#i know van helsing said 'trust me bro' but for HOW LONG?????
hanaasbananas · 2 years
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sobbing, at van helsing going "oh no I can't tell him about vampires but I CAN involve him in my plans to CHOP LUCYS HEAD OFF AND PULL OUT HER HEART"
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worldiary · 7 months
I'm midway through listening to Sep 13's Re:Dracula where Lucy's mother removes the flowers and.... come on Van Helsing. Come on, Van Helsing. You can't decide NOT to tell the mom how sick the daughter is, shove the room full of garlic, refuse to give ANYONE any explanation and then leave the house and expect everyone to follow the instructions you're NOT giving???? Sorry not sorry but if I walked into my daughter's room and the room is hot, stuffy, and smelling of garlic and the doctor has refused to tell me the garlic smell is important then, yeah, I'm gonna lovingly remove the flowers the same way you remove someone's glasses and phone when they fall asleep watching a video. Clean airflow is usually better for sick patients anyway!
(More random Dracula thoughts below the cut)
I also don't understand his insistence on not telling Arthur anything. It's so funny to see the difference between medicine today and (presumably) medicine back then. Today they'd say "Listen, being around your loved ones provides strength, we want people to visit." and here Van Helsing is like "No, Arthur, if Lucy sees you she'll get excited." Which isn't wrong per-se but given how much Lucy loves and thinks about Arthur, I actually think it would help her to see him.
Tbh I wonder if Van Helsing could have blamed any parasite. Mosquito, bats, whatever and said "listen y'all, our prevailing theory right now is some kind of parasite that's become addicted to her blood specifically. We just gotta keep this parasite away" and get everyone on board without diving into the supernatural.
Also also...not letting the maids sit up with them is a bad idea imo. I think I get why they're doing it: they don't want anything to happen to the maids. But trust and train them up, bro. As already seen TWICE, the more informed eyes the better. (Also, maybe I'm reading into this differently, but I kinda see the maids asking to be allowed to sit up with Lucy being a bit of girls looking out for each other on multiple levels. Yes, Lucy is clearly ill, there's an element about physically caring for her. But also: two random dudes insist they're the only ones who can sit up with my girl all night long while she's going back and forth between energy and near-death? Especially when the maids probably know Seward has feelings for Lucy? No trust, bro, let me in that room.)
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margridarnauds · 7 years
For the OTP questions, can I ask 2, 9, and 14? Thanks!
Thank you!
I’m doing this for Donal O’Flaherty/Gráinne O’Malley (16th C. Historical Irish power couple that is either overlooked or misrepresented, but that's another post entirely that I’ll get to one of these days when I’m in a particularly salty mood) and Dolingen/Lucy (mixing The Powers of Darkness, Dracula, and Dracula’s Guest together, because I’ll force continuity on Bram Stoker’s Dracula universe if it kills me) since I’ve been working on my fanfics for both and I need to get my head in the game. 
1300 words later, I think I succeeded. 
2. Who reminds the other to take care of themselves?
Honestly, with Donal and Gráinne, you’ve got two ambitious, stubborn people who are each very much focused on their own worlds. Donal’s rocking it on the battlefield, conducting raids and defending his and his clan’s keepings from their neighbors, while Gráinne’s out at sea giving any trader on the Irish Sea night terrors. Neither one’s particularly good at taking care of themselves when they get wrapped up in something, though when it comes down to it, Gráinne’s the one who’ll remind him. Like, “Live to Fight Another Day” might as well be her motto, and I can see her basically telling Donal as much, while Donal’s more the traditional “never surrender” type of warrior, slightly more inflexible and rigid when it comes to conducting battles, including (especially?) internal ones. 
With Dolingen/Lucy, I’m more inclined to go for Dol here, not necessarily because she’s a warm, caring person, but more because she’s the older vampire and has a better idea of what she needs (and also, from what little we get of her in canon, she doesn’t seem to be the type to be really...intensive in the sense that she gets so lost in something that she forgets the time. She just seems to kind of float above everything), whereas Lucy is new to this whole vampire business and might lose track of herself. 
9. Who calms the other down when the other has a nightmare?
I have The Devil’s Headcanon over Gráinne having nightmares over Donal dying and him comforting her, telling her that she’s not getting rid of him that easily. (Historically, she outlived him by at least 40 years, though I’m double-checking the figures there; either way, it was decades) I could see it going both ways as well, considering that both probably had to see some truly traumatic things on and off the battlefield. I mean, this is 16th century Ireland; it was a very brutal, very violent time to be alive, and even though there was a different mindset around death and dying than what we generally have, there’s still a certain amount of trauma attached to it, especially given some of the atrocities being committed by both sides. I’m not sure that it’s something either would ever acknowledge, because I see both of them as being very proud, and I’m not sure that they would really trust each other to comfort them about something like that until later in their marriage, but I do think it’s a possibility, definitely. 
Dol and Lucy are...complicated with something like this. Considering that The Rules™ for Stoker vampires necessitate sleeping in a coffin of their own native soil and both Lucy and Dol come from entirely different countries, there’s not the same level of convenience that mortal couples have. (Though, considering I’m probably bringing back the “healed by moonlight” thing for this fic, I’m not above bending the rules/mixing different vampire canons together.) When Dol spends time in a bed, it’s always for an entirely different purpose than sleeping. Then, there’s the question of whether vampires even have dreams per se or whether it’s just a very, very deep trance or something. Do vampires dream of undead sheep? 
Assuming that all of the above doesn’t apply to the verse and they have nightmares etc. like normal mortals, I think it’d probably be Lucy, mainly because the way I write her post-vamping is that, despite Seward’s description of her in the graveyard, she does keep a trace of her old personality; her priorities are just shuffled around so that (1) Mortals are no concern of hers any longer, they’re her prey and (2) All of the old Victorian morals she used to cling onto are out the window. So, she doesn’t care about Arthur, Quincy, or Jack (she smothers any lingering traces of affection towards Mina), she has no problem with having blood orgies, human sacrifices, and showing her ankles in public, but she’s still more nurturing in general than Dol, who is...not really the type to show her emotions beyond a surface level type of thing, and even with that, there’s always the possibility probability she’s manipulating you to get what she wants. 
Something as intimate as comforting a partner might be something Dol does if she sees an end to it, but beyond that, it’s iffy. With the verse I’ve constructed, it takes her about two decades of living (or the vampiric equivalent thereof), hunting with, and sleeping with Lucy before she really starts warming to her as anything more than a companion and, once she admits it, she’s honestly a little freaked out. So much of her accumulation of power in the past has come from her being able to manipulate everyone around her, particularly men and their feelings, “playing with them as a child plays with grapes before sucking out the liquid” as the Count puts it in The Powers of Darkness, so losing that essential bit of control is a little...nerve racking for her. So, yeah, in the verse I’ve constructed, it might take at least 2-3 decades for Dol to reach the point where she can do any of the normal, cute couply stuff like comforting Luc from a bad dream without feeling a cold shiver run down her spine, and even then, I’m not sure she’d be overly good at it. 
14. What is their go to fast food place?
I’ll be honest here: I have a hard time imagining “The most powerful and opulent of the Western O’Flaherties” Suck an egg, Chambers and the Pirate Queen of Connacht ever going for anything resembling fast food, even in a modern verse (which has got to be set in the US for this one at least, considering that I have no knowledge of any Irish fast food chains besides what Wikipedia tells me. I know, eternal shame on my household. I have failed as a researcher.) They might not have always fit the image we have of aristocrats, but they were aristocrats nonetheless. That being said, Long John Silver’s, maybe, because of Gráinne’s connection to the sea+piracy. Considering how active both of these two were historically, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the types to just run inside a gas station and buy a hotdog or something when they need a quick fix to spare time. You will pry them going to a Wawa out of my cold, dead hands. They also stock up on coffee while they’re there, because Starbucks is haunted by Elizabeth and her minions. 
I mean the very nature of Dol and Lucy’s state means that they’re not so keen on the whole “solid, bloodless” food thing anymore. The only thing I can think of that would lead to them anywhere near the vicinity of one is (1) Hunting purposes, especially in the early days when Lucy’s experimenting with kids, though it wouldn’t appeal so much to Dol’s chosen demographic, (2) If they were trying to throw off the Crew of Light, because Van Helsing can predict vampire behavior to a T except for two of the most feared vampires in the world hanging out in a McDonald’s playplace, or (3) If they (”they” in this case primarily meaning “Dolingen,” with Lucy going along with it), knew it would irritate the Count, assuming an AU where the Count lives. Like, I can just see the mustache twitch at seeing the two of them with Burger King hats on. “Centuries of glory for the Draculas, and now we wear false crowns, created to appeal to the vanity of peasants.” Really, bro, given that we live in the age of Count Chocula, that’s the last thing the Dracula family name needs to worry about. 
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