#hell viv can make non-canon content if she wants to. just because she makes content of the characters doesnt mean its canon
jinxed-sinner · 2 months
begging other aroacespec Alastor fans to stop acting like the aroacespec community is a monolith
Before I go any further this is a vent so please keep that in mind. Additionally this isn't targeted at anyone specific, I've been meaning to make my stance on this clear since I first got into Hazbin but anxiety's been kicking my ass. So fuck anxiety, I'm getting tired of implicitly being treated like I'm not aroacespec just because I ship Radioapple.
I've mentioned To Preen An Angel's Wings here a few times, but I am very much respecting Alastor's aroace identity while still making it a Radioapple fic because I'm using it as a way to explore my own identity as demiaroace. Hell, I even make it clear that I acknowledge that Alastor is aroace (I literally have Lucifer saying “I know [Alastor]’s not into romance or sex" in the first chapter, within the first 800 words even). Demiaroace is still aroacespec. Asexuality and aromanticism aren't a one-size-fits-all experience.
I still crave a romantic relationship, but due to a combination of social anxiety, being demiaroace, and just anxiety in general, I don't have that yet. My anxiety prevents me from getting to know anyone so I can form the connection required for me to feel attraction. Additionally I have a habit of purposely ignoring red flags in my friendships, which also makes me nervous about being in a romantic relationship. Me craving a romantic relationship doesn't suddenly make me not aroacespec. I'm still aroacespec. Hell, I'm even sex repulsed and think sex is gross but have a high sex drive. How does that happen? Your guess is as good as mine.
I genuinely don't know what it is about the Hazbin Hotel fandom, but I've never been in a fandom that gets this bad about respecting characters' canon sexual/romantic orientations to the point of harassing people over it or feeling the need to comment on everything that can potentially be read as ship, and I've been in both the Sonic and the Undertale fandoms. It's so fucking bad that I've genuinely questioned if some Hazbin fans have ever participated in fandom spaces before.
I'm not saying other aroace people can't project onto Alastor and I'm not saying people have to ship him with anyone; I am however saying that going after people who project onto him differently or going after people who do ship him is not fucking okay.
Act like a fucking adult. If you see something you don't like, just block it like an adult. Stop reminding people every time you see someone say "ship" and "Alastor" in the same post that Alastor's aroace. It's fucking exhausting to me, as someone who is aroacespec, to see other aroacespec people constantly remind others that Alastor's aroace. Nobody's forcing you to do anything, Vivziepop liking Radioapple doesn't mean it'll become canon or that she retconned Alastor being aroace, and fanfiction and fanart aren't canon. Additionally, people shipping something doesn't mean they want it to be canon. I ship Radioapple purely in fanfiction and fanart, I don't want it to be canon.
Grow up, be mature, stop reminding people Alastor's aroace every time a post can vaguely be read as shipping Alastor, for fuck's sake. If it bothers you that bad just block the person who posted it like a mature fucking adult. I will not be budging on this and if you try to start an argument with me about this I won't hesitate to block you because I'm sick of this
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Rewritten Alastor notes (TW: NSFL, Cannibalism, Vore, animal abuse)
This is unexpected I know, but I’m suffering from a major headache and I need something to do.
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Alastor the Radio Demon in my non-existent Hazbin repaint. Things he has in common with his canon self:
Human soul of a man who died in the 1930s. Was a cannibal in life.
Tried (and succeeded) to corrupt a bunch of lesser demons. 
Respected by the big-bads of Hell, like Valentino and Vox. Feared among them as well because he creeps even them out.
Deer + wendigo motif still very much still at play.
Still asexual, though I wouldn’t recommend putting him on any pride flags.
Gets along with Charlie and loves antagonizing Vaggie.
Treats Nifty and Husk as goons and/or pets.
His weird hair tufts emote along with him like ears. I don’t know if they are ears though. I think Viv has the right idea not confirming what the frack is up with his anatomy.
Can’t ever stop smiling. Ever. That aspect of Al’s design is something real special that I think Viv has the right idea implementing. A character who can not stop smiling makes for a lot of terrifying and hilarious reactions. Just look at Sans near eternal smile. 
Inexplicably likes pineapple pizza. Funny out-of-character gag.
Changes made to his character:
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I do not mind Hazbin being crass and vile and offensively-over the top as long as it has a good grasp on what the joke is (like Helluva Boss :>). My Hazbin thesis is that all of the characters are “demons” in as much as they’ve done bad things or were bad people, but are not maniacal or sadistic + there’s hope for some of them. THEN there’s Alastor who absolutely lives up to the demon-reputation and did genuinely evil things in life. Alastor’s the kind of person who absolutely should be purged but has escaped because those who are supposed to be for justice aren’t threatened by him.
He isn’t involved in voodoo or has any affluent Creole background. With all do respect that aspect feels just a little too lifted from Dr. Facilier. My Alastor’s background is American “mutt” with an Algonquian-native grandmother.
His sin in life - and in Hell itself - is Gluttony. Taking a page from the OG Wendigo mythos, which describes them more as pulsating, gorging Elderitch abominations, Al’s MO in the show is to consume everyone and everything there is. 
Alastor’s demonic powers are presented as a wave of high frequency radio static that messes with a demon’s psyche so much it physically hurts them. Al then scoops up his victim’s souls to power his microphone and everything that demon had in it’s possession beforehand crumbles or becomes his.
Angel is afraid of him. Unlike in the canon cartoon, Angel is the one who recognizes Alastor and knows he’s dangerous, not Vaggie. Turns out, Angel had a run in with the Radio Demon sometime during the mid twentieth century (so when they were both pretty young in demon years). Angel tried to steal Al’s microphone but Al flung a nasty radio-frequency in Angel’s face, taking out one of his eyes. Angel was present during Al’s first attempt to take over Hell, so he immediately knows Al’s bad news and Alastor never misses the opportunity to mess with Angel in season 1.
Alastor is a shape-shifter. In what is probably the most grizzly detail about my take, he technically self-mutilates in order to re-imagine himself ala the Hellraiser Cenobites - which he does quite a bit to hide from Charlie’s parents.
Technically, Al is naked. What looks like a suit is actually his flesh. Look closely at you’ll see that he’s all stitched together like a crude taxidermy piece. Beneath his “skin” are his bones; which all look like mechanical radio parts and move independently of another. Sometimes Al tears them out if he thinks his “wiring needs to be reworked”, which is Al for ‘feeling an emotion’ and he doesn’t like that.
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The motif my Alastor is supposed to invoke is everything about him was “stolen” and crudely pieced back together: he collects and traps other demons inside his microphone; he eats by unhinging his mouth and swallows in one gulp. Alastor’s anatomy invokes a lot of vore imagery as well as Ero Guro. Despite being ace, there is a sexual (but not arousing) edge to his character, which leads to a lot or horror and humor.
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Alastor does not like that he was human. He’s even in denial of it and insists “I was always a demon. I simply had a nightmare that I was a man. Now I’m awake and the nightmare is long gone”.
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Alastor’s human name was Edward; he was a sad, pathetic little man whom everyone walked all over. Edward wanted to be a radio host but was denied that position cause he ‘couldn’t smile’. Edward was deeply disturbed and fixated on ingesting human meat (a condition called ‘wendigo psychosis’). Despite committing murder and then eating all his victim’s bodies, he can’t recall most of the process and was frightened by his behavior, knew what he was doing was wrong. BUT he never went about treating his addiction with meat; he’d have “cold periods” where he didn’t kill and thought he was ‘fixed’ only for his psychosis to resurface.
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Alastor’s demon self aims to be all the things that he wasn’t in life: happy, fulfilled, complete, confident, cheery, and satisfied. Al relishes in his self-made creepy image and no doubt took his demon name from a famous Alastair from his youth. 
Al’s character arc throughout the ‘show’ (there is no show, why am I treating this like genuine pitch bible blah) goes as follows:
For the first season leading up the the finale and beginning of season 2, Al pretends to be Charlie’s friend until he backstabs her and takes over her hotel to harvest the ‘redeemed’ souls so he can restart his broadcasting-takeover that was just barely stopped years before. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel intercept him however and destroy his microphone - which holds all the souls - causing him to loose his power. Charlie personality terminates his physical form leaving only his ‘heart’, which Lucifer makes Charlie eat so that Alastor will forever be under her control. The downside to this is Al’s soul+heart+person exists within Charlie now, and he of course speaks to her within her mind, trying to discourage, belittle, threaten or taunt her plans and feelings throughout the second season. Season 3′s opening would be about the main cast trying to get Vaggie out of Heaven once they learn it’s as corrupted as Hell. Charlie needs Al’s expertise, so she vomits him up. Al agrees to help her but is obviously not happy and vows to get his freedom back. In the second half of season 3, the main characters have to lay low while the angels partake in spiritual warfare against Lucifer. So Charlie and co. escape to the human world disguised as humans. Though an agreement, Alastor comes along and aquires a foreclosed motel for the demon’s to live (he intends to trap mortal souls while he’s there, though Charlie intercepts this too). 
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Angel and co. end up discovering Al’s human identity (something he tried to cover up any evidence of having in Hell) and invite his now elderly human daughter to the motel. It works too well however, and the fright of seeing his daughter again triggers an all out anxiety attack in Alastor causing him to merge with the motel. Charlie has to traverse his insides to try and get to his crumbling psyche which would be very Akira-inspired.
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Meanwhile, inside Alastor’s mind we see his demon form finally baring a frown and freaking out as the pathological spirits of his victims sing to him in a radio booth about the life he’d chosen and the lives he took away from them. (Yes, this is absolutely taken from Bojack Horseman)
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Once Charlie cuts to his core+Al faces the fact that there never was another demon responsible for his actions, it was always just him, Al relinquishes his hold on that motel and his physical form become that of a baby deer, whom Charlie nicknames ‘Deerlastor’. Deerlastor doesn’t appear to have any of Al’s powers, memories, or personality but Angel and the other demon’s Al’s abused insist on killing it, sure that this is just another one of Al’s weird forms. Because of Alastor’s absence, it takes a lot longer and harder for the main cast to get back to hell and help Charlie’s dad’s stop the (previously human) angels who want to wipe purge ALL of hell.
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To take out the main ‘enlightened’ angel that’s in the middle of trying to purge ALL of Hell, the demon’s need a power of their own. Deerlastor agrees to sacrifice its body and because of that, Alastor pops out from the deer’s body and head on collides w. the big bad angel-villain, eliminating both their souls. Alastor gets no proper redemption arc kids, he just gets to be the one to take out the main villain.
Edward/Alastor’s daughter’s name was Lavinia and she was the closest thing to genuine ‘love’ he had in his life and the only person who obviously looked up rather than ignore or abuse Edward. When Ed was arrested and confessed to his crimes, his daughter wasn’t allowed to see him and the knowledge that her father was a cannibalistic serial killer haunted Lavinia all her life.
His crimes were not sexual. This is NOT AN EXCUSE for what he did though because - 
- two of his victims were children. Yep. 
Unlike the rest of the filth-spewing demons, Al doesn’t appreciate racism or sexism. He thinks himself a feminist for his day...despite also having killed women and children. Keep in mind he’s also from the 30s, so he’s as “progressive” as people could be for back then, AND he believes that his partial native ancestry means it’s okay to call himself a ‘wendigo’.
In reference to an oooooooooooold ref sheet Viv made for Alastor back in the day, Deerlastor gets shot in the head and dismembered a lot but always gets up like nothing’s wrong.
Alastor does not like electroswing. He likes jazz, doowop, twist, show jingles, and lots of American Folk ballads. You know, the stuff they’d jam the radio’s with back in the 30s.
Big influences on my Alastor are They Shoot Horses Don’t They?, American Murder Song, My Friend Dahmer (a graphic novel), Llamas with Hats and Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. 
(Ima thinking of renaming my Hazbin gang to better distinguish them between the canon. Alastor’s the only one who won’t be renamed though, just probably spelled a different way. (Alystar, Alaster, Alastar))
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karmamiakat · 5 years
Hazbin Streem #7 Info!
We got a lot of juicy info this time especially on Alastor and Angel with a little bit on Apple Daddy. Please also note, I may have skipped some by accident and most info is generally non spoily stuff with some being “What if”s for fans. (Like What if Angel saw fanfic of himself, ect.) I added this to help fans who RP as the characters out a little bit.
Apple Daddy would eat twinky weenie sandwiches.
We’re never going to see Al’s feet since he stays covered all the time. His shoes do leave deer hoof prints. That is still a thing and fun detail to him.
The Ethnicity of the characters are still being developed, though Viv said their ethnicity won’t be a huge part of their back stories but also said because Nifty’s voice actress can speak Japanese, she’s been thinking about writing the character as Japanese. Angel is Italian and Alastor is a mix. Vaggie is Salvadorian.
Angel and Arackniss are 100% opposites.  
Alastor does sing in the shower.
Alastor was living his best life as a Radio Star before he died. It makes one wonder, what could possibly cause him to become so sinister?
Angel would think all the fanfics about him are hilarious. (Probably cringe at the VaggieXAngel, though this is my guess, not anything Viv said! XD I am a SpiderMoth shipper but even I know that canon wise, he’d probably cringe at it!) Alastor would be completely confused and a little violated by it but won’t show it. He’d narrow his eyes and slowly walk away (probably planning the demise of said writers…Again added that part for comedy. Not what Viv said.). Vaggie probably wouldn’t like it unless it was a really cute one. Charlie would just be confused.
The Grim Reaper is not going to be in Hazin Hotel but a character representing him will. Who is this character? We’ll find out in the future! He’s going to be different from other representations though.
Most the main cast including Alastor were human first before ending up in Hell. (Old info but I wanted to add that for clarification.)
How do Husk and Charlie meet? That’s in the pilot! Stay tuned!
Sorry, Chalastor fans, Alastor doesn’t have secret feelings for Charlie (confirmed by Viv) but as Viv always says ship who you want. It’s not really good for writers and creators to do what the fans want all the time anyway. If you wish to be a good creator, don’t go by what the fans want because they have their own intentions, not yours. You might end up ruining what you originally intended if you just follow what the fans want. Plus, not all fans will like what you do anyway and if you let them walk all over you, then your work is not your own work anymore but a mess.
Alastor would love post modern juke boxes!
Alastor, when he use to be just the deer, was afraid of dogs. This changed during the development and now he’s no longer afraid of them, just thinks their stupid mongrels but he also hates them because they were one of the causes of his death. (My guess by a hunter or a police dog.)
Angel has a huge extended family and most are in Hell! Alastor is an only child and has no siblings.
Alastor would like Willy Wonka because he’s kind of a jerk but still fantastical. Alastor has this weird thing about him where he would like some that are like him but if they’re too much like himself, he would like them. While on the subject, Apply Daddy and Willy Wonka have a lot in common as well.
Angel would be banned from Medieval Times Restaurant for being too drunk and trying to make out with one of the jousters.
Angel’s head is odd in front and that is why his head is always seen on the side. When seen front face, his hair sticks up like a cockatoo because his head is constantly transitioning to one side.
Everything of the show depends on the funding for it. Though, while the show is in the talks, there will be some content such as comics and back stories to keep us fans dreaming and hoping for more! Let’s wish her luck guys and continue on with that support she and the cast needs!
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