#i mean i'm delighted it's exactly the kind of skin-crawling i've hoped for since realizing matt was going to gift me an evil enchanter
chamerionwrites · 3 years
I feel like I’ve learned something about myself from the fact that - while I have always found Trent exactly as loathsome as he’s crafted to be (in fact I spent much of Dinner With The Devil muttering oh he needs to die under my breath) - it’s the repeated Sending spells that managed to viscerally set off my Kill Bill sirens despite being relatively innocuous by comparison to most of his other crimes. 
That whole This Conversation Is Not Over Until I Say It’s Over vibe is just such a classic abuser move. The demand for attention and compliance. The absolute refusal to respect stated boundaries. The well-concealed but obvious rage at having anything less than total control of a situation, and the agony of anticipating what might happen when that rage erupts because while his tone may be calm and friendly, each additional message lets you know just how furious he is about not getting his way. He’s that guy who tries to terrorize you into picking up the phone by ringing a hundred times in a row after you hang up on him, except you can’t even do that because this is fantasy and wizards can PROJECT THEIR VOICE DIRECTLY INTO YOUR HEAD AUGH.
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