#hodoka morishima
h-worksrambles · 4 months
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I know everyone talks about how ‘romantic’ this quote is, but personally it really pisses me off. Because it puts the emotional focus of the ending in completely the wrong place.
It’s not about Hina realising it was never fair that she had to sacrifice herself. It’s not about her making the choice to live, and letting herself be selfish just this once rather than constantly giving herself up for other people regardless of whether they deserve it.
It’s about Hodoka pulling a tempter tantrum because he’s not allowed to have the girl he’s been idolising, and fucking over literally all of Tokyo because of what he wants, regardless of her decision. Hina should be the one with the agency in this conclusion but instead she’s just someone for this little shit to save.
I don’t give a fuck if you ‘want her more than any blue sky’, Hodoka. This isn’t about you!
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fansmusiman · 5 years
ripiu pelm suka suka - WEATHERING WITH YOU (Tenki no Ko) (2019)
saya bukan vvibu
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Genre: Drama, Fantasi
Actors: Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, Chieko Baishô, Kana Hanazawa, Sei Hiraizumi, Tsubasa Honda, Kana Ichinose
Directors: Makoto Shinkai
Release Date: 21 August 2019 
Film ini menceritakan perjalanan Morishima Hodaka yang mencari peruntungan di Kota Tokyo. Ia sempat bertemu dengan seorang pria bernama Keisuke yang menawarkan bantuan, tetapi Hodaka merasa aneh dan memutuskan untuk mencari peruntungan lainnya. Selama mencari peruntungan di Ibu Kota Jepang, Hodaka harus tidur di jalanan. Merasa terdesak dengan keadaan, Hodaka kembali menghubungi Keisuke. Ia ditawari pekerjaan menjadi penulis majalah lokal milik Keisuke. Majalah itu membahas soal supernatural dan hal-hal aneh yang terjadi di sekeliling manusia.
Hodaka mendengar kisah soal pengendalian cuaca. Konon, ada seorang gadis memiliki kekuatan untuk menghentikan hujan hingga membuat langit cerah. Sebagai penulis, Hodaka mulai mencari tahu kebenaran tersebut. Dalam mencari tahu soal legenda itu, Hodoka bertemu dengan Hina Amano yang ternyata memiliki kekuatan yang mampu mengendalikan cuaca. (Source: tirto.id)
Gue ngga pernah nonton film anime di bioskop, dan sekali lagi gue bukan vvibu hehe. Makoto Shinkai yang ngebuat gue beranjak ke bioskop buat nonton film ini, dan sayang banget kan kalo gue cuman nonton film ini lewat layar laptop. Pertama kali gue memulai untuk nge fans karya beliau setelah nonton Your Name (Kimi no Nawa) (2016). Itu aja gue nonton secara ngga sengaja di kelas pas mata pelajaran bahasa Jepang, dan gue sempet underestimate (maafkan).
Itu yang gue rasakan pas dari menit awal sampe menit akhir nonton film ini. Gue auto laper ngeliat makanan cuman sekadar ramen tapi berkat ditangan Makoto Shinkai, visual ramen jadi bener bener enak banget. Mengangkat legenda Jepang udah Makoto Shinkai banget, kalo di Kimi no Nawa tentang tukar tubuh antara Mitsuha sama Taki, nah kalo di Weathering With You tentang seorang anak perempuan yang bisa ngendaliin cuaca dan itu juga dia dapat karena setelah berdoa di kuil. Engga ada plot twist di film ini HAHAH, padahal udah ngarep banget. Happy ending. Ohiya, ada cameo Taki sama Mitsuha, semua penonton pada girang pas scene cameo itu termasuk saya tapi ceritanya mereka belum ketemuan antara satu sama yan lain.
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Udah ngga kaget lagi sama Makoto Shinkai, tangannya ajaib banget mau nangis, detail visualnya bagus banget. Setting tempatnya sesuai sama yang ada di real life. Scoringnya juga diisi RADWIMPS ya yaudahlah, ambyar. Satu album enak semua, berkali kali ngulang muter albumnya ngga bosen. Makoto Shinkai sama RADWIMPS emang ngga bisa dipisahin. Soal sisi plot cerita, menarik ngambil legenda jepang fantasi, trus juga Hodaka sama Hina ngebuat kita simpati karena background mereka yang sama sama ngga ada orang tua. Ceritanya ngga setragis kimi no nawa HAHA.
Kurang klimaks pas bagian klimaks, akhir filmnya cuman bikin gue bilang HAH ini udah kelar gue kira masih panjang. Alurnya rada lama, trus juga orang samping gue mulai rada bosen pas ditengah tengah. Trus dikira bakal ada plot twist dikit dikit lah, eh lempeng lempeng aja. Bukan kayak Makoto Shinkai yang biasanya bikin nangis bombay pas nonton film ini. Ekspektasi gue terlalu tinggi kayak kimi no nawa, ternyata engga. Kalo disuruh pilih buat nonton ulang ini atau kimi no nawa, gue akan pilih kimi no nawa.
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IMDb: 7.8/10
Gue: 8.5/10
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schlafversunken · 3 years
Wen interessiert es, wenn wir die Sonne nie wieder scheinen sehen? Ich will dich mehr als jeden blauen Himmel.
-Hodoka Morishima / Weathering with you
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jesseeko · 3 years
« Le temps est devenu fou ! » est le constat fait par Hina Amano et Hodaka Morishima, personnages du dernier film de Makoto Shinkai, Tenki No Kō, Les Enfants du Temps. Soucieux du climat, ils ignorent à ce moment-là, que leurs actions vont mener à son dérèglement total. 
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À l’image de ses personnages, la carrière du réalisateur ne ressemble à aucune autre. Passionné d’animation depuis toujours, il assiste durant son adolescence à l’émergence d’outils numériques tels que les moteurs de recherche, les réseaux sociaux et les logiciels. C’est grâce à ces derniers qu’il parvient en 1998 à réaliser, seul, son premier métrage: Other Worlds. Dans cette vidéo d’1min 29, on perçoit déjà les thématiques chères à l’auteur: le temps, la distance et l’amour. Souhaitant s’investir dans des projets plus ambitieux, Makoto Shinkai, alors étudiant en littérature, soumet son travail à un studio non loin de son université, CoMix Wave Films. Intéressé par son approche moderne du média, ils lui donnent sa chance. 
Jeune recrue, il touche à tout: écriture, animation, montage et composition de bande originale. Année après année il explore de nouvelles façons de se raconter faisant de ses nouveaux métrages, des incontournable de la scène avant gardiste japonaise. S’étant familiarisé au média, Koichiro Ito, son collaborateur au sein du studio, l’encourage à réaliser un film unique qui compilerait l’ensemble de son expérience. C’est ainsi qu’en 2016 naît: Your Name. Racontant la naissance d’un amour entre deux jeunes perdant le contrôle de leur corps et de leurs sentiments le film rencontre un succès immédiat. Diffusé à travers le monde, il rassemble plus de 300 millions de dollars soit 20 de plus que Le voyage de Chihiro d’Hayao Miyazaki. Présenté dès lors comme son successeur, le réalisateur répond « c’est me surestimer ». Humble, Makoto Shinkai prend conscience que son public, ainsi que ce qu’il attend de lui, a changé. Cette évolution dans son audience, nous amène au questionnement suivant: Un film doit-il être adapté à son public ou est-ce au public de s’adapter au film ? Selon Koichiro Ito, cette anaphore se traduit dans les studios de CoMix Wave Films. « Car Your Name fut trop populaire, l���équipe pourrait craindre de s’investir dans un nouveau projet. En effet, ils ont le sentiment de ne pouvoir échouer et ne le veulent pas. » Toutefois, 4 ans plus tard, le 8 janvier 2020 arrive sur nos écrans Les Enfants du Temps, nouvelle production de l’esprit de Makoto Shinkai. 
Cet été il pleut sur Tokyo, pourtant, malgré les intempéries, tout le monde travail. C’est ainsi  que durant son service, Hina rencontra Hodoka. Ayant tous deux une situation précaire, ils décident de faire fortune en remettant du soleil dans la vie des autres. Ensemble, ils deviennent les enfants du temps. 
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S’intéressant à l’évolution de deux adolescents dans un monde d’adultes, les Enfants du Temps, avant tout, pose la question de la maturité. Orpheline travaillant pour subvenir à ses besoins Hina, symbolise cette maturité. Au contraire d’Hodaka, qui, en pleine fugue, cherche à fuir ses responsabilités. En un mot, les protagonistes illustrent les notions contraires de responsabilité et de liberté que chaque enfant durant son adolescence se doit de s’approprier afin de passer à l’âge adulte. On peut dire que c’est ainsi, en abordant ce thème universel, que Makoto Shinkai s’adresse directement à l’ensemble de son nouveau public. 
Mauvais durant la première partie du film, oppressant pendant la seconde, le temps, mais aussi, les adultes, en ont après Hina et Hodaka. Distributeurs de soleil en situation irrégulière, leurs foudres s’abattent sur les adolescents. Tandis que Tokyo est noyée sous la pluie du à leur commerce, la police rapatrie les jeunes vers leur foyer. Ainsi nous est présenté une ville onirique à moitié immergée, vestige de leur quête à moitié accomplie. Pourtant, chez l’un comme chez l’autre, progressivement, le temps des lamentations laisse place à celui de l’acceptation. Hina et Hodaka sont devenus adultes. L’acceptation menant à la maturité, c’est en laissant le temps au temps que Shinkai nous explique qu’il est important de ne pas la brusquer. 
Les Enfants du Temps marque un moment décisif dans la carrière de Makoto Shinkai. Ayant présenté l’étendu de son univers au monde avec Your Name, il l’interpelle désormais avec les Enfants du Temps. Ode à la jeunesse et à la vie, c’est avec une candeur égale à la culpabilité éprouvée par ses personnages, que Makoto Shinkai délivre à sa nouvelle audience un message nuancé constituant la meilleur porte vers son oeuvre. 
Jesse Eko Ebongue 
Pour ON’
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Makoto Shinkai Returns With the Premiere of Weathering With You at Anime NYC
Makoto Shinkai wasn’t exactly unknown in the anime industry prior to making Your Name. His professional career as an animator dates back the past two and a half decades, and he was already an award-winning anime director by the new millennium thanks to the short film She and Her Cat. He’d been regularly releasing feature films ever since, but his award-winning, record-smashing, blockbuster success of a release back in 2016 has all but guaranteed it as the One Thing he’ll always be known for. It’s inevitable that everything he creates from here on out will end up being compared to Your Name, though that's a bit unfair. After all, how can you improve on your magnum opus? 
  Regardless, it feels necessary to critique his latest film Weathering With You through that lens. Unfair or not, Your Name was a massive success, one that’s led some publications to dub (or perhaps deify) him the “New Miyazaki,” as if selecting one fit for animation’s papal crown. It’s no small stretch to suggest his recent commercial success has garnered him millions of new fans, fans who’ll be looking to capture the same magic with this latest film that they felt watching Your Name for the first, second, or fourth time. And after watching the film at its East Coast US premiere in New York City, Shinkai and co. are all but begging audiences to remember how good Your Name was, without doing themselves any favors in the process.
    Weathering With You follows a sixteen year old boy named Hodoka Morishima who runs away from his small island home and moves to Tokyo where he scrapes by off working for a small occult magazine investigating the months-long neverending rainfall. One day a young-looking girl offers him some food, and he later returns the favor by rescuing her from some shady-looking men. Her name is Hina Amano, and she possesses the incredible power to clear the skies with a single prayer.
  The tone being struck in Weathering With You is, by and large, a drearier one than in Your Name. Not only are many of the situations the protagonists are placed in darker from the outset, but the conceit of a city being perpetually cursed with heavy rain creates an inherently dreary atmosphere. This is, of course, by design. The characters themselves note that weather greatly affects the spirit. The unfortunate side effect of this direction is just how much of the film becomes drenched in stale blues and grays. 
  The more muted, oppressive atmosphere is surely by design, but when the clouds do break and the sun does shine through with color, it never quite reaches the vivid heights that Your Name aspired to in either its city or countryside environments. It also feels like a step down in the animation department, lacking the striking compositions and ambitious sequences of its predecessor. 
    On a moment-by-moment basis, the writing was pretty enjoyable. Every individual felt unique within the film, and their interactions with one another both entertained and endeared. Humor is arguably one the movie’s strongest qualities. Taking a step back, though, I feel like I learned very little about the characters, particularly the most central ones. It’s a much more plot-driven story than a character-driven one, giving the characters less time to breathe and really establish themselves.
  Look at it this way, if Your Name leads you along by a thread, giving you time to get to know the characters before revealing the full breadth of its plot, Weathering With You sticks you on the tour bus and hits the gas. Not only do you kind of already know what you’re going to see, you also don’t get that much time to actually see it. It can be very reactive, with characters sometimes literally flinging themselves in one direction for no reason other than to advance the plot.
  It all culminates in service of a central theme that I honestly struggle to wrap my mind completely around. Not out of complexity, mind you, but more out of inconsistent and questionable messaging.
    If Shinkai and co. weren’t trying to create some kind of climate change connection here, they did a terrible job. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision the effect two straight months of heavy rainfall might have on a bay city like Tokyo. It’s not subtle, and the ecological disaster metaphor is downright conflicting in its resolution. I'm genuinely curious to find out what other viewers think about the ending once it receives a full release.
  None of this means it's by any stretch a bad movie. At worst, it’s fine. And despite all the differences I noted between the two, I do think many fans of Your Name will enjoy Weathering With You too. It certainly tries to hit the same emotional moments, and in some cases succeeds. Without spoiling anything, it also directly references Your Name in such a blatant and heavy-handed way I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. But you know, why shouldn't it? Shinkai’s earned enough goodwill from his newfound fans that he can certainly get away with a bit of fanservice and retreaded ground. Some of the magic that captured us before is certainly still there. Hopefully next time we'll be able to find the rest of it.
    Subtitled and dubbed screenings of Weathering With You will be held on January 15th and 16th of next year, with the full theatrical run beginning on the 17th.
  For another perspective on the film, please check out our other review of Weathering With You by Daryl Harding. 
  Are you looking forward to seeing Weathering With You in theaters? Were you able to attend one of the screenings already? Let us know in the comments below!
    Danni Wilmoth is a Features writer for Crunchyroll and co-host of the video game podcast Indiecent. You can find more words from her on Twitter @NanamisEgg.
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