#i am staring right at u germany and fucking England
crsentfairy · 1 year
“how american of you” “ugh americans” bro look at yourself 
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Someone Like You
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On AO3
Ch-1  Ch-2  Ch-3  Ch-4
Chapter 5
Once we were on the road Jamie opened up his laptop and worked for a while. I needed the solitude to clear my head. Jamie was right, it was only twelve hours ago I broke off my engagement. Why do I just feel numb? As a first-year student at Boston U, Frank, Dr. Randall, taught my history course. The way he looked at me was a bit unnerving. When I walked into the huge lecture hall his eyes would find mine and he would smile and wave. His comments on my SA answers were over the top in praise. I started looking forward to seeing his face light up. He made me feel special. It was fun to be the teacher’s pet. Coming straight from boarding school and still a virgin, I was swept away by the sophisticated Dr. Randall. As soon as I was no longer his student, we started dating. The first summer was magical because he took me with him to England where he was lecturing at Brunel for six weeks and I was free to wander around London all day, ride the train to different cities, read the day away at the many bookstores. I couldn’t wait for him to be free for the evening because we made love almost every night.
I was watching the coastline lost in my memories of that romantic summer. The moon roof was open and warm air surrounded me. I thought, how odd that I can’t catch my breath. I forced myself to breathe and relax but it wasn’t helping. Suddenly I was gripped by panic because I couldn’t breathe. The car started to swerve and I looked helplessly at Jamie before I passed out.
I heard voices, strange voices and felt a terror grip my stomach. Terrified I would discover something so awful it would change my life forever. I didn’t know how the car was stopped, or who all the people were around me. I just wanted to go back to the black. There was a mask over my face, a cuff on my arm, and an EMT had my wrist in his hand. Jamie held my other hand. I pushed the mask off my face and sat up, apologizing to everyone and assuring them I was fine now.
I refused a trip to the ER and signed a paper that said as much. I stood up and started to open the car door when everyone seemed to say no at the same time. I looked at Jamie feeling helpless and very afraid.
“I’ll drive for a while lass.”
He is the kindest man I have ever known, I thought. He looked worried and helped me into the car and closed my door. The ambulance pulled away and Jamie looked at me. I could see the worry on his face. At that moment I didn’t even want to be with him. Alone in the woods, under a rock, a floating raft out there on the ocean would be preferable.
Jamie watched Claire work through something in her head. Whatever was happening to her caused a massive panic attack and she fainted right in front of him. “How can I help Sassenach?” He decided at that moment that Claire had the most unique and beautiful eyes than he had ever seen on a woman. She looked lost and vulnerable and he ached to crush her to him.
It’s time for the truth I decided. I tried to square my shoulders and feel brave but I failed. Jump in, get it over with, and then go on with life and be stronger for it.
“I might need to borrow your laptop for a moment. I just need a browser. Is that okay?” He put the computer on my lap and I typed in the name of Frank’s hotel. I heard the phone ring and a man’s voice answer in German.
“Yes madam, how may I help you?”
“My brother is staying at your hotel, with his wife. There’s been a family emergency and I must speak to doctor Frank Randall at once.”
“I believe Dr. Randall is at the University at the moment.”
“Ring me through please I’ll speak to his wife.”
“Of course, madam.”
When she answered, the phone slipped out of my hand and I looked out at the ocean. It turned gray and ugly, the sky was ugly, the hills were ugly. Jamie was calling me from far away and finally held my face so I would look at him. “Such a good man,” I whispered. Before I knew it Jamie yanked me out of the car and walked me down the side of the highway. He held me around my waist and my feet were moving.
“I’m here with ye Sassenach and we will just walk until you feel a bit better. I want ye to tell me what just happened”
He stopped suddenly and turned me to face him. “Wasna request. What just happened?”
“Frank brought a woman with him to Germany. She has been with him this whole time.”
“Christ, Claire. I am so sorry.”
He pulled me to him and I felt the enormous strength of his arms. He body felt like a stone wall I was leaning against. What must it be like to have strength like that, I wondered. His big warm hands were stroking up and down my back. He pulled my arms around him and crushed me to him. It was surreal and I knew if he let me go I would float off my feet and be lost forever.
“Lass, yer shakin sae hard, It’s time for a whisky. Maybe two. C’mon.”
I clung to his arm, afraid he would let go and he pulled me to him again. Somehow Jamie found a bar within five minutes and ordered two at a time. The whisky was like a reprieve, a second chance at life, and I had two more. I filled my lungs with air and smiled up at Jamie.
“Well. Very shitty news. I suppose I will need some therapy for trust issues in the future. If it’s ten sessions or less I’m good with that." His eyes looked so worried. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled. I felt okay now, it was as simple as that. “It’s truly okay Jamie. I was done with him anyway. I just never considered that level of dishonesty and manipulation was possible. It shocked me. I never considered he wasn’t alone lecturing for six weeks. Why would I?”
“Why would ye indeed.” he pulled me to my feet and we drove across the street into a parking lot. I looked at the ocean, it was beautiful again, as was the sky. He popped the trunk and handed me my big straw hat.
“It was a great idea to wear our suits for the ride Sassenach. We’re too drunk to drive but we can swim!”
The idea made me feel happy and I was out of the car before Jamie could reach for my door. We dinna have towels and I drank too much to go drive around lookin for a store. Ye’ll be okay without one Sassenach?”
I heard him laugh when I pulled him toward the beach. It was a spectacular Sunday. Warm and breezy with crashing waves that held Jamie’s attention.
“My God. The waves are beautiful and I would have missed all this if ye hadna come with me!”
I smiled up at him as I unbuttoned my shirt. He seemed stuck on what I was doing. “I can’t wait to jump into a wave!” I dropped my pants and piled my clothes on the sand and ran toward the water. The tears were coming, I couldn’t stop them and I wanted a place to hide. I wanted the ocean to hold me while I cried for my lost innocence.
Jamie was speechless watching Claire run to the waves. “That is the smallest bikini I’ve er seen”, he said out loud, “and she is breathtaking.”
Claire turned around and waved him in. When she took off her hat he could see the pain and the tears. Oh God lass. Yer too small to hurt that bad. He ran into the water and scooped her up off her feet and held her to him. She cried into his neck and her body shook with sobs. Jamie just held on and rocked her back and forth. He whispered over and over, this will pass sweetheart. He doubted she could hear above the waves but it made him feel better. He knew it was true. When she wiggled to get down he didn’t want to let her go, but he did. Then he pushed her into a big wave.
Every second underwater I felt his body against mine. I scooped a handful of wet sand and threw it at him when I popped up. When he laughed his wide smile was genuine and his teeth were so white. I didn’t see him throw it but I was jolted from staring at him by a large quantity of wet sand hitting me in the belly. He walked over to me laughing and splashed water on the clinging sand.
“It’s time for a nap and yer not allowed in the water without me so come on.”
He pulled me to where we left our clothes and dropped onto his back. Then he patted the sand next to him. I heard myself laughing and realized it was real laughter. Jamie was being very cute and funny.
“What… am I laying on yer side Sassenach? Sorry”. He rolled about three feet to the side and I laughed some more. I would get through this, and for now, I wanted it out of my head. Jamie was like a kid who skipped school to go to the beach. I laid down on the warm sand and it felt delicious. The sun was so warm on my cold skin and my eyes were closing. Then, the unthinkable happened. My phone started to buzz.
“That will be Jenny askin ye to tie me to somethin solid and leave me there.”
“I’m gonna make her jealous.” I reached for my phone and then threw it like it was a hot potato.
I looked at the thing continue to ring.”
“Is that Frank fuck?”
I couldn’t help the giggle. “Yes, some nerve.” When it wouldn’t stop I grabbed it and clicked it on. “I’m having a nap with the Greek God Frank, what do you want?”
“No your in your tent freaking out about something you know nothing about.”
I clicked off and laid back down. The calls started again but this time he wanted to face time me. I looked at the face I use to love. “What is it Frank I could feel his image pulling me under.
“Where in God’s name are you Claire?”
Jamie was laying on his side watching me. I got up on my knees and gave Frank a look at my bikini, then I twisted landing on Jamie. I turned the camera toward Jamie who smiled and waved. “Frank, meet the Greek God. Greek God, meet…oh never mind.” I wiggled my way into Jamie’s side and he stretched out to give me access to the full length of him. Frank was yelling something about the hotel manager wants to tell me something. I guess I had enough of Frank at that moment. I looked up at Jamie and pulled his mouth down on mine. Within seconds Frank’s voice went away, the surf was silent, the people made no sound, and for the"minute-long kiss it was only Jamie and me. I felt his warm hand move up my arm.
I don’t know if I wanted to do anything with my mouth except kiss Jamie again. Like he read my mind his lips touched mine softly. I just wanted to feel this for ten more seconds and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss turned hungry and his tongue invaded my mouth. God, I felt like a runaway train and clung to him. Then it happened, my brain restarted and I screamed looking at Jamie in horror. I couldn’t wiggle away fast enough and just ran for the waves. I wanted to drown myself for what I had done. I dove into a wave and felt Jamie’s arm pull me up. What else could I do but sob to him how sorry I was.
“Let me go, Jamie!” He refused to unhand me. “Jamie please!”
He bent over so his eyes were level with mine. “I canna because yer talkin a wee bit crazy right now.” He looked really freaked out when I promised not to tell or better yet I’ll tell her about Frank and my impulse…you weren’t ready for it…I surprised you. I gasped and hit him in the arm as hard as I could, “why did you kiss me back?!” I was absolutely shocked. “You're as bad as Frank, you fuck!”
Before I could hit him again he picked me up and spun me into his chest and just held me there while I fought against his iron hold and the waves. After five minutes of fighting for my life, my body had no strength left. I cried and said I was sorry over and over.
“Sassenach! What are ye so sorry for lass?”
“Turning you into a cheater like Frank.” He wouldn’t let me go and I was just spent, so I just cried.”
“Claire, I’ve known ye almost all yer life. I know ye to be sassy but not crazy. For the love of God, what are ye sorry for!”
“Will you be able to say your vows to Geneva with a clear conscious?”
“Claire, ye must listen very carefully, with all yer heart. I am not to be wed to anyone and I havna been with Geneva for over a year.”
Surely I didn’t hear him correctly. I picked my head up, “what?”
He spun me around so I could see his face and his eyes.
“I dinna have a lass at home and Geneva and I are through forever. Now if I let you go we will go have a talk, aye? On second thought, if its all the same to ye, c’mere ye little brat.”
He crushed his lips to mine and I dropped back into that void of silence. I felt my arms go around his neck and I felt the kiss all the way to my toes.
We kissed so many times I lost count and when I would break for air his amazing blue eyes filled my vision. We walked back to our spot and laid in the sand again. He kissed me more and announced it was nap time again. He grabbed my phone and pulled the battery out.
You need rest mo leannan and I will guard ye. He turned me on my side and laid behind me with one arm over my hip. My mind was like a tornado. I desperately needed to talk to Jenny and this would be weird because it was her brother.
“Claire, honesty…I have wanted to kiss ye since Flagstaff airport.”
I smiled to myself. “I’ve wanted you to do that since I was sixteen laying close to you in your bed.
“Yer a patient one are ye naught?”
He rubbed my leg. “I don’t want ye to go home tonight Sassenach. Stay with me and I’ll drive ye right to yer door. Well, ye will be drivin. Ye dinna start school for a month and I want to know ye better.”
“I decided to stay and drive with you before you kissed me.”
“Yer a good lass arent ye.”
There was considerable energy between us. So much had happened in the last day, no the last hour, and I needed to process the conflicting emotions of heartache over Frank and excitement about Jamie. I wondered if that made me the most shallow person that ever existed.
All this time Geneva was his fiance, at least in my mind. I wondered how I didn’t know they had broken up. I went back in my mind and remembered I just stopped asking about Jamie. He belonged to someone else and was no longer in my group of friends in Scotland. That’s what I did. I just cut him out rather than feel blue about his relationship with Geneva. When Brian Fraser died last year and Jamie took his place as leader of the company, Jenny would talk about his accomplishments with the business and nothing more. This past eight months she spoke only of Ian it seemed.
What of Frank? Did I have a need to fill the Jamie hole when I got back to the states after graduation? How did I fall so easily and deeply into Frank when he is so obviously the wrong man for me. Frank is ten years older than I am and the only person I have kissed until today. Does he know what a terrible kisser he is, I wondered? How many times have I noticed this weekend how wrong Frank is for me? Even if Jamie and I part forever, I would rather take my chances on what else is out there than be saddled with what looks like a serial cheater and a big zero on the fun scale. History is for people who relish the past and I am not that girl.
As one breath rolled into another I dropped the archeology path forever. It was like history. Proving the past and how it existed was not the environment for me. Medicine never looks back, always forward. Not proving the dead, but improving the living. Why didn’t I see this before? That’s two wrongs I’ve chucked out of my life this weekend, Frank and archeology. I felt lighter and more progressive already.
What about Jamie? Oh my God, what a stellar kisser. That is very exciting. I liked sex with Frank because he would focus only on me for a little while. It was really the only time I didn’t have to fight for his attention. Sex was fine, didn’t love it or hate it, but I liked having Frank all over me. I wonder how Jamie makes love. If it’s the way he kisses it’s rough and crazy. Maybe I will like it better with Jamie. What am I thinking? He goes home to Scotland in three days and then it’s another crapshoot when I would see him again. Now I’m feeling sad because I really like Jamie and I think he likes me too.
I just want more kisses and hope he doesn’t stop if it gets weird. Got to keep it not weird somehow. Maybe I am sleepy after all.
I took a deep breath and stretched rolling to my back and then remembered where I was. It looked like the afternoon was waning, maybe four o’clock I guessed. I looked at Jamie asleep on his back. He looked peaceful but I’ll bet that sunburn won’t feel good when he wakes up. Poor guy. I can’t even get my fingers through my hair it’s so matted with sand. I should try and scrub some of this out before we go.
I wandered into the surf and dropped down under the water working the sand out of my hair. I popped up and felt clumps of sand still caught in the coils` so down I went again. This time was much better and I squeezed the water out like a sponge. I should get Jamie up. His stomach looked pretty pink, come to think of it, so does mine.
Laying next to him in the sand I studied his face for a few minutes before running my hand lightly up his arm. He opened his eyes and stretched.
“You broke the only rule I have Sassenach, how could you?” He was gigging.
“I just woke up too, and haven’t done anything.”
“Ye went in the water without me, didna ye lass.” He was smiling so big. “So now ye go in again, with me this time.”
He stood and picked me up off the sand but released me quickly moaning about his sunburn. His stomach looked not only amazingly muscular but bright red as well.
“We need to get you some medicine, but the cold water will help a little too!” I didn’t want him to hurt, it would take away from his fun. So I stood and pulled him to the water and he sighed with relief. We floated and let the waves crash over us. Each in their own thoughts but he never let go of my hand. Later, we walked down the beach while our suits dried and happened to catch the seagulls hunting. They would soar high into the sky and then drop straight down lengthening their body like a missile into the water. Seconds later up they would come flapping back into flight. It was really fun to watch so we climbed a guard tower and sat high off the sand watching them while the sunset behind them. Jamie pulled me in front of him, in between his knees and he played with my hair while we watched. Before we were completely in the dark we headed for the car to resume the trip.
We exited highway one with great sadness and Jamie jumped on the interstate heading east. We were both quiet, maybe feeling the same loss of our time in California. I watched the highway come into the headlights for about an hour and wondered if there was a better way to get to the other side of the country. This type of driving would just be depressing. I wondered why Jamie was so quiet. I hoped he wasn’t regretting the kissing. Please don’t regret that Jamie.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Chapter 26; Rebuilding trust
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is the second to last full chapter before we get to the very end. And like I said before, I have decided to not do the 3rd book till the next Avengers movie comes out cause ever since IW.....well to not spoil anything I would leave u guys on a serious hiatus till the 4th movie came out. Anyways enjoy my lovelies :)
It wasn’t until three days that I was able to get up and walk again.  Apparently I had used too much Mystical energy to bring Rauri’s mind back from the shadows that I over-exerted myself so much that I barely could even lift myself up without either Bucky’s or my mother’s help.  But with some soda and chocolate I was able to make a faster recovery and get my energy back up.
Once I could walk again, I then went to the lab and found myself standing before Rauri.  Shuri who was working on some new tech for Morowa and her brother took one look at me and I looked at her and she instantly knew what I wanted.  She dropped her projects and left the lab in silence leaving Rauri and I alone.  We both looked at each other in silence before Rauri began.
“Thank you for—”
“You don’t get to talk right now, I deserve the truth Rauri. The whole truth!” Rauri sighed solemnly and he said.
“Look what I told you was the truth. Connor and I grew up in Ireland and then Hydra found us and—”
“That’s not what I meant!” I snapped.  I kept my arms crossed as I glared at him then I said, “What you said to me before you went into the jet, before you—you killed yourself……Did you mean what you said? Was all that time we spent together, our first date, our first kiss, was it all a game to you?” Rauri wouldn’t look me in the eye but then he looked right up at me, got up and walked towards me and reached out for my face but I flinched back with a sharp breath as he said.
“It was Connor’s plan for me to get close to you since we’re both the Bad Wolves of Hydra, at first I was playing along but then…..something changed”.  
I looked at him in disbelief then turned and walked away.  Rauri called out my name and chased after me before grabbing a hold of my arm and begging to me.
“(Y/n) please you’ve got to believe me! When I asked you out on that date, and danced with you in my arms, it didn’t become a game, it became real. You opened up my heart, you’ve made me feel more alive than I could ever imagine”.
“You used me to get to Bad Wolf, you tried to expose her once again to the world, and you broke my heart by telling me you loved me then dying right before my eyes, how am I ever supposed to trust you Rauri?” I raised my eyebrows at him just dying to hear his reply and like I suspected, he said nothing and just stared at me with broken eyes.
“I don’t know……Please (y/n) will you give me another chance?”
“If I hadn’t called Tony Stark up by now telling him that I forgave him for shooting at me and nearly killing my brothers, hell to even let him know that I’m alive, do you see me instantly on my knees saying that I love and forgive you. All my life I have had…..everything taken from me since I was 8 years old. And I am tired of being clobbered with that pain, and seeing you here it’s just…..I can’t do this Rauri, not again” I turned and immediately ran off with tears falling down my face.
 A week later after I had gotten a training session done with the Chimeras, I went back to my room to find the same violet Wakandan lily lying right there on my pillow.  I picked it up and just shook my head.
“He wasn’t lying”.  I turned and there stood Connor and Rauri’s second in command Mitchell Russo who was a dog chimera.  His dog form that he could turn into was a big scruffy black Irish wolfhound even though Mitchell was raised in England.
“What are you on about Sirius?” I mocked using that nickname from my favorite book series because he almost looked like he could be Sirius Black due to his dog form as well as his appearance overall, or at least a younger version of Sirius Black.
“I mean, Rauri had all the chances he could have to turn you himself but he never took them. Even when you were with us, he’d always speak to me about how you weren’t the girl he fell in love with. That you weren’t his soulmate under Connor’s spell, he’d wished and prayed so hard that you would break free of his control and come back to him. He’d even talk about running away with you, taking you away from Connor and finding a way to free you from his spell”.
I sat on my bed and just tossed the flower aside and said to him.
“It still doesn’t forgive him for what he did. He can turn on the charm and the wit but I’ll still never forgive him for what he did to me”.
“That’s not what I see” he said. I glared at him and said.
“Excuse me?”
“I can see the conflict in your eyes, hell I can smell it off of you. You can deny all you want but you know deep down you still love him. When wolves find love, it’s eternal. They mate once in their entire life, and I have never seen two people more meant for each other than you and Rauri”.  Mitchell picked up the flower and took my hand and placed it back in my palm before closing it and saying, “He’s regretted everyday ever since you were turned to have betrayed you the way he did, at least drill that into your brain”. With that statement, he left my room. 
Later that night as I was getting ready for bed, I just lay there on my bed looking up at the stars and the full moon that was shining over the jungles of Wakanda.  I then turned to a picture of both me and Wanda that was taken just after my 17th birthday when I was still with the Avengers.
“Oh Mama Bear, I wish you were here. You’d know what to say in something like this”. I then shut my eyes and fell into an empty sleep.  For hours I had a dreamless sleep that was until my surroundings changed.
I was now standing in the middle of a dark forest and as I walked along, I saw someone passing through the trees.
‘Come out and show yourself!’ I snarled out as I phased into my wolf form baring my fangs and ready to strike down whoever it was that was there.  
It was then the person came up and I was shocked to see who it was.
‘Ma-Mama Bear?’ I said.  Wanda smiled at me happily as tears filled her eyes then I immediately ran up towards her in human form and glomped her into a hug and she hugged me back. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“And I’ve missed you, let me look at you”. She separated me from her and cupped my face and looked at me up and down.  “What happened to your arm?”
“It’s a long story, but—how are you here?”
“I’ve felt your spirit calling out to me, so for the first time in 2 years, I used my powers to connect with your mind so that I could see what you needed me for”. She stroked a strand of hair out of my face and she continued, “So who is this Rauri? Tell me everything”. We both sat down on the grass and I proceeded to tell her the whole story.
I don’t know whether dreams have time conception or what but if they do, I better not wake up from this because I deserve an answer, that and it’s been the first time in 2 years that I can actually hold and touch my sister.
“I see, zhat is a lot to take it” she stated solemnly.
“What should I do Wanda? Did you and Vision ever make it work out after the battle in Germany? Did you forgive each other even after hurting each other? Please tell me what I should do”. I begged to her.
“What Vision and I had during the Civil War is different from what you and Rauri are going through. Only you can decide what you want to do”.
“God I was really hoping for a different response” I stated bluntly.  Wanda softly chuckled and said as she stroked my cheek.
“I know but it’s true. Your heart is what governs what you want to do with Rauri from here on out. Whatever you decide is best, let it come from your heart, you’ll know what to do in the end”.  She then kissed my forehead and with that I woke up. 
“Wanda!” I exclaimed as I woke up and saw myself back in my own room.  I looked and saw that it was now morning and I looked at my picture and took it in my hands and said, “I hope I make the right call Mama Bear”.
‘You will’ Pietro’s voice ran inside my head. ‘Even through this decision don’t forget what I once told you. ‘Don’t deny yourself true happiness’ if you let this determine how you feel about love for the rest of your life. You’ll be no better than Ultron’. I sighed deeply and held the picture close to my heart.
*FF a month later*
Rauri was running down the corridor towards (y/n)’s room when he was stopped by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Look Barnes you can beat my arse later but right now I’ve got to talk to (y/n)!” Rauri snapped.
“There’s no point…..”
“Look I know she’s not speaking to me nor will she even come near me but I……”
“She’s gone!” Bucky interrupted him.  Rauri stared at him and stammered.
“Wha-what do you mean she’s gone?”
“She left, she packed a bag and then left the sanctuary” Bucky said sadly.  Rauri ran his hand through his hair and said.
“Why?! Why would she leave?”
“She only said that this place held too many painful memories of you, and her losing her arm so she packed all of her stuff and just left”.
“Why didn’t anyone try to stop her? You’re her brother why didn’t you go after her!?”
“You don’t think I did!? I love that girl so much like she was my own sister! I gave her my blood to save her life when Stark nearly killed her. I tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn’t listen to me”. Rauri paced around for a brief moment before saying.
“Where did she go?”
“I don’t know, but Morowa’s missing too. I think they hitched a plane together and with Morowa’s skills, she could’ve taken (y/n) anywhere. And there’s no point in finding them either, they left three weeks ago”. Rauri choked out a sob and brushed his hands through his hair again as he groaned out and covered his face with his hands.
“I’ve fucked up, I’ve fucked it up big time. Oh God what have I done?” He slid down onto the floor right by (y/n)’s door and wept. Bucky knelt down in front of him and placed his hand on his shoulder and said.
“I’m sorry Rauri, I truly am. I would’ve thought she would’ve stayed and worked things out with you. She never once stopped saying that while she hated you, she also loved you just as much”.  Bucky helped Rauri stand up and the two of them entered (y/n)’s room and they were both greeted by a wonderful sight. 
Candles were lit up everywhere and the lights were dimmed by the night sky and there standing in the middle of the room wearing a very familiar red dress was none other than (y/n).
*1st Person POV*
I watched as both Rauri and Bucky came in and Rauri’s face turned into pure shock as he saw me standing before him with the candles surrounding us.
“Thanks for buying me more time Bucky-bear” I said. Rauri turned around to see Bucky who was still at the door holding it open bow his head to me before turning his eyes to Rauri for a brief moment before shutting the door behind him leaving the two of us alone.  Rauri walked up and stood in front of me and said.
“My God”. It was then I got down on one knee and looked up at him and said.
“Rauri Williams. In all of my life I thought my world was nothing but darkness and pain. And I never thought I would be so lucky…..” I bowed my head sniffling as I try to get out “As to……find my……find my…..There’s a reason why girls don’t do this!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it!” Rauri got down on his knees and took my hands in his as he looked into my eyes.  “I thought—” Rauri got emotional and exclaimed “hold on I can do this!” I sobbed out some laughs and squeezed his hands in mine as he then confessed deep within his heart, “I thought…..The world needed to bow and tremble before the wrath of a vengeful wolf. But then…..it took another wolf to show me that the world I truly needed, was with her. For she is the fairest and most beautiful person I have ever met. And if she lets me and finally forgives me….I will continue to my last dying breath to make sure I give her the love that she has given me”.
Waterfalls of tears were pouring down my face at Rauri’s words and they kept coming down as Rauri reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box and opened it revealing a beautiful Vibranium diamond ring.
“(Y/n) (m/n) Maximoff…..will you marry me?” I smiled widely and choked out.
“Yes”. Rauri smiled and took my left hand and pressed the side of the ring which created a magnetic connection between my metal finger and the engagement ring as he put it on.  We both sobbed and immediately kissed each other passionately before hugging each other as I choked out my sobs while Rauri rubbed my back in soothing circles telling me he loved me in both Gaelic and English.
“CAN WE COME IN YET!?! WE’RE DYING OUT HERE!!!!” We both heard Bucky’s voice cry out from the other side of the door.
“Come in Bucky bear! Come in!” I cried out as both Rauri and I stood up and soon coming in was not only Bucky but the Chimeras and all of my Wakandan family and I finally proclaimed, “We’re engaged!” Everyone all cheered and we all gathered up in a group hug.
“My ship has finally sailed!” Shuri exclaimed making me laugh and hug her. 
That night it was all about celebration and congratulations for both Rauri and I and I knew in my heart, I had made the right choice.
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