#his mcfuckin arm fins
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did I ever tell you I'm a fucking slut for mer aus. because I am. and I make several. for every fandom I enter. all mer aus are god tier. here's the start of one for you, with absolute Babs of byler (here's post 2)
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okay so you can like. see what's going on but I'm gonna put descriptions anyway so I have an excuse to rant. it all gets started because MerMike is a shit swimmer and the ocean said YEET during a storm and left him knocked out cold in a tide pool, then he mostly dries out and is left with legs because of a longass biological process that I'm not gonna make you suffer through.
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when morning comes the tiniest fuckin Will goes out to help clean up the beach/assess any storm damage/etc and finds Mike there and gets his incredible mom to help him because for once in my life a character I stan has a good relationship with a Living parent who trusts and believes them and I'm taking advantage of it.
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Mike wakes up dry as fuck under a structure he's never seen before and his mcfuckin arm fins are gone and he's like wTFFFF and since my mers generally move more horizontally he doesn't sit up but tries to roll and gravity Fucks Him Up (to make things Even Better his "voice" is barely audible to human ears rn no one can hear him yelling into the fucking void.....Chester might not like it tho)
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anyway Will hears the loud thud and is all !!! the mystery friend is awake! and instead of trying to be useful and help this distressed child back onto the bed he just. crouches really fuckin cutely to say hello and you can just Hear the ♡ in his voice (well Mike can't....he only hears A Threat.)
Mike's just like oh gOD OH FUCK A SPLIT-TAIL HUNTER CUt off my fins and stranded me here I'm gonna die is it gonna eat me alive it moves so fast what do I do shit fuck shit fuck—and decides since there's nothing even vaguely resembling a weapon within reach that the best option is to roll under the nearest thing and hope the small predator gets bored and leaves him alone.
tbh he probably has an even worse idea of what humans are like than the average mer because he Likes the stories that adult mers tell to keep the tiny ones away from the surface until they know how to navigate safely. most humans don't even think mers exist let alone actively hunt them down
he's gonna lose his entire mind when he sees Joyce and Jonathan. he's gonna lose even more of it when he finally untangles himself from the blanket (or just...sees the sharp knee bend instead of a soft tail curve) and realizes it's not just the fins that are gone
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striderside · 6 years
Hey I wanna mcfuckin’ die
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