#honorable mention goes to Rick Grimes at Terminus in The Walking Dead
top tier trope when the character surrounded by enemies describes in detail how they’re going to single handedly take out each of the enemies and then proceeds to do exactly what they said they would
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weapon13whitefang · 5 years
I know you're not Team D, but what do YOU think happened to Beth and her body? I have theories but I like to hear what others think...
Ahaha! That’s funny. I was just talking to @leftmywingshome about this a few days ago… Are you a mind reader nonny?? Spoookyyyy…
Anyway, to be honest with you, my belief on what happened to Beth stems from a few solid things that we’ve seen since 5x08 aired and ended… And they don’t paint the nicest picture, honestly. But that doesn’t mean I’m right or wrong… Anyway, walk with me here.
I think something bad happened with Beth… I’m gonna quote what I said to my friend here: “I think we’ll see her again but it might not be in a way we expect or even like… Here’s the thing… They’re not talking about her for a reason. And when they do it’s always “what happened to beth” or “I’m sorry about Beth”. It’s like this mystery around Daryl and Michonnes scars. It’s not something pleasant… I think - personally - they had to abandon her. As in leave her behind. And when they tried to fix it and go back, it was too late… Kinda like with Aaron and Eric, you know? Why do I think that? Daryl’s reaction to the blonde walker tied to the tree. Daryl was AFRAID of that walker. Daryl DOES NOT get scared of Walkers…”
Watch this gifset done by @c-sand and look at Daryl’s reaction to this Walker. Just look at this reaction, look at how even Aaron notices that something is going on with Daryl here… This isn’t a normal reaction from Daryl freaking Dixon. This man is not afraid of the dead. He is not afraid of Walkers. He is not squeamish or uncomfortable over shit. He makes nasty comments or has a dry sneering wit about him over those that die…Or he doesn’t really react to it…. This walker - this blonde woman tied to a tree and left to be ravished by walkers - made Daryl Dixon scared. He BACKS AWAY from the Walker. He doesn’t want to look at it. He doesn’t want to touch it. He is VERY uncomfortable and in a fight or flight mode. This is NOT his normal reaction and NO ONE talks about this! It’s not freaking normal… Aaron could see that Daryl WAS UPSET over this Walker… A walker we see with blonde hair in a SIMILAR color to a very familiar blonde haired character we all know… I believe - Truly believe - that Daryl was afraid that somehow – Even after going so many miles from Georgia – this walker was Beth. I think… He truly believed he was going to find Walker Beth Greene and he looked NOT okay by it.
This scene right here - along with the scene of everyone pretty much NOPING the fuck out of wanting to approach the vehicles in the middle of the road in episode 5x10 and then Maggie FREAKING out and HAVING to get that trunk open and Glenn HAD to calm her down and help her - paints a story off camera. A story we either are one day going to be told or are meant to really try and piece together.
I believe - like many others - that Beth’s body had to be left behind. Where or why leaves much to be determined - we have hints of a HUGE walker hoard heading that way or maybe they got hit by some kind of storm or enemy, I don’t really know but something showed up and made them all run to those cars like we see for a flash in 5x09 - and they had to leave her because carrying a body around is LITERALLY carrying dead weight. Not a smart or easy thing to do i9f you’re in a tight situation… Which is why a big part of me DOES believe this has to do with Walkers coming out of nowhere or being attacked by SOMETHING…
But we all KNOW Daryl Dixon. Daryl Dixon DOES NOT just leave his people behind. No matter how you look at Beth and Daryl’s relationship - no matter what you think of it - you CAN NOT deny that Daryl is NOT one to just abandon his family/friends/loved ones for no goddamn reason. The man searched six-eight years for Rick Grimes’s body for fuck sakes - WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU ABOUT DARYL DIXON?? So the idea that he would just let Beth Greene - someone he considered family or more or whatever - rot away in some makeshift tomb… Is NOT Daryl Dixon… Not if he can help it. Not if he has a way to honor someone… He just doesn’t leave people behind.
In 5x10 Daryl is not only sad and crushed… He is angry. You can see it in his eyes, on his face. He is MAD and Rick tries to reach out to him when he brings up Atlanta but Daryl cannot - will not - speak of it because he’s hurt and angry. We have seen Daryl be cold when he’s angry and that was definitely a cold, angry Daryl. A broken man who is not okay… Who looks betrayed and just… He’s angry and he’s hurt and he’s distant from everyone….
What is he angry about? Well… Let us move to Tyreese. As Tyreese is dying, he has his fever dream and dreams of a few people. Now, of course, he dreams of Lizzie and Mika. Understandable. He feels responsible for their deaths and that he failed them and thought they could settle at The Grove but that obviously didn’t happen… He obviously just didn’t see what was happening with the girls until it was too late…
He sees Martin, a former member of Terminus, and someone who he was deeply disturbed by because he sees his interaction with Martin as a failure and the fact he was coldly taken out by Sasha affected him deeply because of his failure with him and his sister having to step up like that… The Governor is also there and understandable, he is with Martin as an antagonist for Tyreese and his “inability” to adapt to the new world and way of things while also being a regret for Tyreese as he sees what he or those he loves can become/are becoming and it frightens and upsets him.
These four have a reason for Tyreese - they are symbols of his struggles and regrets in this new world… Everyone but Beth Greene makes sense. Of course, you could argue that he feels guilty for Beth’s death as it was his idea to do a peaceful exchange to get Carol and Beth back and it backfires horrible and a good person was lost… But out of all the others, Beth’s death was not directly connected with Tyreese. He was not a connection to Beth before she died…He didn’t have any real connection to Beth besides the fact they knew each other at the prison. So this leads me to believe that - off camera - Tyreese was a key in WHY Daryl is angry/why Daryl reacted to the walker as he did.
This is of course speculation and not based in ONE HUNDRED PERCENT hard facts, but… Tyreese is showing signs of regret for past actions with Lizzie, Mika, Martin, and The Governor… Beth must be there as a symbol of regret for some kind of action from Tyreese… This is fueled for me by how Tyreese and everyone reacts to the walker in the car in 5x09… A Walker in a car made everyone pause in discomfort. Not just Tyreese. Rick looked uncomfortable and upset as well… So that just instills even more that something occurred with a vehicle and it goes with Beth and I say that because this is RIGHT AFTER Beth was last seen in Daryl’s arms in the parking lot…
So what solid evidence do I have?
The blonde Walker tied to a tree made Daryl very uncomfortable and act out of character.
Maggie’s seemingly sudden discomfort of the blonde nurse walker in the trunk that she shut back in only to panic and try to open again and had to have Glenn calm her down.
Before that everyone’s reaction to the cars in the small pileup on the road they’re on and how Daryl RAN AWAY into the woods to get away and around going up to those vehicles.
Tyreese and Rick staring down that walker silhouetted and patting at the car as they approach Noah’s community.
 “After it happened, right after with Beth in the hospital, I saw that woman, Dawn… She didn’t mean to do it” “Didn’t have a thing to do with Beth… She wanted to get him here. She wanted to get him back home. This was for her” “Losing Washington, losing—losing Beth right after just finding her.” “Its been three weeks since Atlanta… I know you lost something back there.” “… And then finding out she was and then she wasn’t in the same day. Seeing her like that, it—” “I’m so sorry for what happened to you. To Beth and Glenn… For everything Maggie’s lost.”
Sentences like these that never truly mention that she’s dead… Just that she was there and then she was gone.
So… What is that saying to me? It’s saying Beth Greene’s body was left behind… And it’s telling me that everyone is acting like Beth was left and showed signs of either turning or maybe being alive and they couldn’t confirm it because they couldn’t see her/get to her again… That is what it tells me.
I think TF thinks Beth turned in a car that they left her in. That is what I have gathered from the solid evidence I can see… And maybe it’s just speculation but these are the most solid “hey something is really here” moments for me with Beth Greene and what seems to have happened/maybe happened to her…
While I will dabble in the theories and poke at the possibilities, these are solid things that make me pause and ponder… This is what I think happened to Beth, nonny
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