#i swear I’m much more normal than my hamlet posting suggests πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
hamletthedane Β· 8 months
i was horatio in the production of hamlet you saw with blonde hamlet is it cool if i show her your post? she'd love it :)
Hello anon,
Okay, first: you were so incredible as Horatio. Every acting decision was so spot-on and I particularly loved the subtlety you brought to the character - your horror at the revelation of R&G’s deaths, your quiet role as a member of audience observing the scenes as much as an actor yourself, etc etc. It was subtle but super effective in telling a much more complex and layered version of Hamlet than I normally see performed live. I am trying very hard not to embarrass myself by fangirling too much about it.
Second: yes, please do, because she definitely deserves all the praise for her performance. But also please know that that will almost certainly kill me in a β€œmortifying ordeal of being known” kind of way. πŸ˜‚
(My friends are still teasing me about seeing it multiple times and now they’ll never let me live this down…I’ve just run a Hamlet blog for over a decade and studied it while a fellow at Folger Shakespeare Library, so it’s a play that’s very close to my heart. And when you see something you love performed so well, it’s hard not to make a million posts about it πŸ˜…)
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