#hmm this gave me a good idea maybe i can use some like charred meat textures for that drawing for perry's skin...maybe maybe
vonlipvig · 7 months
Oh! I think I can see bone on the left wrist! Perry had one of the worst deaths I think.
oooooh god you're right, the bone is definitely poking out, aughhh.
yeah, for sure, his death was so terribly gruesome. i'd say his and camille's are probably the two most horrifying and painful ones (cause let's be real, chimps are no joke, that travis the chimp case fucked me UP), but yeah perry's is absolutely horrible. the acid? the burns? the pile of bodies? total hell.
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Witcher Crew and Reader have a bonfire maybe? Modern or Canon is totally up to you, i just think singing campfire songs, drinking, and roasting food is a fun wholesome time and ugh now I want a bonfire. Also, relationships/platonic is up to you as well. Theyre all wonderful
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Friendship Is Magic Word Count: 958 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: I would also love a bonfire. I’ve only been to one and it was weird cuz I barely knew anyone. Someday I will try again!
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The towering fire bathed your skin in warmth and a soft, golden glow. The sound of wood crackling and burning was so loud it nearly drowned out the sound of Jaskier’s singing. He sat well back from the fire, fearful that errant sparks might catch on his guitar, but even from where he sat he could feel the fire’s warmth. The bonfire had been your idea and you were still shocked that Geralt had agreed. Usually any side trips were meant to happen for the sole purpose of resting and then carrying on your way, but he had conceded when you asked. Well, asked was maybe misleading. You may have suggested that it was practically illegal to pass by the coast without having a good bonfire, especially after you’d learned that both Jaskier and Ciri had yet to experience one. You’d stopped by a little gas station on the way, overpaying for hot dogs and buns and s’more ingredients which thoroughly baffled Geralt. Once at the site you’d helped gather sticks and Yennefer set them ablaze swiftly. The mage now sat next to the witcher on the other side of the bonfire, also gazing appreciatively at it and also listening to Jaskier’s music which you could only tell by the way they swayed or tapped their feet slightly in tune.
“It’s strangely pretty,” Ciri remarked. You looked to the side where the girl sat with her hands clasped around her legs, chin resting on her knees as she gazed at the bonfire.
“I think so,” you mused.
“Y/N,” Geralt’s voice called. You walked over to his side of the bonfire, Ciri following and Jaskier pausing his singing to join, making sure he wasn’t left out of whatever was going on.
“Yes?” you asked.
“Is there a certain time one is supposed to eat the things we bought? It’s your strange American ritual,” he said. You rolled your eyes and gave him a wry smile.
“Oh because in Britain they don’t have things like fire or marshmallows,” you teased.
“No we can have it anytime but first we have to find the right sticks,” you explained. Ciri wrinkled her nose in disgust and confusion.
“Yeah! Some people use metal skewers but it’s not the same,” you insisted. The girl threw her hands up in surrender but you could see a dubious look remained in place.
“Does this work?” Jaskier asked, holding up a thing branch he’d scavenged. You considered it carefully.
“No it needs to be a bit thicker. Come on, we’ll find some.”
Geralt and Yennefer stayed by the fire as the three of you wandered off, Yen smiling serenely as Ciri’s laughter floated above the crackling.
“It was sweet of you to agree,” she said, giving Geralt a soft look. He glanced at her sideways, a small smile turning up the corner of his mouth as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close, fending off the chill from the ocean that was carried over on a breeze.
“Ciri should have these experiences,” he said simply.
“Oh yes, just Ciri. No one else who missed out on them,” Yennefer teased. He didn’t dignify the remark with an answer but she saw the way his amber eyes lit up with interest when Ciri came into view, triumphantly thrusting a small bundle of sticks into the sky.
It didn’t take long before the five of you were huddled together, hot dogs skewered on sticks, the smell of cooking meat now joining the smoke and salt water.
“What’s in one of these?” Jaskier asked.
“Some questions we don’t ask, Jaskier,” you replied enigmatically. He blanched slightly but Ciri giggled.
“I saw the packaging. It said it was 100% beef,” she pointed out.
“Oh darn,” you sighed, “You saw through my clever ruse. I had you going there for a minute though.”
“Just for that I may not even play you the song I wrote just for this evening,” Jaskier replied with a haughty sniff, quickly pulling his hot dog out of the fire at the sight of a nice char forming on it.
“Oh gods no nothing but that,” Geralt said dryly.
Jaskier’s threats were empty though and as soon as he’d finished his hot dog (which he compared to a sumptuous feast fit for a king, he took up his guitar and began playing a song about a summer’s evening and a roaring fire. You were pretty sure the part about the hot dogs was improvised but he didn’t miss a beat and you nearly nodded off until Ciri said,
“What were the marshmallows for?”
Your eyes snapped open and you quickly speared a mallow onto every stick (even Geralt’s though he protested that he didn’t like sweets). The smell of caramelizing sugar as the marshmallows roasted was mouthwatering and you enjoyed watching to see how done people enjoyed theirs. Ciri was impatient and pulled hers out after it was barely golden, quickly mashing it onto the chocolate and graham crackers and taking a big bite before anyone else’s had finished. The look of sheer bliss on her face sealed things for Geralt and he took his next, some flecks of burnt sugar on it in places. You and Jaskier pulled yours out at the same time and in the end Yennefer’s was the most charred and gooey. As soon as he finished eating Jaskier pulled out a notebook and you knew he was writing a new song inspired by the food you’d had. Five minutes later as you lay on your back gazing up at the stars he began to play and you fell asleep lulled by the warm fire, full stomach, and Jaskier’s voice proclaiming the virtues of the humble mallow.
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Home Alone Demencia
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