Hapy Hannukah Rachel! Hopr you enjoy it! I got confused for a second and thought Hannukah was with Moses but then I remembered that was Passover. Isn't Passover near Easter time?
Thank you so much. I’m enjoying it very much. I love Hanukkah. Yes, Passover is in April. It’s another Jewish holiday that is very special. 
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Hey there! Love your cosplay and I totally agree with the gif about 'getting that man a shirt'! How's you at the moment? I'm not sure if I should ask you as your or Hiccup so I'm just gonna ask as both. How's Valka at the moment? Can't remember what happened to her.
hufflepuffsarewizardstoo I’m keeping myself a shirt on everyday now xD It’s pretty cold here, so don’t worry about it… I’ll be sure to be well covered! :D Thank you so much for your appreciation about my costume ^^At the moment, well, I’m fine! I just went home from a Great Convention that was super-amazing and I had so much fun! I am not ready to give up the feeling yet! Also, things in Berk are going pretty good! Mom’s super helping and she’s helping all the dragon to learn and be good around the place… There are sooo many now! It’s incredible! Obviously Toothless is helping too, but sometimes he forgets too easily he’s the Alpha, so Cloudjumper cover for it pretty damn well. We’re happy, everything’s going fine, and as long as we can stay together we can go forward. For ourselves and for who is not here with us anymore.
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singingsh0wtunes · 10 years
O.O You saw The Book of Mormon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I really want to see that! But I'm too far away from London :(
Yes yes yes!! I saw it on Broadway last night!! I won the Twitter lottery and got front row orchestra seats!!! It was one of the best and most hilarious experiences of my life. Hands down.
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talking-gleeks · 10 years
Is Sugar stil on for talking or not? She was/is great!
Hi there,
Sugar Motta is currently closed for new writers on our team. Sadly our last writer for her departed some time ago and we felt considering the combined lack of interest and likelihood of her return to the show it was time to shift Sugar to our retired characters list.
Thank you for the interest!
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plumey · 10 years
hufflepuffsarewizardstoo replied to your photoset:today is apparently fashion selfie day
You look really good! I thought it was one of those random photo sets of a nice looking woman!
what oh my gosh
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talking-gleeks · 10 years
So is it like the summer where it's Christmas but when it goes back on air,everything remains as it was?
Hi there,
No, it's not the summer for the characters. We are, for all essential purposes frozen until the show returns to air. It's technically the May to June period for the characters but, much like Glee is continuing to address current songs and events despite their time lag, we're allowing characters to reblog music and discuss up to the minute events without making any reference to the when of it. 
So no direct dates for anything like a death or a major global event. It's happening, but for the characters, it's happening in their timeline which is around May of this year. We won't be celebrating Christmas in game as such, but the co-admin and myself have come up with an in game theme that will allow some degree of seasonal reblogging in the coming weeks. 
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hellogidgett · 10 years
Is Frozen any good? I'm desperate to see it! Fuck Catching Fire,I'm seeing Frozen!
I mean, I LOVED Catching Fire. Super loved. But if I had to pick one to see again, I would pick Frozen.
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muchacha11 · 11 years
Rule 1: post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4: let them know you tagged them
I was tagged by hufflepuffsarwizardstoo!
1) What is your biggest turn on that you look for in a guy? Physical: I've always gone for leaner guys--muscles are awesome, but I would chose a thinner fellow over a bulky one any day! Non-Physical: Ability to make decisions (I hate trying to figure what we're gonna do for the night, if he already has a plan, that is AWESOME I LOVE IT) 2) Do you like waffles? Yeah we like waffles! I like waffles with peanut butter on 'em! :') 3) What is the last book that you read? The Great Gatsby 4) What is your favourite reaction GIF?
Tumblr media
5) Wemma or Finchel? Wemma! 6) How many pairs of Converse do you own? Two. 7) What is your film guilty pleasure? Stepbrothers 8) What is your favourite comfort food? Macaroni & Cheese or Junior Mints 9) Do you have any weird talents? iIm not sure if it's a talent, but all of my fingers are double jointed! So I can creep people out with 'em! 10) What is the strangest item that you own? Explanation is optional! I have a can of "Beanie Weanies" in my room, just a small can of baked beans that has remained unopened. A friend gave it to me last year for a gag birthday present and I still have it. 11) Finally…what does the fox say? "I DON'T MAKE ANY OF THOSE NOISES" My Questions! 1) Name one smell, and a memory that you associate with it. 2) Do you want any (more) tattoos? What of? 3) How did you discover Tumblr, and what was your first fandom here? 4) Do you wear perfume/cologne daily? 5) Favorite and Least favorite class subject? 6) Favorite song at the moment? 7) Favorite Christmas food? (Fudge, Cocoa, etc) 8) Do you know how your parents met each other? 9) Any foods you REFUSE to eat? 10) Do you to have long or short hair? 11) Favorite place to shop? (Can be online too!) Tagged:
muse09 / hufflepuffsarewizardstoo / preppyhamlet / hewasmygaything / chatterboxrose / uterushatrequired / sinelanguage /Anyone Else Who Wants to Do It!
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Thank you for the offer but no thanks. Just wanted to know how you were doing! How's Sue at the moment? Haven't heard from her in a while.
I’m doing good, thanks. Feeling like I need to start watching my Gossip Girl, though. I think Blair and Chuck are finally gonna get married! Or Blair’s gonna end up with Serena. Not sure at this point.
Principal Coach Sue is good. She’s been taking a few personal days because she got new medicine and the doctor accidentally screwed it up with some pills that they would give to a dog to make its leg numb before chopping it off like doctor’s usually do. 
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jvedi-blog · 11 years
People keep tagging me in thingies
I'm actually gonna do this one. :P 
Rule 1: post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4: let them know you tagged them
I was tagged by john-winchesters-journal
1. If you could meet any singer/band, who would it be?
   Walk off the Earth, or Journey. :) 
2. If you could travel anywhere, right now, where would you go?
    Back in New Zealand, because it's friggin' awesome. 
3. Which fictional place would you love to live in? (e.g. from a book, or a movie?)
 Middle Earth. :) 
4. Would you prefer to be skilled in self defense (physical fighting) or weaponry (excellent gunman)?
  Why not both? Self defence would probably be more useful for me, but guns fascinate me. :) 
5. Someone you miss?
 Know what.. I don't really miss anyone right now.
6. Your opinion: is cheating ever okay?
   No, not even as a 'they cheated on me so..; That's just being immature. 
7. Preference: pretty/hot but a complete bitch/ass, or ugly/not too attractive but extremely nice personality
 I go for personality, right now I'm lucky with a guy with both. :) 
8. Vampire or werewolf?
  Judging by Supernatural,, vampire is more controllable. 
9. Would you rather live without music or TV? (including music IN TV shows and includes movies etc.)
   TV… (ahhhhh)
10. Would you rather have the ultimate present once, or get small, near meaningless, presents everyday? Why?
I like small, little things. Just because it makes me feel like people are thinking of me. I hate it when people spend a ton of money on me anyway,  small things just make it less awkward. 
11.  Your ultimate fear?
Everyone I love leaving me.. 
My questions
1. If you could travel back in time a certain day, within the past three years. What day would it be, and why? 
2. One thing you wish you did as child
3. Do you keep a journal? 
4. What brand of headphones/earbuds do you own?
5. Anyone in your life you wish you could get to know better?
6. Ever built a giant snow fort?
7. Does your family have any odd terms for everyday objects? (For example, I know people that call hoodies 'bunny hugs', go figure.) 
8. Got any interesting childhood experiences?
9. Can you play any musical instruments?
10. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
11. Desktop or laptop? 
I tag: 
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plumey · 11 years
Are you the person who drew Kurt and Blaine walking in on Finn wearing one of Blaine's sweater vests and he's like 'My name's Blaine, my face is made of eyebrows and my ass is made of diamonds!' or am I thinking of someone else? *Awkwardly twerks away*
i remember this drawing but i don't think it was me
cause i would remember drawing brilliance like that
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talking-gleeks · 11 years
What timeline is it now? Is it still before summer for them or can I talk about Christmas and not get the characters confused?
Hi there!
If you check out our sidebar on the main page (to the left) you'll see we have a little notification about the current month in game.
Due to the (somewhat confusing) structure of the current season of Glee, the characters are stuck in and will be remaining in the May-June period until the show catches up with present day. We do make exceptions for the present day songs the show is doing but for now, this is the best way we've been able to reconcile the show's timeline.
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