#hearing thingold and the sons of feanor shouting at each other in my head
tathrin · 1 month
I deserve like seventeen cookies today, because my co-worked asked me "what the elvish homeland is called in Lord of the Rings" and I RESISTED GETTING INTO ALL OF THAT and from context clues figured out that the answer they were actually looking for was just "The Grey Havens" (which is one of the very few possible answers that isn't actually an answer to that question btw G.!) and I managed to only answer them with that information, and the supplemental details that the Grey Havens actually just lead to the place that could be called, among other things, Aman, the Blessed Realm, Valinor, and the Undying Lands instead of...you know...
Getting into all of that.
So yeah, clearly I'm a miracle worker and a saint and I'd like those cookies now please and thank you.
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