#i dont massively count montages as 'scenes' ya feel me
riosnecktattoo · 3 years
Ur tags!! Ur RIGHT AND U SHOULD SAY IT. smh they pay my man dust. I cannnoutt believe we got to see Lances Son but not Marcus CRIMINAL I TELL U .. Anwyays thank uuuuu for giffing Rios 5 secs on screen. Issa a shame we didn't get a szn 5. Maybe he would've got a minute of screen time if we're lucky 👀💀
(x) lmaooo i mean yeahhhhh 😂
I'm petty so I timed his overall screentime in 4x15: 1 minute 9 seconds (a whole 53 seconds of that were brio!)
The final brio bar scene/final and only actual brio scene in all of 4x16? (cause i don’t count montage moments as ‘scenes’) 45 seconds.
ya feel me.
but tbh i’m trying to be grateful cause in all my long years of shipping i have NEVER had a ship interact in EVERY episode of a show, no matter how negligible, and also be endgame so y’know. Bygones!
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