#i support phee in making them all suffer
keepthetension · 3 months
went back to the first few eps of dff to get a memory refresher and when fluke says por will probably die soon, jin says
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and the camera cuts to phee giving jin this look
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which may be absolutely nothing at all but i can't stop thinking of it as a "oh? now you're desperate to help? now you're worried about letting a friend die?" face
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fracturediron · 3 months
I enjoy 'I support Non/Phee/New/masked killer murder rights, get those assholes' jokes as much as the next person, but from a narrative perspective, I truly don't think DFF is going to be a tale about the triumph of revenge and the punishment of the 'deserving.' Not when almost everyone's some shade of grey, with the more villainous characters having redeeming moments (or at least moments that make them human and understandable) and the more sympathetic characters having moments of being shitty.
Even if the killers succeed in their revenge, I don't think they'll get a happy ending (at best, it'll be bittersweet).
On a personal level, I don't think revenge as a concept is inherently wrong. God knows I've fantasised about revenge against the people who've wronged me. It all depends how proportionate it is to the wrong committed, how far you go and whether you end up harming innocent parties in the process.
All the characters are shown to be some shade of grey, with even indisputable assholes like Por and Tee having softer moments, or moments of vulnerability that make you understand where they're coming from without justifying their actions.
And some of the most sympathetic characters have ugly moments where they hurt others, whether it's Jin's filming of Non or Phee telling Non to get lost and die.
In ep 4, although we have yet to see the backstory that'll really make you hate on these kids, there have been enough context clues to pick up they did something BAD, as well as general behaviour.
In ep 1, Por's already illustrated to be a bit of a smug, rich dickhead before his impalement. But when Por dies, it's not played as something just or deserved; it's tragic. His friends are absolutely devastated, and not just I think from the horror and brutality of the whole situation. For all his flaws, Por was their friend, someone they knew since they were kids, someone they knew as a kid. Someone they had a laugh with, hung out with, had fun with, someone whose parents they knew. Por was their friend, and now they'll never see him alive again.
And when these kids die or end up paying for their actions some other way, their deaths will bring suffering and anguish to each other on a personal level, as well as to their families, just like with Non.
White is the closest thing to a completely innocent character we have so far. Much as he'll likely be horrified by everything Tee's done, when Tee's downfall comes (because surely it must; he's one of the biggest players in Non's misery), I can't see White rejoicing in it. It's not so easy to switch off your feelings for someone - even in the wake of ugly revelations - and White just also seems like a decent person, who takes no pleasure in seeing other people hurt.
Whatever happened to Non - whether he's dead or so damaged that he's no longer the same - even if the killers triumph, at the end of the day, Non is still dead (or in a bad state), and he still suffered all the things he went through.
If Phee and Tan (actually New) are the killers, then Phee's been lying to Jin this whole time about his motivations. Not only that, but poised to betray him in the most horrific way possible and harming their supposed friends. And if Phee's inadvertently developed feelings for Jin, then that's a sacrifice he must pay if his revenge is to succeed, tearing his heart out in the process.
TLDR; Most of them aren't getting out of this alive, no one's getting out of this happy
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techsbrowneyes · 1 year
I need hope for a happy ending in season 3, so I’ve been writing a lot of fluffy one-shots centering around this happy ending. It’s one of the ways I cope. Enjoy!
Summary: The Bad Batch decides to play matchmaker. Their targets: Phee and Tech.
Title: Matchmaking
Word count: 2,291
Crosshair could only say one thing about Tech right now, and that was how oblivious he was when it came to the female race. For someone as intelligent and as astute as Tech, he certainly wasn’t either when Phee Genoa was around.
Take this morning, for instance. Crosshair had watched as the two of them passed by one another, Phee looking hopeful for a greeting or a smile, Tech too buried in his blasted datapad to notice. If you asked Crosshair, his brother had an unhealthy addiction. Had Tech been a child, Crosshair would have taken the datapad away from him.
He decided he’d have to step in. Tech just needed a little push, that’s all. One little push. If that didn’t work, there was absolutely no hope for him. None whatsoever.
Crosshair decided the best way to go about this was to convince Tech it was a research assignment. His brother loved those. He’d spend hours researching one topic until he knew every little detail, every fact. He was probably on a mission to be the smartest intellect in the galaxy. Good for him, but it certainly wasn’t helping his love life.
Or maybe Crosshair could employ a little trickery. That might work, too.
He brought up his idea to the others when Tech wasn’t around.
Hunter looked skeptical. “You want to play matchmaker?”
“Awesome!” Wrecker said. “I’m in. What do you need me to do?”
“I don’t know about this,” Echo grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t like butting in on the private affairs of others. It’s none of our business whether or not Tech and Phee decide to pursue a relationship.”
“But they’re perfect together,” Omega argued. “Don’t you want Tech to be happy?”
Crosshair nodded. “I agree with the kid.”
“I second that,” Wrecker said.
Echo looked over at Hunter, imploring him to see reason. Hunter simply sighed. It was clear to him which battles he could win, and which he couldn’t, and Crosshair was determined to have it his way. They had all been through so much suffering. It was high time they worked on bringing a bit more happiness into their lives.
Starting with Tech and Phee’s budding relationship.
Hunter folded his arms over his chest and nodded at Crosshair. “What’s your plan?”
Crosshair hadn’t gotten that far. He’d been convinced he’d receive resistance from Hunter. He hadn’t counted on his older brother’s support, which he knew was needed now if they wanted to pull this off without Tech catching on.
“I know,” Wrecker said, saving him from having to answer. “We make it seem like we need help with something. We lure the two love birds to a nice spot with good views and let the sparks fly.”
“I think that’s a great plan,” Omega said excitedly.
“Someone just needs to get that blasted datapad away from Tech,” Crosshair said. “It’s a distraction.”
“That’s like taking a toy away from a child,” Echo said. “It’ll never work.”
“Want me to break it?” Wrecker suggested, cracking his knuckles eagerly.
“No,” Hunter and Echo said simultaneously.
“I’ll hide it,” Omega said. “I’ll hide it so good he’ll never be able to find it.”
Echo shook his head. “The more we discuss it, the more ridiculous this plan sounds. Face it, kids. It’s never going to work.”
“That’s how much you know!”
Echo raised a brow at her, but didn’t respond.
Crosshair flicked his toothpick at him. “If you’re so smart, why don’t you come up with a plan?”
“Because I don’t want to meddle, that’s why.”
Hunter scrubbed a hand over his face. “Let’s just forget about the whole thing, all right?”
Echo nodded at him. “Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.”
He turned and left the rest of the squad standing there. As soon as he was gone, Hunter cleared his throat, gaining everyone’s attention.
“Now back to the plan,” he said, grinning.
Omega pumped a fist in the air. “All right! I knew you were on our side, Hunter.”
Tech stepped down from the Marauder and was bathed in warm light from the setting sun. He lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the glare. After being inside the dark interior of the Marauder all day, he had to adjust to the new lighting.
He now considered the ship to be in perfect functioning order. He’d run a full diagnostic on all systems and made a few needed adjustments, then kept busy doing other small repairs just to keep the boredom from creeping in.
This quiet life was going to take some getting used to. During the war, he’d always had tasks and missions to keep his mind and hands active. Having settled on Pabu with the squad, he found he no longer had to devise elaborate strategies and calculate odds.
He also found himself thinking about Phee a lot, and he just didn’t know what to do with those particular thoughts. She was lovely and confident. When she was around, he was reduced to a stammering idiot who couldn’t think of one coherent thing to say to her.
So Tech had resorted to avoiding her. He knew his behavior was akin to that of an adolescent boy, but it saved him from uncomfortable situations he’d rather not have to face.
At times like this, he wished he had more confidence when it came to women. Hunter and Wrecker certainly had it. Hunter didn’t even have to try. He naturally oozed that physical masculinity that appealed to women.
Tech heaved a sigh. He wanted to ask Hunter for advice, but he didn’t need yet another thing to be embarrassed about.
He glanced up from his datapad and saw Crosshair coming towards him. Tech found it odd that his brother was smiling. Crosshair didn’t seem to do much smiling now, not since they’d rescued him from Mount Tantiss. Tech was suddenly suspicious.
“It isn’t healthy, you know,” Crosshair said in lieu of greeting.
“What isn’t healthy?” Tech asked.
“How much time you spend by yourself on the Marauder or with your face buried in that blasted datapad.”
“I hardly consider myself alone. If I were to activate my comlink, I would no doubt receive an answer from one of the squad.”
“Want to make a bet?”
“A bet,” Tech repeated, finding the notion ridiculous. They both knew who would win said-bet and it wasn’t going to be Crosshair.
“Yes,” Crosshair answered. “If you win, I will leave you to whatever it was you were doing. If I win, you give me that datapad. Go find something to do that doesn’t involve research or thinking.”
Tech considered it, then agreed to the terms, but only because it was a harmless bet and he considered it important to keep up Crosshair’s morale.
Crosshair nodded. “Excellent.”
Tech activated his comlink. “Omega, this is Tech. Come in.”
No answer. This puzzled him because Omega always answered him.
“Wrecker, do you copy?”
Still no answer.
He glanced over at Crosshair, who was smirking as if he found the situation amusing.
“Go on,” Crosshair said, gesturing with a hand. “Try Hunter.”
Tech tried again. “Hunter, no one else is picking up,” he said. “If this is a game, I am not amused.”
No answer.
“Don’t bother trying Echo. He’s busy.”
Tech, being the good sport that he was—despite the very obvious fact that he’d been played—reluctantly handed his datapad over to Crosshair.
“I am not sure what is going on here,” he said indignantly. “But please be aware that I require my datapad back by tonight. I cannot sleep without it.”
Crosshair tucked the datapad under his arm. “Don’t worry. You’ll get it back.”
Tech wasn’t reassured. His comlink pinged and he activated it. “If I had been in trouble, your delay in returning my call could have proven fatal to my life,” he said dourly.
“It’s Omega,” came Omega’s voice. “I need help fixing something, Tech.”
“Where are you?”
“Down at the docks. Can you please hurry? It’s an emergency.”
“I’ll be right there.”
He considered wrestling his datapad away from Crosshair, but thought better of it. He stalked past him and took the path leading down to the docks. He muttered under his breath all the way, scheming up ways to get his siblings back without appearing childish. He knew he could come up with something far more elaborate than their poor excuse for a prank. Of all the rotten things to do.
Tech soon arrived at the docks, but he didn’t see Omega anywhere. It was possible she had gotten impatient and left, or the problem had been solved without him. Perhaps Echo had attended to it.
“Fancy seeing you here, Brown Eyes.”
Tech’s heart started pounding in his chest at the sound of her voice. He turned to find Phee standing there, one hand resting on a cocked hip. There was an amused twinkle in her eyes.
“I was told by Omega that she required my assistance and to meet her here,” Tech explained.
“Huh. What a coincidence. She told me the same thing.”
“I am beginning to think it isn’t a coincidence at all.”
Phee chuckled. “You know what?” she said. “I think that girl’s trying to get the two of us together.”
“Actually, she isn’t the only one,” Tech said. “I believe she is in league with the others.”
Phee moved closer to him. With nothing to occupy his hands, he suddenly wished for his datapad. His hands were sweating now. He swallowed, his nerves closing in on him, threatening to shake his composure.
Phee pointed a finger of accusation at his chest. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“No, that isn’t . . .” Tech sighed. “Yes, I was avoiding you,” he admitted. It was no use lying to her.
“Okay, then.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Any particular reason why? You didn’t go and meet another pirate now, did you? Don’t tell me. I bet she’s beautiful.”
He felt his ears go hot. “No, of course not! There is only one pirate in my life, and she is very dear to me. However, I am unsure as to how I should convey my feelings to her. My mind ceases to function at its normal capacity when she is near.”
Phee’s gaze softened. “I know you care about me,” she murmured. “I was only teasing.”
Tech was feeling bold now. He pushed on before he lost his confidence.
“I admire both your beauty and your integrity, Phee,” he said. “While it baffles me that a woman such as yourself has chosen a man like me to bestow her affections upon, I will endeavor to return your affections to the best of my abilities, and—“
Phee placed a finger over his lips, shushing him. “Don’t try so hard, Brown Eyes. I like you just the way you are.”
Tech was so surprised by her touch he froze, his eyes widening.
“Just do one thing for me. It makes it difficult for me to pursue our friendship when you avoid me like the plague. Just a simple smile or a greeting every once in awhile would satisfy me.”
“I believe I can manage more than a smile,” he said, then boldly captured one of her hands in his and brought it to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss against her knuckles.
Phee seemed surprised by the gesture, then pleased, if the broad smile that touched her lips was any indication. Tech took this as a good sign. He pressed her hand against his chest so she might feel his heart racing in reaction to her nearness.
“Can I kiss you?” Phee asked softly. “On the lips, I mean . . .”
Tech had never been kissed before, but he was eager to find out what it might be like. He nodded, letting her know he was willing.
Slowly, gently, Phee took his goggles and raised them away from his eyes. Her face became blurry, but that didn’t matter. He closed his eyes as she draped her arms around his neck and closed in the gap between them.
Then she kissed him, slow and gentle. Tech didn’t know how to respond at first, but then he allowed his instincts to guide him. He drew Phee into his embrace and returned the kiss, enjoying it very much. It was just as nice as he thought it would be.
He made up his mind, then. Kissing Phee was much better than having his face buried in a datapad.
Omega came running into the Marauder, where Echo was sulking in a chair. Wrecker and Crosshair stood on either side of him.
“You can give him back his comlink,” she told them breathlessly. “The mission was a success!”
“What happened?” Wrecker wanted to know.
Omega leaned in like she was about to share a big secret. “They kissed!”
Wrecker made a face of disgust. “Is that all?”
Crosshair snorted. “What did you think they’d do, stand there and stare at one another?”
Echo snatched his comlink back from Crosshair. “Was taking away my comlink necessary?” he groused.
“If we hadn’t, you would have ruined the plan,” Wrecker said.
Hunter entered the ship, a broad smile on his lips. “The love birds are taking a stroll now,” he reported.
“Oh, so now we’re spying on them.” Echo paused, then asked, “What else?” like he was eager to hear a juicy bit of gossip.
“They’re holding hands.”
“That’s so cute!” Omega said.
Echo grabbed a pair of binoculars from his kit and headed for the hatchway.
Hunter folded his arms over his chest. “And just where are you going?” he asked, trying to bite back a smile.
“Birdwatching,” Echo replied, before hurrying on his way.
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smoldworf · 2 months
i find interesting how differently ppl view the characters and degrees of awfulness in Dead Friend Forever.
i've seen that por is the worst of them bc he's the "boss" of the group, or tee, or jin; or that phee's reaction was what hurt non the most.
And i find that fascinating. like, there's supporting evidence for all of it, just like for (almost lol) all theories out there.
for me, por is, funny enough, the least harmful of all of them. he's the ✨main character✨ (at least he thinks he is), and rich, and yes, influences the whole group ... and maybe creates the environment to facilitate the bullying. But what he does, is basically garden-variety bullying. He pushes Non around, calls him names, and uses him for his own profit. He's a grade A asshole. I'm not saying what he does is not fucked up or traumatising for Non. But i think what he does could, for Non, stay in the past. Something he could, as an adult look back to and acknowledge as fucked up, but also something he could leave behind and survive.
What Tee does? Not so easily. First, the trouble with the police, it might stay with him, depending how that case continues. Second, the mafia (which makes his police problems seem laughable). He pulled him into this shit. Knowingly. He actively used Top's fuck up to pull Non into this shit. That's so fucking malicious. Por would sacrifice Non in a heartbeat if necessary, but i'm not sure he's smart enough for real, intentionally damaging malice.
(Top is on my shit list bc he's so fucking obnoxious and gleefully awful. He's not smart, but he's a sadist.)
Jin, for me, is ... idk. Not worse than Tee, necessarily. He's not malicious. But he's self-centered, and a coward. (Now, i'm not a brave person, so i feel i can say this as someone who's not sure if i'd be brave enough to speak up.) but he really, really sucks. he sucks worse that fluke, bc he 1. fucking keeps pulling Non back, i mean wth??? 2. he does this ONLY bc he's got a crush on Non? 3. he only does the bare minimum protesting the bullying, and obviously thinks he's some kind of knight in white armor, like Non should be grateful? 4. tries to minimise what the group is doing to Non as "just being shitty" AND 5 he fucking films Non being raped by his teacher. Bc he got his feefees hurt. That alone is just ... beyond. (I'm not even talking about leaking the vid, i'm not even sure he did it) Filming this was NOT an impulse like, idk, slapping or pushing someone, or saying something harmful (phee, anyone?). Filming this means taking his phone, starting to film AND CONTINUING. And yes, Non may have never found out, but this is a special kind of betrayal (from his knight in shining armour no less).
And yes, in the moment, Phee's words were probably worse than what Tee, and Por, and Jin did. Bc Phee's his person. He's different that the other assholes. And Phee knows he tried to kill himself. His words may well be what pushed him over the edge. But! This was impulse. It sucked, and caused harm, but i think it was impulse.
So yes, Phee stays my lil bean who fucked up in the moment.
the rest can go and die in the woods. And por dying first makes sense to me in a "And then there were none" kinda scenario? Keep the worst offenders alive, so they can suffer and be scared. But that's just me 💕
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