#i had to close up my inbox temporarily and sort through old tally stuff and whatnot
yurtletheturtlehenderson ยท 2 years
Question for the community regarding our love Viktor Hargreeves!!
Regarding fanfics that have already been written and released/still being released, may I ask what is the most respectful and appropriate approach regarding the latest news? ๐Ÿค” My first instinct is to go through what TUA fanfics I've written and update the pronouns and name so that I'm not deadnaming and misgendering Viktor, but my overthinking brain kicked in and asked how that might affect any possible coming out scene? And then i was like, yeah but that leaves four books of deadnaming (i have two TUA series rewrites in the works) not to mention the ungodly amount of chapters and then I just kept going in a circle like that. Naturally, I realized I should ask actual trans readers as I am cis so what i think doesnt really matter. I'm really and truly sorry if this is like, the most obvious thing in the world, but i promise im unfortunately totally serious. Again, I'm really good at overthinking myself into a spiral ๐Ÿ˜… but I swear I just wanna double check and make sure I'm doing what's right. Any insights would be so appreciated and wholeheartedly welcomed!! Thank you so so much and YAY VIKTOR!!!
๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• - Yurtle
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