#i may need to put fake zilch on the peacekeeper ask
pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
Any sick headcannons about the train detectives ? I know there are some people out there that would love to hear about them being sick. 👀💕
Aaaah… Oh no, not more characters that I don’t invest myself in whatsoever… x’D Sorry but I had no time to get attached to them, so they disappeared from my brain right after Ch.0 and when the NDA detectives came into the fray x’D
Okay then, let me try to pull some things out with what little I know about them.
Zilch Alexander (real)
Like a sick animal, he prefers to be alone if he’s not feeling well to not trouble anyone else
He tends to brush the fur of his clothes as a distraction from the ickiness that he feels
He loves snuggling with his animal friends who usually don’t leave his side if he feels poorly. Especially his dogs.
He wears some of his furry scarves as part of his sickly disheveled appearance.
The ears on his hat get droopy if he feels ill.
If he has a caretaker he tends to behave like an animal with them if he’s delirious from fever. Not in a weird way, but he becomes very affectionate and likes nuzzling his face into soft places and into other people if he uses them as a pillow.
If he’s hot sometimes he sticks his tongue out when panting. (Like a dog lol)
He wears multiple furry jackets if he’s cold (though sadly this just makes his fever worse…)
If he has a cold, he has very peculiar sneezes. He doesn’t say anything out-loud, rather his sneezes are similar to a animal’s and it’s very fitful. (sadly this causes snot to go everywhere unless he covers his nose with his sleeve or a tissue)
Melami Goldmine
She’s actually very good at taking care of herself.
Even while ill she still wants to look her best. She cannot afford to look so poorly. So she wears her best outfit even if she’s not well.
Sadly this backfires when she sneezes or coughs, causing the outfit to get dirty with unwanted bodily fluids. How revolting.
So to remedy this issue, she gets the prettiest and silkiest set of nightwear she can wear at times like these.
She makes sure she has her favorite teas and coffee brands if she ever has a sore throat.
She has quality bath salts if she wants to relax and help her nose feel unstuffed.
If she has a caretaker she acts like a bit of a spoiled diva. Over exagerating her condition on purpose so her caretaker pays more attention to her. (shes needy and spoiled)
Making impossible requests and being super picky with how her meals are arranged.
(Not a sick headcanon, but I think Melami makes a very ideal caretaker. Especially when Yuma didn’t feel well. She made sure to try to help him, she seemed almost motherly. I honestly wish that Yuma accepted her help and company back to the infirmary. Maybe then she might have survived…)
Pucci Lavmin
Whenever Pucci feels or gets sick, she needs it to be QUIET.
Her ears get even more sensitive to sound if shes not healthy, especially she has a migraine or headache.
Her forte is rendered useless
She sleeps with multiple colorful teddy bears in her bed and tends to snuggle with them. (The pink one is still her favorite.)
She is very prone to ear infections. And the ear infections tend to make her get feverish too.
Shes in a BAD mood if shes ill, so she prefers to not be bothered by anyone else.
But the poor thing can’t get up to help herself due to the immense dizziness and loud ringing in her head, so she does need someone to try to assist her. As much as she may not like or prefer it.
She often cries if her fever gets too high and is super emotional when shes delirious. (A bit of a crybaby)
If shes not feeling too bad, she enjoys having soft piano or very soft classical music playing in the room while she rests. It soothes her spirit.
Aphex Logan
Another one thats usually fairly good at looking after himself.
Due to his rough time growing up in the slums after losing his family, he had to adept to surviving, even tending to himself if he got sick or hurt
Though there are times where it gets very bad, and he can’t handle it alone.
Anyone caring for him may be hard since he doesn’t trust anybody. He needs to truly be at his lowest before he accepts help.
He’s prone mostly to breathing or coughing issues due to the slums having polluted or dirty air.
If he coughs, it’s very NASTY AND SERIOUS. He may even vomit if he coughs too much.
His lungs are very delicate due to growing ip in a filthy enviornment
He tends to have fever dreams of his departed family, causing him to cry in his sleep.
And usually sees whoever cares for him as one of his parents (depending on the caretaker’s gender) in his feverish haze.
Zange Eraser
Typical old man sickness lol
He has a nasty rough and crusty cough that can be heard from a mile away.
If the sickness isn’t too bad he tries to continue his day simply wearing a mask on his face to be propper
But if it’s bad, he stays properly bedridden
In this state his forte can sometimes go haywire
And he unintentionally records things he sees in his fever dreams and he awakens with various odd imagery on his phone.
So he usually doesn’t do any detective work if he feels poorly for this reason.
He makes a lot of bathroom trips in between resting. (at times almost falling over or using the wall as support)
He enjoys watching old BW adventure movies if he’s rendered immobile in bed or on whatever sofa that he rests on.
They usually knock him out not long after.
I hope this is good enough for you to work from!!
Give those train detective fans my best c:
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brightstarblogs · 30 days
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Yuma Month Day 13: What If
Now I had a really cool idea for this prompt! What if during chapter 0, Fake Zilch contacted Yomi via the intercom in Car 3 to tell him about the amnesiac detective and Yomi decides that instead of framing him, to use him and make him think he's actually an employee for Amaterasu Corporation. For a detective to actually stand in the way of his own people while never knowing the truth?
I'll explain under a read more but it is fun!
So Chapter 0 would happen the same except when Yuma wakes up and after talking to Shinigami, Yuma exits and Zilch speaks to Yuma, saying the job is done. Yuma would be confused when fake Zilch explains they're both Amaterasu spies and they needed to kill the others. Yuma is horrified but Zilch says that it's unfortunate he forgot and had to drug him too. They're done now though so he'll take him home and trigger his memories to come back.
Now Yuma doesn't fully believe him, he knows something is going on. Shinigami tells him to not speak out loud and to go along for now. Yuma tries to ask Shinigami about his past but she can't because of the rules of the contract. Her hands are tied and she doesn't know what she can do. She also doesn't open the mystery labyrinth as killing fake Zilch will put Yuma in danger, but she vows to reap his soul later.
Yuma arrives in Kanai Ward and Zilch informs Swank what is going on. Swank just goes along with it and Zilch takes Yuma to Yomi. They see Yakou, but Zilch just tells him that the situation ended in a tragic accident. Yakou tries to talk to Yuma but he is taken away before they can.
When Yuma is brought to Yomi, the leader is distraught that one of his top employees can't remember who he is. He gives Yuma an Amaterasu handbook to help trigger memories (yeah right!) and says he'll shadow fake Zilch and other Peacekeeper higher ups on cases and keep order. Yuma bows and says he will, not using the honorific -sama, which Yomi corrects him and says if he slips too much he may have to disappear as well. Yuma is freaked but tries to stay calm.
Zilch gives him standard uniforms that higher ranked Peacekeepers have and introduces him to Seth, Guillaume and Dominic. The others follow the lie and say they'll remind him of his old self.
Yuma and Shinigami make a deal to bring down the company from the inside, using this situation to their advantage.
The game would then follow the same things as before. Yuma would shadow Seth for the Nail Man case at the Clocktower and run into Halara (Who would still end up on the case somehow). They would be more hostile to him but Yuma would try and help them investigate behind the Peacekeepers backs. Same with the other cases in the game.
Yuma would also meet Kurumi who informs him as Kanai Ward's informant that he is not a peacekeeper that he has been led to believe. Yuma doesn't want to speak in case he is bugged but the two start trading in information via secret letters which they keep coded so only they can understand. Kurumi also lets the NDA know of this arrangement so they can work together on cases when their paths do intersect. Yuma hides these letters in his handbook which he keeps on him at all times.
Yuma would get a lot better at lying early on and be resourceful. Shinigami would also reap fake Zilch which would cause Yomi to freak out as his top advisor is gone.
Makoto would also try and get time alone with Yuma somehow and threaten him as he believes his double is now helping Yomi. Yuma however would somehow tell him that he despises Yomi and wants to see his downfall, he is just trying to navigate the situation he's found himself in and stay alive. Makoto still doesn't trust him but the two have an uneasy alliance.
Yuma would probably finally be caught by Yomi in Chapter 4, where it's shown that Yuma has been helping the detectives in the lab, as he's the one who got them inside and finding some of his letters. Yakou would probably protect Yuma as he is shot by Yomi and they manage to barely escape. Yuma would blame himself but would still solve the case. When Yomi is ousted the rest of the NDA would take Yuma back to the submarine where they reveal he was a trainee this whole time. Yuma would be relieved he followed his gut but still blames himself for Yakou's death.
Makoto would then knock them all out and then it would be the same ending probably where Makoto reveals Yuma's real identity.
It's not perfect but I just love this idea of Yomi using Yuma but Yuma still tricking him from inside the company.
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