#also NAME BUDDIES hell yea
unoriginal-and-dumb · 2 months
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It’s name is Suit-009 😁🥳
If you are curious I will quickly explain its lore and uh that’s it yah. (I don’t rlly post my ocs like ever but I dunno hour long drive got me being thoughtful as usual)
Humanity is on its last limb, the earth is practically an unlivable husk especially due to immense overpopulation
So basically, there is a group of 9 scientists tasked with finding a habitable place that human can colonize or a place that can be harvested for resources
The team lands on an alien planet and begin research. They are all scientists and all are capable of running and surviving on a spacecraft or in a hostile environment, so that’s not particularly a worry.
The ninth crew member, suit numbered 009, was recruited specifically for his scientific studies, yea they are all scientists but he’s like THE scientist. The guy that’s goes hmm yes nod nod URETHRA! All that.
Anyway they find some crystal fragments and decide to do some extensive research on it due to energy signals coming from it. Having something that creates energy like said crystals would be extremely useful if they could replicate it in some form
009 goes and studies it yea yea whatever. Idc. But like it starts taking awhile and the crew leader 001 (she does have a name it’s Hailey but I dunno abt anyone else I WAS 14.) anyway she goes and is like hey buddy how pal pick up the pace you’re taking long as hell
And he’s like SIR YES SIR, but it’s been a while now and he’s kinda being freaky deaky. None of the other crew realy took notice of him kinda acting tweaked out since they were never really close beyond coworkers unfortunately
But UH OH! The crystals actually have some dumb shit that like attracts things/people to like investigate it (the energy thing) but what it actually does is kinda cause people constantly around it to be like overly obsessed with it and also kinda become stupid
So the thing with the crystals is that if it somehow gets into your blood stream it starts forming more crystals as like a way to grow. They aren’t particular just an inanimate object, it has a goal to grow and it can’t just grow from nothing sooo
Anyway 009 is like tweaked out because it’s actually just a suit with a corpse and crystals piloting it
Eventually Hailey realizes this but I mean it’s not gonna go out without a fight
So suit-009 grabs a fire axe and axes down the entire crew, once it’s finished it just folds over, using the surrounding and remaining biomass to consume and grow yaaaay
Oh just some thing I thought was neat, if you were to pop off the hazmat mask the head would be absent and replaced with a horrible mass of bloody crystals isn’t that exciting
That’s pretty much it yea. Hey by the way did you know I love Dead Space 2, Don’t Escape 3, The Thing, and Alien? Haha yea anyway I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE THE HORRORS OF SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE SO MUCH SPAAAAAAAACEEEEEEE WOOOOO YEA SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!)!)
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andrewthedeadly · 7 months
ready to see what the hell is going on
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starting strong with publicly accusing the bad man of evil doings this is going to go well
The evil look into the camera plsss
omg daddy issues knew that was my twinnnnn
anyways pit so fine I had to say before we get too far into this
(≖ ͜ʖ≖)
way is the only one with a good head on his shoulders
the rest I think just operating off vibes
charlie!! missed him
oh forgot he lowkey twofaced
pit trying to play hard to get like the man isnt living in his house after *checks watch* 3 days ...
backstabbing bitch oh my god
ooo foreign racers I think that supposed to be a big deal im not sure
charlie has the easiest job in the world and he still going to fumble it im so mad rn that should be MEEEE
pit flexing on him yet again
they love taking advantage of these broke ass men that keep finding themselves over there
is the alpha attraction also include attracting desperate poor people like how likely is it that you get a fucktoy and an awesome repairman FOR FREE all in the same week
awe nevermind they paying him
they are going to fuck him over bad I dont think ill recover from this
wait for whats pit n charlies age difference ?? he said the other boy looked young but they are the same age so I wonder .
very ominous way to say ur gonna get fucked
maybe they wont fuck him over maybe??
workout scene the gods are in my favor
they beefing at the gym instead of sexy montaging im sick
what is with all these insane bets and why is charlie throwing himself in it
yeah Charlie ate him up .. the eye contact at the end tho
now he wanna say he planned to lose okay buddy
10 cars is insane ...and he pimping Charlie out for one .. eat the rich
charlie do anything and the pit is genuinely fighting a smile every time like he is whipped
charlie please drop the sugar daddy guide we need you !!
pit in that car STRESSIN OMGGGGG
charlie horny thats why he cant drive he need the pit treatment
all way do is stare off looking concerned pls get my man some ass
37 minutes in and I think the is the first time they mention alpha so im guessing it won't be too big of a part of the story line idc tho cant wait till ao3 gets ahold of this amen
way yet again bestowing wisdom
ik he sick to his stomach every time pit says boyfriend
way yet again with another amazing move keeping eyes on charlie he 4-0 today quickly becoming one of my faves
im so sorry I dont know the names of the colorful two so im going to call them the colorful twins
this show is really fun love this
way is sassy today okay king talk ur shit
and the direct confrontation yea i like the way you move way ...
ooo sellin pit off to the competitive team
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goodstories08 · 2 years
Jealousy Jealousy
Luke Dunphy X Male Reader
Request: No
Description: Luke and Y/n had best friends for a little while, always together and almost inseparable but one thing can screw with a friendship. That thing is jealousy, but Luke wasn’t jealous of anything Y/n had. He was rather jealous of the things that Y/n gave to others, and that was his attention.
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“Hey Y/n I don’t know how I feel about this guy,” Andrew said with an actual look of concern on his face. Y/n rolled his eyes, ever since his brother got back from his military deployment all he did was stick his nose in his brothers business. And currently that business was Luke Dunphy, the only friend that Andrew had not met and the one he was most worried about. “Why Andrew?! It’s fine he’s nice and just a friend!” Y/n shouted before stepping out of the car and shutting the door.
The window of the car slowly rolled down causing Y/n to roll his eyes, a small smile growing on his face. He loved how protective his brother was but it always got annoying. All that mattered was that he was back at home and safe. “Just use protection,” Y/n’s eyes went wide but before he could turn to yell at his older brother the car was already halfway down the street. He shook his head and continued down toward the Dunphy’s front porch. He walked up to the wooden door and knocked, “Hey come inside, just be quiet. My family is here and I’m not really supposed to have anyone over.” Y/n nodded and walked inside, Luke following close behind, so close he could take in the shorter males sweet scent. As the two ran up the stairs Y/n slipped on that one dam step that he slips on every time. “Damit I gotta fix that step, Hey Luke buddy! You ok?” Luke quickly shoved Y/n up the stairs and into his room, he covered his mouth with his hand, “Yea dad, I’m fine just ugh… tired. I’ll come down for dinner in a bit.”
Luke finally realized the position the two were in, he also noticed the slight blush creeping up on both of thier cheeks. “Ugh um sorry,” Luke muttered before falling back on his bed and pulling a bean bag over himself, to hide what was growing in his pants. Y/n didn’t seem to notice and just sat down, which Luke was thankful for. You see waitlist this year when he met Y/n he immediately new something was different about him. The way he made Luke feel was just like every other girl he had a crush on previously. And when he found out Y/n was gay it really made him question things about himself.
“So you wana play some PlayStation or what?” Y/n asked trying to break the silence, Luke looked up and smiled. “Yea sure.” Y/n happily grabbed the controllers from Luke’s dresser and threw one to him, “Alright, Mortal Kombat?” Luke nodded as the shorter male fell back onto the bed, using Luke’s legs as pillows. Y/n snuggled into the bed and began to beat the hell out of Luke in mortal kombat. “Holy shit how are you so good!” Luke screamed as he lost yet another game, “I play a lot with my brother. I’m gonna go use the bathroom real quick I’ll be back.”
Y/n left the room leaving Luke sitting alone to his thoughts. As he sat in silence something buzzed on his bed. He shook the sheets and Y/n’s phone fell out onto the floor. He knew it was wrong to look but he couldn’t help it, his hands were already on the phone looking through it. A message popped up from some guy named Andrew. “Who the fuck?!” Luke muttered under his breath, his eyes read through the message. “Pick you up at 8? Who is this guy,” Luke felt something brewing inside him, was it anger, or fear. No, no it was something else, Luke Dunphy was jealous of this guy Andrew. Jealous that he was texting Y/n and not him. Jealous that he couldn’t have Y/n to himself.
“Hey so… what are you doing Luke!?” Y/n yelled while reaching for his phone, Luke put it behind him and held the shorter male back. “Who’s Andrew huh?” Luke quietly yelled in a raspy voice, on the brink of tears. “Luke what’s wrong, he’s my brother. Why do you care so much,” Y/n asked, Luke looked up at his friend, his beautiful eyes filled with concern. “Luke!,” Y/n clapped infront of his friends face, “Come on what’s wro…”
Y/n’s eyes went wide as he took in the feeling of Luke’s lips on his. The taller male pulled back after a few seconds, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. “I’m sorry I just…” Y/n cut his friend off by wrapping his arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more. Eventually the sloppy kiss turned to a passionate one as the two started to move in sync. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” Luke let out causing Y/n to giggle. “So have I.” Luke pulled Y/n in by the waist and fell back onto his bed.
Y/n straddled Luke’s waist, moaning a bit as Luke moved to kiss Y/n’s neck. “Luke I..” The two were both blushing messes but nothing could beat how red Y/n turned when Luke finally took his shirt off. “Oh…” Y/n smiled a bit as Like pulled him close once more.
The bedroom door slammed open, Haley screamed. “Oh my god ewww Luke lock the door!!!” Luke rushed to pull his shirt on while attempting to hide Y/n under the blanket, until he realized about half his family stood there. “Luke I’m… I can’t… what do I even say,” Claire mumbled while turning to Mitchel who was giggling. “I knew it. I’m sorry Claire I could tell if my nephew was gay I just never said anything.” Mitchell continued to laugh while the two boys turned reader that before.
After an awkward conversation with Luke’s parents and his nosy family who were listening. Y/n kissed Luke goodbye, “Well at-least your family approves, sad they had to find out that way.” Luke smiled and hugged his new boyfiend, “See you tomorrow?”
“Yea sure,” Y/n said while skipping of to his brother’scar witch waited at the end of the driveway. “So you gonna tell me what that kiss was,” Andrew asked causing Y/n to smile. “Ok he may just be a bit more than a friend.”
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎Espresso shot♡︎N.D
Pairing(s): Nathan Drake x Fem!reader, Victor Sullivan x Fem!reader, Chole Frazer x Fem!reader,
Summary: You had a cover job everyone who had a brain and a past had one and the last person who you excepted to expose your cover was Victor Sullivan the man who screwed you over but in the end he got a metal taste in his mouth
Word count: 1,600+
Warning(s): Violence, Weapons, Blood, Pet names, and Language
A/n: —GIF isn’t mine— Um sooo late just now watching uncharted and it’s so good!?
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“Take a left here gotta make a pit stop”Sully directed Chole as she looked at him suspiciously before reluctantly taking the direction the man gave her Noticing that Nate also didn’t look like he had much notice about the sudden change
“Why are we at a coffee sho- hey where the hell are you going!?” Chloe called to middle age man as he walked into the small café while Nate quickly rushed behind him leaving Chloe to muttered incoherent curses under her breath before following behind the pair
“Sully are you gonna tell us why we’re here or did you just suddenly need a macchiato with espresso” Nate questioned as the two men stood by each other third in line while you and two other workers in green aprons worked around the counters
“You see that girl right their y/e/c, ponytail” He questioned the brunette while he squinted his eyes seemingly to get a better look at you nodding his head subconsciously before turning back to the man
“Yea shes pretty hot too” Nate acknowledged with a hum inspecting the girl as she worked with a small smirk on her face while she shook the cocktail shaker in her hands above her head straining the caffeinated drinking into the plastic cup swiftly sliding down the bar-like counter to a customer who grabbed a straw giving the girl a smile while they brought two fingers to their lips bringing them down to their heart they were a regular anyone could tell
“Well be careful, don’t wanna fall in the colleague Lover’s category pretty cliché don’t you think?” Sully replied while Nate practically was on the brink of whiplash the way his attention shifted to the man
“I’m sorry what!? Another person are you out of your goddamn mind Sully!?” Chloe raised her voice looking up at the man in disbelief drawing attention to the group in the small usually peaceful café
“Chloe you’re causing a scene” He dragged in a sing song voice not bothering to throw a glance at the girl while you had finally looked up from the coffee machine locking eyes with the man while he smirked at you waving his fingers in sync before you whispered something into the ear of you co-worker before walking faster than necessary out of view of the group
“Well she doesn’t look that happy to see you” Nate acknowledge while Sully slipped out of line Chole grungy followed them both while Sully walked into a door that clearly had employees only in boldly written letters that led to an outside alleyway
“Whatever happens next don’t get in it, let it go and just watch me risk my life” Sully sarcastically smiled as they slowly walked up to your standing figure while you smoked a cigarette with sunglasses on you face and a black leather jacket resting on your shoulders while your black combat boots tapped against the gravel underneath your feet
“Have fun sweetheart” Nate threw the sarcasm back at the older man stopping close enough to get a good view but far enough not to be caught in the crossfire
“See you dyed your hair, aww haven’t you grown up” Sully taunted while you let the nicotine hit you lungs before blowing the smoke back out into the air
“Come on y/n/n, you’re my buddy my old pal” Sully pushed as you continued to ignore the man before letting the cigarette drop out of your fingertips before crushing it under your boot finally bringing your gaze to face the man before you continued to walk away
“Come on you can’t ignore me forever” Finally your last straw was feeling his fingertips gazed your shoulder blade while you bit the inside of your cheek nodding slowly and for a minute Nate thought you completely agreed without restraint
That was until you you punched Sully square clean in the jaw taking the arm that rested on your bringing it behind his back while he let out a low groan while you stood behind him threatening to break his collarbone and forearm at the same time all in once
“I know I had it coming for me” He grunted before sweeping his leg from under your feet knocking you off balance as you landed on the gravel before bringing your hands above your head pushing your body up while your feet landed on the ground quickly throwing a kick to the man’s side with a thud while he hauled over you ran full force jumping on the man’s back before propelling your body Weight up and onto the man’s shoulders wrapping your legs around his neck while one of your hands grabbed a pipe above your head while the other pressed a dagger towards his neck
“Which way do you want to die you want me to snap your neck or slit your throat” You offered while Sully clawed at your clothed thighs while you cut of his air circulation
“You’ll know I-I can’t find the gold without you Y/n please don’t do it for me do i-it for your s-sister” He choked gasping for air it was a while just as the man started to turn blue you finally let him go hopping down from his shoulders as he gasped for air before you grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket staring into his eyes that you’d grown to hate
“I’m only doing this for my sister Victor never think for a second in your small little pea brain that I’m here for anything but that mate” You finally pushed the man back from you before you began to walk out the alleyway coming into eye contact with Nate and Chole as you let out a humorous-less laugh nodding your head before turning back around going back over to Sully who were doubled over as he looked up at you with his eyes squinted before you swung you leg back kicking the man in his pelvis as he fell to the floor groaning rolling around like her were on fire
“Come on, that was a low blow!” He shouted as you began to resume your walking out of the alleyway passing both Nate and Chloe putting your sunglasses back on your face not acknowledging the pair before Nate jogged over to his coworker who clutched his knees to his chest
“Sorry think I’m just gonna have to fall into that category even with it being a cliché and all” Nate stated amused while lending a hand out to Sully which he took propelling himself up wobbling slightly at the burning feeling in his upper thighs
“You know I almost felt bad for you” Chole responded with a small smile on her face at the man’s struggle while he looked down at her in horror shaking his head before beginning to limp out of the alley to the parking lot with a laughing Nate at his side
“I’m sweaty, hot, and hungry put icy hot on your dick and get over it now come on” You raised your voice loud enough for the group to hear as you leaned against Chloe’s car tapping your foot against the concrete
“Oh you’re definitely hot sweetheart” Nate muttered under his breath with a small smile while Chloe looked at the man in disgust shaking her head before grabbing her keys out of her pocket
“I found my cross in a crypt in genoa but I didn’t know it was a key to a much bigger fortune Sully knew and here we are… Doesn’t say what happens after we turn the keys ‘Trust in your fellow man for one will go to heaven and the other to hell’.” Chole spoke reading over the practically ancient journal
“Well it’s ironic as the only point in having two keys was that the 18, didn’t trust each other” Nate stated passing out glasses of red wine when he finally got to you he stood tall with a small smile on his face
“Oh you’re adorable” You smiled before taking the bottle instead of the cup holding it by its handle downing a good 1/4th of it before before sitting back on the counter
“Or chug it down like your on spring break. All good” Sully put his hands up in surrender as he continued to sip on his own glass a whine you rolled your eyes before you got up from your seat and passed the man taking his previous position on the couch which he complained about of course having no interest in the mam or the conversation you ignored him continuing to make yourself comfortable while Nate laughed light and Chole smirked at the scene
Nate got a sudden boost of confidence as he set his now empty wine glass against the counter making his way over to you before he lifted your legs sitting down next to your laying figure while he rested your legs on his thighs while you stared at him for a while and Nate started to get nervous under your gaze before you shook your head muttering something incoherent and turning your head facing the couch cushion
Somewhere in that time Nate started to subconsciously rub your legs and as the time passed you started to feel yourself blinking slower and your breaths get lighter and soon enough your closed as your body started to go limp and Nate acknowledge the heavier weight that set on his thighs before returning back to his Conversion with Nate and Chole
It took energy and a toll on your shoulders being a shot of espresso but Nate was willing to handle
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maiko1 · 2 years
Babysitting kid y/n
Platonic heizou + kazuha x child! Reader.
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"whoa whoa lumine, I think you misunderstood, I am-"
"a detective and not a babysitter? Yea I know that but cmon! Only for 1 day. I need to do something important and they can't know and you know what I mean." lumine sigh drinking a tea heizou just made. "yes I know but today is a bad timing! I have a case in a few hour!" heizou feel panicked. This is lumine's little siblings and if anything happen to you he'll be 6 feet under!!
"you'll be fine. I'll leave y/n to you, thanks again heizou!!" lumine ran off leaving y/n in heizou care. This is gonna be bad, he doesn't know what to do with this kid. What if they start crying?? The hell is he supposed to do?? Give his milkie... No, he doesn't even have a milkie!??!!
"ah right. About the case... Hey there kiddo, will you be alright following me?" y/n nodded. "hey just because I'm short doesn't mean I can't be helpful!" heizou deadpan "I didnt say anything about you being short tho-" his word was cut off when y/n jump behind heizou. "no more talking, we got some case to do!" heizou was quite for a second and laugh. "alright buddy, if you say so!"
"are we there yet?"
"nope! The case is very far away as far as I can remember, if you need anything just call out my name kay?" y/n smile brightly at him. "okay!" heizou smile. Maybe taking care of a kid isn't that bad.
"hey Mr heizou I'm bored." heizou chuckle. "of course it is boring for now. Once you get into the best part it'll be awesome!" heizou said as y/n cheered. "then let's go to that place fast!!"
"Mr heizouuuuuuuu...."
"Mr heizou."
"Mr heizousududuududc"
"my name isn't heizoushfhdhfjdd!!"
"Mr zouuu"
"Mr zou ur taking so longngnggnfkfkkfndncnfjcj"
"stop speaking nonsense!" heizou sigh as y/n play with his hair making his hair messy. "detective heizou?" you two turn around and met with a guy. "Mr zuha!!!" you yelled as kazuha smiled. "hey there sunflower." kazuha waved at you. "oh thank god kazuha. Can hold them for me?! I think i might lose my mind." heizou said handing you to kazuha.
"i suppose sunflower did that to ur hair?" kazuha chuckle. "yes! And it almsot took me 29 minutes to fix this hair okay!" heizou huffed as y/n stick his tongue out. "well, wheres lumine?" kazuha looked around. Surely you didn't ran away from lumine and bumped into heizou.. Right?
"lumine ask me to babysit them when she knows I'm busy!" heizou fix his hair. "well since I am here, am I allowed to join u guys in your journey?"
"no you will stay at my place and babysit them-"
"YES YES! MR ZUHA WILL JOIN US!! RIGHT MR ZOU??" heizou mouth dropped "ugh fine! But you better behave or I'm telling lumine about this"
"bleh! Lumine isn't gonna be mad at me. Lumine never does" y/n said smirking while heizou sigh in defeated. After 20 minutes of walking y/n had fallen asleep in kazuha arm. "how can you take care of this devil??" heizou grumble. "you just deal with them, they are kids after all. Most kid are focus on playing more than caring about other stuff.
To them, playing is their first priority. Kids also need full attentions from an adult. Though, I'm not that well experienced well with kids, I'm trying my best to understand them." heizou sigh. "thats more sound like ur lying. Oh! We're here. We gotta wake y/n-"
Kazuha put a hand on his mouth. "shh. I think it is better for me to stay far behind watching over y/n than hearing those loud noise that will make y/n awake. Most of the time, kids will get grumpy over loud noise that kept them awake-" heizou took out his weapon and nodded.
"don't worry, you can continue that later when I'm done with this case." kazuha nodded and sit far away from any danger watching his friend solving cases. After a few minutes he look at y/n. Looking at you just made him looks like a brother. He felt happy just by watching you. It made him happy to see you happy, almost free from trauma. It's quite sad isn't it?
"mhmm aether let's go home now..."
Having a twin siblings who's one of them didn't want to go home with you two...must be stressful for a kid ur age. But kazuha is willing to take care of you well, giving all the attentions you deserve.
After awhile heizou came with a smile on his face, little blood from his mouth. "welcome back heizou" kazuha greeted him. "oh yeah, the case was solved. Though i might have accidentally choose violence on them today." heizou chuckle while kazuha hand him a tissue. "oh thanks!"
"mhm.. Are we there yet Mr zou..?" y/n yawned. "oh" kazuha chuckle letting heizou know he's gonna handle this one. "well, we were just finding the person but it turns out they had ran away.." y/n smile drop. "but its fine, even Mr heizou was disappointed. But that's okay, how about we grab some food. Aren't you hungry?"
"now that you said it.. I am hungry Mr zuha.." kazuha nodded and stand up. "alright, let's get moving. We dont want y/n to starve now do we?"
After a while you 3 ate some dango and strawberry milk. "oh Mr zou I hweards ywou lwike pzukle. I-" heizou hushed y/n. "don't eat with ur mouth full y/n.."
Y/n ate the dango and drink some strawberry milk. "Mr zou, I heard you like puzzle. I heard it from big sister lumine.. And I know a hard puzzle that lumine has been stressing out for!"
"whoa, this is... Heaven." heizou spoke looking at the place full with puzzle. Plus the prize has a luxurious chest! Heizou spend 30 minutes on a puzzle and after another 20 minutes he manage to solve it. "whoa! You really are good at solving puzzle Mr zou!" heizou smile when y/n praised him.
Suddenly an unnoticeable door open which catch the 3 eyes. You 3 went inside and found 3 luxurious chest. So that's mean, there's 4 luxurious chest. "whoa, this isn't what I expected but I'm loving it!"
You 3 collected the treasure and bring it back to heizou place waiting for lumine.
After an hour lumine came back. "hey heizou I'm back-" lumine was shocked to see alot of treasure. "hey Big sister lumine!" y/n greeted lumine as lumine hugged them. "hey lumine." lumine look confused.
"well, y/n told me that there's a puzzle you've been struggling and I thought I'd give it a try. Honestly it was hard but I managed to do it! So these treasure is basically yours!"
"wow guys I-awe thank you guys." lumine hugged you 3 as you smile brightly. After a while you waved at Mr kazuha and Mr heizou. "thank you Mr zou and Mr zuha! I had alot of fun today.." heizou smirk. "no problem kiddos. Looking foward to meeting you again."
Kazuha waved at you while you hold lumine hands walking out of heizou camp. "i cant wait to tell you all the cool things heizou did!" y/n smile brightly. "really? Well I can't wait to hear it!"
(I'm sorry if the character is ooc 🍁😞)
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volcanicflowers · 8 months
1 2 and 3 for general ships, 24 and 42 for forthur!
List 3 shipping tropes you love
differing lifespans gets me every time, absolute height of romance. what if you took up only a minuscule portion of this guy's life but you were still their most important person ever. what if they knew this couldn't last forever but what if it was worth it.
this is just recently on my mind since we were discussing it today lol but enemies or rivals to lovers.. good shit. what if the most insufferable guy you knew became the only person you trust and the only one who understands you.
i was gonna put devotion here but i decided to use that for the emotional aspect so i'm gonna say travel buddies, their home is wherever the other one is...
List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love
soulmates. boring as hell. whats the point if you already know it'll work out no matter what because you're destined to be.
when they're too healthy. i'm not here to watch you guys discuss any problems you have in a healthy and productive way i want to see you have problems and issues and make your couples therapist quit in front of you.
guy and Girl Version™
One emotional aspect of a ship that always gets you
THE DEVOTION ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!!! when they're like blowing up suns and killing over each other. when they're just the most important guy ever to each other, yea girl destroy that universe for your silly guy.
What’s ONE conflict they’ve had.
one??? god they have so many.. ford is a little bitch who can't stop running away from his problems and feelings and arthur doesn't like to think about his in the first place.
they are so like.. well i think theres a reason why every time i try to make them in the sims or whatever the game immediately goes "what the fuck. these two are incompatible as hell." because they ARE. but also not really. you get what im saying?
the thing is ford would do anything for arthur but arthur is too attached to his comfort zone and the general illusion of being normal to do more than be like "okay." and a man can get fed up with this. they can't communicate so ford just Fucks Off until he gets sick of not being around arthur and the cycle continues. idk if this makes any sense but yknow what i mean
Would they get married? If so, describe their wedding.
oh man i've had several ideas about this. one day i'll write a fanfic i swear to god. there's the space vegas wedding of course, they get incredibly drunk and get married and then chased off the planet bc of some stupid casino fraud ford did or something. they barely get the marriage certificate signed bc they're being drunk dumbasses, ford drew a little car for his middle name.
my SECOND forthur wedding idea is "hitchhiker wedding". completely broke? president caused the worst economic collapse in galactic history? its okay you just go stand in a field in front of all the stars so everyone can see you and give each other any personal item, ideally something useful that will help your partner even when you're not there. (alternatively called towel marriage, which is also the name of my random ideas google doc)
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endfght · 1 year
paige fredericks & jj maybank: yeah, it's a trope we've done a hundred times before ... so what, I LIKE IT. she's probably one of sarah's friends so they don't see one another too often, but when they do they're like a cat and mouse. she bullies him<3 and probably makes him feel bad about himself<3 but she's just jealous and bitter<3 naomi is probably there too. and called paige out on her bs or whatever like the second time they ever spoke. witch or not she would for sure get Involved in their shit in the second and third seasons just Because. annoys jj the whole time. we're gonna ship them so whatever yeah talk to me about it or something
robin craig & london corvin: robin is some... hell thing... london is a tri-blood hybrid (whatever tf that is)... give me famous lucy and her bestie london (also famous? question mark?). theyre not killing people they're killing boys, blah blah blah. their paparazzi pics together,, the rumors... they're not together!! unless... london is her +1 for everything don't even.
van palmer & virginia hammond: summer camp counselor van at ur service!!! if we want something more light-hearted (and by that i mean no cannibalism, there will still be trauma!) we go fear street. but. ginny in the Wilderness. van/taissa/ginny power trio. ginny being the only one van stayed in contact with as they got older... the first person to Know........ please stop i might cry.
luke crain & joseph munroe: OKAY SOBRIETY BUDDIES??? yea. i'm thinkin no apoc bc that shit is so repetitive and im Tired. years after thohh luke is settled down w a wife n kids and sober for years,, joey and belle (and riley?? wtf was her kids name......) are doing well for themselves too. they can lean on one another and their kids can be best friends and they can have cute barbecues and spend holidays together.... just give them Both a little bit of happiness... i'm begging you. @hrtached.
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CR episode 28: the death wish run thoughts lol
Omg I love that everyone just wanted to forget about the nordverse. Because honestly, me too
Also I'm so excited for this one, it seems cool.
Going back to the knitting projects, hoping to finish one before the end of the episode
These names are good!!!!!!also so are the minis!!! Matt you crazy man
"We might be able to borrow a welding torch from somebody, but I'd be welding for the first time"
Damn they keep coming up with bad ideas of things to do with FCG
"The tangle foot bag lasts for an hour" what the fuck Liam what the fuck. Christ almighty
Sam actually weighing the pros and the cons, character growth. (I knew he acually was a good player, he's just such a comic)
Chrtney is gonna be drinking and driving after breaking his own code
"It seems to work fine" damn words you never want to hear from your DM
These bitches badass
THATS WHAT IT WAS!!!!! Otohan was the woman from Imogen's dream!?!?!? The plot THICKENS!! this is so cool what the hell. So she must also be Ruidis born?
I love how Matt paints a scene
Depending if I'm good or evil.... FCG.... buddy are you okay?
Oh Shit!!! I just watched M9 reunited, im used to lvl 17 hp, not lvl like 5. Good God. They're so fucked?
Also I watch long combat stuff at a faster speed, but its more anxiety inducing, because everyone moves faster.
The blindness was clutch/brilliant
lolol Matt just springing the "this cave is fucking dark" on them lol
Matt with this creature!!!!
Dusk has lay on hands!?!?!? (Also being stingy?? Christ)
I sooooooo want to learn more about Otohan
God I love Marisha's acting
FCG's just talking gibberish is wild
Detect thoughts on Dusk??? No thoughts!?!? No MIND!!!! What the hell
"Are you staring because you're jealous"
Daaaaamn chetney just fucking Spouting shit and it seems to be right lol OOP INTER PARTY WHISPERS!?!?!
Wow I love how on the same page Matt and Erika are.
The realization in fearnes face that chetney might kill her parents for money is priceless
Dusk is a MESS lmao Holy shit
Orym is feeling lonely :( (holy shit is he missing Ashton or am I projecting (like I know he's missing Will but like recently))
Also hell yea the observant feat
It's like a wall.... this has got to be some level of mind shielding
Oh No not the 6 years 90 years problem..... the feywild do be wild dont it
Uh oh Dusk never met Birdie!!! Red flags
A tattoo that engulfs Dusk!?!? Oh no. Bro are you a huge fey in disguse
Oh NO!!!!!!!!
Changeling shit! Fey shit! Nightmare king shit!
Oh my god I am so excited / scared
Scarf progress.... maybe? Done with length and can move on to finishing details?
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insidereagan · 2 years
Hey I know this might sound like a bad idea and you have every right to say no. But I was wondering if you could maybe write a Reagan x Orrin fanfic? Specifically one where Reagan meet’s Orrin again after many years and Orrin starts working at Cognito Inc along side Reagan, then they become more closer and Fall in love with each other. Also maybe have Orrin and Brett become best Buddies lol.
hello!! yea ofc i can! i usually hc orrin as aro/ace but we don’t rlly have a lot of fanfics for him atm so yh :] hope you enjoy anon!
also I wasn’t able to add in any brett here, but I might do another post abt his relationship with Brett
(im relying mostly on hcs here haha 😭)
so when orrin first joined cognitio, reagan didn’t rlly pay much attention. so many new people join cognito every day, she doesn’t rlly pay attention, or take the time to learn their names anymore.
but then when orrin (who’s an unpaid intern at the time) was asked to give reagan some papers, he suddenly got a shit ton of flashback to him and reagan as kids.
like he just stood there for a solid 5 minutes like... trying to figure out how to tell reagan it was him. should he even tell her?
poor bby even considered the fact that reagan left bc she didn’t like him :( like he knew that it was most likely rand but.. still.
then he walked into the room reagan was in to deliver the papers. when he saw reagan, he immediately got rlly flustered.
“hey,, uhh,, I was told to give these to you also I think we used to be friends when we were kids okay bye!” he’s blushing so hard 😫
reagan just looks at him then his name badge. oh shit.
she sighs, knowing he’s most likely gonna ask why she disappeared so suddenly.
“look, I swear I can explain what happens. none of it was my fault, come to my place after work and I’ll explain everything,” she said, writing her address on some scrap paper. they were both so nervous lol.
Reagan especially. like how the hell was she supposed to explain what rand did lmao.
that night when orrin arrived at Reagan’s house it was so awkward for the both of them tbh 😭 orrin didn’t know what to expect tbh.
then when reagan explained everything, he was confused (to say the least lol) but who could blame him
then he got rlly sad and asked things like “so you don’t remember [thing they did]?” and Reagan would shake her head sadly. and he’d give a sad “oh” :[
so Reagan asks him if he wants to sleep on her couch and he agrees.
the next morning is awkward. altho Reagan does introduce him to the gang and him and Brett instantly click.
they ate lunch together, and slowly started to break the ice between them. like nothing big, they just talked about their interests.
they were rlly good friends for a few weeks, when one day it hit Reagan like a brick like “oh shit do I actually have feelings for him,” she’s so confused 💀
one time when they were just eating lunch together, reagan decided to just ask him out.
“hey uhh, I’m sorry if this is awkward but I’d love it if you’d go out with me,”
“I’d love that, thank you reagan,” he smiled.
djkwkw im so sorry rhis is so bad but I hope u like it!
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wizisbored · 1 year
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Me seeing you create a new au
(I Love sandworms sm and I have no idea why)
hell yea worm time
anyway im going to take this as a chance to explain the new setup i have for this au.
I haven't yet decided if beetlejuice was plotting the whole bait and switch wedding thing in this au, but either way whatever exorcist charles and delia bring around does their job, and beetlejuice is basically tossed out into sandworm country. he and lydia are seperated without the betrayal, and the matter is closed before lydia can have that talk with charles in the netherworld.
so beetlejuice is out on saturn. mostly for the sake of having humans be able to survive there it is not actually the planet saturn, but a desert on the edge of the netherworld and living world that just shares the name. ive considered it being very cold despite being a sandy desert but i havent decided. The sky is always dark, but is lit by stars that seem far closer than they do on earth.
sandy pretty much immediately tries to eat him and in order to keep himself out of the way of her mouths he throws himself onto the back of her neck and hangs on for dear life, and despite the perilous situation realises that this is actually quite fun. it's that experience that leads him to start ranching, because what the hell else is he gonna do? so he sends clones out to get building materials and gets them to help him build his little ranch setup and just chills wrangling worms for a bit.
but the thing is, he misses lydia. the one person to ever Get Him. so after a while he hops on sandy's back and ventures out into the desert to find the door he was shoved out of all that time ago.
lydia isn't having a great time. not only did she not get to have that conversation with her dad, but he got rid of her best friend, and also confiscated the handbook. their relationship isnt in the best place, to say the least. so when beetlejuice shows up in the middle of the night in a cowboy hat, all 'run away from home join my sandworm ranch,' she doesnt hesitate for long.
so he helps her quickly pack a bag, they hastily throw together a outfit that will give her a bit of protection from sandstorms, and out they go into the desert. im not sure if its immediately when she gets there or a bit after but at some point beetlejuice shows lydia a nest of hatchlings and tells her to pick out a partner, which is how im bringing back my favourite idiot spots to once again be lydias sandworm buddy.
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irkenheretic · 2 years
hell yea talk abt yr characters. 27, 42, 69 (nice)
ty king i owe u my life!!!
numbhmer 27 issss... grapa!!! he was on the actual show once, he took the credit for blorch's conquest? but in the comics it was larb who was blorch's supposed conqueror? well... in anarchisma, grapa suffered a seriously bad mental break during an interview, and went into a self-imposed exile and moved in with his buddy sneakyonfoota on his assigned planet, and the pair are eventually joined by a heretirken named minie. the trio of the are the center of an arc, and while the more well-adjusted sneakyonfoota is a good influence on grapa, trying his hardest to get him to settle down and talk about what caused his mental break and what's going on with him emotionally, grapa gravitates to the more "do drugs to forget" style of minie, the two of them eventually going on a huge drug bender
i genuinely really like the interactions of the trio as a whole and how each personality compliments and contrasts the others- i find it really interesting how these three play off each other, especially with grapa and sneakyonfoota's contrasting reactions to minie, the outsider- grapa and minie have similar mental problems but he refuses to connect with her due to her status as a defect, meanwhile sneakyonfoota has none of the problems but tries his best to understand and help both grapa and minie. i just think their dynamic as a triad is really neat!
next up, number 42 is....
my god.
number 42 is lefy himself.
what can i say about him that hasnt already been said? he's lefy! he's a keetish guy whos done a lot of things, most of them i cant talk about here for spoiler reasons! but uhhh... he's a singer/songwriter? i got that for ya! yeah its hard to talk in-depth about lefy because a lot of stuff about him is spoiler-heavy but yeah! oh another thing!! lefy is blatantly blatantly 100% without a shadow of a doubt in multiple ways De Fect Ive but is extremely in denial of his own defectiveness- he's not herephobic, though, not at all! he insists that he's not defective but that he "just thinks they're neat," and lives in denial about his own status. in a way hes a foil to zim himself; they're linked in a few ways in The Narrative and have a lot of the same mannerisms, down to both of them telling people to shut the fuck up when they're backed into a Denial Corner lmfao! but yeah lefy's denial of certain situations and his contrarian, oftentimes hypocritical view of certain things are the crux of his character, at least early on before he gets some character development and all that! he's a really interesting character that i could talk for HOURS about, but i also can't because, y'know, spoilers
number 69.... okay the funny thing is that i swore i could remember doing number 69 way back when i did this for the first time
and i did! its just that.... since then, more characters have been added to the sheet, so now number 69 is a completely different character!
her name is plum, and shes a hybrid scientist! she studies specifically hybrids, irken hybrids in particular, and is a medic for them as well due to her specialized knowledge! she's a very tall woman, but she's naturally average-height... she's addicted to getting height extensions- every time, she's told they can only increase her height a little due to her various physical ailments, and she agrees- only to go to a new person the next time and lie saying she's never gotten one before! it's uh, slowly degrading her mobility and quality of life. she has a lot of depressive episodes just as a side effect of Hereditary Mental Problems and being in pain all the time doesnt help. she was drawn to hybrid sciences due to herself being a hybrid, and her later romance with another hybrid!
and this will be a minor spoiler for h-word that relates to her, so if you just wanna wait till it comes out, feel free to! but if you dont really care, it's under the cut for ya
truth be told is, youve already met her if youve been keeping up with the story! but id understand if you havent recognized her.... because she's red's egg! yep!! plum is red's as-of-now unhatched smeet! isnt she.... uh.... interesting?? lmfao. she's a real cutie pie when she's hatched, though!!
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Katfl commenthough, part 7
The lore, the loooreee
HAL labs cut the pause-screen descriptions out but to compensate they just straight up put all the lore right in front of us this time (…still miss the cute ability descriptions tho)
The one time the maxim tomato before a boss was needed, and thank the void for that tomato
Going in with fire dragon Kirby!
Also hold on wait a minute why was Kirby authorized to use that elevator that bought us here in the first place-
Oh thats fucked up actually
(Didn’t get spoiled about this fella though so that’s nice to know)
Does the lion guy know "half“ refers to 50%? Equal parts? 1+1 = 2? Because Elfilin sure isn’t big enough for that
They went to a "Land of Dreams“…Dreamland.
Wait…is that why the big one‘s ear looks all shredded..? Because that chunk is Elfilin…? D:
LEOPOLD oof that’s kinda goofy a name
This lion is shooting void-lasers out his mouth, help- also glowy aura, struggling at some points when attacking, aforementioned lasers- smells like possession
Even if I hadn’t seen spoilers, that was just. Way too easy to not have the thing shoot out the background when I go collect Elfilin- also Elfilin!!! My buddy!! I missed you so much!!
The calm lullaby version of the main theme that’s playing in the background is nice though :]
Called it :)
You can see all of them in the goo, you can see them with those soulless half-dead eyes all mushed up together oh that’s so messed up
And why is the part that used to be Leopold‘s face so…fleshy and red? Did the goo burn it off when it absorbed him?? Does it act like acid to melt its victims inside itself like a horrifying Venus fly trap it’s prey??? Oh void I‘m looking too much into this and the eyes are still staring everything about this feels so wrong and twisted
This definitely explains the PEGI warning for fear
…There‘s no music. There is. No music.
All abilities to choose from. This is it, isn’t it? Fire it is.
It’s a truly beautiful sunset outside. Perhaps it marks more than just the end of the day.
There is music, and it has a choir
It still looks as uncanny as when I first saw it, yet in a rather weird way…also beautiful?
"Ultimate Lifeform“…Shadow the Hedgehog?
Second half- the sky darkened, the music switched, the choir gained one clear voice (that goes high with the notes holy-)
Seriously. The music. It is just. You’d think it were from an epic dramatic PS5 game or something similar from its sound, yet it’s Kirby. And it absolutely deserves all of it. Just goes to show another reason you can’t judge the quality of a game by its age rating. Such a good soundtrack.
Oft of course that’s how we save Elfilin-
Oh shot
oh shot
Oh that’s a cool shot with planet pop in the focus while Elfilin and Kirby are out of focus in the foreground
AND WITH A REMIX OF THE INVINCIBILITY CANDY MELODY with a whole chiptune part thrown in between too, absolutely amazing
Ngl this part is genuinely quite epic
Nooo ;-;
???? :D?
:D !!!!!
Hell yea, credits! This is really just an anime outro lmao - these pictures are adorable
Wait, there’s a hidden HAL room here too? Huh
Ayo?? To be continued?
Post-game?? Guess there‘ll be a few more parts of this then!
Man this game was fun as heck, HAL labs wasn’t holding back huh, they absolutely nailed their first attempt at 3D!
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nulienna · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any Curufinrod headcanons?
(Also, I’ve just seen that we share a name!)
Aah thank you so much for asking!! I do indeed have a lot of headcanons but I haven't really tried to put them into words so this is probably gonna be a mess I apologise in advance
I imagine that they're the kind of people who appear at first glance to be polar opposites of one another (Finrod is extroverted, friendly, artistic, Curufin is introverted, rude, and more of a scientist) BUT on a deeper level they actually have a lot in common.
They're both very inquisitive and open-minded people, they love to discuss and debate new ideas - Finrod is one of the few people who will happily enter a philosophical debate with Curvo because everyone else is too intimidated, and likewise Finrod struggles to find people to talk philosophy with him because most people (read: his siblings) lose the will to live after about 5 minutes or have no idea what he's on about.
Following on from that I also headcanon them both as being quite lonely people (especially in Nargothrond). Curufin doesn't have many friends thanks to his trust issues(TM) and his personality being like ... that, his relationship with Tyelpe is strained at best (and I headcanon that they never really had the sort of relationship where Curvo could confide in Tyelpe, he was definitely a present father but not necessarily an emotionally available one if that makes sense?), and while Celegorm is probably Curufin's closest relationship I imagine that the two of them didn't always have the healthiest of dynamics either and probably quarrelled a lot, so Curvo overall doesn't really have anyone else to confide in. By comparison, on the surface Finrod appears to have LOADS of people to confide in - he's got his counsellors, his close family (specifically Orodreth and Finduilas), not to mention that he's friends with basically all of his cousins - but, in my head, Finrod actually feels very isolated because he's wrestling with a lot of stuff that he can't really talk to any of those people about. Because I like to see my faves suffer, I really love the concept that Finrod is tormented by visions of his own death, and he knows that his oath is going to be his undoing but he also knows that faith in him is the only thing holding his family and indeed his own realm (not to mention several others let's be honest) together, and he knows the worry and panic sharing his visions with his loved ones would bring. But, lo and behold, someone comes along who knows EXACTLY how it feels to be trapped by an oath that you know will be your inevitable undoing!
I also think that Finrod struggles a lot with feeling like he doesn't live up to the version him that most people see. His followers hold him up as this paragon of wisdom and nobility and kindness but I think Finrod actually sees himself as very flawed. He feels personally responsible for all the people who followed him onto the Helcaraxe only to die there, or only to be killed in battle once in Beleriand, or to survive only to find that life in Middle-earth isn't exactly all it's cracked up to be. Finrod actually finds it really refreshing that Curufin is one of the few people who doesn't put him on a pedestal, who openly criticises him, who, from Finrod's perspective, actually sees him for who he truly is (a flawed person, just like everyone else!).
This ties into my other point which is about good ol' Daddy Issues. I find it interesting that both Finrod and Curufin inherited their fathers' name (in Curvo's case his father-name, in Finrod's case his mother-name, Ingoldo). They are also both described as very much taking after their respective fathers, both in appearance and in personality. I think Curufin probably wins the dubious honour that is having the Biggest Daddy Issues of any Silm character but in all honesty I don't think Finrod's that far off. I think a lot about the impact that Finarfin choosing to turn back after the Kinslaying/Doom of Mandos had on Finrod - he and Finarfin were probably very close, and tbh I think that this was a decision that they argued about at the time. Finrod chose to carry on because he was adventurous and curious about the lands to the east, and because his siblings (primarily Galadriel) wanted to go and he wanted to protect them (I could write a whole other essay about Finrod and Galadriel's relationship but ANYWAY), but if he's honest with himself there was also a part of him that was afraid to turn back and face the Valar after what had already happened. He still feels guilty over everything that transpired, over the fact that his last conversation with Finarfin was less than pleasant, and he also never would have known for sure whether his father was punished or forgiven for turning back, and so Finrod constantly wonders whether he made the right decision and is always imagining what his father would think of him now. I think this is something Curufin recognises in Finrod because (not that he'd ever admit it to ANYONE, except maybe Celegorm) he too worries constantly about what Fëanor would think of him and, deep down, has a lot of feelings of inadequacy and not living up to his father's legacy.
Sooo basically TL;DR I think Curufin and Finrod have a really interesting dynamic because they are in the unique positions of being able to see past the walls that the other has put up and identifying the underlying issues/trauma at play because they struggle with those same issues. I really see them as two sides of the same coin in a way.
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xxlusciouslulu · 2 years
Coming home in the dark. (Mandrake X fem Reader) one-shot
Warning: smut 18+ choking, praise kink, dirty talking, swearing,
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The lights were dim in the car, my head was dizzy, I woke in the front seat of the car. In the back were some 2 random people they looked terrified, my eyes landed on the floor then the mirror suddenly some guy eyes stare looking at me as he turn his way toward mine.
ah Your awake about time was getting worry there for A sec wasn't sure if your awake or not.
wh-what the hell going on.. who.. the fuck are you "
hey! language there, I'm Mandrank and this my buddy Tubs yea, "
He's drives to the left of the road.
Does It look like I give A dam if I swear " No it doesn't!
He's glares at you then back to the road And laughs "sassy one isn't she
what's your name?
don't answer him. The man in the backseat said " shhh I'm talking to her "
uh.. Y/n
Y'n what A lovely name " so where you from Y/n?
I roll my eyes not wanting to talk. Don't be shy go on tell us " I look up and say I'm from ####
interesting think I had A friend that went there once think his name was tom.. Tommy yea. Your quit A interesting one "
hey mine passing over the candy bag? Mandrakes asks he looks over to where I am " well? yeah.. I pick up the bag and hand it over to him.
Good girl thank u " I blush when he said that..
you alright there? fine!.. I turn my head over to the window..
He takes A hit of his cessation. As I sit there thinking of A way to get the hell out of here, My eyes gaze on him ngl he's quit attractively hot, something about him makes me feels things but also scares me. I bite my lips as his eyes gaze at mine through the side mirror, I look away suddenly..
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After while we get to the gas station he waits outside filling up the car, while I sat back, I cough and say H-hey.. Um.. when Mandrake walks to the car window,
roll it down" what you say?
I.. I need to use the bathroom" you can go on the road
I need to pee really bad tho and the car doesn't have to toilet paper,
i'll find something and how is that my problem.. say please" I roll my eyes at him no you can go fuck yourself " Mandrake stares at me for A sec and laughs it off
so just go then" he looks me in the eyes. fine then! your just have to deal with the smell in the car your fault you won't let me go..
He glares at me and sighs. Fine then hurry up " I open the car door up and walk out as he follows along inside the store. I look back at him and he picks up A newspaper in his hands as i then go inside the bathroom. I pace around trying to find something anything useful, A bar loses up and A screw falls onto the ground. " I quickly pick it up and it slips out of my hand and falls onto the floor
God.. I hope he didn't hear that.. i pick it up again and place it in my pocket.
Right " I whisper to myself I'm gonna stab the wheel with this.. Soon As I am finished I flush the toilet behind me and open the door when Mandrake standing right in front of it. I froze my heart beating fast I gulped. Me think O god.. I'm fucked.. why is he standing so close to the door..
H-hey.. I stutter" took you long enough" he says, well had alot in me.. I laugh nervously
he looked at me and walked into the bathroom looking around then back at me I began to walk off as he grabbed my arm pulling me toward him and looked ahead then back at me.
my heart was beating fast
you alright? he stated.. Do I make you nervous?
uh.. I look down nervously n-no.. he comes close and asks Do I make you nervous?
I gulp.. and say yes.. why is that? Idk you just do.. *I bite my lips at him* unsure of what I was doing.. I look at his lips.. then back to his eyes.
what are you doing? he asks " hmm nothing I said ignoring him I began to walk off
no no no you don't get to leave right away princess"
my eyes look into his for A moment
I instantly kissed him and broke the kiss. he looked at me weird and smirk he says
come back here" he lift my chin up and kissed me he wrap his hand around my throat be A good girl and stay quiet " I smirk*
* his hands on my waist* pulling me in, his hands travels down my body* as I feel heated in the kiss. he's hand grab my boobs as he sucks them both in circles he's finger pulling the tip a bit earning A moan from me ah~ *moans* from my mouth slip. He's hand travel down into my pants and rubs my pussy in A rhythm, toying with my clit Mandrakes stares at me, as I moan~ mhmm
he gestures he finger to he's lips shhh
I close my eyes in pleasure trying not to moan but couldn't help it but moan out loud. I couldn't care less if the guy at the cash register heard us or not, he puts A finger inside of me then adds another. You like this you mhm?
fucking your tight little hole with my fingers you dirty girl.
Mandrake pumping his fingers right into my core hitting my G spot.
yess.. feeling my orgasm get close. ahh!~ mmm im gonna.. uhh.
No no Not just yet. he pulls his fingers out. I whine~ wanting more..
your get pleating more soon enough but right now I need you to get down on your knees for me.
I listened and got down my knees unbuckling his pants siding them down, his cock flung out from his underwear.
wow *I lick my lips* gazing at his huge dick right in front of me
you like what you see? I nod and began to strod his cock in my hand and began to lick it while looking up at him, my tonuge squril around his tip of his cock
hearing him moan fuck.. tilting his head back as he's place his hand on the wall.
I put the whole thing in my mouth slowly playing with it, and began to deep throat it back and forth as he took A hold of my head face fucking me. *I gag* Ah mhm yea.. yea suck on my cock take it"
keep going! my hand strort faster and I sucked deeper I could barely breath.
Oh fuck! As he shot longe of warm cum down my throat I swowed and licked my lips
that's A good girl " Mandrake said
I smile and got off of the floor he helped me take off my shirt and the rest Mandrake started to kiss me I could feel heated and lust he picked me up placing me against the wall he ripped away my panties sliding his cock into me fucking away, pounding his hard cock within me I moan his name, I felt every electricity in me hit the way he moves he's hips against me the way he pounds into me the way he kisses down my neck.
He's thump circle around my clit, I get closer by the seound
ahh~ Mandrake I moan he reaches over and wrap he's hand around my neck, " he fucks me harder he turns me over toward the wall and fucks me behind he slaps my ass. Then hold my arms above my head, ah yes~ he gruns such A good slut taking me all in fucking your pretty pussy" moan my name he says
ahh mhmm M-Mandrake~ i moan out im gonna..
you gonna cum? mhm I want you to cum for me. He says
cum for me Y/n let me fill you up soon you won't be walking for days once i'm done with you.
he thrust faster as soon he filled me up with all his cum ahh~ fuckk he grunts he soon pull out my breath came shaky my legs numb he said to me clean up baby and kissed me and walked away.
At this moment I thought was this A mistake? what did I just do.. I glance out of the doorway Mandrake standing outside the shop, I stood there and said nope I don't regret A thing I smile and clean up and ahead out.
Should I make A pt 2?
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prime-wars · 2 years
going thru a phase rn where i become mildly obsessed with a random nobody character and create an entire au in my head centered around them... learned thru a tf iceberg video i watched with my friends that theres a tf named crosscut who can store all of his "data and memories" (not sure what data is if not memories - maybe baseline personality components?) inside of a actual literal scooter. like its a drone that is just also a scooter.
anyways as we were watching i was like whyyy does that name sound SO familiar to me so i looked him up and turns out he was in mtmte! he's the playwright whose opening night gets interrupted by djd murderfest on the duplicate lost light. this guy vv
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[image id: a screenshot from dark cybertron, showing blurr and crosscut in conversation. /end id]
(putting the rest of this under a readmore cuz its probably gonna be long as hell)
so THEN i got to thinking and like. i know that they probably were just like ok yea the scooter's fucking stupid and so they just put him in mtmte without his little scooter buddy but what if. What If They Hadnt.
what if there was One Guy on the lost light who, over the course of the war, had gotten into the habit of backing up every single one of his memories into a drone that he carried with him everywhere he went. maybe it's a bad habit, depending on who you ask, but it's a habit that's hard to break, and one that he decides to keep up with after the end of the war. just in case. people might look at him weird for it, since he performs mnemosurgery on himself regulary (and i do think it's some form of mnemosurgery; he's dumping huge amounts of his own memories straight from his processor into a drone, that's gotta be some kind of mnemosurgery technique (and who knows, maybe the "data" that he's storing on clutch (the scooter, the scooter has a name its named clutch) is emotional data, tied together with his memories, so when he goes back and looks thru clutch's archives he can feel exactly what he was feeling in each memory, or maybe it's just notes he keeps for himself to add additional context to individual memories - but im getting sidetracked)) but he's done it for so long he's not stopping now. after all, you never know when you might need it.
and then you get to getaway.
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[image id: a screenshot from more than meets the eye issue #50, depicting getaway's mutineers. crosscut stands in the background. /end id]
maybe crosscut only checks clutch's archives once every couple years, or maybe he likes sifting through his old memories and indulges himself often. who knows, we know next to nothing about him. but what if, a couple months into getaway's mutiny, after sunder's already altered all of the crew's memories, he decides to take a peek. maybe it's on a whim, just a gut instinct that he's learned better than to ignore. maybe he decided to entertain himself with happier memories for a night. either way, he opens up clutch's databanks and discovers Everything.
he'd still been dumping his memories into clutch after sunder's manipulation; he has memories of remembering rodimus and megatron and everyone else leaving the lost light voluntarily, but that memory itself is nowhere to be found. instead, there's getaway, and his plan to turn megatron over to the galactic council, and his stranding of rodimus and the rest of the "rodsquad" on necroworld, and his promises that they would remain safe and unharmed. promises that are sounding much emptier, with the hollowed out memory of rodimus and the crew's departure months earlier rattling around in his head.
idk where it would go from there. maybe when first aid and mirage and everyone return to the lost light crosscut is there to warn them of getaway's treachery ahead of time, and they manage to escape the lost light before getaway can get to them. idk. im just losing my mind a little bit thinking about this.
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thecampfirestory · 2 years
i'm thinkin about how lee chose to name himself achilles.... like first of all the fact that xe named xemself something new not for trans reason but just for vibes is cool.... and also achilles is SUCH a cool name, hell yea, u go little buddy
absolutely thinkin abt that now actually.......
Achilles is so cool hands down
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