#i could write a whole essay on how kids tv shows tackle 'real life problems'
s-insomnia · 1 year
going on a big time rush nostalgia rewatch and i find it so fascinating how they handled addressing actual issues (homesickness, psychosomatic illness, fear of rejection, emotional repression)
like multiple times a character will plainly just. state the problem a character's having (ex: when bob tells logan that logan's relationships never work because he's afraid of rejection; when the therapist in that one ep just straight up says james' tanning spray addiction is because he feels estranged because of the pressures of his career; or when logan says that james' sickness due to him losing "swagger" was psychosomatic), just to have the other character respond by saying "what lol?"
it's so... interesting. because the writers clearly realized their core audience (kids) probably wouldn't understand the point when it's put in more "adult" terms (like kids aren't going to know what the hell "psychosomatic" means, or truly understand what fear of rejection in romantic relationships is), shown by how the point would be re-addressed sometime else in episode in much simpler terms. yet they still did it?
i mean, i don't dislike it. as an almost adult, it gives me a much greater appreciation of the show that i didn't have when i watched the show when i was 8. it's just... something i've really noticed.
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blue-maiden4 · 4 years
A super long ass essay that arose due to SPOP and SUF endings
Okay, before I start with this long ass opinion, I gotta leave clear some points first:
1-I’m not an expert on any matter that I might address over here, but no one is an expert on everything (unless you´re some sort of gifted person with an amazing intelligence and that’s okay!), but hey that doesn’t mean I don’t have certain knowledge on the subject either.
2-I’m not invalidating no one’s personal opinion, if you dislike something that’s totally fine and I respect that! And in any moment I’m trying to force my opinions into you, if in any moment it seems like that, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound that way, I’ve always sucked in these kind of stuff (hence why I rarely interact on the Internet by giving my opinions, cause you gotta be super careful of what you say nowadays)
3-If I start contradicting myself, as I said before, I’m bad at this stuff, so….yeah this is probably gonna end in a disaster. But no one is perfect and I can at least try!
4-Most of this thing is written off my perspective, but I guess every opinion is that way too.
Well, let’s begin with thing super long opinion that no one will ever care about or bother to read! 
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Now, this something I’ve been thinking about after SPOP ended, and also because I’ve seen in at least one Instagram comment, Tumblr post and Youtube critique’s video comment (or even the video itself, but tbh I don’t remember exactly where it was) that said that if show doesn’t know how to tackle very delicate issues such as abuse and that kind of heavy stuff, then they shouldn’t address them at all (I’m serious, I literally one comment like that on a Insta post related with SPOP). And, while I agree that these shows don’t tackle this issues in the most appropriate way, I think what’s most important is that they’re being addressed at all! Seriously, what a better way to show kids that this kind of stuff happens in the real world, that via a cartoon. It’s something that will catch their attention.
I repeat not every single show has showed this issues in the best way possible, and then that got me thinking, why are people complaining of things such as the unrealistic take of redemption of abusive figures such as Shadow Weaver and Catra or evil dictators that might have probably committed genocide like the Diamonds in SU, which is something the kids that watch such shows might just believe it does happen in real life (This last statement is something that I disagree, I’ll get into that later, when they could actually explain kids the reality of this issues? 
(Putting this under cut cause it’s super long and in case you want to scroll past it)
Let me explain myself, all of us are aware that redemption cannot be given to these kind of people and it’s unreal, so if we know these kind of stuff, then we, as adults, should explain them why things like this are not likely to happen in real life (in a nice, not in a super crude way like fricking Realism, they’re still kids after all, do they need to know the cruelty of the real world without sugar-coating and being direct, sure, but we don’t have to be extremely crude about it). Of course, I’m aware most parents aren’t responsible for their kids, that they don’t have any sort of parental figure around, or a even part of a horrible family that gives zero shits about them, and that sucks, a lot.
Remember, how I said that I disagree that kids believe everything they see on TV? Well, it’s because I don’t kids are that stupid, they might be naive, I know that being a naive and innocent person too (back when I was little, now reality hit me like a truck and I’m aware that the world is terrible, just to clarify), but they are indeed smart, I remember that in an Intro to Psychology course, it showed a study that says that babies are actually smarter than what they look like, so this applies to young kids as well, they know when some stuff is wrong and messed up, just as they know about what is good. It make take them a while to figure this sort of things out, but when they do, it’s going to be a lesson that will stick with them, and when they grow up, they’ll have have a even more and better knowledge of these subjects. So cartoons addressing these subjects is the first step to teaching kids about abuse, toxic relationships, etc. and then, if possible for the reason I mentioned earlier, us adults would explain them in a better way (and more realistic for the matter) about these stuff, it is sort of like a shared responsibility.
Now I’m gonna jump to a COMPLETELY different matter, that is not related but that I wanted to address as well, but this has to do with how people say that a show creator had no idea how to do their show (or something like that, but I think you get the idea), more specifically with how they direct the story (where it’s heading to) and how they have rushed endings that make nonsense.
I’m gonna make a small disclaimer first: I’m not saying that there aren’t any horrible shows, of course there are, heck I’ve witnessed a couple of them, so I’m aware of this.
One thing you have to take in mind, is that the creators are normal people too and aren’t perfect in any way, I’m sure there’s gonna be a comment saying: “But they must know how to their job properly, it’s what they studied for!” Well, I’ve met a couple of doctors that have NO IDEA how to do their job properly *cough* Mexican health system (though not all of them, many know how to do their job) *cough*, even my brother had a teacher that supposedly has a degree related with animation and didn’t knew how to move a model (or something like that, it’s been like two years when he told us that). Basically, just because you have a degree doesn’t mean you’ll do your job right or even perfect, you’re always learning of all the mistakes you make, and this is something that also applies to creating content. (though I have to admit there are some that reach the level of super dumbass on the matter and ask yourself if they even studied at all…)
Webcomic creators know this really well, their first work is not perfect, it has lots of flaws, but they learned from it and got better, combined with the feedback of the community (and by this I mean not throwing nonsensical hate) it just keeps improving. Whether a creator wants to listen to the feedback or not, well that’s their problem, not everyone takes criticism in a good way.
Then we have the issues that every showrunner faces, the restrictions of the network, with this I refer to the duration of an episode, the amount of episodes a season has, if  it’s going to get a new season at all, things that can be showed, etc. Do you seriously think creators can do  as they please and show every single of their ideas? Of course not! And when they do is a goddamn miracle! But there’s always a risk that the funds of the show get cut (SU is a good example of this), they didn’t get enough time to do everything that they wanted and had to cut off important stuff (or censor it in some cases), or simply the show is suddenly cancelled (even if the creator had all the freedom in the world, and it’s doing an amazing job with the story because it’s taking it’s time, if the executives decide that it’s not worth it to keep it going they cancel it and leave the story unfinished, hence why some endings tend to be rushed, cause they have to adapt to the sudden change, changing literally everything they have planned). Sometimes, is the creators fault and sometimes is the networks fault. 
(I wanna add a little something, when fans keep saying that the show should have focused on the important things, but let me remember that it’s the creator and the team that decide what they’re gonna do, and A) Probably they have finished that Ep, a year prior to it’s airing-that they had it planned a long time ago- and B) It’s never a good idea to to listen to what the fans want at least not in a 100%, fanservice in big amounts is never a good thing, just look at what happened with that youtuber that had a webseries on her channel….)
If you didn’t liked a show at all and it was the worst thing you’ve ever seen in your life, that totally fine! We all have different opinions and will never like the same things as the others, but at least ask of yourself, if it’s the creators fault for making questionable decision on the direction of the show or the networks fault, or even if both are at fault! (Remember, you can still dislike the show after this!)
Well, people are probably gonna go after my head for this cause maybe I didn’t cover some parts properly, at least I tried…..And maybe there are lots of contradiction. (And people might think I’m defending every single terrible show out there or some shit like that)
If anyone read this whole thing….thank you for taking the time to read this thing. Surprisingly I enjoyed writing this, it really made me think and take my time just to look at things from a different perspective, really even if it doesn’t look like, I tried my best to take into consideration the way people feel about certain topics and their perspectives (opinions), you have no idea of all interesting points of view that I read on Tumblr and the internet in general (I think I actually stuck most of the time with the way I think...damnit)
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Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
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Here we are in the dog days of summer. There are just a few weeks left for relaxing beach vacations, lazy pool days, and summer Fridays spent frolicking in the sun. If you haven't checked nearly enough things off your summer bucket list, now's the time to get on it. Or, if you'd rather just chill out in the air conditioning, you could always work on tackling your summer reading list. The books coming out this week are a great place to start.
This is a big week, because there are 19-yes, 19-books coming out this week that I highly recommend. In keeping with the theme of “summer's almost over, but there's still time,” there's a second wind of beach reads and summer romance novels on this list. So if you thought you'd read the best books that chick lit had to offer this summer, there's a whole crop of new titles to dive into. Or, if you're already looking to fall and craving a more atmospheric read, this is a big week for historical fiction, too.
Here are 19 books coming out this week that you don't want to miss.
1. The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg, out August 7th
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux
available at Amazon | $20
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Clare, recently widowed and still grieving the loss of her husband, decides to attend a film festival in Havana that they bought tickets to. But once there, she spots him in front of museum, plain as day. Clare follows her husband around Havana, reflecting on their marriage, thinking about her childhood, and searching for answers. The more you read, the less you'll know what's real and what isn't.
2. Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert, out August 7th
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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
available at Amazon | $17.99
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Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone kept asking, So, what do you want to do with your life? As if you were supposed to have all the answers at age 18? That's where Yvonne is. She's about to graduate from high school and she's questioning whether or not she's talented enough to pursue a career as a violist. Then, when she unexpectedly gets pregnant, her future becomes even less clear. Finding Yvonne is a moving read for anyone who's ever been unsure about what comes next. (So, all of us.)
3. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, out August 7th
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Atria/Emily Bestler Books
available at Amazon | $23.40
Shop Now
When Lacey is diagnosed with the BCRA1 gene mutation (a.k.a. the breast cancer gene), she makes a bucket list for her boobs. Yep, she writes down everything she wants to do with and for her boobs before the possibility of a preventative double mastectomy comes. The Bucket List is the sweet, sexy, and sex positive women's fiction book you need to read before summer is over.
4. The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $20.80
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In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the Grand Central School of Art, a glamorous institution inside of Grand Central Terminal in New York City. In 1974, Virginia works in the once-glamorous terminal's information booth. When Virginia uncovers the lost art school from decades prior, she becomes determined to restore the building to the beauty it once was. The Masterpiece is a must-read for historians, art lovers, and New Yorkers alike.
5. Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl from Somewhere by Maeve Higgins, out August 7th
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Penguin Books
available at Amazon | $16
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Warning: Do not read Maeve Higgins' new collection of essays in public. You will laugh yourself silly and look like a complete lunatic. From the frustrating process of getting a visa to her hilariously less-than-perfect shopping trip to Rent the Runway, Maeve insightfully reflects on the experiences that have helped her find her place in America. This is Aesop's Fables for millennials.
6. Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon, out August 7th
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available at Scribner | $25.91
Shop Now
Florence and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids. Now, in their eighties, they live in the Cherry Tree home for the elderly. Florence often struggles with her memory, but Elsie always helps her remember. When a man shows up who looks like someone from her past-someone who died 60 years ago-Florence really starts digging. What a wonderful and entertaining feel good story. Read this one with your BFF.
7. Our House by Louise Candlish, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $20.80
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There's still time to get your fill of summer thrillers, and we suggest starting with Our House. When Fiona comes home to see strangers moving into her house, she assumes it's a mistake. But then, she realizes her estranged husband Bram and their sons aren't anywhere to be found. Needless to say, as Fiona tries to regain control of the situation, you're in for a roller coaster ride of twisted ups and downs.
8. Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $24.99
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Goodbye, Paris is a quirky, charming read about friendship and perseverance. After Grace, the owner of an instrument repair shop, is forced to end her long-distance love affair with David, she retreats into isolation and bows out of a cello-making competition. But with the help of a customer and her shop assistant, she puts the pieces back together and finds happiness again.
9. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $15.99
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When Maxine's husband leaves her for his 22-year-old secretary, she decides to claim a new title: She's going to compete in the Mrs. American Pie pageant. But there's just one problem: She needs a family in order to win. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie is nonstop fun from start to finish. Oh, and Laura Dern is already adapting the book for TV. So yeah, you're going to want to read it now.
10. If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar, out August 7th
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One World
available at Amazon | $16.00
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Don't miss Fatimah Asghar's collection of poems about race, identity, family, and loss. It's a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
11. Smothered by Autumn Chiklis, out August 7th
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Wednesday Books
available at Amazon | $16.99
Shop Now
Lou had big plans for her post-grad life. After graduating from Columbia summa cum laude, she thought she'd be settling into a new job, apartment, and lifestyle. But instead, with no job and no prospects, she's moving back in with her parents. Through journal entries, texts, and emails-and even job applications and prescriptions-Lou takes readers along for the ride as she tries to figure out her next step (and figure out how to get her controlling mom from watching her every move). It's a quick, fun read that'll make you laugh out loud.
12. Hope Never Dies: An Obama/Biden Mystery by Andrew Shaffer, out August 7th
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Quirk Books
available at Amazon | $9.44
Shop Now
Oh yes. This book is exactly what it looks like: a fictional mystery starring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as they try to take action against America's opioid epidemic. If you miss 44 and his trusty sidekick, Hope Never Dies is the fanfiction you didn't know you needed. Honestly? I'd read a whole series about this bromance.
13. The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $14.19
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Hello, hockey-themed romance novels. You are the genre I didn't know existed but now suddenly cannot live without. In The Good Luck Charm, Lilah's ex Ethan (who dumped her to focus on his budding hockey career) returns to try to win her back. When she realizes why he's keeping her so close, the hurt comes rushing back all over again. If you love rom-coms, don't miss this second chance romance novel.
14. If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim, out August 7th
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William Morrow
available at Amazon | $22.76
Shop Now
Haemi and her family flee to a refugee camp during the Korean War when she's just 16 years old. Every night she escapes the camp for a few hours with her friend Kyunghwan. As the two grow close, Kyungwhan's wealthy cousin, Jisoo, makes plans to marry Haemi. As the story progresses, Haemi reflects on the choice she made to marry Jisoo, considering the life she has and the life that could have been. Don't miss this complex, heartbreaking tale of how one decision can change everything.
15. No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists by Keiko Agena, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $17.00
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This is not your average journal. It's a workbook filled with writing prompts, activities, and exercises ranging from “Draw what change feels like” to “Describe the perfect funeral for a project you loved that ended.” If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or in your head about your creative pursuits, Keiko Agena can help you rediscover your inner artist.
16. Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson, out August 7th
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Flatiron Books
available at Amazon | $19.19
Shop Now
Professor Anders Larsen is a museum curator in Denmark. Tina Hopgod is the wife of a farmer in England over 700 miles away. When Tina writes a letter to her former professor who has since passed, Anders responds on his behalf. And thus begins their correspondence via snail mail. This sweet novel, which unfolds through a series of letters, is a short but spellbinding story of life and friendship.
17. The Drama Teacher by Koren Zailckas, out August 7th
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Crown Publishing Group
available at Amazon | $27.00
Shop Now
I love a good unreliable narrator, which is exactly what Gracie is in The Drama Teacher. She's hiding a lot about who she is and where she's from. When she fibs her way into a job as a high school drama teacher to save her family's house from foreclosure, Gracie's lying ways get a bit out of hand. Koren Zailckas will keep you on your toes until the very last page.
18. Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $12.78
Shop Now
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley are best friends who met at a weight-loss camp when they were teens. When Emerson passes away, she leaves behind a final wish for her besties: face the fears they carried from their teen years into adulthood. Don't miss this emotional read about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.
19. The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $22.00
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When a teenager named Becky goes missing, everyone joins in on the search. The Reservoir Tapes is a collection of stories from those in her community about life before she disappeared, as told to an interviewer. If you read Jon McGregor's companion novel Reservoir 13, this will leave you with even more questions about Becky's disappearance.
Happy reading!
The post Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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inkundu1 · 6 years
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
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Here we are in the dog days of summer. There are just a few weeks left for relaxing beach vacations, lazy pool days, and summer Fridays spent frolicking in the sun. If you haven't checked nearly enough things off your summer bucket list, now's the time to get on it. Or, if you'd rather just chill out in the air conditioning, you could always work on tackling your summer reading list. The books coming out this week are a great place to start.
This is a big week, because there are 19-yes, 19-books coming out this week that I highly recommend. In keeping with the theme of “summer's almost over, but there's still time,” there's a second wind of beach reads and summer romance novels on this list. So if you thought you'd read the best books that chick lit had to offer this summer, there's a whole crop of new titles to dive into. Or, if you're already looking to fall and craving a more atmospheric read, this is a big week for historical fiction, too.
Here are 19 books coming out this week that you don't want to miss.
1. The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg, out August 7th
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux
available at Amazon | $20
Shop Now
Clare, recently widowed and still grieving the loss of her husband, decides to attend a film festival in Havana that they bought tickets to. But once there, she spots him in front of museum, plain as day. Clare follows her husband around Havana, reflecting on their marriage, thinking about her childhood, and searching for answers. The more you read, the less you'll know what's real and what isn't.
2. Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert, out August 7th
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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
available at Amazon | $17.99
Shop Now
Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone kept asking, So, what do you want to do with your life? As if you were supposed to have all the answers at age 18? That's where Yvonne is. She's about to graduate from high school and she's questioning whether or not she's talented enough to pursue a career as a violist. Then, when she unexpectedly gets pregnant, her future becomes even less clear. Finding Yvonne is a moving read for anyone who's ever been unsure about what comes next. (So, all of us.)
3. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, out August 7th
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Atria/Emily Bestler Books
available at Amazon | $23.40
Shop Now
When Lacey is diagnosed with the BCRA1 gene mutation (a.k.a. the breast cancer gene), she makes a bucket list for her boobs. Yep, she writes down everything she wants to do with and for her boobs before the possibility of a preventative double mastectomy comes. The Bucket List is the sweet, sexy, and sex positive women's fiction book you need to read before summer is over.
4. The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the Grand Central School of Art, a glamorous institution inside of Grand Central Terminal in New York City. In 1974, Virginia works in the once-glamorous terminal's information booth. When Virginia uncovers the lost art school from decades prior, she becomes determined to restore the building to the beauty it once was. The Masterpiece is a must-read for historians, art lovers, and New Yorkers alike.
5. Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl from Somewhere by Maeve Higgins, out August 7th
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Penguin Books
available at Amazon | $16
Shop Now
Warning: Do not read Maeve Higgins' new collection of essays in public. You will laugh yourself silly and look like a complete lunatic. From the frustrating process of getting a visa to her hilariously less-than-perfect shopping trip to Rent the Runway, Maeve insightfully reflects on the experiences that have helped her find her place in America. This is Aesop's Fables for millennials.
6. Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon, out August 7th
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available at Scribner | $25.91
Shop Now
Florence and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids. Now, in their eighties, they live in the Cherry Tree home for the elderly. Florence often struggles with her memory, but Elsie always helps her remember. When a man shows up who looks like someone from her past-someone who died 60 years ago-Florence really starts digging. What a wonderful and entertaining feel good story. Read this one with your BFF.
7. Our House by Louise Candlish, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
There's still time to get your fill of summer thrillers, and we suggest starting with Our House. When Fiona comes home to see strangers moving into her house, she assumes it's a mistake. But then, she realizes her estranged husband Bram and their sons aren't anywhere to be found. Needless to say, as Fiona tries to regain control of the situation, you're in for a roller coaster ride of twisted ups and downs.
8. Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $24.99
Shop Now
Goodbye, Paris is a quirky, charming read about friendship and perseverance. After Grace, the owner of an instrument repair shop, is forced to end her long-distance love affair with David, she retreats into isolation and bows out of a cello-making competition. But with the help of a customer and her shop assistant, she puts the pieces back together and finds happiness again.
9. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $15.99
Shop Now
When Maxine's husband leaves her for his 22-year-old secretary, she decides to claim a new title: She's going to compete in the Mrs. American Pie pageant. But there's just one problem: She needs a family in order to win. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie is nonstop fun from start to finish. Oh, and Laura Dern is already adapting the book for TV. So yeah, you're going to want to read it now.
10. If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar, out August 7th
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One World
available at Amazon | $16.00
Shop Now
Don't miss Fatimah Asghar's collection of poems about race, identity, family, and loss. It's a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
11. Smothered by Autumn Chiklis, out August 7th
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Wednesday Books
available at Amazon | $16.99
Shop Now
Lou had big plans for her post-grad life. After graduating from Columbia summa cum laude, she thought she'd be settling into a new job, apartment, and lifestyle. But instead, with no job and no prospects, she's moving back in with her parents. Through journal entries, texts, and emails-and even job applications and prescriptions-Lou takes readers along for the ride as she tries to figure out her next step (and figure out how to get her controlling mom from watching her every move). It's a quick, fun read that'll make you laugh out loud.
12. Hope Never Dies: An Obama/Biden Mystery by Andrew Shaffer, out August 7th
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Quirk Books
available at Amazon | $9.44
Shop Now
Oh yes. This book is exactly what it looks like: a fictional mystery starring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as they try to take action against America's opioid epidemic. If you miss 44 and his trusty sidekick, Hope Never Dies is the fanfiction you didn't know you needed. Honestly? I'd read a whole series about this bromance.
13. The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $14.19
Shop Now
Hello, hockey-themed romance novels. You are the genre I didn't know existed but now suddenly cannot live without. In The Good Luck Charm, Lilah's ex Ethan (who dumped her to focus on his budding hockey career) returns to try to win her back. When she realizes why he's keeping her so close, the hurt comes rushing back all over again. If you love rom-coms, don't miss this second chance romance novel.
14. If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim, out August 7th
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William Morrow
available at Amazon | $22.76
Shop Now
Haemi and her family flee to a refugee camp during the Korean War when she's just 16 years old. Every night she escapes the camp for a few hours with her friend Kyunghwan. As the two grow close, Kyungwhan's wealthy cousin, Jisoo, makes plans to marry Haemi. As the story progresses, Haemi reflects on the choice she made to marry Jisoo, considering the life she has and the life that could have been. Don't miss this complex, heartbreaking tale of how one decision can change everything.
15. No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists by Keiko Agena, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $17.00
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This is not your average journal. It's a workbook filled with writing prompts, activities, and exercises ranging from “Draw what change feels like” to “Describe the perfect funeral for a project you loved that ended.” If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or in your head about your creative pursuits, Keiko Agena can help you rediscover your inner artist.
16. Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson, out August 7th
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Flatiron Books
available at Amazon | $19.19
Shop Now
Professor Anders Larsen is a museum curator in Denmark. Tina Hopgod is the wife of a farmer in England over 700 miles away. When Tina writes a letter to her former professor who has since passed, Anders responds on his behalf. And thus begins their correspondence via snail mail. This sweet novel, which unfolds through a series of letters, is a short but spellbinding story of life and friendship.
17. The Drama Teacher by Koren Zailckas, out August 7th
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Crown Publishing Group
available at Amazon | $27.00
Shop Now
I love a good unreliable narrator, which is exactly what Gracie is in The Drama Teacher. She's hiding a lot about who she is and where she's from. When she fibs her way into a job as a high school drama teacher to save her family's house from foreclosure, Gracie's lying ways get a bit out of hand. Koren Zailckas will keep you on your toes until the very last page.
18. Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $12.78
Shop Now
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley are best friends who met at a weight-loss camp when they were teens. When Emerson passes away, she leaves behind a final wish for her besties: face the fears they carried from their teen years into adulthood. Don't miss this emotional read about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.
19. The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $22.00
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When a teenager named Becky goes missing, everyone joins in on the search. The Reservoir Tapes is a collection of stories from those in her community about life before she disappeared, as told to an interviewer. If you read Jon McGregor's companion novel Reservoir 13, this will leave you with even more questions about Becky's disappearance.
Happy reading!
The post Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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cowgirluli-blog · 6 years
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
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Here we are in the dog days of summer. There are just a few weeks left for relaxing beach vacations, lazy pool days, and summer Fridays spent frolicking in the sun. If you haven't checked nearly enough things off your summer bucket list, now's the time to get on it. Or, if you'd rather just chill out in the air conditioning, you could always work on tackling your summer reading list. The books coming out this week are a great place to start.
This is a big week, because there are 19-yes, 19-books coming out this week that I highly recommend. In keeping with the theme of “summer's almost over, but there's still time,” there's a second wind of beach reads and summer romance novels on this list. So if you thought you'd read the best books that chick lit had to offer this summer, there's a whole crop of new titles to dive into. Or, if you're already looking to fall and craving a more atmospheric read, this is a big week for historical fiction, too.
Here are 19 books coming out this week that you don't want to miss.
1. The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg, out August 7th
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux
available at Amazon | $20
Shop Now
Clare, recently widowed and still grieving the loss of her husband, decides to attend a film festival in Havana that they bought tickets to. But once there, she spots him in front of museum, plain as day. Clare follows her husband around Havana, reflecting on their marriage, thinking about her childhood, and searching for answers. The more you read, the less you'll know what's real and what isn't.
2. Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert, out August 7th
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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
available at Amazon | $17.99
Shop Now
Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone kept asking, So, what do you want to do with your life? As if you were supposed to have all the answers at age 18? That's where Yvonne is. She's about to graduate from high school and she's questioning whether or not she's talented enough to pursue a career as a violist. Then, when she unexpectedly gets pregnant, her future becomes even less clear. Finding Yvonne is a moving read for anyone who's ever been unsure about what comes next. (So, all of us.)
3. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, out August 7th
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Atria/Emily Bestler Books
available at Amazon | $23.40
Shop Now
When Lacey is diagnosed with the BCRA1 gene mutation (a.k.a. the breast cancer gene), she makes a bucket list for her boobs. Yep, she writes down everything she wants to do with and for her boobs before the possibility of a preventative double mastectomy comes. The Bucket List is the sweet, sexy, and sex positive women's fiction book you need to read before summer is over.
4. The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the Grand Central School of Art, a glamorous institution inside of Grand Central Terminal in New York City. In 1974, Virginia works in the once-glamorous terminal's information booth. When Virginia uncovers the lost art school from decades prior, she becomes determined to restore the building to the beauty it once was. The Masterpiece is a must-read for historians, art lovers, and New Yorkers alike.
5. Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl from Somewhere by Maeve Higgins, out August 7th
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Penguin Books
available at Amazon | $16
Shop Now
Warning: Do not read Maeve Higgins' new collection of essays in public. You will laugh yourself silly and look like a complete lunatic. From the frustrating process of getting a visa to her hilariously less-than-perfect shopping trip to Rent the Runway, Maeve insightfully reflects on the experiences that have helped her find her place in America. This is Aesop's Fables for millennials.
6. Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon, out August 7th
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available at Scribner | $25.91
Shop Now
Florence and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids. Now, in their eighties, they live in the Cherry Tree home for the elderly. Florence often struggles with her memory, but Elsie always helps her remember. When a man shows up who looks like someone from her past-someone who died 60 years ago-Florence really starts digging. What a wonderful and entertaining feel good story. Read this one with your BFF.
7. Our House by Louise Candlish, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
There's still time to get your fill of summer thrillers, and we suggest starting with Our House. When Fiona comes home to see strangers moving into her house, she assumes it's a mistake. But then, she realizes her estranged husband Bram and their sons aren't anywhere to be found. Needless to say, as Fiona tries to regain control of the situation, you're in for a roller coaster ride of twisted ups and downs.
8. Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $24.99
Shop Now
Goodbye, Paris is a quirky, charming read about friendship and perseverance. After Grace, the owner of an instrument repair shop, is forced to end her long-distance love affair with David, she retreats into isolation and bows out of a cello-making competition. But with the help of a customer and her shop assistant, she puts the pieces back together and finds happiness again.
9. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $15.99
Shop Now
When Maxine's husband leaves her for his 22-year-old secretary, she decides to claim a new title: She's going to compete in the Mrs. American Pie pageant. But there's just one problem: She needs a family in order to win. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie is nonstop fun from start to finish. Oh, and Laura Dern is already adapting the book for TV. So yeah, you're going to want to read it now.
10. If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar, out August 7th
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One World
available at Amazon | $16.00
Shop Now
Don't miss Fatimah Asghar's collection of poems about race, identity, family, and loss. It's a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
11. Smothered by Autumn Chiklis, out August 7th
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Wednesday Books
available at Amazon | $16.99
Shop Now
Lou had big plans for her post-grad life. After graduating from Columbia summa cum laude, she thought she'd be settling into a new job, apartment, and lifestyle. But instead, with no job and no prospects, she's moving back in with her parents. Through journal entries, texts, and emails-and even job applications and prescriptions-Lou takes readers along for the ride as she tries to figure out her next step (and figure out how to get her controlling mom from watching her every move). It's a quick, fun read that'll make you laugh out loud.
12. Hope Never Dies: An Obama/Biden Mystery by Andrew Shaffer, out August 7th
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Quirk Books
available at Amazon | $9.44
Shop Now
Oh yes. This book is exactly what it looks like: a fictional mystery starring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as they try to take action against America's opioid epidemic. If you miss 44 and his trusty sidekick, Hope Never Dies is the fanfiction you didn't know you needed. Honestly? I'd read a whole series about this bromance.
13. The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $14.19
Shop Now
Hello, hockey-themed romance novels. You are the genre I didn't know existed but now suddenly cannot live without. In The Good Luck Charm, Lilah's ex Ethan (who dumped her to focus on his budding hockey career) returns to try to win her back. When she realizes why he's keeping her so close, the hurt comes rushing back all over again. If you love rom-coms, don't miss this second chance romance novel.
14. If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim, out August 7th
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William Morrow
available at Amazon | $22.76
Shop Now
Haemi and her family flee to a refugee camp during the Korean War when she's just 16 years old. Every night she escapes the camp for a few hours with her friend Kyunghwan. As the two grow close, Kyungwhan's wealthy cousin, Jisoo, makes plans to marry Haemi. As the story progresses, Haemi reflects on the choice she made to marry Jisoo, considering the life she has and the life that could have been. Don't miss this complex, heartbreaking tale of how one decision can change everything.
15. No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists by Keiko Agena, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $17.00
Shop Now
This is not your average journal. It's a workbook filled with writing prompts, activities, and exercises ranging from “Draw what change feels like” to “Describe the perfect funeral for a project you loved that ended.” If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or in your head about your creative pursuits, Keiko Agena can help you rediscover your inner artist.
16. Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson, out August 7th
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Flatiron Books
available at Amazon | $19.19
Shop Now
Professor Anders Larsen is a museum curator in Denmark. Tina Hopgod is the wife of a farmer in England over 700 miles away. When Tina writes a letter to her former professor who has since passed, Anders responds on his behalf. And thus begins their correspondence via snail mail. This sweet novel, which unfolds through a series of letters, is a short but spellbinding story of life and friendship.
17. The Drama Teacher by Koren Zailckas, out August 7th
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Crown Publishing Group
available at Amazon | $27.00
Shop Now
I love a good unreliable narrator, which is exactly what Gracie is in The Drama Teacher. She's hiding a lot about who she is and where she's from. When she fibs her way into a job as a high school drama teacher to save her family's house from foreclosure, Gracie's lying ways get a bit out of hand. Koren Zailckas will keep you on your toes until the very last page.
18. Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $12.78
Shop Now
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley are best friends who met at a weight-loss camp when they were teens. When Emerson passes away, she leaves behind a final wish for her besties: face the fears they carried from their teen years into adulthood. Don't miss this emotional read about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.
19. The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $22.00
Shop Now
When a teenager named Becky goes missing, everyone joins in on the search. The Reservoir Tapes is a collection of stories from those in her community about life before she disappeared, as told to an interviewer. If you read Jon McGregor's companion novel Reservoir 13, this will leave you with even more questions about Becky's disappearance.
Happy reading!
The post Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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ungracefulswan-blog · 6 years
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
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Here we are in the dog days of summer. There are just a few weeks left for relaxing beach vacations, lazy pool days, and summer Fridays spent frolicking in the sun. If you haven't checked nearly enough things off your summer bucket list, now's the time to get on it. Or, if you'd rather just chill out in the air conditioning, you could always work on tackling your summer reading list. The books coming out this week are a great place to start.
This is a big week, because there are 19-yes, 19-books coming out this week that I highly recommend. In keeping with the theme of “summer's almost over, but there's still time,” there's a second wind of beach reads and summer romance novels on this list. So if you thought you'd read the best books that chick lit had to offer this summer, there's a whole crop of new titles to dive into. Or, if you're already looking to fall and craving a more atmospheric read, this is a big week for historical fiction, too.
Here are 19 books coming out this week that you don't want to miss.
1. The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg, out August 7th
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux
available at Amazon | $20
Shop Now
Clare, recently widowed and still grieving the loss of her husband, decides to attend a film festival in Havana that they bought tickets to. But once there, she spots him in front of museum, plain as day. Clare follows her husband around Havana, reflecting on their marriage, thinking about her childhood, and searching for answers. The more you read, the less you'll know what's real and what isn't.
2. Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert, out August 7th
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Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
available at Amazon | $17.99
Shop Now
Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone kept asking, So, what do you want to do with your life? As if you were supposed to have all the answers at age 18? That's where Yvonne is. She's about to graduate from high school and she's questioning whether or not she's talented enough to pursue a career as a violist. Then, when she unexpectedly gets pregnant, her future becomes even less clear. Finding Yvonne is a moving read for anyone who's ever been unsure about what comes next. (So, all of us.)
3. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, out August 7th
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Atria/Emily Bestler Books
available at Amazon | $23.40
Shop Now
When Lacey is diagnosed with the BCRA1 gene mutation (a.k.a. the breast cancer gene), she makes a bucket list for her boobs. Yep, she writes down everything she wants to do with and for her boobs before the possibility of a preventative double mastectomy comes. The Bucket List is the sweet, sexy, and sex positive women's fiction book you need to read before summer is over.
4. The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the Grand Central School of Art, a glamorous institution inside of Grand Central Terminal in New York City. In 1974, Virginia works in the once-glamorous terminal's information booth. When Virginia uncovers the lost art school from decades prior, she becomes determined to restore the building to the beauty it once was. The Masterpiece is a must-read for historians, art lovers, and New Yorkers alike.
5. Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl from Somewhere by Maeve Higgins, out August 7th
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Penguin Books
available at Amazon | $16
Shop Now
Warning: Do not read Maeve Higgins' new collection of essays in public. You will laugh yourself silly and look like a complete lunatic. From the frustrating process of getting a visa to her hilariously less-than-perfect shopping trip to Rent the Runway, Maeve insightfully reflects on the experiences that have helped her find her place in America. This is Aesop's Fables for millennials.
6. Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon, out August 7th
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available at Scribner | $25.91
Shop Now
Florence and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids. Now, in their eighties, they live in the Cherry Tree home for the elderly. Florence often struggles with her memory, but Elsie always helps her remember. When a man shows up who looks like someone from her past-someone who died 60 years ago-Florence really starts digging. What a wonderful and entertaining feel good story. Read this one with your BFF.
7. Our House by Louise Candlish, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
There's still time to get your fill of summer thrillers, and we suggest starting with Our House. When Fiona comes home to see strangers moving into her house, she assumes it's a mistake. But then, she realizes her estranged husband Bram and their sons aren't anywhere to be found. Needless to say, as Fiona tries to regain control of the situation, you're in for a roller coaster ride of twisted ups and downs.
8. Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $24.99
Shop Now
Goodbye, Paris is a quirky, charming read about friendship and perseverance. After Grace, the owner of an instrument repair shop, is forced to end her long-distance love affair with David, she retreats into isolation and bows out of a cello-making competition. But with the help of a customer and her shop assistant, she puts the pieces back together and finds happiness again.
9. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $15.99
Shop Now
When Maxine's husband leaves her for his 22-year-old secretary, she decides to claim a new title: She's going to compete in the Mrs. American Pie pageant. But there's just one problem: She needs a family in order to win. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie is nonstop fun from start to finish. Oh, and Laura Dern is already adapting the book for TV. So yeah, you're going to want to read it now.
10. If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar, out August 7th
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One World
available at Amazon | $16.00
Shop Now
Don't miss Fatimah Asghar's collection of poems about race, identity, family, and loss. It's a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
11. Smothered by Autumn Chiklis, out August 7th
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Wednesday Books
available at Amazon | $16.99
Shop Now
Lou had big plans for her post-grad life. After graduating from Columbia summa cum laude, she thought she'd be settling into a new job, apartment, and lifestyle. But instead, with no job and no prospects, she's moving back in with her parents. Through journal entries, texts, and emails-and even job applications and prescriptions-Lou takes readers along for the ride as she tries to figure out her next step (and figure out how to get her controlling mom from watching her every move). It's a quick, fun read that'll make you laugh out loud.
12. Hope Never Dies: An Obama/Biden Mystery by Andrew Shaffer, out August 7th
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Quirk Books
available at Amazon | $9.44
Shop Now
Oh yes. This book is exactly what it looks like: a fictional mystery starring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as they try to take action against America's opioid epidemic. If you miss 44 and his trusty sidekick, Hope Never Dies is the fanfiction you didn't know you needed. Honestly? I'd read a whole series about this bromance.
13. The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $14.19
Shop Now
Hello, hockey-themed romance novels. You are the genre I didn't know existed but now suddenly cannot live without. In The Good Luck Charm, Lilah's ex Ethan (who dumped her to focus on his budding hockey career) returns to try to win her back. When she realizes why he's keeping her so close, the hurt comes rushing back all over again. If you love rom-coms, don't miss this second chance romance novel.
14. If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim, out August 7th
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William Morrow
available at Amazon | $22.76
Shop Now
Haemi and her family flee to a refugee camp during the Korean War when she's just 16 years old. Every night she escapes the camp for a few hours with her friend Kyunghwan. As the two grow close, Kyungwhan's wealthy cousin, Jisoo, makes plans to marry Haemi. As the story progresses, Haemi reflects on the choice she made to marry Jisoo, considering the life she has and the life that could have been. Don't miss this complex, heartbreaking tale of how one decision can change everything.
15. No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists by Keiko Agena, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $17.00
Shop Now
This is not your average journal. It's a workbook filled with writing prompts, activities, and exercises ranging from “Draw what change feels like” to “Describe the perfect funeral for a project you loved that ended.” If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or in your head about your creative pursuits, Keiko Agena can help you rediscover your inner artist.
16. Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson, out August 7th
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Flatiron Books
available at Amazon | $19.19
Shop Now
Professor Anders Larsen is a museum curator in Denmark. Tina Hopgod is the wife of a farmer in England over 700 miles away. When Tina writes a letter to her former professor who has since passed, Anders responds on his behalf. And thus begins their correspondence via snail mail. This sweet novel, which unfolds through a series of letters, is a short but spellbinding story of life and friendship.
17. The Drama Teacher by Koren Zailckas, out August 7th
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Crown Publishing Group
available at Amazon | $27.00
Shop Now
I love a good unreliable narrator, which is exactly what Gracie is in The Drama Teacher. She's hiding a lot about who she is and where she's from. When she fibs her way into a job as a high school drama teacher to save her family's house from foreclosure, Gracie's lying ways get a bit out of hand. Koren Zailckas will keep you on your toes until the very last page.
18. Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins, out August 7th
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Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $12.78
Shop Now
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley are best friends who met at a weight-loss camp when they were teens. When Emerson passes away, she leaves behind a final wish for her besties: face the fears they carried from their teen years into adulthood. Don't miss this emotional read about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.
19. The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor, out August 7th
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available at Amazon | $22.00
Shop Now
When a teenager named Becky goes missing, everyone joins in on the search. The Reservoir Tapes is a collection of stories from those in her community about life before she disappeared, as told to an interviewer. If you read Jon McGregor's companion novel Reservoir 13, this will leave you with even more questions about Becky's disappearance.
Happy reading!
The post Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
gayyogurt-blog · 6 years
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more
The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more" src="https://images.hellogiggles.com/uploads/2018/08/06161318/picture-of-books-coming-out-this-week-the-third-hotel-finding-yvonne-books-photo.jpg" width="1024" height="626"/>
Here we are in the dog days of summer. There are just a few weeks left for relaxing beach vacations, lazy pool days, and summer Fridays spent frolicking in the sun. If you haven't checked nearly enough things off your summer bucket list, now's the time to get on it. Or, if you'd rather just chill out in the air conditioning, you could always work on tackling your summer reading list. The books coming out this week are a great place to start.
This is a big week, because there are 19-yes, 19-books coming out this week that I highly recommend. In keeping with the theme of “summer's almost over, but there's still time,” there's a second wind of beach reads and summer romance novels on this list. So if you thought you'd read the best books that chick lit had to offer this summer, there's a whole crop of new titles to dive into. Or, if you're already looking to fall and craving a more atmospheric read, this is a big week for historical fiction, too.
Here are 19 books coming out this week that you don't want to miss.
1. The Third Hotel by Laura van den Berg, out August 7th
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
available at Amazon | $20
Shop Now
Clare, recently widowed and still grieving the loss of her husband, decides to attend a film festival in Havana that they bought tickets to. But once there, she spots him in front of museum, plain as day. Clare follows her husband around Havana, reflecting on their marriage, thinking about her childhood, and searching for answers. The more you read, the less you'll know what's real and what isn't.
2. Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert, out August 7th
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
available at Amazon | $17.99
Shop Now
Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone kept asking, So, what do you want to do with your life? As if you were supposed to have all the answers at age 18? That's where Yvonne is. She's about to graduate from high school and she's questioning whether or not she's talented enough to pursue a career as a violist. Then, when she unexpectedly gets pregnant, her future becomes even less clear. Finding Yvonne is a moving read for anyone who's ever been unsure about what comes next. (So, all of us.)
3. The Bucket List by Georgia Clark, out August 7th
Atria/Emily Bestler Books
available at Amazon | $23.40
Shop Now
When Lacey is diagnosed with the BCRA1 gene mutation (a.k.a. the breast cancer gene), she makes a bucket list for her boobs. Yep, she writes down everything she wants to do with and for her boobs before the possibility of a preventative double mastectomy comes. The Bucket List is the sweet, sexy, and sex positive women's fiction book you need to read before summer is over.
4. The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the Grand Central School of Art, a glamorous institution inside of Grand Central Terminal in New York City. In 1974, Virginia works in the once-glamorous terminal's information booth. When Virginia uncovers the lost art school from decades prior, she becomes determined to restore the building to the beauty it once was. The Masterpiece is a must-read for historians, art lovers, and New Yorkers alike.
5. Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl from Somewhere by Maeve Higgins, out August 7th
Penguin Books
available at Amazon | $16
Shop Now
Warning: Do not read Maeve Higgins' new collection of essays in public. You will laugh yourself silly and look like a complete lunatic. From the frustrating process of getting a visa to her hilariously less-than-perfect shopping trip to Rent the Runway, Maeve insightfully reflects on the experiences that have helped her find her place in America. This is Aesop's Fables for millennials.
6. Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon, out August 7th
available at Scribner | $25.91
Shop Now
Florence and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids. Now, in their eighties, they live in the Cherry Tree home for the elderly. Florence often struggles with her memory, but Elsie always helps her remember. When a man shows up who looks like someone from her past-someone who died 60 years ago-Florence really starts digging. What a wonderful and entertaining feel good story. Read this one with your BFF.
7. Our House by Louise Candlish, out August 7th
Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $20.80
Shop Now
There's still time to get your fill of summer thrillers, and we suggest starting with Our House. When Fiona comes home to see strangers moving into her house, she assumes it's a mistake. But then, she realizes her estranged husband Bram and their sons aren't anywhere to be found. Needless to say, as Fiona tries to regain control of the situation, you're in for a roller coaster ride of twisted ups and downs.
8. Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $24.99
Shop Now
Goodbye, Paris is a quirky, charming read about friendship and perseverance. After Grace, the owner of an instrument repair shop, is forced to end her long-distance love affair with David, she retreats into isolation and bows out of a cello-making competition. But with the help of a customer and her shop assistant, she puts the pieces back together and finds happiness again.
9. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $15.99
Shop Now
When Maxine's husband leaves her for his 22-year-old secretary, she decides to claim a new title: She's going to compete in the Mrs. American Pie pageant. But there's just one problem: She needs a family in order to win. Mr. & Mrs. American Pie is nonstop fun from start to finish. Oh, and Laura Dern is already adapting the book for TV. So yeah, you're going to want to read it now.
10. If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar, out August 7th
One World
available at Amazon | $16.00
Shop Now
Don't miss Fatimah Asghar's collection of poems about race, identity, family, and loss. It's a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.
11. Smothered by Autumn Chiklis, out August 7th
Wednesday Books
available at Amazon | $16.99
Shop Now
Lou had big plans for her post-grad life. After graduating from Columbia summa cum laude, she thought she'd be settling into a new job, apartment, and lifestyle. But instead, with no job and no prospects, she's moving back in with her parents. Through journal entries, texts, and emails-and even job applications and prescriptions-Lou takes readers along for the ride as she tries to figure out her next step (and figure out how to get her controlling mom from watching her every move). It's a quick, fun read that'll make you laugh out loud.
12. Hope Never Dies: An Obama/Biden Mystery by Andrew Shaffer, out August 7th
Quirk Books
available at Amazon | $9.44
Shop Now
Oh yes. This book is exactly what it looks like: a fictional mystery starring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as they try to take action against America's opioid epidemic. If you miss 44 and his trusty sidekick, Hope Never Dies is the fanfiction you didn't know you needed. Honestly? I'd read a whole series about this bromance.
13. The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $14.19
Shop Now
Hello, hockey-themed romance novels. You are the genre I didn't know existed but now suddenly cannot live without. In The Good Luck Charm, Lilah's ex Ethan (who dumped her to focus on his budding hockey career) returns to try to win her back. When she realizes why he's keeping her so close, the hurt comes rushing back all over again. If you love rom-coms, don't miss this second chance romance novel.
14. If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim, out August 7th
William Morrow
available at Amazon | $22.76
Shop Now
Haemi and her family flee to a refugee camp during the Korean War when she's just 16 years old. Every night she escapes the camp for a few hours with her friend Kyunghwan. As the two grow close, Kyungwhan's wealthy cousin, Jisoo, makes plans to marry Haemi. As the story progresses, Haemi reflects on the choice she made to marry Jisoo, considering the life she has and the life that could have been. Don't miss this complex, heartbreaking tale of how one decision can change everything.
15. No Mistakes: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists by Keiko Agena, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $17.00
Shop Now
This is not your average journal. It's a workbook filled with writing prompts, activities, and exercises ranging from “Draw what change feels like” to “Describe the perfect funeral for a project you loved that ended.” If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or in your head about your creative pursuits, Keiko Agena can help you rediscover your inner artist.
16. Meet Me at the Museum by Anne Youngson, out August 7th
Flatiron Books
available at Amazon | $19.19
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Professor Anders Larsen is a museum curator in Denmark. Tina Hopgod is the wife of a farmer in England over 700 miles away. When Tina writes a letter to her former professor who has since passed, Anders responds on his behalf. And thus begins their correspondence via snail mail. This sweet novel, which unfolds through a series of letters, is a short but spellbinding story of life and friendship.
17. The Drama Teacher by Koren Zailckas, out August 7th
Crown Publishing Group
available at Amazon | $27.00
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I love a good unreliable narrator, which is exactly what Gracie is in The Drama Teacher. She's hiding a lot about who she is and where she's from. When she fibs her way into a job as a high school drama teacher to save her family's house from foreclosure, Gracie's lying ways get a bit out of hand. Koren Zailckas will keep you on your toes until the very last page.
18. Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins, out August 7th
Berkley Books
available at Amazon | $12.78
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Emerson, Georgia, and Marley are best friends who met at a weight-loss camp when they were teens. When Emerson passes away, she leaves behind a final wish for her besties: face the fears they carried from their teen years into adulthood. Don't miss this emotional read about love, friendship, and self-acceptance.
19. The Reservoir Tapes by Jon McGregor, out August 7th
available at Amazon | $22.00
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When a teenager named Becky goes missing, everyone joins in on the search. The Reservoir Tapes is a collection of stories from those in her community about life before she disappeared, as told to an interviewer. If you read Jon McGregor's companion novel Reservoir 13, this will leave you with even more questions about Becky's disappearance.
Happy reading!
The post Books coming out this week: The Third Hotel, Finding Yvonne, and more appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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