#i make one joke about being 22 and some slight back pain and suddenly i'm 85????
starswallowingsea · 9 months
"I'm not in middle school anymore I'm actually a year out of middle school and married so HA" is not the flex you think it is man
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
I'm thirsty for Kaeya content rn, from your 200 followers prompt event, maybe number 22 with him? Very angsty with a happy ending bc my heart is masochist but not too much to handle that level of suffering. Thank you for the opportunity, ur stories make my day more enjoyable luv u
22 - “All my friends told me you’d break my heart.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
characters; Kaeya, gn reader
cw/tw; spoilers for Kaeya’s backstory, hurt/comfort, arguments, very slight abandonment issues, Kaeya being slightly toxic, slightly open ended, let me know if I missed anything
word count; 1.4k
notes; Hi, do my lil pieces really make your day more enjoyable? That’s truly one of the sweetest compliments I’ve gotten, it made me smile so much when I first read it, thank you :,) now about this piece, I say this all the time but I do think it’s true, I’m not sure this work is my best but I at least tried my best with this. But writers block is such a pain and I really can’t tell if it’s good, but I wrote 1k words and really didn’t want to delete them all and start again. I hope you enjoy it though !!
event; 200 milestone
Please reblog if you like this!!
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
A slam. A sigh. The shuffling of clothing and the gentle thump of two boots against the ground after they were taken off the owners weary feet. The house was empty, as it had been for the past week. Kaeya had been spending more time in the tavern lately, and rarely spoke more than two slurred words to you when he finally arrived home. It was almost like a stranger was living with you, and not your lover.
Even when he wasn’t drinking, when the two of you engaged in conversations, he had seemed to be withdrawn. Distant, even. He wasn’t being harsh with his words, but oh, did it feel cruel with what he was choosing not to say. The silence was suffocating, grabbing at your throat violently and forcing words to come out of your mouth just to fill the empty void. The quiet questions of, ‘How was your day?’ ‘What would you like for dinner?’ turned into desperate, loud cries of, ‘What did I do wrong?’ ‘Where are you?’ in an empty bedroom.
This felt like torture.
You were alone, painfully so. It didn’t even seem like Kaeya cared as you wiped your eyes harshly when you thought he wasn’t looking, or when looked up at him with pleading eyes, only to have him turn away from you. Did he even realise what he was doing to you?
It was a bittersweet moment when you saw the handle rattle, listening to the clumsy fumbling of keys behind the door before it swung open. Star-shaped pupils stared back at you in surprise when he came face to face with you, a little startled that you were even awake at this time. But after he shook off the shock of seeing you, he did what he had done for the past week and carefully pushed past you.
“Kaeya.” Your voice croaked, and even you were surprised at how vulnerable you sounded. Still, he continued to move away. You repeated his name, desperate for him to turn around, to say or do something - anything. He stopped, just like you had hoped for. You took a step towards him, hand reaching out to touch his shoulder, but his words made your hand freeze.
“We should part ways.”
You pause.
Even though his back was turned to you, you didn’t miss how his chest heaved when he let out a heavy sigh. “This, us - it isn’t working.”
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, completely speechless.
“Why?” You whispered, hand retreating to your chest as if you had been burned suddenly. He didn’t respond, but he did turn around and finally face you. There was no smug, teasing smirk, no quirk of his eyebrow - nothing to hint that he was joking.
“I’m sorry. This is just how it has to be.” His hand gently set on your shoulder, giving you a few small pats. It was probably to give you some comfort, but it did the complete opposite. Your bottom lip quivered and your hand reached out for his shirt, clutching onto it for dear life.
“Why? What did I do? What have I done? Why do you-“ You were speaking so fast you were choking on your own words, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. Cold hands set on your cheeks, thumbs carefully trying to wipe away the stray tears streaming down your cheeks. You could hear your name being murmured softly, but you weren’t listening. Rage, sadness, confusion - there were so many emotions bubbling in your chest. The hand clinging to hun started to form into a fist, and your grip tightened dangerously.
“All my friends told me you’d break my heart…”
Perhaps that was too far, but you were furious with him. A week, possibly even longer, coming home drunk and not talking to you? Ignoring you throughout the day? And then coming back, finally talking to you, only to break up with you? You had every right to say something out of line, when he had completely crossed that line the moment this started.
His face hardened and his hands fell to his sides. For a moment, you thought he would walk away without saying anything, and that would be the last time you would see him. Instead, he let out a scoff.
“Maybe you should’ve listened.” The shattering of your heart inside your chest was almost audible.
“Please don’t do this, Kaeya. I’m sorry, whatever I’ve done, I’m so-“
“Please, Kaeya! I don’t know what I did! What did I do to make you hate me?!”
“Calm down, alright?” His hands were back cupping your cheeks, but he could barely keep his grip from the way your head was shaking back and forth. How badly did you screw this up without even knowing? And now, you had most likely made everything ten times worse.
“Please, Y/n-“
You couldn’t stop spewing out apologies, desperately trying to fix whatever you had broken.
“I don’t hate you- Please, stop apologising.” His resolve was starting to break. All he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and make everything okay again. But his hands were cursed, tainted with a darkness that couldn’t be cleansed. You didn’t deserve ‘damaged goods.’
“What did I do, Kaeya?” You sniffled pathetically, wiping your face roughly.
“Nothing… We just can’t be together.” His soothing voice whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek before he pulled his hand away. If he got too comfortable touching you, he wouldn’t have the strength to pull away.
“Do you hate me?”
“No, darling. Never.”
“Then… Why?”
A moment passed. Then another. And another. The knight's mouth tried to form words, tried to spew lies to you to make you hate him like he deserved. But no matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. With a quiet sigh, he gestured to the couch.
“Take a seat. This is going to take a while…”
The two of you sat in silence after he had finished - you staring at him while his eyes were glued to the floor.
“You’re from…”
“And you…” He sighed when you couldn’t finish your sentence, nodding his head slowly.
“It’s true. All of it. It’s not because I fell out of love, or because I hate you. Quite the opposite, actually…” Another deep sigh escaped his parted lips. No. He loved you more than anything, and although leaving you was terrifying, losing you would’ve been far worse.
“I’m not risking my loved one’s safety…” He took a deep breath before continuing, “ Your safety.” He finished, firm in his stance.
You had gone quiet again, and he took that as his cue to leave. As he rose from his seat, he couldn’t stop the racing thoughts in his head. You must’ve despised him now, just like everyone else who knew his secret did.
Your hand shot up to his wrist before you could stop yourself, grip tightening when he tried to move it away.
“Excuse me?”
“… I said no, Kaeya.” You tried your best to calm your shaking voice, but the thought of never seeing him again shook you to your core. “I can look after myself. You think I’m scared of the abyss?”
He inhaled through his nose and let out a sigh through his lips. He should’ve known you weren’t going to take this well, how your stubborn streak usually won most of your arguments.
“You can’t just say no and expect me to stay. Can't you see I’m doing this to protect you?”
“I don’t care!” You snapped, standing to meet his height as much as you could. “I’m not letting you destroy our relationship just because you’re scared. The only thing that really scares me is losing you, please don’t make me go through that if you love me.”
“Kaeya…” You murmured his name, reaching out to hold one of his hands gently.
He could never say no to you, especially when you made that face. It was the entire reason why he hadn’t looked at you for most of the week - he knew if he saw your eyes, he would’ve given up the cold act.
“… This is your last chance to leave.”
“I’m not going.”
“It won’t be easy. Are you sure you’re ready for that, just to stay with me?” Already, he was wishing for you to say yes. And you did, nodding your head resolutely at his question.
“No matter what, I’m not leaving.”
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