#i hope y'all agree my art improved lmao
hydoutdubstep · 2 years
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art comparison post ft. birthday art i drew a friend (i think) 2 years apart c:
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infinitydivine · 7 months
hi, i'm the namjoon/leo sis anon 🫂🫧 but yeah it's odd because, despite being the foundation of the group, i also don't see as much of him.  it truly hurt me to see that, sometimes, when it comes to supporting him, army’s don't seem to be as invested in his artistic pursuits as much as the others (a fact confirmed by a chart showing that only six members had achieved one million streams with recent releases, with namjoon being the only member to not make the list). as you noted, i also have trouble understanding the resentment and criticism he experiences. i mean, he is the epitome of a virgo man aka minding the business that pays him unless provoked lol. like, there is a reason why he is regarded as the “father of k-pop." in other words, k-pop would not have been as successful as it is currently without namjoon and, of course, bts. honestly, his pluto is in the fifth house, which governs passion, creativity, and children, which i understand what is happening but damn can they let him catch a break? lol the man was destined to be a force to be reckoned with, whether or not that fact is accepted by others. his lyrical skill is well known, especially in the romance and rap genres, indicating that he is exceptionally good at what he does; his mannerisms and demeanor are extraordinary; and lastly, aside from a few minor flaws in his human nature, he is a true all-rounder. i looked at his birth chart again but this time including the singer and born asteroids and both fell into his midheaven, signifying that namjoon was literally destined to be an artist lmao like y'all it was written in the fucking stars and planets. like how about that? lmao but fifth house pluto has the power to produce an influencer who is fully authentic; as a result, they either inspire or seriously disrupt the world around them. so, the fact that he's able to evolve and adapt in the face of life's challenges and use that dark power to create and elevate his art, in spite of dealing with so many miserable people who love project on him, makes me happy because it eventually helps him realize his own inner reason and purpose in life. like his fellow virgo, he has nothing to prove to anyone at this point. but i digress lol but i can talk about namjoon all day because he is so fascinating to me –a man with many layers, so it's great to find more fans of him. like, yes, he is a man and he will exhibit such unbearable traits that just don't make any sense (because honestly when do men ever ????) the cancer rising saves him (i can’t even believe i'm sitting here writing this about a MAN like who am i fdjfskfhdjs). 
wonderful dude honestly, like he checks off every point on my "what i want in a partner" list. it's a shame he has to go for a year and a half, i'll miss him and that cheeky lil smile lmao. oh, his verse in "let me know" was the moment that cemented me as a namjoon bias ... like girl, i fucking cried!!
also you're a leo sun, you're certain to draw attention, and based on your notoriety on the bts tarot tumblr side, i would guess you have some prominent placements or degrees! really, learning astrology might take some time due to the many minute nuances, so don't think you're stupid! lmao take baby steps and view the system as a pyramid where the planets are at the base, followed by the houses, and then the degrees. after that, study the signs and their characteristics, and at last, you make sense of everything! i find learning and reading tarot to be challenging but i’m improving lmao so, if you can read tarot, astrology is right up you’re alley ! 
I mean Hello he is Kim Namjoon??? The more we talk about him the more words we will need. But really I agree with you on everything. He is just an ordinary person with an extraordinary personality. I hope he will realize it soon and will be more confident in himself. He deserves everything. Every human has its flaws and if they are trying to learn through them I guess they do deserve a second chance, he learned it hard way that you cannot keep every single one of your fans happy and satisfied all the time. One mistake and boom you are the bad guy, you are the worst. To me, this reaction is very -Eh????
also you're a Leo sun, you're certain to draw attention, and based on your notoriety on the bts tarot tumblr side, i would guess you have some prominent placements or degrees- I am still trying to learn and figure things out about my charts, hopefully I will someday. Thanks a lot for the motivation tho :)
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littlebluerexi · 4 years
It's May 20th....i have no clue of what I've written... and i think it's nothing... like i un-did all the good I did in April.. So.... this might be a very chaotic catch-up... and uh... if you want to read this bear with me yanno...
Books (This'll be a short-ish list)
- The Goldfinch !!! I FREAKING FINALLY FINISHED THAT BOOK. HOLY SHIT IT WAS LONG. SO SO LONG. And so so totally beautiful. Maybe it was because it was so long to read but the way you were able to fall in love with every little thing, get to truly see Theo through his worst and give the dumb cynic whatever resembled hope in the end... it was beautiful. Donna tells stories of humans who fall in love with things, an idea, art. They are completely infatuated. It's so desirable. Then, she shows us the downside of loving them so. Of consuming all these things deeply into your soul. How you are sure to be affected. Everyone says "it's good but long" and i agree it would have been fine with a couple thousand words less, but... I dunno... I just truly believe that because of all those words we were so surrounded in that universe and able to truly live as painfully and stupidly as Theo did.
- 1, 2 & 3 Books in the Harry Potter series! AHHHH This is so fun so far! I can really tell what made people love this, I mean Philosopher's stone was kinda very obviously.... well... It's only getting better! CoS was an improvement and Prisoner of Azkaban too! I see why it's a lot of people's favourite.
- a couple Jeffery Archer short stories which was... pretty cool... but more as an idea. You finish reading them and you have this very plain... average feeling. His characters, surely might relate to SOMEONE but I doubt it, the writing is easy enough to read but the stories tended to be very boring. More interesting after you're done reading and you're THINKING about it.
However, got to give it to the dude for completely having fun with writing and maybe something from later on in the Year of Short Stories, will be seen as improvement.
Movies - LOT
- Goldfinch - not that great Because, we sprt of swerve through the entire thing i wanted it to be good but... eh... it was very eh... but the actors were good. i completely blame the script and the... director???? anyways
- Ladybird - This was so..... Atypical! It's like it took a very common trope of a movie and just messed it up in a very fun way! Honestly I don't know how to feel about this because it's like... we just got a sort of year in the life type thing. I need to go look at reviews for it because.. i know i found it really cool but I sort of need to know why
- I FINISHED GILMORE GIRLS AHHHH 7 SEASONS ARE OVER AND NOW YAYY! It wrapped in a lil box of stars hollow wholesome-ness and Lorelei deserved better mah dudes :"( but also like her GROWTH. It was was very fun.
- Barbie movies! mostly I've seen clips and songs but specifically 12 dancing princesses and fashion fairytale BARBIE IS VERY BADASS AND COOL I STAN
- Finding Nemo 2x IT'S SUCH A GOOD AMD CUTE MOVIE 🥺 Pixar is spectacular.
- Miss congeniality. Sandra Bullock. that's it.
- The Incredibles! again.... P I X A R I love so much. I need to watch part 2
- Also i very suddenly marathoned Twilight and... BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA i can't even. I had one reason (Kristen Stewart) and i don't even know if i regret it... because... wowza.
- Also re-watching b99 again and my heart is happy every time i see their faces.
- Same feeling when i watch odaat 🥺
- also the new Charlie's Angels. and i mean... i loved it... and it was really cool and all and Kristen Stewart... but like... WHY'D THEY RUIN THE MYSTERY OF CHARLIE SORTA... oof it was pretty entertaining though and after that I'm inspired to watch more action movies (SLOWLY NO BINGES I GOTTA CATCH UP ON OTHER THINGS) and in true akshu fashion i made a list! lemme know if yu want to see it. it's pretty basic tho xD.
- My showing her true utter love amd admiration for Kalidasa when I told her that i was reading a bit of him and how he is so in love with everything around him in the best way. like she actually went feral for that and like wow... my mom is COOL
- SIX: THE MUSICAL ahhhhh! I love MUSICALS BASED ON HISTORY. I LIVE IT SO MUCH. And I'm inspired to write a fanfic Au of K. Howard being bi and falling for her lady in waiting or something 0_0
okay... uhm well as i was saying... the campfire song is lit and Drive just makes me happy okay done.. i believe i have sufficiently caught everything up- OOOH i watched Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan and it was so funny and cute. THOROUGHLY Enjoyed it.
yikes okay. well i love y'all hope you have a great day and just... kinda ignore this lmao
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