I did find snippets of a story that I wrote in 2015 and lemme tell you, that was a drama rollercoaster. It did start with a vampire, who leaves his werewolf and shadow partners. Then he gets too thirsty to think straight, kills a couple.. finds out they have a baby boy and takes baby boy in. BUT ALSO TELLS HIM AT LIKE AGE 3 THAT HE DID KILL HIS PARENTS! anyway in front of the kindergarden werwolf and shadow run into vampire and kiddo... and then it goes to the past of vampire, how he got bitten and his twin brother and blabla.. It's honestly too much to just put into a few words. Kiddo can see ghosts btw. And thus the twin of the vamp. And at one point there are hunters showing up. But also vampire sire tries to kidnap boy and this is were it goes full circle to why vamp left his partners in the beginning. HE HAD A VISION OF THEM DYING BY HIS SIRES HANDS.. WHICH IS IN THE SAME LOCATION THEY GO TO RESCUE BABYBOY
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a threat
What better way to persuade someone to work with you again -----------------------------------------------------
"You will have to repay me, you know. For lying to me like that."
Nox knew that voice and as soon as the sentence fell, she tried to stand up. Before she could get up though, she was pushed back down again and the coldness of metal scraped her neck. They took out a dagger now too.
Marius' voice came from behind her but she just stared to the front when she answered him.
"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a liar." She almost hissed those words, knowing them to be true. She always stood for not lying to anyone. Killing, yes. If it had to be done but never lying. “Ahh, so how do you explain these 11 months a few years ago, when you just vanished?” Marius walked around the chair as he was talking and Nox noticed that he had a dagger in his hands as well, playing with it as he spoke. She froze before he had finished. And didn’t answer his question. Marius had never been a patient person and the silence was not to his liking. He turned to Nox and squatted down in front of her. “Cat got your tongue, little ember,” he used her former nickname so casually, “I guess that means I’m right then.” Her jaw was clenched but Nox still didn’t say anything. The only thing she did was glaring at him, waiting. He always had a hang for the drama, so she would just sit it out, hoping he wouldn’t say what she thought he could say.
Marius, on the other hand, stood up again, turning away from her. As he started talking again he used wide gestures with his hands as well. “You know, I was very sad to hear that you declined my invitation to join me on another job. Especially after you ran away with that little, former guard, friend of yours. Did you really think you could just so easily escape my sight again?” He did turn around again, looking down at her. “I did think of threatening you with him. I do know you well enough though, to know that you wouldn’t have taken the bait. But I have a different option now. One that you, so kindly, delivered to me. Does your little friend know about…” “You wouldn’t!” As soon as the words were out, Nox knew she made a mistake. Marius stopped mid-sentence and leaned down to her, his hands resting on both sides of the chair. “You know me very well, little ember. When I first saw the boy I noticed the striking resemblance he had with you. How old is he now? Around two, right? Do you know what surprised me even more, once I had a closer look at him? The small details that are unique to an Undine. I think I’m right with my assumption that he doesn’t know about the boy. So I tell you this here and now. You either come and do this job to repent all your former missteps or I get both your little guard and that boy. You chose a really nice name with Arleon I have to say. When I have them, I tell your little guard about the boy and then torture slowly before ending his life, knowing he will never see Arleon at all. And Arleon. I will raise him as your successor because someone has to take your place after all.” While he was talking his face started to show anger. The anger he held back since Nox vanished. He still couldn’t fathom how she thought that there would be no consequences to her actions at all. Absolutely unbelievable. 
And she noticed it as well. There was just the tiniest pause before she spoke up. “You have me. I will do whatever you want but as soon as you dare to touch them you have to deal with my wrath.” “And what tells me you won’t turn on me in the middle of the job?” “My word will have to suffice.” Marius watched her for what felt like an eternity before he finally got up and turned to the person who held her down. “We leave. I will get her once it’s time to move.” And with that both of them left the room.
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The thieves guild
A little piece of Nox' past.
The room was dimly lit when Nox entered. The man standing hunched over the table didn’t pay her any attention. It wasn’t like she could hurt him anyway. “You got the goods?” he asked as soon as the door fell shut, still without looking up. “Whom do you take me for?” was the question he got back, just as Nox walked over to the table. She let a small bag drop onto the map that was sprawled over it and this finally made the man look up. “It is great to have your attention, Marius. What do you need these stones for?” The man had grabbed the bag while Nox spoke, opening it to check the gemstones she acquired before putting them back and holding out his hand. “Because gemstones make everything more beautiful, wouldn’t you say so too?” he said, guiding Nox, who took his hand, to a small space in the back of the room. What they found there standing was a big standing mirror with a golden framework. When Nox took a closer look, she noticed indents in the frame, looking more like empty sockets for something.
“Do those stones belong there?” she asked, earning a laugh. “You are as sharp as ever. This thing has quite the history since some nobles couldn’t decide who inherited it so three of them just took the gemstones off and left the other two to quarrel over the empty mirror.” He stood behind her, a hand moved to her chin and turned her head to force her to look into the mirror. “One of them will pay a handful to get it back in it’s former glory. But you know, the true beauty doesn’t lie on how it looks but what it shows you.” No, that wasn’t true. Nox looked at her mirror image and squinted. What she saw was a damn street rat that stole from other people. On someones’ command. The mirror showed her someone she didn’t want to see. There was a cracking sound as her fist hit the mirror, damaging the glass. Her hand hurt as the cuts started to bleed but she only stepped away from both the mirror and Marius, whose grip had loosened in surprise. “I’m sorry for the mirror, I will pay for the repairs,” she said, while moving out of the room. Out in the corridor she took her hurt hand into her good one and pressed it to her chest. She hated what she had to do on a daily basis and even if most people here were good to her, she still didn’t like that they also hurt people who had almost nothing in the process as well. One day she will be free from all this here, one day and she was already looking forward to it. 
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Nynaeve - lunellumvellum
Cora - Heavenleigh474
Theodmer - haileymschumacher
Rosebud - dream.thembo
Davin - @defenderofulth1
Niraan - smilekittykatsmile
Lunette - @mysticaly-sparklez
Halcyon - returner424
Béla - sabinenenenene
Adio - @sinrevi
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This one hovered around my heart for over a year <3 
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Ein letzter Tanz
Ich nehme mal endlich die Prompts von @blitzgeschichten und schreibe zu meinen Dragon Age Charakteren^^ Ein letzter Tanz (361 Wörter)
Musik war leise im Hintergrund zu hören. Schritt, noch ein Schritt. Die Hand die in seiner lag war warm und er konnte einen Hauch von Schweiß fühlen. Es war aber wahrscheinlich seiner, denn er hatte in seiner Zeit in Denerim nie herausgefunden wie die Tänze der Noblen zu tanzen waren.
Noch ein Schritt, noch ein Schritt. Vorsichtig, damit er ja niemandem auf die Füße trat. Er war ja auch so schon seltenst bei den Tänzen seines Clans dabei gewesen weil er sich immer davor gedrückt hatte. Vielleicht fiel das Tanzen ihm deswegen jetzt noch schwerer.
Er hob seinen Blick und bemerkte Leonas Lächeln. Badump. Sein Herz machte einen Sprung und er schluckte. Trotzdem zwang er sich auch zu einem Lächeln. “Macht es dir so viel Spaß, mit jemandem zu tanzen der absolut keine Ahnung davon hat?” flüsterte er Leonas zu. So leise wie möglich, da er alleine schon als Elf aus der Abendgesellschaft herausstach und nicht mehr als nötig auffallen wollte.
“Ach,” erwiderte der Andere, “wir haben doch geübt und du schlägst dich ganz gut bis jetzt.”Leonas lachte. Ein ehrliches Lachen, das Athras so sehr liebte und das er in Denerim nur von ihm gehört hatte. Die anderen Noblen hatten ihn bis jetzt immer schief angesehen, ein gezwungenes Lachen von sich gegeben oder ihn im besten Fall ignoriert. Er war schließlich nur ein Elf.
Athras senkte den Blick erneut. Er hatte sich vorgenommen diesen Tanz mit Leonas zu genießen. Es war schließlich der Abend bevor er sich wieder auf den Weg machen würde. Seine anderen Gefährten wollte er zurücklassen, genauso wie er Leonas nichts von seiner Idee erzählt hatte.
Dies war ihr letzter Tanz. Denn er wusste, dass Leonas seine Sachen packen und mit ihm gehen würde. Er würde seinen Status zurücklassen und mit ihm durch die Straßen reisen. Das wollte Athras aber nicht. Er wollte nicht, dass Leonas sein Haus verlässt und den Komfort den er zurzeit genießt. Selbst wenn er sich von Herzen wünschte mehr Zeit mit ihm zu verbringen.
Das war der letzte Tanz. Denn sie waren zu verschieden um zusammen zu bleiben und deswegen nahm es Athras auf sich alles von sich aus zu beenden.
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giveaway prize for @mysticaly-sparklez, loved drawing these boys! ♥
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Drew a Zion and a hypothetical miracle baby for @mysticaly-sparklez . This was a lot of fun both because i love Zion and also because sunflowers are my favourite flowers! Fun fact! 
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Commission for @mysticaly-sparklez
Her two Dragon Age OCs Athras and Telahn
Want to commission me? Go here
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Literally obsessed with this image.
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Kopf oder Zahl
Prompt #8 von @blitzgeschichten
Ein Treffen von alten ?Freunden? steht an. Und noch ein Ausflug von “Crescent kann sich nicht erklären warum Lunar überall so unbekümmert hinläuft” (448 Wörter)
Der Nebel war, gefühlt, immer über der Stadt und die meisten Leute von außerhalb mieden es, viel Geld bei sich zu tragen da Riminis Ruf weit verbreitet war. Und doch gab es die Leute die es, genau wegen ihrem Ruf, immer wieder dorthin zieht.
Crescent sah sich immer wieder um, ihre Hand auf dem Dolch den sie in ihrer Jacke versteckt hatte.
“Bist du dir sicher, dass wir hierher kommen hätten sollen?”, fragte sie leise. In den Klamotten die Lunar ihr in die Hand gedrückt hatte, fühlte sie sich absolut nicht wohl, aber sie wollte ihn auch nicht alleine losziehen lassen.
“Keine Sorge. Als Vater mich fortgejagt hat war Rimini meine zweite Heimat. Was glaubst du woher ich meine Fingerfertigkeit bekommen habe.” Lunar lachte. Er verschwendete anscheinend absolut keinen Gedanken daran, dass Rimini eine Stadt war die für einen Prinzen nicht weniger geeignet sein könnte. “Ach,” er wandte sich zu Crescent, “du hast nicht vergessen wer ich hier bin?”
“Genau!” Für einen Moment sprang er rückwärts vor Crescent her, was dazu führte, dass er fast in jemanden krachte. Lunar schaffte es gerade noch den Zusammenstoß mit einer Drehung zu verhindern. Bevor jemand anderes reagieren konnte, verbeugte Lunar sich leicht und sagte: “Tut mir unendlich Leid, mein Fräulein.” Danach drehte er sich um und spazierte die Gasse entlang, diesmal nach vorne schauend.
Crescent folgte dem Prinzen, immer auf der Hut vor potenzieller Gefahr. Die hier überall lauerte und doch nicht erschien. Zumindest nicht bis sie zu ihrem Ziel kamen.
Das Ziel, wie Crescent ein bisschen später herausfand, war ein, zuerst unscheinbar wirkendes, Gebäude das sich als eine Art Spielhalle herausstellte. Lunar schenkte keinem der Tische auch nur ein bisschen Beachtung als er, ohne sich umzusehen, durch den Raum marschierte und schließlich an einer Tür stehen blieb.
Er klopfte kurz bevor er, ohne zu warten, eintrat. Im nächsten Augenblick war Lunar an die Wand gepinnt, von einem Mann, der, wie Crescent sich dachte, vor einigen Minuten aus dem Colosseum entwischt sein könnte. Crescent wiederum hatte einen Dolch gezogen und war bereit den Typ auszuschalten. Dieser ignorierte Crescent allerdings komplett.
“Jared,” sagte er, seine Stimme übertönte die Geräusche der Spielhalle. “Du hast dich ja schon lange nicht mehr blicken lassen!” Mit diesen Worten stellte er Lunar auch wieder auf seine eigenen zwei Beine und klopfte Lunar den Staub vom Rücken.
“Ich bin auch nur hier weil ich meinen Gefallen einlösen will,” antwortete Lunar und man sah wie das Lachen des anderen starb. Doch Lunar wäre nicht Lunar wenn er seinem Gegenüber nicht die Chance gab, auszusteigen. “Keine Sorge, wir können es so machen das ich eine Münze werfe. Wenn du richtig liegst mache ich es alleine. Also, Kopf oder Zahl?”
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Ein neuer Morgen (285 Wörter)
Für @blitzgeschichten ,(grad noch vor 12... deswegen ist die Qualität auch nicht top)
Crescent suchte ihn schon seit einiger Zeit bevor sie seine Gestalt endlich erspähte. Im Nachhinein wunderte sie sich warum sie nicht gleich an diesen Platz gedacht hat, am Rand einer der Klippen, auf einem Steinbrocken sitzend, waren seine Augen auf den Nachthimmel gerichtet.
"Wir konnten nie so viele Sterne sehen. In der Hauptstadt." Er sprach ohne seinen Blick abzuwenden und er wusste dass Crescent gekommen war um ihn zu nörgeln.
Und sie wusste, dass er es wusste. Genau deswegen seufzte sie nur und verschränkte ihre Hände.
"Mein Prinz, ihr wisst über die Schlacht morgen Bescheid. Ein bisschen Schlaf würde euch auch gut tun." Sie versuchte einen neutralen Tonfall beizubehalten, aber er merkte dass sie angespannt war. Normalerweise sprach sie ihn nie mit seinem Titel an, vor allem weil es nicht sein Titel war. Immerhin war er von seinem Vater verstoßen worden. Dem Vater, dem er eines Tages gegenüberstehen würde.
Hier und jetzt war es allerdings nur einer der Generäle seines Vaters. Zwar immer noch eine Schlacht, unnötiges Blutvergießen, aber er stand jemandem gegenüber den er selten gesehen hat. Und wofür das Ganze? Weil sein Vater ein Tyrann war der nicht das Wohl der Menschen im Sinn hatte. Der Sonnenkönig, so nannten sie ihn. Unbarmherzig wie die Sonne selbst.
Er stand auf und streckte sich bevor er sich endlich zu Crescent drehte. "Also gut. Wir sollten gehen. Bald zeigt sich der neue Morgen, ein blutiger Morgen. Aber wenigstens haben wir den blutroten Drachen an unserer Seite."
Als Crescent ihren, nicht gerade gewollten, Titel hörte, schnaubte sie. "Sicher doch, der blutrote Drache an der Seite eines Mannes der kein Herrscher sein will." Und trotzdem würde sie nicht zulassen, dass der König diese Schlacht gewinnt.
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Leaving Denerim (part 1)
So I had to come up with a current leaving piece for Athras as I do not want to make any character development for any other PCs that had been playing in the 5 sessions we had. So this starts right after the last one (plus the end of that session our DM had told me + characters I put there myself because I wrote some stuff with them too and tbh Athi would have befriended servants if we had played longer)
Sometimes you just know you have to go because people won’t change no matter what. And if you clash… well, it’s goodbye. (2613 words)
Athras knew what was coming as soon as he had been told that he was to come to Landons study. After all Issala and Partha had told him to watch his mouth just this morning. Yet he couldn’t help himself but to go off at Landon, quietly, when that damn ‘young lord’ had been trying to put himself into the spotlight once again without having a clue about anything.
He still didn’t see anything wrong with that though. It had been the truth. Landon somehow managed to finish the business in Orlais without any more incidents even if he was mostly just talking himself into trouble that didn’t turn into trouble in the end but today he was standing around utterly clueless. Issala and Partha had looked upstairs and Athras himself had went outside the inn looking for information. It had been himself and not Landon who had asked if the witness could be brought back to ask them some questions. Because after he had seen the claw marks he had some questions.
While waiting for the witness the others had arrived and then Landon had the guts to open his mouth when the witness arrived, ready for being questioned yet again. Athras had lost it. He had whispered his thoughts about Landon to said lord before turning around and asking his questions before anyone could try to interrupt him again. And of course that wouldn’t have sit well with Landon.
He knew that Landon couldn’t stand him but it still surprised him that the young lord lost his cool entirely as he shouted at Athras. If he had thought there would be a talk in with Landon… well, Athras just reconsidered that. How dare he did that in public, if he had spoken louder it would diminish reputation and stuff like that fell. Not that Athras really listened to all the accusations that were made. It had been clear after some time travelling together that Landon thought nothing about elves at all. Athras was still wondering about how that conceited lord was okay with the company of a qunari and travelling with a dwarf. But no, that hatred and prejudice was mostly directed toward him, an elf.
“Do you have anything to say?” Landon asked, snapping Athras out of his thoughts. He hadn’t been interested in Landons accusations after all and shut down after the first two or so minutes. Landon had continued to repeat himself at some point anyways. After the question had been asked Athras looked up to Landon, clenching his jaw for a moment.
“Pala adahl’en,” he said, fighting back the urge to show Landon the middle finger too and instead turning around to leave the room.
“What does that mean?” was the last thing Athras heard before he slammed the door shut behind him. He knew Landon would have too much pride to go after him. What would the servants think of him if he did that?
Athras went straight to the room he had been given and started to collect his things as soon as he entered. He gathered his herbs and put them into his bag after he pushed his spare clothes into said bag. There was a short moment of hesitation when he looked at the book he had gotten from the Leighin library but then he also packed it. He was only halfway through with it and there was no way he could leave a book half read. It didn’t take Athras long to get all his belongings together as he didn’t have much of those anyway and so he took his staff, the bag and his lute and took one last look at the room, he never really got used to the soft mattress here anyway, before stepping out of there. Landon didn’t show up until now and Athras believed he hardly would run into him on his way out as long as he kept away from the rooms Landon was usually found in.
He got a few looks from the servants when he walked past them. None of the Leighins and guests was normally caring around as much as he was now. But if he wanted to get away without using the main gate he had to get past the servants. At least his way led him past Ramsey too and maybe Marrin was in the kitchen too. If it was possible he would like to say goodbye to them even if no one else knew about it. And if he had to be honest, he didn’t feel obligated to greet Issala farewell. It was different with Partha but he just didn’t want to spend more time than necessary in the mansion anymore which meant that there was no spare time to search for her. Who knew… since she was Landons newly appointed second bodyguard, she may be at his side right now.
“Athras, what brings you here?” Athras was asked, getting his attention to the people in the kitchen again. “And why do you carry all that stuff with you?” It had been Ramsey who had spoken while Marrin looked Athras up and down, her chin resting on her palm. At this moment Athras knew she figured out more than he wanted her to. Then again he already noticed that the city elves, who worked as servants, got to hear a lot of stuff if they wanted to.
“Is it because of the fight you had,” she said, stating it more than asking about it. Of course she had noticed that and Athras sighed before sitting down.
“Yes and no. It wasn’t a fight. Therefor I would have to talk too when it really was mostly Landon shouting at me instead.” The other two flinched ever so slightly when Athras said Landons name out loud. They were used to him being called young lord after all. But he wasn’t any of the Leighins servants so he didn’t see any need of doing that. “Since he didn’t appreciate me saving his ass and really doesn’t seem to get to see eye to eye with elves or dalish, if he treats city elves with less prejudice than me, I’m leaving.” Athras shrugged as he couldn’t care less about Landon right now but the sound of hands landing on the workspace made him look at Marrin who had jumped up, looking at him with an open mouth.
“You can’t just leave!” she shouted, her tone sounding almost angry. Before Athras could answer Ramsey cut her off.
“Marrin, dear. Wasn’t it always clear that he would go sooner or later? I mean, look at him,” he said while pointing at Athras with the knife he had been holding the whole time, “he has more of a wild cat. There’s no way he would be staying at a place like this when there’s nature everywhere outside.” Ramsey then put the knife away and started packing food into a little bag that he had on the table and pushed it towards Athras.
“That’s for when you get hungry out there, kiddo. At least you’ll have a bit for the first days. See it as a payment for the recipes you gave me.”
“Wait, you just let him go?” Now Marrins attention was on Ramsey but the old cook shrugged.
“It isn’t our job to keep someone here who wants to leave.”
“It’s not like I’m leaving immediately. I’m still staying in Denerim for a few days to sort some stuff out. I’m just not staying here,” Athras said. He wanted to get rid of the herbs and the dahlas before leaving Denerim behind for good. And only then he would go back to his clan and tell them to revoke Landons status as a friend of the clan. That had been done before when the person proved themselves to not see eye to eye with them. And since Landons prejudice made him treat Athras the way he did, Athras was now able to say that Landon wasn’t good enough to have that status.
He didn’t tell Ramsey and Marrin that though. Instead he thanked Ramsey for the food as he put it into his bag and stood up once again. He bowed to Ramsey, saying his goodbye, and when he turned to Marrin he suddenly got hugged by her as she had stood up as well.
“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself,” she told him, letting go of him again but still holding his hand.
“As well as I can.” He couldn’t hide a smile. The time he had been in the mansion had been short but he still was happy that he had found someone to talk to in Marrin. Especially since he had been interested in how city elves are living and telling her about his clan in return. He still saw no appeal in living in the city for a long time. He had left his clan to explore after all.
It took a little longer, thanks to Marrin, but a few minutes later he had said his last goodbye and closed the door to the corridor behind him. He was so close on being outside now, just one door left at the end of the corridor. A few steps and he had reached it.
When he wanted to open it, it swung open by itself. Or rather by the person who just used the servant entry to enter. And that one was no other than Leonas with Denise on his shoulder, looking down at Athras with her big eyes. He felt a sting in his chest when Leonas face lit up as soon as he realised who he bumped into. Not that Leonas wasn’t smiling to most of the people in the mansion but still. Athras put that sting away as him feeling guilty. Especially after seeing Leonas thinking now.
“What’s up with all that stuff you’re carrying?” Leonas asked the obvious question.
And Athras didn’t want to answer. The younger Leighin wasn’t conceited like Landon after all. And his question, when they had met, if ‘younger Landon’ had been a compliment or the opposite was still fresh in Athras mind. For him it had meant that Leonas did know that Landon wasn’t showing his best side to everyone and it had also made himself regret uttering the words ‘younger Landon’ almost immediately. Leonas had been the one to show him around a bit after all, after Landon had left him on his own in the mansion.
“I’m leaving,” Athras answered truthfully and bit his lip when he saw Leonas smile fade.
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” A question Athras had thought was possible to come. Denise hooted at the sudden movement when Leonas stepped forward and bent down to Athras.
“Exactly that,” Athras said. “I’m not working for any of you and Landon doesn’t want me here so I’m going. I can’t stand roofs over my head for too long anyway. I do have a request for you though.”
“A request?” Athras could tell that Leonas mood sunk quite a bit while he had talked but he still nodded and pulled off his wristband just to hold it up for Leonas to take.
“Yes. Could you please give that to Partha. I wanted to show her how to make them since she looked interested but… I won’t get to do that anymore.”
The wristband was wordlessly taken which made Athras quite feel uneasy.
“Umm,” he started again, “you know, it hadn’t been a compliment.”
“What?” Now Leonas looked at him again, even if it was with a confused look on his face.
“When we first met. Calling you a younger Landon.” While he spoke Athras moved closer to the exit. Before leaving the mansion for good he smiled at the other. “You know, I like Leonas more. He’s far more interesting than Landon and quite a bit nicer. Making people feel more welcome than his brother.”
He didn’t let Leonas react to what he just had told him and slipped out of the door as soon as he had finished. As soon as the door had closed he started sprinting into the direction of the marketplace, only slowing down whenever he saw city guards as to not attract any attention. He was an apostate now after all and nobody was there to help him out if there was trouble. It was better to not stand out at all even if the staff on his back made it harder.
It was evening and getting dark already. He better got a place to sleep soon before he was running around in the dark. It didn’t hinder him, thanks to his people being able to see in the dark but in a city it wasn’t advised to so.
Wandering around in the night was alright when he was with his clan or when nobody from the guards or bandits could catch sight of him. The problem was that he didn’t know where any inn in Denerim was located. Apart from the one the demon had demolished and of course he couldn’t go there.
Athras was still roaming the streets half an hour later, the sun already down when he was run over by a person who apologized profoundly until she recognized him.
“Aren’t you one of those who had questioned me about the fire?” she asked and now with hearing her voice Athras remembered her name.
“Valeria?” he answered her, not sure if he really had the right person but she started smiling and nodded.
“Ah, so I was right! But you shouldn’t walk around this late anymore, you know. Nowadays it’s not safe. Not that it ever was safe but it has gotten worse.” She sounded quite worried but Athras was busy dusting his clothes off before even looking at her again.
“I get that. But I also just left the mansion and don’t know where affordable inns are so I was still searching for one,” he explained without going into any more detail. He had liked her almost from the start as she was easy to talk with and seemed like a genuinely nice person. He had his fair share of people in Orlais and the mansion but Valeria didn’t seem to have any bad intentions. She almost seemed like she had a bit of Leonas too, at least from what Athras knew about both of them.
“Oh… you won’t really find an inn at this hour that wouldn’t overcharge you.” Valeria stated it as a fact. But she had probably been here long enough to know if it was true. Athras couldn’t help a sigh to escape. He should have known it. Valeria continued speaking after watching him.
“Maybe, if you’re not against it, you could come with me. I mean you already know my occupation since I was asked about it in the afternoon but thanks to that I don’t have anything to hide. Except the rumours the people leave behind all the time.”
“Aren’t you afraid that I will do something?” Athras asked perplexed which caused her to laugh.
“If I have to be honest. No, not at all. I’m living two streets away from work together with two others from there. It’s just actually one average room that we have but hey, it would do for tonight. I’m not offering it a second time though.” Well, what could Athras say? He wouldn’t let go of his most important stuff while being there but it sounded better than being caught by the city guard or robbed by some thieves in need of quick cash. So he shrugged and followed Valeria after one short moment of looking back where he came from.
0 notes
Comfort food
Some days you just make your friends some comfort food even tho you can’t really cook (524 words)
Partha hadn’t seen Athras since he had been called out in the early morning. Not until the time she was training in the courtyard in the afternoon. She almost didn’t hear him, the gate closing drowning in the ringing of her axe hitting other metal. Her training partner, a guard of the house, turned his head and that’s how she even noticed Athras stomping by.
“Didn’t go to well, hm,” the guard muttered, getting Parthas attention back to him. After all she had been about to call out to her friend.
“What do you mean?” she asked her sparring partner instead who just shrugged.
“It was the city guard that had some bone to pick with him. Don’t know exactly why but they said something about a suggestion he had made. And city guards and elves… don’t really go well together usually. Don’t know how they react to a dalish that spent quite some time here now.” And with that he watched Partha who put away her axe, making it clear that the training for her had come to an end.
She later found herself in the kitchen. After going to Athras room and getting dismissed by a grumbled “I’m tired, don’t wanna talk.” There was no way he was already tired as he was usually awake until well into the middle of the night when he had the chance and slept until noon. No, he was just in a bad mood and his bad moods were usually lifted with food. Finally the knowledge of his favorite meal could be used… if she only remembered correctly how to make apple risotto.
Ramsey wasn’t all that happy with her running around in his kitchen but he let her do her thing, only glancing over from time to time. Until he stopped in the middle of what he was preparing, looking like he was to say something so Partha waited.
“You know,” he sighed, “I don’t want to say you’re doing something wrong but I only want good meals to leave my kitchen. That wine you have may go if you have it separately with the rice but not really if you mix it in. Which you have to do.”
Partha stared at the bottle and then back at Ramsey. Just to put it away and got to get another one with a thanks in the cooks direction. With that other wine she started cooking again, together from a few comments from Ramsey. He let her make the dish by herself, only directing her verbally. And in Parthas opinion the risotto smelled really good.
With the plate in her hand she stood at Athras door once again. Letting herself in this time after knocking which caused Athras to look up from the couch. “Didn’t I say I don’t…”
He didn’t get further before Partha held the plate right in front of his face and he looked at it surprised.
“I thought you looked like you had a lousy day,” she said, “so I made your favorite to cheer you up.”
There was quite a few  seconds of silence before Athras took the plate, thanking Partha quietly.
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Seeing you again
The prince also has times when he just can’t sneak out for some time. Atracho/Keron (530 words)
They hadn’t met for some time already when Keron got to the oasis again to relax and found Atracho sleeping in the shadows of the trees. As he got closer he slowed down, not wanting to disturb the prince. Who knows why he hadn’t been here for weeks and if he was sleeping than he probably needed it. Instead Keron placed his sash on the ground as well as his weapons and vest and silently slipped into the water. It was cool and made a shiver run down his spine when he first entered it but it didn’t take long that he got accustomed to the temperature and started splashing in the water more than swimming around. Of course he could have gone stealing today but he was happy that he had changed his mind. With Atracho here he could ask him for the reason behind the shutdown and the rise in guards lately. After all, those guards made Kerons life harder in the last few days.
It didn’t take as long as Keron had thought for Atracho to wake up and Keron was trying to catch some fish when the prince slipped into the water too and swam up to him.
“You know, you just drove the fish away,” Keron said when Atracho reached him. Even without looking he had sensed him coming nearer, thanks to his senses being trained by avoiding the guards or overly wary shopkeepers. On top of that Atrachos body felt warm against his own when he came closer, a difference to the water, and he turned around just when Atracho reached out to hug him.
“How long have you been here?” Atracho asked, ignoring what Keron said completely while rubbing his cheek against Kerons shoulder.
“Long enough to harm you if I were someone who’s against you.” It was a simple answer but telling the harsh truth. He couldn’t believe how careless Atracho sometimes was regarding his status. He should be glad that not many people come here. “Then I’m lucky that you love me,” Atracho said, laughing. He raised his head to take a look at Keron, surprised when the thief cupped his head with his hands and kissed him. “Damn lucky I would say,” he whispered after letting go of Atracho who in response stole a short peck before laughing again. Then Atracho leaned against him which made the smaller one pat Atrachos arm. “Wait, I’m gonna fall…”
The water splashed when they both fell into it but Atracho had Keron in his arms and out from under the water again before Keron could even think about trying to get up again. He was more sluggish than the prince after all, the water had been cooling his body down for longer. He gasped for air, surprised at first and then playfully hitting Atrachos arm.
“Idiot,” he muttered, while wriggling around. “Can you let me down… please?”
“No can do,” was the answer Keron got and instead Atracho turned to the shore. “I hadn’t seen you for weeks so there’s no way I will just let you go now,” he continued, his grip tighten around Keron, “I missed your body warmth so much.”
Needless to say that Keron forgot to ask Atracho about the guards.
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Elfuary prompt #1 What would fit better to fire than Gouda? (454 words)
There was usually a feeling inside him when he watched flames, the bonfire or the magic he himself cast. A warmth that spread through his whole body and of course he heard the explanation “It’s fire, idiot. That’s what it does,” but he knew it wasn’t that warmth.
Right now, however, a cold chill ran down his spine while the flames almost licked at his clothes and the heat hit him in the face as the wind suddenly turned. There was no smell of burning wood in the air, the familiar sound of it cracking under the temperature. Instead the air was filled with screams and the scent of burnt flesh. And even if he wanted to the sight before him was too hypnotising to look away. Not that Gouda was able to see any people but from where he was he saw the sea of fire drowning the village beneath him completely as well as the surrounding fields and up the hill to him. He knew that, if no one was going to do something against it, the fire would most likely spread even more. It was it’s nature after all and the wind was blowing strong enough to carry the sparks and ash away. Still, and he was sure of it, there was no way of saving anyone down there. Even those who weren’t able to cast fire-spells would have to agree with him on this matter.
One last glance at the burning hell below him and he turned around, his steps crunching on the dried grass as he walked away. This wasn’t something Gouda had to take care off. As much as a lot of people seem to love playing the hero, he wasn’t one of them. On top of that everything involving this village was a quest that was set to fail no matter how hard one might try. He knew a lost battle when he saw one. Other than some of the people he knew.
While he left he thought about how lucky he had been. The people who started the fire, and let’s be honest here, there was no way this happened with a natural cause, could have easily seen his camp if they had walked up the hill. And there was no way to tell what they would’ve done then. Maybe tried the same, maybe tried to go by unnoticed. Who could answer that now anyways?
Gouda unconsciously grabbed his potion pouch. Not that there was anything in it that would miraculously make a fire vanish but it gave him strength to not look back once again. He would do what the firebug did: Walk away and additionally hope that the fire wouldn’t catch up to him.
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good bye
OCKissWeek #7 (Leonas/Athras, 1660 words)
Athras stood up and looked at the packed bag on the floor. It was the first time that he realised how little he actually had on him. The lute leaned against the wall next to his staff and bag, everything was ready to just be taken. And taking a glance around the room it almost seemed like nobody had ever been there as he put the books that had been lying around back into the shelf and other than that he hadn’t made much chaos to begin with. The only thing showing that there was someone living here was the teapot the table, fog seen over the steaming hot water, as well as two cups, both already halfway filled, only waiting for the hot water to be poured over it and served.
It didn’t stood there long as the one it was supposed for came almost at the same time Athras finished packing. He had enough time to put the bag under the bed, so it won’t be seen, when there was a knock on the door and Leonas came in. There was a slight pause when he looked around, after all he was already used to the books lying around.
“You cleaned up?” he asked, knowing that Athras told the servants to not touch anything in his room unless he asked for it. But Athras had somehow known where everything was either way, if it was cleaned up or not.
“Yes… I felt like it. But you actually wanted to talk to me?” Athras poured the water and handed Leonas one cup while he answered but couldn’t help but to stop a short moment while talking. After all it was a lie. Leonas didn’t seem to have noticed it though and took the tea from him. They sat down on the couch together.
“That can wait for a bit, I have to get down from the meeting earlier first,” Leonas said before taking a sip. “Oh the tea this time doesn’t even taste that bad.” “My last tea was one against your cold! Of course that doesn’t taste that good!” he countered, pouting. And even though his emotions were real, Athras hoped he could play what he was thinking about well enough to not be noticed.
He did well. At least for the time they were talking… or Leonas was talking while Athras was listening, only answering every now and then. As the time went by Leonas noticed Athras getting nervous and ask him but he tried to chance the topic until Leonas grabbed his hands.
“Athras, it’s alright if you don’t tell me. But please hear me out right now. I won’t ask for much but…,” he paused and took a deep breath, “I don’t want to let you go anymore, not in a bad way! Just… I want to be sure that wherever you go you will come back again not matter how long I have to wait.”
At first Athras didn’t progress what Leonas had just said, then his brain went to tell him it sounded like some sort of confession. And Athras stared at him for quite some time before finally getting some words out.
“But… I’m leaving.”
“Did Landon already tell you about the task he received?” Leonas asked, surprised. “But that’s exactly one reason why I asked you. It’s dangerous and I don’t want to not know if you would come back or not.”
Athras almost laughed out loud, a bit hysterically, when Leonas mentioned his brother but then swallowed hard when he looked at his face.
“No… I’m. I haven’t heard about that and why would I go with him? His bodyguards are Partha and Issala. I’m leaving,” he stopped, asking himself if it was right to say it or not but decided it can’t get worse. After all the tea should kick in anytime now. “I’m leaving by myself.”
Now it was Leonas who didn’t understand what he wanted to say. “But. What? Of course he would need you beside Partha and Issala. What do you mean by yourself?” While he talked Leonas let go of one of Athras hands to touch his temple. “Why…?”
“I put a sleeping herb in your tea if that’s what you mean. The little thumping means it will kick in pretty soon,” Athras answered the unspoken question and shushed Leonas before he could talk back. Another deep breath, Fenedhis, did speaking always was that hard? “I’ll tell you why I’m leaving. It was only you, Partha, at least a bit, and the elven servants in your house that treated me as an equal. I won’t talk bad about anyone, Leonas, I learned that my prejudices don’t apply to anyone. I thought your brother would learn that too. I can’t deal with that anymore… I… I hate seeing everyone treated with laughter and as soon as he turns to me the tone turns cold and indifferent.” He stopped, had turned his face away from Leonas when he started talking because he knew he didn’t want Leonas to see his tears that would surely come. But they weren’t because he was treated like that, it was because he chose to run away once again. “And even if I’m on good terms with the servants, I’m not one of them. I don’t even want to be seen as a servant and yet people treat me like one, or… what was the word… a mistress.”
“You’re no mistress!” Leonas said loudly, almost shouting.
“I know I’m not. But what would an elf be in here, if not a puppet dancing to a masters’ wish? I thought I could at least get along with Issala like I do with Partha but she seems to be together long enough with Landon to mostly treat me like air too, when there’s not really a need to talk to me. I’m only someone in this house that shouldn’t even be here.” He absolutely didn’t say everything he wanted to say, not at all and this explanation was far from understandable but Leonas grabbed his arms and wanted to interrupt him again when the herbs finally kicked in and knocked him out like he dropped dead. Athras freed his arms and wiped away the tears on his face. He knew his voice had been bad at the end and he tried to keep a steady rhythm of breathing in and out to calm down.
He really hadn’t planned to throw it all out there before Leonas fell asleep since he had it written in a letter, in better words, that he would find when he got back to his room. But now he leaned over Leonas who still had the distraught expression on his face and kissed him. One last time… and as he was thinking that he would never get to taste this lips again he pulled away. Damn, he shouldn’t have done that but he couldn’t help himself and whispered, “I’m sorry. I love you.”
Then he stood up for good and took his belongings. The faster he was out there the less it would hurt, probably. And just as he opened the door he found Landon standing in front of it, ready to knock. It was also him who started to speak first after getting a hold of himself.
“Athras, you will come with us tomorrow morning. Pack your stuff and be ready.” There it was again, the same cold tone like always, telling Athras how highly he thought of elves. There was no indication that he acknowledged that Athras looked like shit right now and Athras was sure he did look like shit. Before answering Athras stepped out of the room, next to Landon and looked up to him.
“I suggest you will go and find another mage if you need a healing hand that much,” he said, only to turn away from Landon and walk away. By now the other had noticed the bag on his back and staff and lute in his hands.
“What are you doing,” Landon said, louder now and Athras stopped to look at him once again.
“What does it look like? I’m leaving. It’s not like you wanted me here anyway.” And no answer was also an answer. He waited maybe a moment longer than necessary but when Landon didn’t say a thing he walked away. After all, Landon wouldn’t stop him anyways.
His feet dragged him to the market and he was lucky to find a dalish there too. Now he could get one thing he needed before leaving Denerim behind for good. “An’eth’ara,” he was greeted, “it’s rare to see another dalish here.”
“My keeper let me go to search for something,” Athras answered, a weak smile on his lips.
“And did you find it?”
“Yes and no. But I would love to find some fruit wine to buy.” At least then he could drink the first pain away.
“Well, I have some here,” the dalish answered, holding up a bottle after rummaging in a chest. “But why don’t you come behind the table and wait until I’m finished. That won’t take long now.”
Athras knew it could be an idiotic idea but still walked around the table where he was able to sit on a chest.
“And what did you find to look as miserable as you do,” the dalish asked while packing some of the unsold stuff away.
“Prejudices and love.”
“Well, prejudices can be found anywhere. But why do are you here when you found love? You can’t escape love.” He opened to bottle of fruit wine and gave it to Athras who took a sip straight from the bottle.
“It’s easy to run from love. I did it once, I will be able to do it the second time too.” And he offered the bottle to the dalish who took a sip too before returning it to Athras.
“Sounds like the prejudices chased you away.” And Athras nodded.
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