#i believe in 4taro supremacy
dolphin-enthusiast · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, I’d love JJBA matchup? I am a Demisexual/Panromantic, Female, Virgo, INFJ-T, and my pronouns are She/They! I don't really like being around others I'm not familiar with. I talk a lot when I'm nervous, almost always saying something completely asinine or embarrassing. Those moments haunt me.
I'm a rather judgmental person, first impressions are sort of everything to me. If I have an idea about someone, it sticks even if I've never spoken to them. It'll take a bit to convince me otherwise. I don't trust easily, and I'm very stubborn. Along with talking I tend to fidget and bite my nails when I'm nervous or even just bored, I get rather anxious when I'm doing nothing.
I only have a select few friends but I do everything in my power to make sure that those few people are happy with me and with themselves. While I do my best to know my place it’s hard for me to turn a blind eye when I know said person is suffering. I’m definitely a mom friend. I am a little needy with those I love, I have a some abandonment issues.
I do have some anger issues and I am quite the control freak but I never let anyone else see that side of me unless I know them. I do my best to avoid any form of conflict. When I'm comfortable enough out of my shell, I'm much more bold, open, and, some may say, intense. I can get pretty chaotic when I'm 100% in my element.
I am a very obsessive person, once I am interested in something I tend to suck the life out of it, or just lose interest and move onto the next subject. I love to write and I occasionally draw, though I am horrendously critical of it all. I love anything crime, mystery, or horror related and I especially love to write about it. Though I have a very soft spot for romance.
I love to joke with people, though I have a very strange sense of humor. I hate a lot of things, though overly loud, or confrontational people really erk me. I hate PDA, I hate being touched in public, or without permission. I most definitely hate pet names like 'babe' or 'baby' it makes me very uncomfortable.
I'm a very irritable person, but I am not quick to violence unless I am forced into it. While I do write my hobbies are rather simple, I love baking and occasionally gardening. I hope this wasn't too much! Again, I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
I match you with...
JOTARO! (specifically 4taro)
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Ok so the way it goes with this man, you’re either his complete opposite (though that’s a wildcard by itself) or you’re his total copy, your case being the latter lmao gshghsg. First of all, he is quite fond of your rather reserved and quiet nature (overly loud people and just...alot of noise in general greatly bothers Jotaro), the man simply being drawn to your almost motherly aura. Speaking of, he secretely REALLY fuckin loves being pampered and cared for by you (and in turn always does the same to you, obviously) since you lowkey remind him of his own mom bye sksghs BUT HE WON’T ADMIT IT of course. Akin to you, Jotaro puts alot of accent on first impressions and it’s EVEN more difficult to get on his good side after you made an absolute jester of yourself in front of him in the beginning, therefore he likes that you share his thoughts on the matter. And be it between us, your first impression was just right.
And let me just tell you JUST HOW similar you two acc are: Jotaro himself is a control freak who always must plan everything ahead or else he’ll f l i p, he too has quite some nervous tics that he tries suppressing (and will def always stop you from biting your nails or further upsetting your skin), he l o a t h e s useless fights and drama (God bless that you ain’t a drama queen, honestly he wouldn’t be able to mentally do it shggjsg), he CERTAINLY does n o t trust like...at all...you could strap him to a chair and pry his mouth open in an attempt to force him to speak and Jotaro would still rather perish than open up. And the list goes on really, the fact that you’d be able to immediately understand his train of thought, relate to his ideas and ALSO respect his boundaries and give him space when he needs it is p much ideal in his opinion. And fret not, even if you tend to be a little needy, news flash: Jotaro can be quite clingy himself after getting comfortable w you, but he’d hate if you were to ever bring it up afterwards lmao. Although he ain’t the best with words, he’d always try motivating and cheering you on because he damn well knows just how excruciating it can be to be your own, worst nemesis and criticize yourself no matter what you do. PDA (or most petnames tbh he’s a “darling” or “dear” kinda man and ONLY in private) is not his thing a t a l l and he’d rather cuddle up with you on the couch in the evenings after a long, tiresome day, and oh lord lemme just tell you he is VERY fond of your chaotic nature; kudos to you for being one of the absolute few people that he’d ever shown his true, actual laugh to. Overall, 11/10 match B Y E.
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