#i think i hallucinated yahoo for a few years in college in the 00s
nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Canada is... a strange place
From the comments on this CBC News article.
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Yes, I am arguing with a Nazi space lizard. On a real grown-up news site. And I'm the one getting booted by the mod. This is a short saga, you wanna hear it?
First of all, I have the AP, the BBC and Teen Vogue's OG History bookmarked to read various kinds of news. They all have their shortcomings (god yes), but there is no single source of trustworthy, unbiased information out there, so I compare and contrast. (I should probably get Al-Jazeera on there, but I also probably shouldn't read the news so much.) None of these places, even Teen Vogue, have a comments section. Because they are there to give you information. If you must, you may go to a social media site, link the article, and comment there. Or maybe you can try writing the editor, like it's print news in the stone age.
That's not how Canada rolls, baby!!
In attempting to read the local news, I have noticed that the default seems to be "allow comments" and this needs to be turned off when it's an article that will attract really awful people (like a kid with cancer or someone dying of COVID). Sometimes - often - they forget to do that. I have seen an apparently panicked, traumatized mod turn off the comment feature while I'm reading the article. One instant there's a little bubble inviting me to read 150+ comments, the next.. Poof! No comments available on this baby! Sorry!
The space lizard cosplayer (the CBC used to make you use your real name, but that seems to not be the case anymore) is expressing an opinion on Surrey's classroom policy, which says teachers may continue to teach in 39 degree (that's 102, for us ex-pats) heat, indoors, but at a "rest effort" whatever the hell that means.
That, alone, is batshit. I used to live in a desert. I told them so - as one does - and scrolled down to have a look at the train wreck in progress.
At the very top was someone calling (one assumes her?)self "Branda Emerald" just letting us all know that "Surrey is run by foreigners now." The mods picked that one off while I was reading my lizard friend's thread.
I had to go look this up right now, (I am a Niner through-and-through, it's just been a while and it's blurry) but Cardassians are, indeed, ectotherms. So, assuming (sarcastically as hell) this person was replying in character, I told them to cut that out, that their tough-guy persona was a little bitch (I'm paraphrasing, I did not swear), and if he wanted to comment on education, he ought to pretend to be Keiko O'Brien.
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(Keiko here was a tragically underused and underwritten character, but tough as hell. She stayed married to Miles, after all.)
Nope! Mods didn't like that!
I didn't save that one, but, of course, I addressed them directly in the next. And that's not civil or on-topic or... I don't care. It's absurd, is what it is. I think I've said I like it when postmodern absurdity snaps its tether and makes a live appearance, so I took a picture before my comment went to Comment Heaven. I imagine it's frolicking there with Branda's overt white nationalism, even as we speak.
To sum up: On Canada's leading news... Hang on. Let me check that for accur...
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Oh dear Christ. Alright! On Canada's second most popular news website, I got into an argument with a Nazi space lizard, and according to the mods, I am the asshole. I mean, I know I am an asshole, but it's odd that Lizard Hitler is a model citizen worthy of comment privileges and I, a humble frog, am not.
My go-to story for demonstrating Canada's brand of weirdness will remain, "Yeah, one morning I woke up and the top news article was 'Rob Ford Has Eaten a Bee,'" as it's a lot more succinct. Nevertheless, I think "People pretending to be genocidal space lizards think 102 degree classrooms are NBD, and I'm the crazy one" will be, er, the second most popular.
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