#i may be falling into fandom territory but pls god give me more victor and victoria content i need to see them happy
basketghost · 3 years
so corpse bride used to be one of my favorite movies when i was a bit younger, and I realized i hadn't watched it quite some time, like a couple of years probably, so i rewatch it figuring maybe I'd have some cute nostalgic memories and fondly recall this being a favorite spooky movie of early teen years and nothing more...
Only to find that I actually think I love it even more as an adult, for different reasons. It's actually so well-written. Surface level you're like "yeah, okay, Tim Burton movie, guy accidentally marries dead woman, shenanigans ensue, but all is right in the end, cute movie." But like. God. It's so good.
It's not about Victor and Emily, and honestly I'm always upset that everything leaves out Victoria as the third, equally as important protagonist, even though yes, she hardly gets any screentime, and that's a crime. It's two equally important stories of Emily, and Victor and Victoria that mesh a bit. Victor is the common thread that pulls the whole thing together (and Lord Barkis, I guess. But like. Fuck him).
It's about Emily learning to be less selfish, to realize that it's time to let go, and Victor and Victoria learning to love each other, and what each of them is willing to sacrifice.
Plus there's some fun dead people and catchy musical numbers. Literally what more could you ask for.
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