#he was only meant to be a joke now i lovehim
vinnygordon · 2 years
You know what I don't feel great so y'all are subjected to my HLVRAI oc Dr. Core (He/They/it- may change).
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Art by Krimmins on Instagram.
Dr. Core isn't really tied down to one area of the facility due to his quite chaotic nature. Also due to them being somewhat immortal it seems that it's become a department wide experiment.
Mostly his role around the facility is to deal with radioactive material. With a seemingly lack of effects to the stuff but instead treats it like some kind of sugary treat hes very useful to quickly get some samples of the stuff (if they haven't eaten it already)
They're.... Not the smartest bulb out of the box. Fairly book smart but a negatives in things like common sense, graduating top of his class in Biochemistry and yet he will fall pray to the same joke over and over again.
His accent doesn't make things any better, an awful conglaboration of the entire UK merged into one hard to understand language. it seems completely incompetent with it plus their random dyed lab coats when in reality he quite is.
Whether the stuff happened in black Mesa was real or not core is the same ish. He's very very energetic and doesn't think twice before doing anything. Laughing and joking almost constantly even during rest time they have to be basically put to sleep for anyone to rest. They try tho, it's clear he cares about the rest. Although he simply isn't allowed a gun and instead wields Gordon's crowbar as a weapon.
While bullets can hurt and weaken him it's not as majorly so, normally he'd pass out completely from blood loss and come back crunching on the bullets with not bleeding gaping holes in its body until given a med kit or station.
If ai is real anytime he's left alone with his thoughts it's clear he knows he's AI. He knows this is just a game fairly early on... First to become aware fully really. And that terrifies them that they hide their feelings in jokes and chaotic behaviour.
Not a game au he's just very scared and again hides that in jokes, not so much scared of the aliens but of dying, of being alone. He doesn't know what can kill him and despite their damn reckless behaviour they don't want to find out.
Laws of physics doesn't exactly apply to Core. Being able to clip through walls (normally leads to him sprinting head first into a wall and losing more brain cells), of course his unnatural healing like ability he doesn't seem affected by much, the fact he can sometimes float or teleport.
If you're with him for more than a minute he will tell you the story of his shark tooth necklace he apparently beat a shark for... It's... Very clearly fake. But he believes it with his whole heart bless them.
Please keep core away from radioactive material. Please black Mesa is running out.
I have so much more on this dumbass he's my fav oc :))) also a Y2KVR version
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