#i actually made myself and a friend a postal sticker
screamingahhh · 2 years
It's funny cause I wanted to get some artwork done this weekend but specifically the piece I started like 2 weeks ago
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Shout-out to my one mutual who talked to me about postal all weekend
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netherworldpost · 3 years
I'm new here and very intrigued, if a little confused. Do you have a correspondence service where you mail people, say, newsletters of what's happening in your fictional world (in the theme of school newsletters from Halloween Town High or like a community newsletter from a made up town) and/or personalized letters? Give me the whole spiel!
The shortest answer
If you read @evilsupplyco -- thats me! I'm rebranding for a pile of nebulous reasons, all soft, mostly organizing my brain + plans etc.
The shorter answer
Imagine you are a queer witch, monster, ghost, or mermaid and you are in paradise with your friends (some of whom are idiots) and life is great.
The short answer
Fairy tales for grownups with a heavy emphasis on monsters falling in love ("a vampire kisses her wife, a witch, good morning") and slice of life stories ("a mermaid goes to the undersea grocery store")
With a lot of Halloween celebrations.
So many jack-o-lanterns.
There is a witch with a jack-o-lantern familiar and they adore each other but are polar opposites, as she is a being of chaotic energy and joy and hugs and laughter and living in the moment, and the familiar is stuffy and rigid and snobby and just cannot understand why everything she does/wears is so gaudy, has she no taste?
The full answer
The Netherworld is an infinite dimension full of monsters, ghosts, witches, and mermaids. There are no humans and there are no portals to Earth (or really other dimensions, given its infinite-ness, everything is well covered).
It is a paradisiacal setting -- there are no wars or conflict, there are plenty of resources for everyone and everything. This is a direct reaction to (gestures to the real world) + my bitter hatred of "conflict is necessary for storytelling" advice that got shoved down my throat for years many decades ago.
This is a general chunk of writing advice thrown about a lot because who ever reads journals or personal accounts of their day? (stares in social media)
The Netherworld adventures and styling are typical fantastical medieval Europe (castles, dungeons), with comparable technology to modern Earth with a slightly retro bent -- video stores renting VHS tapes and photo booths are barely a thing anymore in real life but I've stories coming involving both, for example.
Dungeons & Dragons meets a cheesy 80s movie. Or maybe an 80s sword and sandal movie but there is a mix of the behind-the-scenes and the movie scenery.
The stories are very short and soft and gentle. About the length of a long Tumblr post, to give context, with illustrations sprinkled in for good measure because I love drawing more than writing, but I'm a storyteller before I'm a writer or illustrator, so they both have to exist.
When i say above "here is a story about a mermaid going to the grocery store," I literally mean just that.
She wakes up, casts a spell to encase her tail in a bubble of water, writes out a shopping list, picks an outfit, kisses her sleeping wife, a dryad, on the cheek, heads out to the store, picks cereal and veggies and candy and a pop culture magazine to read later, and then comes home.
The delivery and how this differs from Evil Supply Co.:
Evil Supply Co. was a bit random and unfocused. I was making tons of stuff in a handful of genres and never really focused.
Netherworld Post is extremely focused on the stories above + physical (real world) mail. There will be faux postage stamps and postcards showing the in-universe stories.
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The Peyroux Dispatch is the in-universe newspaper, and with Evil, I actually printed newspapers (21 issues!).
There were stories and rambles and illustrations and in-universe ads for slime soaps and swamp soups and monster language learning classes.
As a quick aside if anyone wants a copy of this, just ping me your email address in a message and I'll send. I have all the issues in a single file formatted for at-home printing for personal enjoyment.
When I relaunch the company (May 2022), the Dispatch is coming back. I'm redesigning it to be shorter (making it more manageable) and to have more art (which slightly dampens the "more manageable" but also increases the fun factor significantly).
Okay back to the point
The Dispatch will return as a physical newspaper. Smaller, in color. Stories rambles comics in-universe ads.
I'm snagging a real world PO box as part of a nakedly open marketing attempt to get people to send more mail (I enjoy my years-long hyper-fixation on the United States postal service), with the side benefit that of enjoying myself tremendously returning letters and cards in the voice of my characters.
If it helps move a few more stickers or postcards, grand, but really the goal is to make the world a brighter and weirder place.
Email list
I like email lists because social media algorithms ruin things. There will be a physical mailing list, as well, when the site gets closer to launch.
If you'd like to hear about the rambles as it comes together: https://www.netherworldpost.com/
Thank you!
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