akioukun · 4 months
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The Archfae of the harvest comes home from another whisk around the mortal realm, returning to the arms of the banished ex-prince, Billy - Regalfae of the wild night, the moon, and intoxicated merriment.
A gift for the ever sweet and wonderful @whenyouwishuponastar7 as part of the Harringrove Corner Valentines Day Exchange!
Its been a hot minute since I’ve picked up my pen and made some art, so this was incredibly fun and relaxing to do!
Billy is a regalfae with moth and deep sea creature like features- he is associated with night-time trists and tomfoolery. In the early days he was also associated with teenagehood as it was a common occurance for that age to disappear into the night and get up to trouble.
Steve is an archfae with redsquirrel and seasonal shifts. As associated with the harvest, steve is also associated with change. With th e solstice and equinox, longest and shortest days he undergoes “shedding” of skin in reflection of harvest seasons. He may appear with features that are stag like, bear like, squirrel like or fox like depending on the moon and seasonal adjustments. As such, stories of a variety of strange creatures have been marked across the mortal world, none tying to eachother.
Happy Valentines day! 🥰
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