#hc. ellis cousland
xfindingtrouble · 1 year
song shuffle ellis for 4!
would like to point out that never love an anchor was the first option, but I've already broken it down here. i do believe that i may have talked about this song with you in regards to Kakashi? but it is integral to ellis' characterization. when he meets morrigan, he is not quite a whole person yet. neither is she. their love was a survival tactic, it wasn't love for the sake of love. they never learned to hold each other gently & that's why they couldn't have worked where they met in his timeline. later in life he marries @softersinned's astoria & he learns how to treat someone gently as she is someone who helped him grow while encouraging him to do so on his own. someone who was always going to be one of his forever people. but with morrigan it couldn't have worked in a way that would have been worth it. morrigan & ellis had chemistry but chemistry wasn't enough.
but since i had already broken down never love an anchor, i went ahead & shuffled again & ended up with brave as a noun - ajj which is actually one of my favorite songs of all time. i have it on ellis' playlist because i feel like it really hits the nail on the head about how he processes the world around him. he has wildly invasive thoughts revolving good & bad & he feeds both sides of himself. he wants to stay safe, remain where h& how he knows how he can function even if it isn't sustainable.
but he has hope that he can be something more, be a better person & comes to understand that he has to be the one to make that decision. he has to be the one to ' get the brains to get out of bed in the morning ' [ a line from the song ] but anyways i am gonna dive on into this because ajj is my all time fav & this is my favorite ajj song & it's off my favorite ajj album so applying it to ellis is just fucking sublime for me. it's so on point. like even the way it sounds, raw & a little shitty is reflective of the way his brain works. down to the patterns in the banjo & the emotion behind how the lyrics are presented. this song was one of the songs that shaped his concept.
I could go off the deep end I could kill all my best friends I could follow those stylish trends And God knows I could make amends
so ellis has always kind of walked the metaphorical line of what is 'too much ' if that makes sense? he was the second son of the couslands. he was the sheltered secondborn of an influential family. he was always swimming in a million ' what ifs' that were based on how he perceived stories & how he wanted to be perceived. he didn't have many expectations on his shoulders to ground him & so he sort of ran wild emotionally. he would throw fits, ruin friendships & partake in a thousand destructive & self-sabotaging behaviors growing up.
after the blight he expects to be a different person entirely... which he is, in a way. he's more tired, less patient but those habits & thought processes he developed as a child still linger. he still ends up in tears after a minor inconvenience & he's always terrified the people around him secretly hate him. only his sister & astoria are really able to ground him to any degree & even then he really cannot stand being that kind of burden to the people he loves. of course he learns how to cope with time & effort but for a long time he's really stuck in fight mode. for at least a couple years after the blights, going into awakening & witch hunt he's Deep In It & super easily triggered.
like he feels guilt surrounding it but he doesn't feel like he can make amends because his responses are genuine? like he is upset about how he treats the people around him, in any context whether it is positive or negative. but he isn't sorry for how he feels, in the same stride? it's almost like he feels sorry for existing in an interactive world. there'll be more on this bit later. also directly following the blight his sister, lily, is at her worst as well. she's younger than him, he feels the weight of her suffering on his shoulders. she kept him in line for the whole blight where he was constantly giving into this impulsive & often cruel part of himself. she kept him from becoming a monster & though they are technically both warden-commanders, he bears the brunt of the responsibility in the beginning of rebuilding ferelden's grey wardens. so again. there is no time to make amends or get closure. only to react.
But I’ve got an angry heart Filled with cancers and poppy tarts If this is how you folks make art It’s fucking depressing
of course, he's angry. how could he not be? he lost everything. i love exploring the thought of losing yourself & having to rebuild but this is such a big concept when it comes to ellis. he loses not only his family, his home, his known life... but he loses his idealism, his mind & his faith. plus ellis feels like he's lost his closest friend [ astoria, who he finds out has magical ability. he is afraid of mages / believed in a lot of anti-magic propaganda before the blight. ] anyways he's got this rage that's always on the tip of his tongue during the blight. he feels it in every heartbeat & it feels like a horrible disease. but he kinda likes it.
he likes the way his heart races when he starts to get a little scared. a little angry. it makes him feel horribly alive. if he weren't a rogue i would probably compare it to raging in dnd as a barbarian. he lovesss the adrenaline & cannot stop craving it. his overreactions distract him from having to react to these loses he's facing. there are a lot of people who try to tell him to temper his emotions, to tread a little more carefully. to that, he wonders how boring their lives must be without that horrible, wonderful feeling.
the feeling that all you have to lose is the body you exist in is very real for ellis. if not for lily & astoria being in their travel party he probably would have died much quicker, but they give him something to live for. even when he's not happy with them, they both remind him that he is a person outside of the gore. he still struggles thinking that other people do not react on the same level as him, though.
And it’s sad To know That we are not alone And it’s sad to know there’s no honest way out
he lamets over the connections he has to this world. whether it's lily, astoria, morrigan or any of the other friends he picks up on the way... he hates that they anchor him to his flesh. he would much rather crawl out of it or rot in the ground or whatever else can happen to his fragile body. he's soooo okay with dying. he's so into the idea of being thrown into a shallow grave & being forgotten. of course he fears it, but it's not the scariest thing on his plate at the time. but he is not okay with leaving his loved ones to fend for themselves, even as he has difficulties understanding how to maintain or fix those relationships. he still treasures them, deeply.
it's sad to know there is no dying on the end of a darkspawn's blade without affecting not only the people he has left, but also the potential outcome of the world. there are three grey wardens in ferelden, one of them is him, one of them is his sister & one of them is a king's bastard( & as far as ellis is concerned in the beginning, an oaf ). they don't know what will happen to Alistair by the end of it all, as he is a decent contender for king. if ellis were to die, that would leave lily as the single hope ferelden had of survival. he could never damn her to that fate.
I’m afraid to leave the house I’m as timid as a mouse I’m afraid if I go out, I’ll out wear my welcome
this sets up a perfect set one lines to dip into the next big arc of his life. after the blight, ellis is tired & half-mad. he perceives every threat that could be there, not always able to differentiate which ones are real & which ones are from his mind. when amaranthine is left in he & lily's care, it's like throwing salt in an open wound. he walks whalls that he had traveled once with his father, a constant reminder of a friend's betrayal. being in charge of rendon howe's estate really messes with his mind. during this time, lily is also Suffering intensely & can barely face the public let alone run anything. so ellis takes a lot of the responsibility.
but he is struggling too. man is paranoid & overactive to every little thing. if he see's a shadow dance in the corner of his eye he's sure it's a darkspawn. maybe it's the desire demon he let keep that man in the mage tower? maybe it's there for him next. he doesn't know but he thinks he knows. if this makes sense? this makes it hard for him to reach out to apologize, to process feelings. he lashes out often & usually walks away from emotionally intense situations in tears. so he often tries to avoid them altogether. he would rather exist as a myth, an idea [ which he doesn't like but is preferable ] than be seen or known to any degree.
he doesn't care so much about trying to temper himself as much as he cares about avoiding situations in the public altogether. especially since he has trouble feeling bad for his reactions, because again, they are genuine. when he's royally pissed off he feels that feeling in earnest. if he's hyperventilating in the throne room it's because he can't stop it. for as much as he hates to be seen, he hates trying to keep his emotions on any sort of leash either? which lends to this vicious cycle of ' please don't look at me, i can't hide, fucking stop looking at me ' if that makes sense?
I am not a courageous man I don’t have any big lasting plans ’m too cowardly to take a stand I wanna keep my nose clean
during this time he feels like he does not have it in him to seek the help he needs. he doesn't have the time. it's not that he doesn't have the support. in fact, he has the support of an entire [ mostly grateful ] nation. not even counting his new friends, surviving family, astoria or his recruits. he's constantly planning for a future he can't see. one he's not sure he'll be a part of, despite the fact that he is at the center of building it. though he is able to plan & navigate social niceties via letters [ not face-to-face. he actually often comes off as rude in social situations. he's generally unexpressive or too expressive if that makes sense? it's expanded a little more on one of his schizophrenia posts ]
but anyways despite him not feeling like he can be apart of what's to come [ though he will be & cannot see it ] he is afraid to stand up to certain parties. though this is a conversation for another day, ellis is very blatanlty anti-chantry. he loses his faith during the blight & is pretty open about it. it complicates things often so in a lot of other situations he tries to do what he's supposed to. even if he's not always good at it, he still tries to build this new & better reputation for the grey wardens. it doesn't really come together until lily & astoria act as buffers for the public in seperate ways.
astoria acts as an emotional buffer, as she is someone who takes the time to understand why he is like this. she is one of the only people he ever feels really knows him outside of his family. she helps support him when he needs support, though she is also balancing her own duties surrounding her homes at the same time. but anyways there are a lot of reputations outside of his own he has to consider & with him already being in bad standing with such a large power in ferelden, in contrast to the masses of people who have immortalized him as legend, he has to tread carefully where he is better at stomping if this makes sense? idk it is like 10am & i haven't slept yet but i had to finish this
And it’s sad To know That we’re not alone in this And it’s sad to know there’s no honest way out In this life we lead, we could conquer everything If we could just get the braves to get out of bed in the morning
again, reiterating the sentiment that the people in his life keep him in line. they keep the invasive thoughts from winning. it's hard to maintain his relationships while trying to balance his own shit, but they ever stop being important to him. he thinks about them in retrospect of every action,how the people he cares about may be affected by any destructive or self destructive thoughts. but if he can stay alive for them, why can't he stay alive for himself?
the first step he takes in healing & seeking help for this cycle he traps himself in is realizing he wants out of it. it's okay to ask for help, it's okay to rely on the people you love. but they cannot fix him. he has to want to heal & adapt himself. otherwise, he will weigh his loved ones down because he is not carrying any of the weight. he's hollowed himself out for so many causes that he decides to fill that space with someone better than he was. he just has to take that leap with his own two legs.
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elliscousland · 23 days
Tumblr media
carrd || playlist || pinterest || hc || meme
under heavy co. established march 2022, rebooted may 2024
ellis cousland, indie hero of ferelden feat. verses in bg3, dnd, crit role, tes & other fantasy media.
a study in: the unreliable narrator, a fluctuating sense of self, heroism despite your nature, building a new life, good & bad as shades of grey, the complications of fear, mental illness, legends as life, healing as a personal & interpersonal journey
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higheverlost · 2 years
google doc || art tag || hc tag || spotify || pinterest 
               affiliated with @ocousland    (   this means lily exists in ellis’ main verse,            unless explicitly plotted otherwise   )
I’m Emi / Xan, I’m 23 & go by any pronouns! most of my information / rules are on my google doc. This is an independent, slightly canon divergent, blog for the Hero of Ferelden from dragon age: origins. 
here are a few rules if you can’t see my doc right away!
due to the nature of the dragon age universe, this blog is 18+. No offense, I just would feel more comfortable knowing all of my followers are adults.  If anyone lies to me about their age, they will be immediately blocked. 
though there will be information regarding other characters in Ellis’ bio, I can change anything to fit your canon for your universe. 
I love other Cousland characters, HoF’s & everything in between. Don’t be shy, I love & prefer to plot. 
my bio is still under construction! i’m reworking some decisions, figuring out a solid timeline, so on & so forth. this blog is a little over a month old & there is a lot of development to be done
this blog will remain dash-only. i don’t like to update / maintain themes, but respect to people who do!
art of ellis was done by me unless stated otherwise. do not use any art i post here without my permission, though if you need something done I love drawing other characters! It’s also a great icebreaker if we haven’t spoken before 
be kind, remember we’re doing this for fun  &  bring good vibes only. 
this blog will focus a lot on dissecting ellis’ mental state / why he percieves the world as he does. there will be studies on mental illness & how trauma aggravates this. here are some of the most important hcs about his state of mind that give reference for how he perceives things ( general assessment, schizophrenia breakdown, about his journal )
other blogs: @boneswept ( domeric bolton ), @boywebbed ( peter parker )
thank you for checking out my blog!
       icons psd by @venuscommissions
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
i think, quite constantly, about ellis’ gnarly facial scar. it’s from training his mabari [ fergie ] because he insisted he could do it himself. entirely on his own. which he did, but at the cost of a few horrible injuries because fergie is slightly evil. ellis likes that in a hound, though. but anyways, thinking about him meeting someone several years after the blight. someone asking him if he got that scar from a darkspawn or some creature & ellis looking right at fergie, napping in the corner of the room. considers telling the truth for a second. chooses to instead spin a tale about the most horrible creature you can think of. the story changes every time he tells it & there are only a handful of people who know the real Lore [ astoria, lily, fergus, nathaniel just the people who Know Better ] 
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
okay so. rayne, fae & iseva are all apart of an independant canon from my novel that i do not have tumblr friendly pages for quite yet but i am thinking about them in my sleep deprived state. i’m thinking about them hard. i am going to put some universe / charatcer notes in a messy mess of a post for now because i can <3 
important note: the riders’ trials are something every dragon rider goes through. they bond with their dragon, who will be their companion until they are killed, the moment the dragon’s egg hatches. that being said, it takes about a year for the dragons to fully form their mind & thus their rider learns how to survive like them. iseva’s first impression of fae was via a dream right in the middle of fae’s trial, where she still wasn’t quite herself again. she was still wild & the first thing iseva saw was fae biting the head off of a desert rat which i think is soooo neat of her. so when i mention the trials, think ancient being with the potnetial for immeasurable power. but a toddler. 
iseva is an elf, in a world where all other mortals thought the elves were dead. i do not have the capacity to get into her entire story right now because there is so much that transpires but she is a dragon rider, bonded to nexus. her trials with nexus sort of reset her brain after dream walking takes it’s toll on her & makes her a little more wild. nexus is the youngest dragon & a little insane & their minds are linked so it’s a shared sentiment. iseva also has two tattoos on the palms of her hands to absorb & redistribute wounds. she often goes into battle without a weapon, instead opting to allow her enemies to do the work for her. [ ex, if someone stabs her in the stomach so long as she can make contact with their body & maintain touch long enough, she can transfer the wound back to them ] as a dragon rider, she has access to the well of magic in nexus & thus magic is not difficult for her. the first dragon attribute she acquires are a set of eyes that mirror nexus’ gaze.
fae was a dwarven princess until she was banished to the scorched desert above her kingdom. there is lore here between the dwarves & the dragons but the short version of it is that the dwarves nearly hunted the dragons into extinction [ & they think they did! ] & so the dragons cursed their lands with fire & drove them underground. fae was a horrible, spoiled brat before being banished to the desert & she wholeheartedly earned her damnation. she finds salvation in the dragon riders & her trial with her dragon companion, axis, humbles her. it gives her more appreciation for the world she lives in. but she’s still got pride like a motherfucker & often thinks she is right & has a lot of friends & enemies amongst the other riders. when iseva makes contact with her abt the looming threat of phaeries & undead & a world that was falling apart from the north southward, fae thinks the riders ought to get involved. meanwhile the other riders insist that they’ve only survived by maintaining anonymity... which is true, but some problems have to be faced. also she is covered in glittering gold scales 
ellis also has a role i am building for him in this universe where he travels with iseva after she flees the north. he falls in love with her but she is a lesbian, which he takes in stride. becomes the ultimate wingman. i’m thinking he might break some of the ice between fae & iseva??? idk it is all very vague right now. hey become close allies & closer friends over their travels. he also might end up being rayne’s brother. who knows
i am losing momentum here but rayne is from the family that fell in the beginning of the story & her arcs are in constant development. but as she is right now [ which is something tht changes on the daily ] , her family is dead & she is looking for retribution. she seeks it in magic [ which is very dangerous in this universe. magic overall will affect it’s users. elves turn to honeycomb, dragon riders grow scales & take on beastlike features & humans? well human magic is the most dangerous of all. it twists it’s user, horribly. think shadow people. man eating trees. zombies. thats what u can become. ] but a lot of her arc also has to do with navigating more political aspects of the world. she’s got all kinds of connections in the kingdoms, she’s got a friend in every corner & eventually allies herself with iseva as iseva tries to prepare the world for what could be it’s end. also she thinks she’s slick as fuck & her confidence gets her into a lot of trouble. 
also fae & iseva get married & will not die until they are killed. i would die for them.
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