#hoooly shit this got long i'm so sorry
dr3amofagame · 10 months
dr3's attempted serious of c!dream duo rankings based on lore importance (note: probably wrong, definitely argue)
c!Dream and c!Tommy: This is kinda undeniable. Like, in terms of their story, in terms of the Dream SMP, they are absolutely the heart and soul of the server. The c!Dream and c!Tommy show was such a thing that it has been like intentionally referenced and parodied within the story itself a million times. The story literally hinged on the idea of their opposing each other, c!Tommy-as-hero and c!Dream-as-villain, to the point where their whole you know finale and the closure for both characters involved realizing that they actually wanted the same thing and intentionally stepping out of the roles given them. Nothing really compares, sorry c!Discduo for the poll (but the heart wants what it wants XD)
c!Dream and c!Wilbur: I cannot believe they ended up ranking so low like I'm actually appalled. SLASH JAY but like . guys. Guys Please. c!Dream and c!Tommy's whole schtick forms the beating heart of this server because the story c!Wilbur wrote about them was its backbone. Like it's incredibly difficult to actually overstate how much c!Wilbur actually influences how c!Dream ends up--the paranoid spiral he ends up on is a direct influence of the increasing isolation he lived up until November 16th--this is why c!Quackity is so confident when he states c!Dream has no one left during dethronement and this is why c!Wilbur knows that c!Dream has no one in inconsolable differences. c!Dream doesn't exist in a vacuum and the whole, L'manburg narrative tyrant-villain-monster idea that originates from Wilbur ends up culminating in the identity that c!Dream ends up assuming to accomplish what he wants like hoooly shit he quotes "unfinished symphony" in Doomsday and he expects c!Wilbur to save him from the prison to the point of calling on him as his savior before basically Anyone and he lists c!Wilbur's name with c!Sam and c!Quackity post-prison like. Shit's fucked. Anyway.
c!Dream and c!Sam: Look I warned you guys I was going to be a little selfish. A Tad. Though, you know, it's kinda hard to compare in terms of like, you know, the fact that they literally spent a fuckin year together with almost no one else--sure there were visitors, sure Quackity happened, but like so much about them is very much isolated to. Them. (Also the ccs very clearly got a little carried away w/ these two and this reflects onto their like, Everything XD). With c!Sam and c!Dream it's less about well, straightforward comparisons and more about the Multitudes--c!Sam as the Plan, and c!Sam as part of the time and part of the server that c!Dream idealizes, and c!Sam as the cage for the monster the punishment for the evil the one that holds the villain away. And obviously while c!Dream doesn't um redefine his whole identity to base it on c!Sam the way that c!Sam does with c!Dream, the power of the trauma bond established over a year of Nothing Else does makes c!Dream noticeably more comfortable, almost, with c!Sam compared to like quite literally everyone else post-prison. Which is. Y'know.
c!Dteam (emphasis on c!Dnf): Admittedly, I'm not the biggest c!dnfer around by a long shot, so I don't really have as much to say here--but you know, considering c!Dteam very literally symbolize what c!Dream desires like. They're an extremely important part of who he is, what he wants, and why he does what he does. There's a reason why dethronement (and the cutting ties with c!Sapnap and c!George) is such a defining moment in terms of showing when he's fully burned bridges with the rest of the server, when he totally stands alone, etc. Obviously c!George is the originator of the "big happy family" line and well his mutual interests line up with c!Dream's quite a bit more than c!Sapnap's do, but as far as c!Dream is concerned both relationships are very much important to him and symbolic of happier times (and he's quite convinced that well. Both of them kinda want him dead, for reasonable reasons. So.)
c!Techno and c!Dream: This is where numbers get finicky, admittedly. As much as I love c!Rivals, and I love them a lot, I struggle a bit to put them on a definitive ranking. Because...well, on one hand, c!Techno is absolutely very high on c!Dream's priority list like as a character. I have said before and I'll say again that some of the most like outstanding displays of loyalty on the server come from c!Dream coming in c!Techno's defense at GREAT risk of personal harm--this guy literally stares down and denies both of his fucking torturers for c!Techno, like holy shit. c!Dream really fucking likes the guy like. So damn much. At the same time though, we're talking more...narrative importance versus importance to the character from a character's perspective--which is part of why c!Dteam is as high as they are, imo--while they're extremely important in terms of c!Dream's motivations and how he defines the whole "happy family" ideal around the idea of them living peacefully as a family, as far as actually looking at character interactions...especially post-dethronement they mostly just. Exist as figures that c!Dream yearns for but is also really fucking scared of. There's not as much consistent character interaction and frankly when we're talking about a character that's actively suppressing what he actually wants, they're not exactly high on his mental priority list either. All this being said, c!Techno definitely gets points by being one of the main vehicles by which we see c!Dream's like, humanity--being one of the few characters not to treat him as just a monster to be defeated and having similar ideals and therefore being an obvious comparison to make. Which is obviously important when we're talking about c!Dream, who was keeping himself rather in the dark.
c!Dream and c!Punz: Another real struggle to rank--I'd understand putting them up higher, but what really holds me back is well. c!Dream and c!Punz is the same as c!Dream and the Plan. And don't get me wrong, the Plan is extremely important to c!Dream as a character and like defines a lot of his actions especially post-revive book onwards, but what complicates this is like...well c!Punz as a character in terms of c!Dream? Like, he's just. He's just the Plan. That is his purpose, that's who he is supposed to be, and of course the Plan is important and of course c!Punz's like motivations here end up playing a big part in the tangled mess of what c!Dream ends up doing when we're talking what he starts ranting about in the third finale stream, but like. Well it's really not about c!Punz, innit, it's about what they're working together towards. c!Punz is secondary to the plan in a way that you really can't say the same for when you're talking about, say, c!Wilbur + the L'manburg narrative, or c!Sam and the prison. I can see an argument for them being higher just because like, if we're talking major c!Dream arcs, it's reasonable to have c!Dream and c!Tommy as being like a presence as the "main characters" in Wilbur's story starting the revolutionary war and ending at the genuine finale with c!Dream's main character development being split between the previously-named season finales--c!Wilbur being the main influence leading up to November 16th as c!Dream takes on the villain mantle, The Plan (and therefore c!Punz) driving him until Staged Finale, and the c!Sam and the Prison being the main force until the prison break...but well. There's just not enough of c!Punz and c!Dream actually acting together as a duo in terms of give and take in this dynamic to really make me put them higher--what's really important about c!Punz and c!Dream is just. The Plan and the Plan alone. Anyway, I'm decently flexible about this, but eeeeeeeh.
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crehador · 1 month
ANOTHER... DIFFICULT...... this one bc i have like. no memories lol
so!! i will list the ones i remember first that i love a lot and/or mean a lot to me
also this got long so it's going under a cut
1) asterisk - orange range - bleach op 1
sorry i'm a bleach fuckboi. as if it's my fault. honestly the song is still awesome to me and it was so formative to me that nothing is going to take it down from number one on this list. ever lmao
2) jikai yokoku - tatsuya kitani - sentai daishikkaku op
OK I KNOW I JUST MET U BUT HIIIIII I LOV U honestly. honestly!! like you get it at this point i have talked about this enough but i am OBSESSED with this op
i love the song! but it isn't just about the song!! the visuals are so so so good and compelling, there are themes! there is a narrative! right in the op!
it's just. i'm. well. you all get it by now. it's phenomenal
3) kaen (fire) - ziyoou-vachi (queen bee) - dororo op 1
ok ok ok so for most of these i'm trying to link the actual anime op because typically the visuals are very important! but this one i can't resist linking the whole song because it's FIRE (LITERALLY. IT'S THE NAME OF THE SONG)
this was the first dororo op and hoooly shit. beautiful. it was also my first real dive into queen bee as a band, and i've been so into them ever since. every single queen bee anime op and ed deserves to be on this list but i will do my best to limit myself to only one or they would just. they would just be the whole list
also recommended: literally every other queen bee track pls. they're incredible
4) song of the dead - kana-boon - zom100 op
honorary shoutout to the sarazanmai op which is also by kana-boon! that is the one i considered putting on this list first before i remembered phew. no. alas. i have to give it to another kana-boon op
i just loved this to bits. the energy the motion and the music, all of it! i'm sure there's like some recency bias here but as of right now this definitely makes the cut
[please imagine i have inserted both noragami ops here. i had them both in before i realized there's a 10 video per post limit. so. tragically. i had to take one out. but just close your eyes and pretend it's here. also go to youtube and watch it again. it's good for you. it's enrichment. anyway. let's move on]
1) stand by me - the peggies - sarazanmai ed
so sarazanmai does make it onto the post after all lol
i really like this track! and the mixed... mixed medium? visuals? not sure how to describe it but they're beautiful to me. also it really fucked me up when in that one episode where [redacted] they [redacted] in the ed ads;flkajdklfj
i shan't say more
2) yofukashi no uta - creepy nuts - yofukashi no uta ed
in all honesty i think i like the yofukashi no uta op (daten also by creepy nuts) a tiny bit more than the ed but i love them both!!
but man i just love how all this happened like. the mangaka was so inspired by this song yofukashi no uta that he named his manga after it and when his manga was made into an anime the song itself became the ed. how perfect is that??
also creepy nuts. love creepy nuts. and actually now that i'm listening to them both again idk if i do like daten more like yofukashi no uta. god they're both so good. i can't choose lmao
3) seikai wa iranai - nanawo akari - sentai daishikkaku ed
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT THE ED MAKES IT ONTO THE LIST TOO!! IT'S JUST THAT GOOD!!! again yes of course i'm aware there's some recency bias at play here but really. really. it's good
4) antinomy - amazarashi - nier ed
ue ue ue i love this song. so much. amazarashi does it again. visuals are very good as well of course!! but it's like. definitely the song that takes this for me
5) my nonfiction - furukawa makoto & kohara konomi - kaguya-sama s3 ed (special)
ok i don't know if this even. technically counts. because it's not the "main" ed of the season, it was only played at the end of one episode but holy shit. holy fucking shit
the first time i heard and saw this it blew my mind and then i heard (if i'm remembering correctly) AND 18-YEAR-OLD ANIMATED THIS? ALL OF THIS?? ALONE???
incredible. i'm speechless. had this on repeat for so long after it first aired it truly deserves to be here
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nulienna · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any Curufinrod headcanons?
(Also, I’ve just seen that we share a name!)
Aah thank you so much for asking!! I do indeed have a lot of headcanons but I haven't really tried to put them into words so this is probably gonna be a mess I apologise in advance
I imagine that they're the kind of people who appear at first glance to be polar opposites of one another (Finrod is extroverted, friendly, artistic, Curufin is introverted, rude, and more of a scientist) BUT on a deeper level they actually have a lot in common.
They're both very inquisitive and open-minded people, they love to discuss and debate new ideas - Finrod is one of the few people who will happily enter a philosophical debate with Curvo because everyone else is too intimidated, and likewise Finrod struggles to find people to talk philosophy with him because most people (read: his siblings) lose the will to live after about 5 minutes or have no idea what he's on about.
Following on from that I also headcanon them both as being quite lonely people (especially in Nargothrond). Curufin doesn't have many friends thanks to his trust issues(TM) and his personality being like ... that, his relationship with Tyelpe is strained at best (and I headcanon that they never really had the sort of relationship where Curvo could confide in Tyelpe, he was definitely a present father but not necessarily an emotionally available one if that makes sense?), and while Celegorm is probably Curufin's closest relationship I imagine that the two of them didn't always have the healthiest of dynamics either and probably quarrelled a lot, so Curvo overall doesn't really have anyone else to confide in. By comparison, on the surface Finrod appears to have LOADS of people to confide in - he's got his counsellors, his close family (specifically Orodreth and Finduilas), not to mention that he's friends with basically all of his cousins - but, in my head, Finrod actually feels very isolated because he's wrestling with a lot of stuff that he can't really talk to any of those people about. Because I like to see my faves suffer, I really love the concept that Finrod is tormented by visions of his own death, and he knows that his oath is going to be his undoing but he also knows that faith in him is the only thing holding his family and indeed his own realm (not to mention several others let's be honest) together, and he knows the worry and panic sharing his visions with his loved ones would bring. But, lo and behold, someone comes along who knows EXACTLY how it feels to be trapped by an oath that you know will be your inevitable undoing!
I also think that Finrod struggles a lot with feeling like he doesn't live up to the version him that most people see. His followers hold him up as this paragon of wisdom and nobility and kindness but I think Finrod actually sees himself as very flawed. He feels personally responsible for all the people who followed him onto the Helcaraxe only to die there, or only to be killed in battle once in Beleriand, or to survive only to find that life in Middle-earth isn't exactly all it's cracked up to be. Finrod actually finds it really refreshing that Curufin is one of the few people who doesn't put him on a pedestal, who openly criticises him, who, from Finrod's perspective, actually sees him for who he truly is (a flawed person, just like everyone else!).
This ties into my other point which is about good ol' Daddy Issues. I find it interesting that both Finrod and Curufin inherited their fathers' name (in Curvo's case his father-name, in Finrod's case his mother-name, Ingoldo). They are also both described as very much taking after their respective fathers, both in appearance and in personality. I think Curufin probably wins the dubious honour that is having the Biggest Daddy Issues of any Silm character but in all honesty I don't think Finrod's that far off. I think a lot about the impact that Finarfin choosing to turn back after the Kinslaying/Doom of Mandos had on Finrod - he and Finarfin were probably very close, and tbh I think that this was a decision that they argued about at the time. Finrod chose to carry on because he was adventurous and curious about the lands to the east, and because his siblings (primarily Galadriel) wanted to go and he wanted to protect them (I could write a whole other essay about Finrod and Galadriel's relationship but ANYWAY), but if he's honest with himself there was also a part of him that was afraid to turn back and face the Valar after what had already happened. He still feels guilty over everything that transpired, over the fact that his last conversation with Finarfin was less than pleasant, and he also never would have known for sure whether his father was punished or forgiven for turning back, and so Finrod constantly wonders whether he made the right decision and is always imagining what his father would think of him now. I think this is something Curufin recognises in Finrod because (not that he'd ever admit it to ANYONE, except maybe Celegorm) he too worries constantly about what Fëanor would think of him and, deep down, has a lot of feelings of inadequacy and not living up to his father's legacy.
Sooo basically TL;DR I think Curufin and Finrod have a really interesting dynamic because they are in the unique positions of being able to see past the walls that the other has put up and identifying the underlying issues/trauma at play because they struggle with those same issues. I really see them as two sides of the same coin in a way.
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