#i think they're translating the game from gameboy to super nintendo?
silvertherogue715 · 19 days
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I feel like the DS family really missed out on the potential for home console ports. The 3DS got Virtual Console which is great, but especially the DS missed out on the possibilities of the four face buttons and the touch screen.
The first thing that comes to mind is Duck Hunt, which has only ever been released on the NES with the Zapper, and an arcade game. A DS port that enhanced the whole game and used the touch pad to shoot would have been great, or even a 3D Classics version for the 3DS with the same idea! I've only played Duck Hunt once at the National Videogame Museum because they had it set up as a kiosk, but I would love a way to play it myself without having to get a NES, Zapper, Duck Hunt cartridge, and a CRT monitor.
The 3DS gets crap for not having SNES Virtual Console, and making it exclusive to the "New" 3DS. Nintendo really tried to market the Gameboy Advance as a portable Super Nintendo... but then they only gave it 2 FACE BUTTONS? Lots of SNES ports didn't translate very well going from 4 to 2 buttons, and they also felt the need to add the voices from N64 games... which was annoying. For as hard as Nintendo pushed the "GBA = SNES" idea, they all but abandoned that thought when the DS came out and actually had 4 face buttons. We got a sequel to Yoshi's Island, a Chrono Trigger remake, Dragon Quest V and VI remakes, Final Fantasy III remake, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem remake, Kirby Super Star Ultra... and that's that. Yeah, lot's of major series got DS remakes, but what about the poor GBA ports? Where's our 1:1 Super Mario World? Link to the Past? What about popular titles that didn't get rerelease, like Super Punch-Out, or Earthbound, or F-Zero, or even Super Mario All-Stars???
I think there's a lot of missed potential for not only rerelease sales, but enhanced games with the new resolution and duel screens. Earthbound could've shown your map on the bottom screen. Punch-Out could've shown you your combos like a Street Fighter manual. Link to the Past could've had an easy-access inventory for quick item switching.
The DS had a few so-so N64 remakes/rereleases, but the 3DS only had Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D. Yes, the handheld that could fully render 3D and had controls similar to the N64 had only two N64 remakes and they were both Zelda. Hey, I love Zelda has much as the next gamer, but I would've loved to see the original Mario Party come over, or an actually good GoldenEye port, or a Paper Mario 64 portable remake!
All in all, I love these consoles, but there was so much missed potential. SNES emulation on DS is abysmal, so having dedicated ports would be a dream come true. The 3DS has homebrew SNES injects that work perfectly, and the "New" 3DS got the official SNES Virtual Console. I just wish Nintendo had taken advantage of these platforms for all they're worth.
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