#i have a healthy obbsseion with spider verse i promise
consulting-ghosts · 1 year
You know what fuck me the most is the ATSV, the fact that Miles wanted to go to that specific collage. He wanted to study a black holes and stuff to maybe one day make traveling throught time and space possible. I started to cry why he said that.
Why it's meningful? It tell us that Miles missed all of his spider friends and he would do anything to see them again. So knowing that both Gwen and Peter B (his best friend and kind of older brother), could visit him but didn't, must hurt him a lot and let him belive that they didn't care as much about him as he did about them.
I get why they didn't, but it's from Miles point. To be honest Peter B was the only person who could make Miles stop if Miguel didn't fuck their moment by trucking down Peter'a device. You could see that he was getting throught Miles defenaces. Sure Miles and Gwen are great, but Miles and Peter B, had a more deep (kind of soulmates if i dare to say) relationships.
Let's get back on track throught, because I can talk about them forever. Peter B had a small cameo, but how impactfull. I hope we will get more od them in the last part, like in the first movie. For a reason it was Peter who was the last to say goodbay.
On the outside Miles is all colours and rainbows so it's easy to overlook how unsecure and lonely he really is. Sure he has amazing parents (I adore all three of them), but as far we know he didn't have any friends before he became spider man. He stayed away from home most of the time, so he must felt really alone in new school. No wonder he wanted to get the hell away from there.
People say that he doesn't know what loss is, but he does. He lost in two days Aaron, Gwen, Peter B and other spider people he genuinly care about and with who he could just be himself. Sure he befriend his rommate, but it's not the same.
Most people don't see it, because Miles is good at shrugging it off as if nothing really happend, but if you pay attention you see how sad he was at the beggining. How he light up a little when Gwen showed up. Which btw was a little cruel on her part. She came by and told him about spider society and then just left him again, teling him that he's not allowed to go. I mean it would be better is she didn't visit him at all.
Thankfull Miles ia not good in listening to what others tell him to do unless it's Peter B of course.
I will be rewatching it again on Friday, so if anything new will get my attention I will update it for sure.
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