#i think all of my opinions are right because i played ds1 ds3 and elden ring around 3-6 times each and have been into these games for
dragunova · 1 year
love having f.romsoft fans unfollow me over the most annoying opinions of mine
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fareehaandspaniards · 7 months
You asked me about Patches recently, but how do YOU feel about him? I've noticed that his Bloodborne portrayal stands out not just because he becomes a monster, but it is the uhhh... idk, delivery? I did not even realize it was him until much later when I could recognize the voice actor ;-; Which version of Patches is your fav? (I personally don't think DS3 version could be bested, but ALL Patches are good)
Sorry it took so long, Kat! I had 1 hour of free time a day for a few days in a row :'^)
Patches caused me and my spouse a lot of conflicting emotions, because we started with DS3, and there he was, well… Not the best character xD I was genuinely amazed at how game developers could make THAT kind of asshole. My spouse killed him right away on the first playthrough xdd It was a shame not for the player character, but rather for Siegward of Catarina - a real sunshine! And then we found out that Patches really cares about Greirat, even though he hides it, and we started changing our opinion. As it turns out, they're friends, and Patches might even save him during the questline! Also, in the DLC, he shows up quite suddenly with memory loss, and gradually comes back to himself. It's so cute that by losing himself he becomes something of a knight, but the mean version of him is cuter still!
Then in Elden Ring we realized he's a king! xd No really, his character there is something awesome, he has his own, full questline and the way you get the "Extreme Repentance" gesture from him is divine! He gives hints, is simping for Tanith, and is overall a very cozy character that is something very nice to meet! And his gesture "Patches' Crouch" - oh my!!! xdd That's adorable!
In ds1 he shoves us off a cliff, but that was even cute! I accidentally killed him then because in my favorite location, I had giant skeletons running after me and I lost all bearings and got lost. He's very charismatic, actually, and his voice actor does double duty in making you love the character.
Well in BB his line "Oh Amygdalaaaaaaaa, have mercy on a poor bastard" is so SO HOT. So well said. I fell in love with it then. xd And the spider with the bald man's head is just a sample of what I want to see every day lol It's very interesting to imagine his place in BB's lore, but I can't do that. Not enough mana for that
And he's also Miyazaki's avatar in the game (I don't know where this info comes from, but it says so in the wiki and some articles! xd It must be just a theory, but it is sooo funny) So we have developed a local meme with my husband, like "everything is clear, the author is Patches" (все ясно, автор - Лоскутик. Так звучит лучше! хд) when any publication seems like a hoax, stupidity or something to us xdd
I haven't played DS2, but so many people are shipping him with Creighton? It looks hot and cool but I don't understand the background but shipping them sounds good xdd
He has something so cool in his character. Like he is completely fictional, but he is so "human-like"! Not because he is mean and lying, but because he has a balance of good and bad! He is easy to befriend actually, soft and nice, but also soooooo bitchy I can't xD He is that charismatic ass of a character, that is pathetic, but does nothing bad actually (almost???), but actually has a strong humanity... I can't describe! ;_; love him
Patches is a king (sorry for this sketch)
(Oh look! He caught another greedy bastard (no))
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