alone! I can’t get it later! Please I’ll do anything later just help me this once!”  She says, taking another illusory knife to throw. 
Santana attack  1d7  = (2) = 2 1d8 Isabel counter = (7) = 7
Isabel looks at the people offering money with a worried expression. “I’m not going to give any of you the book. You two are in danger. Santana is going to put you in danger.” She quickly runs close to Santana, and firmly grabs the wrist of the hand with the knife. “For the last time. Stop.” 
Rachel attack: 1d6  = (2) = 2 1d8 Isabel counter = (5) = 5
Kurt turned on his heel to see Rachel hitting the ground. "Hey, what the hell!" Kurt shouted and pulled out both sai. He wasn't going to hurt her as he would disarm and hold her.
Kurt attack:  1d8  = (7) = 7
1d8 Isabel counter = (4) = 4
Isabel was holding Santana's with one hand and with the other she was holding the book, but she has to stop grabbing the other woman and stepped down. "That hurt my arm, young man. You don't want to do this. You wanted to leave, didn't you? Not being involved in this."
Blaine's watching with helplessness as he tries to think of what he can do. His air magic isn't viable with everyone crowded so closely to Isabel, and his other skills, his illusions, aren't an option at all. He feels so helpless and bound, just watching, and says to Santana, seeing there's some opening. "She's hold down! Take her book, Santana!"
1d7 Santana tries to get the book = (1) = 1 1d8 Counter to Santana trying to get the book = (2) = 2
Santana runs to try to get the book.
Isabel kicks Santana without much strenght, with the confidence of someone who knows she is stronght enough and doesn't have to make an efford. "Aren't you guys ashamed of being 4 people attacking an old woman to steal from her?"
1d6 rachel trying to get the book = (6) = 6  1d8 Isabel counter against Rachel for getting the book = (7) = 7  
Rachel yelped as she was kicked to the floor by Isabel. Okay, that was a bad idea. She sees Santana try to grab the book and fail. She’s trying to figure out what to do. She just wants to get out of there so she can stop feeling so anxious. When Kurt attacks Isabel, Rachel sees an opening and lunges for the book, her hand touching it. “I have it! I got it,” she said breathlessly.
Isabel pushes Rachel away with the hand that holds the book.
Kurt saw his chance to continue pinning Isabel from fighting.  "Just give her the book," Kurt gritted through his teeth and held her from attacking.
Kurt  1d8  = (2) = 2 1d8 Isabel counter = (2) = 2
Isabel doesn't attack back but frees herself. "It's dangerous on her hands."
Blaine  1d6  = (2) = 2 Isabel counter 1d8  = (8) = 8
Blaine sees the struggle between everyone, and rushes to try to grab the book whilst Isabel is pinned, but his timing hasn't been the best. She's already free, and Blaine ends up swiping the air. "And it's not dangerous in yours, Madam?" He asks.
Isabel tries to get away from the group trying to get the book and punches the young man who they called Blaine away on the stomach.
Santana feels this is the last chance. But they are so close "Guys! Is now or never! If we don't get it now she is going to do a perfect illusion. Get it and run!" She says, trying to take the book.
1d7 Santana tries to get the book = (7) = 7 Isabel counter  1d8  = (6) = 6
Santana manages to get the book. "Got it! Let's run away guys!"
Isabel feels too many attacks at once. "God damn it..." She whispers when she saw the book out of her hands. "Santana! Give it back! I'm not letting you try to murder any more people."
Rachel let out a triumphant shout when she saw Santana had the book. She pushed herself up and went over to Blaine where she saw he’d been kicked. “Blaine are you okay? C’mon, we have to go.”
Kurt was about to break the woman's wrist when he saw Blaine get punched in the stomach. However Santana had gotten what she needed, and Kurt wasn't going to spend any longer in what he felt was a trap. He helped Blaine to his feet with Rachel and ran out the building. He had a lot of questions on his mind, and he wasn't going to rest until Santana answered them all.
Blaine doubles over at the punch. Who knew this woman had it in her? But then again, she was holding up quite well against four adults, so who's Blaine to judge? He rolls to the floor, clutching his stomach. This isn't an illusion, Blaine wheezes, and in a blink of an eye, Santana's got the book, Rachel and Kurt are picking him up, and they're scurrying out like thieves. They are thieves. And as Isabel shouts out "murder", Blaine looks back and wonders the truth behind that copy of Hamlet and he mouths, "I'm sorry," to Isabel right as they exit into the street and scatter like they planned.
Santana runs victorious with the book on her hands, smiling excited. She won. "Oliver is going to come here at 12pm if you want to get them, but this book is mine, mom!" She shouts, and leaves running away with the others .
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Welcome all, to the Commons Anime Club Maid Cafe ☕️🍰
Hope today is treating you well, lovely guest! For this upcoming club week, the Common Anime Club presents NYADA with its very own Maid Cafe!! A typical trope found in animes from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! to  Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de, Tokoyo Mew Mew, to name but a few!! 
So why don’t you come along and enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee served to perfection by our prim and proper butlers! Or perhaps you would prefer a cutely decorated dessert from one of our lovely maids. I, myself, shall also be a server for the day, with a special shout out to @happilyeveranders for offering his time to assist also. 
Though if you are attending please be aware of some basic customary rules for the maid cafe:
Do not touch the servers.
Do not ask the servers personal information or questions. 
Do not take photos of the servers, if you wish to too you may challenge a server to a game of their choosing.
You may post pictures of the food online, please use the hashtag #nyadaanimeclub
And that will be all. We shall be waiting for your arrival! 
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wingedfabray · 6 years
home isn’t a place, it’s a person
Tagging: @infinnite, @happilyeveranders, @hautekurture, @trickstersantana, @gotmattitude, @ryderreturns, Quinn Fabray, & Jenna When: Evening, July 3rd 2018 What: A team of intrepid rescuers breaks into Boreas Park room 122. Warnings: Spiders.
Quinn: You cannot go home when the word has no definition.
Quinn’s feet stumbled over chains, her hands catching on stone as she tried to keep herself upright. Breathless and aching, she huddled herself in the arms of one of the kinder angels, it’s face set in lined tears. Home. Just go home. Where was home.
She thought of Lake George, of the rolling, tree-covered hills; her father and his scotch; her sister and their matching Christmas socks. Always remember what the heart calls home.
“No, no no no.” She held her hands to her temples, fingers twisting into her hair and tugging. There was no path home, she couldn’t find it, she’d never find it.
Somewhere on the other side of the mists, Jenna was barking. Bounding around the room, tugging at Quinn’s sleeves. She scratched at the dorm room door furiously. If she could just make it through, if she could just wake Quinn up…
Ryder left for Boreas as soon as the birds returned to him with news. 'She's locked in her room. The dog was barking and scratching at the door.' Without a care about what people thought, Ryder left Sciron at a run, bounding down the stairs until he could leave behind the building. A few birds stuck by him, but he assured them he had it in hand. They had done great work. What he needed was to get to Jenna and get into that room. He shot off a voice message to text to Blaine with what he knew.
Blaine is putting up posters near Florence Farr. He's been at it all day, sweat having made the gel come loose near his temples and ears in the July heat, and he knows what he's doing is mad. However, if someone notices and tells Blaine everything's fine, Quinn's alright, those fonts are terrible, at least he's highlighting an issue and getting something done about it. Quinn Fabray isn't a ghost in his life. She's always been there for him. Blaine will do the same for her. It's as she has said to him, "Your friendship means worlds, galaxies, the stardust that spreads across the universe. You're not a plot point to me, Blaine Anderson. If I help you, it's because I wanted to, because it fit my own narrative." That's how he feels. He wants to be in her story, and he wants her in his. They will get to happily ever after together, even if their tales won't be the same. Blaine licks his dry top lip as he pastes another poster. Kurt's helping him. His back pocket buzzes.
Kurt had his own stack of flyers to hand out. He had told Blaine about the poor font choice and illegible descriptions, however Blaine had already printed out thousands of papers. There was no turning back. Kurt passed one flyer to a nearby student and explained the situation. He noticed how tense his own jaw got when he said Quinn Fabray might be missing. Kurt didn't want to know where she was. Were there monsters like Fuchs out there, free? Kurt didn't like Quinn. They never saw eye to eye. However Quinn Fabray didn't deserve faceless monsters to fight. She deserved a worthy match like him, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Done with his stack, Kurt noticed the vibration on Blaine's pants and pulled out the phone for him. "Message for you." Kurt said, giving the phone to Blaine.
Just as a student is leaving the dorm, Ryder slipped between the doors. If not for the birds, he wouldn't know what floor to go to. As it was, he wasn't positive on the door. But when he listened, he could hear the whining. Ryder let out a bark to let Jenna know he had arrived. Did people just not care when a dog whined in this fucking hall?? His last meeting with Jenna hadn't gone well, but he was past the full moon now. And she had to let him help.
Finn got the info from some girls at Boreas on where Quinn was boarded. He still felt like shit 'bout that god got swag comment. Maybe it truly wasn't funny. Maybe it was one o' those tastelost jokes his mom told him not to do 'round nice company. S'what Quinn was too. Nice company. Finn left the stairs to see some dude in front of Quinn's door. "Whoa dude, who are ya?" Finn asked.
Blaine's face says it all: we need to go. Now! He puts his posters on the nearby bench and grabs Kurt's hand. "Please be okay," Blaine mutters in a loop under his breath as he runs as hard as he can. He opens up a text, sends it to Matt, Santana, Hunter, everyone who knows about Quinn's missing whereabouts. We found Quinn, please get to Boreas Park. He doesn't know how he does it (Kurt probably has helped him), but they arrive to Boreas in record time. Breathing heavy, Blaine quickly explains to a passing student to open the door for him and Kurt, and they rush up to where Quinn's room is. "Ryder!" Blaine says, expecting him. "Finn...?!" Finn, not so much.
Ryder's brow furrowed as a guy surprisingly taller than him approached. He barked his name, shook his head, and then Blaine and Kurt were there. "We need to get inside. My spells to get past locks sucks. Jenna's panicking, says Quinn's there but gone. Keeps calling for help."
Kurt raised an eyebrow at seeing Finn among them. "Finn Hudson? Why are you... ok, so the dog is inside and so is Quinn. There aren't any lock magic on the door, is there?" Kurt walked over and wished he had taken his sai. He left them at his door in Sciron Square. He looked at Quinn's door. It looked normal. "We can break it."
Jenna yipped on the other side of the door, glancing back to Quinn slumped in the circle. She shoved her nose under the crack of the door and pulled in a breath, that typical dog thing that's probably hilarious in any other situation. Help, help, help, she whined, already relieved that someone was there, someone was trying to get in.
Ryder yipped, and barked back, "We will, we're coming!" His magic circle glowed blue around his wrist so he could keep communicating with Jenna. "Stand back, get back. We have to break the door."
Another day goes by and still, there's no sign of Quinn at Grim & War. Matt is on his way back to Sciron and he wonders if maybe he shouldn't actually be worried about her. Maybe this is her way to quit without quitting, if maybe she had just found a better job. A better school, even. Somewhere safer, where curses didn't come every other day. His thoughts drift eventually, until a text from Blaine sends a jolt through his chest. If she was safe, they wouldn't need him, would they? He goes into a jog and asks around Boreas for Quinn Fabray's room, but as it turns out, there's a sizeable, loud crowd outside her room already. "What the fuck's going on?" Was that guy barking? He ignored it. "Be careful with the door!  She could be in the way."
Finn knew a thing or two 'bout breaking things. Chairs, doors, expensive as fuck mirrors, hearts, all of it. "'K, I got this. Stand back!" Finn told everyone before he gave the door a running kick to dislodge the lock. He rammed his foot where the sweet spot was. The door was snapping. "Dudes! I need more power! Everyone come help push now!" Finn said to the lot.
Matt sighs. "Alright, I guess Avicenna can heal up some scratches if we hit her with the door," he says, and helps Finn push the door.
"Jenna, make sure you and Quinn are away from the door," Ryder calls again before adding his strength to pushing the door in.
Blaine winces at the sound of the wood breaking. This is NYADA property, but this is also Quinn Fabray. "Okay, let's!" Blaine rolls his sleeves up on his shirt and positions himself between the other students and the door. "On whose signal do we push?" Blaine calls out over the roll of bodies.
Kurt nodded at Matt's arrival, explaining to him quickly the situation at hand. "I'll stand watch," Kurt said. "You need one person to give passerby a death glare to keep moving, and none of you have glares down right." He watched as the boys pushed the door.
"On my signal! 3, 2, 1! Push it!" Finn yelled. He sent out his empathy out to all of 'em. << We can do this! You're strong. >> He ground his teeth and shoved as hard as he could until he felt the door give.
Blaine strains against the smooth wooden surface, feeling his shoes slip on the floors. The door's not budging; Blaine's not strong enough, isn't he? But the solid object pushing against his desperate fingertips relents, and Blaine feels himself inching forward. He feels rejuvenated, encouraged, and doubles his effort to push. He will pierce through the heavens if it means he can reach Quinn Fabray.
On Finn's signal, Matt pushes the door as hard as he can, and as he does the adrenaline must kick in, because there's a burst of energy, of strength that reminds him of fighting Yejun. Somewhere in the back of his mind he hopes he's able to catch himself when the door does give.
Kurt saw some random give them a weird, disgusted look. Normally Kurt would throw his eyes once for a flash of a second and be done with it. However today he felt powerful. He felt like telling the random person he would amount to nothing if he kept on focusing on other people's business instead of cleaning up his own life. Kurt told all of that with his eyes. The random student fled.
Once the door gives with a mighty crack, the intrepid rescuers find Quinn's dorm dark, save a circle of sigils glowing soft white on the ground. They look foreign starting large at the outer edge, shrinking in size with each circle inwards. At the center sits Quinn. She is slumped forward, her chin against her chest. hands limp in her lap. She does not respond to the crash of the door, nor to any of the voices around her. Jenna circles around the group, tugging against pant legs. Although she is unresponsive, her emotions run wild: fear, confusion, regret, and the tiniest bit of hope.
With so many others to crowd Quinn, people more qualified to heal, Ryder went to Jenna, kneeling down next to her and trying to keep her calm. "It's fine, it'll be fine," he murmurs.
"Fucking hell," Matt mutters when the door reveals Quinn. What the fuck kind of spell was she doing here? She doesn't look injured at a first glance, so he assumes this is the spell's doing, and for a fleeting moment he's frustrated at her for doing it alone.  He kneels down next to her, and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Quinn? Quinn, can you hear me?"
Finn tripped forward on his feet, almost landing into the floor. Thank fuck his arms were as long as his legs but a little shorter. Finn touched the floor and kept himself up. He saw Quinn in a ring of white circles and wondered what the fuck they meant. "What the hell, dude..." Finn said and looked at the girl in what looked like deep sleep. It was anything but that though. Finn felt her emotions hit him. Mixed with the surprise-fear combo the dudes were sportin', Quinn's emotions were higher range and stronger. Finn had to grab at his own arm to keep himself grounded in his own mind and body. This was next level shit. He had to control himself and not share it with the others. He wanted to reach out to Quinn but didn't trust his powers. He didn't want to hurt her. <<Quinn, we're here. We got you.>> Finn thought.
Blaine enters the room with the rest of the team, and his eyes widen at the magic ritual in front of him. Quinn is certainly in a trance, her body's folded into a mystical pose, and the thrumming power and light around her signals something that's still going. "She's still performing a spell," Blaine explains as he gets close to try to interpret the sigils. He cannot pronounce them for he hasn't learned, but Blaine can estimate with surety it's Enochian. He tells that to the others, right as Matt touches Quinn. "Woah! Careful there," Blaine advises, but Matt doesn't seem to be affected. Since Matt's closer, Blaine asks, "How's Quinn's breathing? Any abnormalities which stick out?"
Santana hoped Quinn was just doing one of her long away travels after breaking up with Hunter, and that was the reason she didn't saw her in the livestream. But Blaine's posters and conversation about it made her want to be sure everything was alright. Like the master (or mistress) illusionist she was, she arrived under Quinn's window unnoticed, and with the BSO of ocean's 8 playing in her head during it, she sneakyly opened the window and entered the room. She expected to find either Quinn there or some clue. Not a bunch of people that she has to explain why she entered by the...oh fuck Quinn's in the floor and weird magic is going on.  "What the fuck is going on here?" She asked everyone while analyzing the situation.
Quinn's chest rises and falls in an even rhythm. She does not react to Santana's super-villain, through-the-window entrance. Somewhere far off, there is some comfort. Quinn feels something like calm wash over her, allowing her to take a breath. Her hands unfold from her hair; the whispers are pushed to the background. A way home, a way home.
Blaine's eyes dart over to the window shimmying open to reveal Santana Lopez. "Santana! You made it! You saw my text!" Blaine exclaims, running over to help her through the window. He helps close the window again, in case there's a draft, or other people decide to look through to see why Quinn Fabray, esteemed bloodline witch, is in an unconscious state in the middle of her room with five guys. "Quinn's in mid-spell. It looks to be Enochian, but I can't understand the language." Blaine tells Santana. "What should we do? I think we should contact the hospital. The healers might know how to cure this. I fear if we try to intervene during Quinn's spell, there could be unintended consequences." Blaine returns to Quinn's side, looking at her face with concern. "Oh, Quinn. Come back." Blaine whispers; his chest tightens at seeing her unreadable face.
Ryder's brow furrows when Santana comes in through the window. Why didn't I think of coming in through the window? But his focus goes back to Blaine and Quinn as he explains the situation. "We shouldn't move her. Someone get Avicenna on the phone and get them here." Being in mid-spell, there were too many things that could go wrong. And then because he had nothing else to do, Ryder sent up a prayer to something he believed in: Quinn. "Come back, Q. Wherever you are, if you can hear this, come home," he thinks.
Santana reacts at Blaine's reaction nodding. "Yeah. I made it. I read the text. That's why I'm here" She didn't need help, she was a proffesional.  She though of what to do to help. "Queenie, if you can hear me... I'm going to throw a glass of water over your head so you wake up. So if you don't want to, you should wake up" She warned. "I also have my spider jar~"
Kurt interrupted Santana immediately. "You don't need to use a jar of spiders." He looked at their ragtag group with curiosity, wondering their reasons to check up on Quinn. Naturally, they cared about their friend. Kurt cared about his rivalry? Investment? Discussion partner? He needed Quinn safe regardless. "Yeah, call up the hospital. Quinn, if you can hear me, you're going to be so mortified at the bedlam this caused. I feel for you." He took a photo of the scene in case the hospital had questions.
Matt shakes his head in response to Blaine’s question. “I don’t see anything. Not aside from the obvious sitting unconscious in the middle of glowing sigils,” he says, and lets go of her shoulder, somehow still trying to catch her eye. When Santana breaks in he’s alarmed for a moment, until he sees it’s her. He nods vaguely towards her, and turns back to Quinn. “Come on, Quinn. You got all those books waiting for you to sort ‘em.” A faint smile crosses his face. Maybe she can hear them, somehow. “And us. Us too.” Getting up from his spot on the floor, he gives her shoulder one last reassuring squeeze. “I’ll call Avicenna,” he says, taking his phone out.
Finn let out a loud whoa at seeing Santana crawlin' in like Ninja Gaiden. 'Fuckin' Ryu-tana.' Finn thought. He let Blaine do his thing and tried not to look too annoyed when Blaine did his thing. Blaine thought he was so smart, showin' off. Finn stood awkwardly in the middle of the guys and felt their nervous energy bounce off of each other like it was a basketball. No net, tho. "She's not doing too hot, yea." Finn grunted. Quinn's emotions were still too powerful for him to try to block. But honestly? He didn't wanna block it. Nah. He found himself getting close and softly holding her shoulder, keeping her upright. If this was what his powers were supposed to do, then why was he runnin' away from that shit? << Q. I know you're scared. I know you're confused. I know you think you made a mistake. But s'ok. A mistake gives y'the chance to fix things. A mistake doesn't mean you're alone. We're here to help.>> Finn closed his eyes and allowed himself to send his calm into Quinn while receiving her anxieties back. <<Being scared doesn't make you lesser or greater than me. We're sharing this together. Come back, Q.>> He pulled his hand back, taking in a big breath. "If they ain't comin', I'll like carry her, I carry people all the time in our games. Coach says so."
Blaine nods at what Matt says. "Ah, no, Finn, it's not necessary," Blaine responds. Who knows what could happen should they force her body to move. He shares a glance with everyone, changing his expression so it's braver. "The best we can do is pray, hope, keep her in our thoughts. Look for spells to help someone home. I'm going to hit the books tonight, but if we find a way, let's tell each other, okay?" Blaine wrings his hands nervously when Matt's call goes through.
Quinn: You cannot go home when the word has no definition.
Her feet skid to a stop in the mist-covered landscape, gold and grey and black swirls up around her calves. Above her, Eistibus towers, what could be hands wrapping around a staff.
The word has no definition.
She stops thinking about Lake George, about her father and his Scotch, her mother standing in his shadow. It’s not about the tree-covered hills, or the water as the sun goes down. It’s not about the politics, or the games.
“I can hear you. I’m listening.” She repeats the words from earlier. And suddenly, she can. The whispers around her are cut by clear voices.
I’m going to throw a glass of water over your head.
You’ve got all those books waiting for you. 
Come back, Q. Come home.
I feel for you.
I know you’re scared, I know you’re confused. I know you think you made a mistake, but s’ok. We’re here to help.
Ahead of her, the mists glow a soft gold in color, every word another step. Oh. Home.
A team of Emergency Healers arrive to Boreas Park room 122 to find Quinn Fabray slumped in a circle of Enochian sigils, surrounded by friends. By a handful of the people who make up her home. It is ascertained that the circle invokes Astral Projection. An hour of carefully working through the connections in the sigils later finds Quinn on her way to Avicenna, still unconscious.
The sigils still glow on her dorm room floor, but, just possibly, they seem to be growing fainter.
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gleerpconfessions · 7 years
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Lapi (@happilyeveranders) is the kindest, funniest, and most talented person i've ever met. They made me feel welcome when I never felt like I belonged in Glee RP, or even the GRPC. Blaine is so three dimensional. He can be silly, serious, loving, loathing, but always he is entertaining. I know that despite the hardships in their life, Lapi tries all that they can for the group in the limited time they have. You're amazing, Lapi. I love you!            
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timelessjesse · 5 years
happilyeveranders replied to your post: JESSE ST. JAMES OG 4 LYFE
You are such a spectacular character actor, Mr. ���������� ���� ����������.
Alas, you are indeed very right kind dude Blaine. I, Jesse St.James is such a spectacular character actor. 
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gotmattitude · 6 years
private message ✉️ blaine & matt
BLAINE: Hi Matt! Do you want to get some food with me? :)
MATT: hey dude, sorry for the late reply, hadn't been online in a while
MATT: but yeah, sure, i'd be down with that. you got anything in mind?
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solarmason-blog · 7 years
TEXT || BLAINSON || 2/11
BLAINE: Mason! Are you taking me up on my offer for those music lessons? ;D And… well, the music classes depend on what instrument you want to play.
MASON: what sort of instrument? Blaine be serious there's only one instrument I will ever play.
MASON: I can't believe you'd even ask that. Do you really think I'm that sort of person?
MASON: No, Blaine. I'm a one-fiddle man.
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ellnaturae · 7 years
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↳ INSTAGRAM: @ellnaturae uploaded a new photo
6 months together, and I hope many more to come. 
You make me feel free. I love you @adamkadabra​.
↳ 4255 LIKES, 449 COMMENTS:
View 449 comments
@dancingsnake: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my heart!!
@scaleddiva: Dude, bring him home, we need to tell him the embarrassing stories and all that!!
@happilyeveranders: @ellnaturae @adamkadabra OMA! 4k likes???? That’s #TrueLove right here. #nyadapride #LNwitchlove #lovetrumpshate #crying #beautiful
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↳ @happilyeveranders ✦ @alyricalberry ✦ @cohentoplaywithmagic
“ I’m not totally mad at you. I’m just sad. You’re all locked up in that little world of yours, and when I try knocking on the door, you just sort of look up for a second and go right back inside.-” haruki murakami, norwegian wood
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gotmattitude · 6 years
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Dear Matt,
Blessed be! Merry Yule and if you celebrate it, Christmas as well! Thank you very much for being at the Yulemas Party, and I hope you had a fun time! Regrettably, I think I partook too much in Finn’s libations and don’t remember most of it. :/ Anyway, it’s been a pleasure in getting to know you and I hope I’m not being too presumptuous in my gift-giving. I thought that these might be useful, as well as aesthetically-pleasing, and just wanted to share in the holiday cheer. :)
First of all, as a hoodoo practitioner, I’m sure that you have a lot of mojo bags at your arsenal, however in case you might be running out, I’ve some extras to refill the coffers. I’ve also got you an embassy pen, these things can withstand the test of time and then some. Near indestructible and there’s never a time that doesn’t need a pen. I hope you like the little pin badge! I thought it fitting.
Lastly, this handy chest should be a great accompaniment to any room. In case you need a bit more storage for all of your things. 
I hope you have a good winter break and I’ll see you next year! 
Yours Sincerely,
Blaine Devon Anderson.
[Aetherfuck. Matt takes one look at what might as well be considered furniture, and he’s sure that he’s either gained a rich-ass anonymous gift-giver, or this is Blaine’s gift. A smile tugs at his lips, and it’s weirdly amusing, but at the same time sort of endearing. This guy is almost too much. No, scratch that. He is absolutely too much, but not necessarily in a bad way. 
He opens the letter, and it’s confirmed. ‘Partook too much in Finn’s libations’ sure was a funny way of saying he got drunk off his ass, but Matt isn’t going to bring it up. Probably.
Pinning the little badge to his backpack, he runs his fingers over the fabric of the bags, and reminds himself to get some more herbs and oils for spells. The pen is dope, too, and he can never have too many places to store his shit. He can’t have everything in his grimoire all the time. This is all good stuff. Frankly, he didn’t even expect a gift, not after his “birthday” presents, but Blaine doesn’t even know him that well, and he still hit the nail on the head when it came to gifts. Twice. In a month.
This guy is unreal.]
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gotmattitude · 6 years
signs of life ❖ team LN
Matt: [As soon as the group closed the door to their private room in the Students Building, he got closer to Santana.] Alright, before we start going fucking crazy in here, we have to make sure Kurt is still alive. I say we let him know we have his mother plant, and that shit's getting real, but we're looking for him. And we'll take care of this little green fucker. [He stuck out his hand and looked around.] Deal?
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solarmason-blog · 7 years
???: Like this? ;)
???: Okay, it probably doesn’t make sense considering our last text message conversation but the “Like this? ;)” is a follow-up of the private message I sent to you on tumblr, the one where you asked me to text you.
[Mason stares at the message - with all the unknown numbers texting him nowadays, he truly doesn't know what to make of it. Then the next message comes in and he breathes a sigh of relief; he updates Blaine's contact info before replying.]
Mason: Blaine! Hi! Exactly like that ;)
Mason: first things first - I hope classes are going well for you & that you're getting settled into the new semester alright!
Mason: second things second, I'm gonna stop giving my things numbers.
Mason: you're Tina's best friend, right?
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