#i couldve missed something i havent reread p2 in sometime
sioboi · 5 months
denji in part 2 is such a great continuation of his character in part 1. being chainsaw man is so important to him because it’s the only way he’s ever gotten to be in a position of status and power. ever since he was a kid, he was forced to do others’ bidding. forced to pay a debt that wasn’t his.
early p1 denji believed that the key to his happiness was some sort of sexual gratification, but his experiences in public safety taught him the value of emotional connection. he learned what it was like to love another person as an equal, as a friend, as family. however, all those dreams shattered when makima broke them apart. he didn’t know what else to do with his life except take on a role of complete submission. he had nothing else.
denji wants to be chainsaw man so bad because he’s already had a family of his taken away from him. normal isn’t enough for him because he knows what it’s like for your normal life to get lost completely. being chainsaw man is all he has left. it’s the only way he can have some sort of control in his life. whether or not it’s the right choice , i don’t know. but control is what he needs.
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