#hollow isnt here because i was too lazy to draw them
kaisumisucreations · 7 months
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the lads go outside
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andythelemon · 6 years
hey anddyyyy!! :) lately ive been trying to get more into the habit of drawing because i really wanna improve and have work that i can be confident about uploading but it seems like the motivation isnt there and i think cuz i have this huge fear of messing up. even when i draw out a sketch i leave it rough and just tidy it up after, but i really wanna draw complete pieces of work and even develop my own style but at this rate im not going to :( ahhh i hope i made some sense
Hey, thanks for your message! it’s great you want to improve, same here haha so let’s do this together! Please take everything with a big pinch of salt because I’m still a learning baby too and never went to art school so this is stuff I’ve picked up along the way from experience:
1. Learn to be disposable about your work! It’s really tough but once you reach this stage it’s like NIRVANA. How you do this is up to you, but for me, it meant buying a huge stack of sketchbooks and just trashing them with loose rough drawings which I never post anywhere. I then sell the finished book, and move right onto the next one. If you increase the volume of art you produce, you’ll build muscle memory and speed!
2. Combine #1 with looking at a good range of influences (NOT just popular online artists/shows, what else do you like? Comics? Fine art? Fashion? Anything!) and good ol’ real life observation, and you’ll eventually find a style. I think this point is nebulous… your “style” is an ever-evolving thing and tbh, you’ll probably find a groove once you stop actively looking for one? Just draw lots from life, absorb lots of things you like, and voila your work will eventually become yours.
3. Uploading drawings and gaining feedback is a great motivator, but it’s important to draw stuff you are genuinely passionate about. It’s tempting to draw “popular” things to get notes/likes, but in my experience if you’re not genuinely into it you’re gonna burn out and feel quite hollow. If what you’re deeply into does coincide with whatever’s trending then awesome, but tbh. Once I left big fandoms and started drawing a ton of indulgent crap for niche series, I felt a lot happier and improved much more! So draw what you genuinely love, and others who love it will bond with you aswell. Make OC’s. Draw for that weird anime that aired 2013 that nobody ever heard of. If you genuinely love your art, it will show, and you’ll be much more satisfied and motivated for it.
I’m also terribly lazy at drawing finished pieces but I did a lot of them for zine projects, or for prints for my shop. You can try setting yourself your own assignments, or offer to art trade with someone! There are lots of ways to motivate yourself, just depends on you as a person.
Anyway hope that helps a little! I really want to get better at drawing too, so good luck to both of us! You can do it!
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