#i want her to stop shaving her horns :( i want her to stop wearing perfume to cover up the sulfur :(
ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
God... how Mouse and Bad started sniffing eachother, bad asking mouse where she was from, and when she said "not around here" he said he could tell, and looked at her horns. I love it when demons demon. They smell like sulfur and their horns bump when they get near each other and theres an innate sense of familiarity in someone not quite like you and not like anyone else but you, claws that dont pierce thick skin and odd ways of expressing and experiencing love. Im always so ill about the demons..... i wish we got demon trio more often.....
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
Her bathroom smells of verbena and linen with a very slight hint of mildew underlying all, about which she cannot bring herself to care. She used to light candles and listen to music when she bathed, but those days are past. The tub thunders to full behind her, adding a tidal brine to the air.
Mulder’s bathroom smells like toothpaste and Pert, and has a red rubber duckie with devil horns perched on the back of the toilet. She looks at it whenever she is in there, wonders if it ever floats with him in the tub. She has considered getting him an angelic duckie to balance the space, to tip the scales of his life a bit more towards the light.  
Earlier in the day, she had stumbled while writing the word “success” in a report. No matter how many times spell check ran clean, the word did not look right on the screen. She’s reminded of that off-putting moment as she stares at her own reflection, dark smudges under her eyes and her fingers bare, loneliness writ large.
The temperature of the water in the tub behind her is almost volcanic, a light steam rising from it in the cool air of the bathroom. She gives herself one more look in the mirror before she steps into it.  
She knows she is pretty, she isn’t so humble that she won’t admit it. But she is also short, dissentient—a redheaded iconoclast in a world populated by leggy brunettes easily impressed by Mulder’s handsome nous. She’s been making a fool of herself over him for years and she isn’t even his type.
She sinks her head under the water of the bath in fit of petulant ennui.
She wonders if she appears as spinsterish as she feels, if the checkout clerk views her meager dinner-for-one groceries and thinks how sad. Mulder may be ever present in every other stratum of her life, but her cupboards are all Dana Scully; slight, a little wanting, there but for her.
She shaves her legs with precision and care--as she approaches all things--but wonders what for, exactly. It is March, the month after her birth, and still pretty cold--she will likely not be wearing skirts. She supposes she shaves for herself.
After 30 minutes, the water begins to cool, the wind outside the bathroom window pushing branches into it, a dull clawing sound in the humid air. There is a spot of shaving foam drifting dreamily along the surface of the water and it finally glides into the top of her knee, clinging there.
Sometimes she thinks of her heart as a Christmas tree. At one point it had been bright, cheerful, full of hope and spirit. But time had worn it down, turned it brittle. She was afraid if she were to let someone touch it, it would fall to pieces in their hands.
She finally drains the bath and steps out, feeling slippery and oversaturated. Her bones feel like they weigh twice what they did when she got in.
He thinks of the gold-plated records on Voyager, afield in the endless vacuum of space, a blueprint of life on earth. It passed beyond the orbit of Pluto in 1990. It will be 40,000 years before it even approaches another planetary system. It is the culmination of humanity, and no bigger than a small car.
If you packed everything that mattered from his life into a vessel, it would be five feet and two inches of clomping skepticism, with a face that could send men to war and a sheath of carrot hair.
She wielded knives that sliced flesh from bone and dipped her head when she received a compliment. He’d long ago memorized the way her lips looked when she said his name.
As if the universe were listening to his thoughts, came, “Mulder.”
He shook his head from where he stood in the doorway of the morgue, and looked to her.
She pulled her mask down off her face and removed her protective goggles. She looked tired, worn out. She shook her head at him.
“Nothing,” she said, “absolutely no trace evidence whatsoever.”
He believed her. If there had been anything there, she would have found it.
He moved into the room and stood next to her, looking at the body, neatly sewn back up; her sutures straight and tidy--one last act of respect she could pay the dead.
He sighed, leaned on the cold examination table and then thought better of it, absently wiping his hands on the outside of his coat. She made a move to go around him.
“Excuse me,” she said, not impatiently, and he tried to get out of the way but bumped into her when she passed.
Mulder felt like a giant next to her, with his clomping feet and hulking frame. He was all elbows and knees and felt like he was taking up all the oxygen in the room.
A clutch of something like guilt squeezed his heart. Like sorrow.
You weren’t supposed to fall in love with your partner. She was out of bounds, forbidden fruit, impermissible. She wasn’t supposed to become so big a part of your life that you needed her like air.
Scully was scrupulous, a rule-follower—not like Mulder, the rebel in the basement. She always went the speed limit and picked up litter. She’d pulled his ass out of the fire more times than he could count. You weren’t supposed to fall in love with your partner, and Scully always followed the rules.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said, and she nodded, snapped off the latex.
Something compelled her out into the world that evening after she’d gotten home and showered the morgue off of her.
Once out of her front door, she was hit with the sweet smell of spring--daffodils coming to life in window boxes, chattering squirrels peeking out of trees. She felt a call to the river.
Georgetown didn’t have a Metro stop, so she got in her car, let it pull her toward the Potomac. Once across, she was in Virginia, and it was enough to know that he was there, too.
Past National Airport, she pulled into a parking lot filled with trucks and SUVs attached to empty boat trailers. There were sailboats bobbing in the inlet, people jogging, pushing strollers, rollerblading down the Mount Vernon trail. She joined them and walked and walked.
She found herself in Alexandria and let the pull of him carry her into the city. She stopped for dinner and a glass of wine on Duke Street, and she allowed herself to relax, sink into the chair, watch the people walking past just to see them--something she had not done in years. She saw a woman who looked like Melissa and remembered why.
She thought of her sister; of this world, but not in it, living on only in memory, in the hint of perfume on an old sweater, in the auburn curls of a stranger walking by.
After dinner, she went looking for quiet and found it in a cemetery nearby, some of the graves there older than the country itself. She sat on a bench as the sun went down. Despite the dusk, all around her, the city was coming to life. DC was shaking off its torpor and she felt like she was coming out of hibernation, herself. There was a moment where she thought of all the people who have ever lived—and died—were ever underfoot. The space above the ground is for the living, and she needed to start doing more of it.
She turned toward Hegal Place.
He was thinking about her, as he laid on his couch, unable to sleep. He was usually thinking about her.
A quick one-two knock came at his door, and when he opened it,  she was there, as if thought could call a person across space and time.
“Scully,” he said with surprise, and opened the door wider. “Come in.”
“It’s late,” she said, as if she wasn’t the one that walked all the way to his apartment at 11:00pm.
“Come in,” he said, again.
She ducked under his arm, into the dark enclave of his apartment. It smelled like leather and fish tank and him.
She plopped on the couch, kicked off her shoes. The leather was still warm from his body heat.
“Everything all right?” he asked, lowering himself onto the other end of the couch.
She gave him a long look, considering.
“I don’t know,” she said, “is it?”
He stayed quiet, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Mulder, are you happy?” she asked him.
He raised a shoulder. “Sure,” he said.
“I believe you’re content,” she said, “but are you happy?”
“Are you?”
He sighed, leaned back. She knew he took it as a personal affront.
“You want out,” he said.
“No,” she said, “that’s not what I’m saying at all.”
“What are you saying?”
She closed her eyes. She wasn’t even sure if she knew.
“I want… “ she started, looked at him, “I want more than a career. I want to live.”
She looked to his hands in his lap, at the finger the terrorists broke, his left pinkie, noticed how the knuckles in it were bigger and knobbier with calcified healing. Right next to his ring finger, she thought.
“Is that… do you…” he struggled, but at least he was trying to understand, she thought. “Does that mean you want to go skydiving or something?”
Her head fell back against the back of the couch. Why were they like this?
“I want a life, Mulder,” she said, “I want someone to come home to.”
“I understand,” he said, and she saw something pass over his face. “I want that for you, too.”
To hell with it.
“For God’s sake, Mulder, I want you.”
Contrary to her every expectation, Mulder stood from the couch and walked out of the room without a word.
Oddly, it didn’t bother or scare her. She wondered if he were trying to compose himself so he could let her down gently? Either way, she was no longer afraid.
After about a minute, she stood and went to look for him. He was not in the kitchen, nor his bedroom.
“Scully,” her name from behind her, close behind her, startled her, awoke something low in her belly. His whisper sounded like the night.
“Mulder,” she said, sharp and quick, and she was about to turn toward him when he stopped her--stepped right into her, his chest into her back. She could feel his breath puffing into her hair.
He tumbled into his bathroom and drew a deep breath. He tried to think of a way to give her an out. Deep down, he knew that a part of him was convinced that his love was a weapon that could only hurt people, but he is selfish and so far he has always been able to save her.
If she wanted him--wanted this, he was powerless to deny her.
She was standing in the doorway of his bedroom, doubtless looking for where he’d disappeared to. He approached her on silent feet. Whispered her name.
He startled her, he could tell, so he stepped up close, could feel her sharp intake of breath. After a moment, she turned to him, but didn’t step back. She looked up, a question in her eyes.
“Do you know the story of the 101st Airborne?” his voice was less than a whisper.
She quirked a grin. He knew she would.
He reached out and grabbed her face with both hands, ran his lips over hers, softer than butterfly wings. Rested his forehead against hers.
“Geronimo,” he said.
She gave a small laugh and he thought he could hear the shadow of relief in it.
Her hair shone like an old penny in the dusky glow of the street lamps outside his window.
She nodded at him, he nodded back.
Slowly, so slowly, he lowered his face until his lips met hers and pressed into them. She pressed back. Give, take. Everything they had ever been to each other and everything they ever would.
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mrskandiibaby2269 · 7 years
Another Round:FckFeelings
Another Round: FuckFeelings
Hmmm ok as I think to myself opening my walk in closet door. I need to wear something sexy. Something that would stop him in his tracks. I just wonder what does he really have in store for me. This I definitely cannot wait to see.
Hmmm maybe.. I should go nude
Hmmm decisions, decision ….
I think this trench coat would be perfect a night like this jamming to some Rihanna feeling sexy and confident
🎶Ooh nana nana five fingers on it Five fingers, hit it like you want it I’mma hit it like I’m on it Straight shots of the Buddha Shots, shots, shots, shots Baby, I’mma pick your poison Ooh-we, oh-yeah (hmm na na na) You gon’ need it I’m off that la-la I’mma get it real like the jacuzzi, (ah yeah) And sex with me, so amazing All this all work, no vacation Stay up off my Instagram with your temptation Sex with me, sex with me, sex with me yeah So amazing, so amazing Hmmmm🎶
Taking a hot steamy shower thinking out loud about what could do go down. I know this is risky as shit but I think I’m starting to like it. Mmm having flashes of the future of what I can do to him and what he can do to me … mmmm dripping wet along the pity patter of the shower head water hitting my nipples getting em hard. Got me feeling myself literally mmm damn I know I know what y'all thinking. “This is wrong. I’m just another thot that got wife’d up.” Hell no. My husband has been cheating on me for years only reason why I’m still with him because i believe we can fix our marriage. But he puts me down, belittles me , makes fun of my weight. I don’t know why – no I'ma save it for the real break through at the therapy session, like I said before as if there will be one for me and him. Scoffs. Yeah right. That nicca … fuck him. Back to tonight… It’s just the way my ex makes me feel like. Wanted, actually… better than… wanted… like I’m needed. I mean damn. It feels … sooo fucking good. Ahhh, the way we have phone sex the way how his voice sounds so serious. How he say he wanna eat me. Got me playing with myself in the shower Maybe I should I send a teaser video to him hmm....yeah let me do that. “Mmmmm ahhhh hope you ready for me baby. Cause I’m so fuckin … ready… mmm… for… you . Muah 💋 😘” *Message Delivered*
*Read* “Oohh hell yea im ready baby girl I’m around the block. 10mins away😘😘😘👅💦.”
Stepping out and quickly drying off putting on my favorite heels. Some clear lip gloss, my silver hoop earrings. A little spritz of Pink Ice perfume. Observing myself one last time. Coaching myself. “Aight girl this is it. No turning back. You’re thick, plump, and sexy. And you gonna turn his ass out tonight.” Hearing the car horn twice. Along with a phone call.
“ I’m here gorgeous.”
“Ok boo, coming right out.”
“Alright baby girl.”
Walking down the stairs feeling like a model in a movie everything moving in slow motion. My favorite song playing in my head. Open the door and there he is in the sexy flesh he is in. I take him in. Black and white Jordan’s . Khaki cargo shorts with just the right amount of sag. White v-neck shirt. Brightest smile I ever seen. All that could leave my mouth was.. “Damn…. you fine as hell daddy.”
“And you look like a beautiful movie star mmm spin around for me baby.” “Mmm mm mm. Even better than I imagined. You ready to go?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Let me get the door for you, mmm can you smack yo ass?” “ ha, no”
“I'ma do it anyway.”
“Ooh mm you so crazy.” “So where we going to?”
“The Umstead Hotel and Spa.”
“Ohh really. Damn…”
“Damn what don’t wanna go there or something?”
“No, no it’s not that. I always wanted to go but my husband would ever take me.”
“Why not?”
“He said he don’t want to spend his money on a fat pig like me. I’m not worth it.”
He just looked at me like he was in disbelief and disgusted. Trying to gather up what I said.
“Are you serious?! He said that ?! Hell Nah. What the fuck is wrong with him?”
“ I don’t even know any more.” I reply rubbing the nerve between my eyebrows. “
"Calm down baby girl alright just breathe in and out for me. Ok? I’m about to take real good care of you.”
“Ok, if you say so.”
Arriving at our destination. I was about to open the door and he beats me to it. Taking my hand and helping me step out. Giving me his arm and assisting to the door once I step inside it’s absolutely breathe taking. I’m lost for words can’t describe how it is. But the decor is beautiful the atmosphere and the vibe is positive and everyone is so nice.“ He checks us in and escorts me to the restaurant in side and we order the same thing The Grilled Lobster and a bottle of their best champagne. Hours past along with a few laughs and conversations.
"I just can’t believe that he would say that about you though. That’s just stupid. Please don’t tell me you believe him please tell me.”
“There are days where I do but then again..I don’t cause I know he still loves me then. I hear her voice and the background… anyways. It’s whatever.”
“You deserve better than that though, babe. I know we weren’t perfect but I can say those words never left my mouth. ”
“I know you didn’t and you’re right.. but we can’t go back those days anymore …”
“Or can we.” We look at each other. Like the flame between us is about to be re kindled, we both feeling sparks and feeling some fire, the infatuation is real and present in this room. He’s undressing me with his eyes and I’m doing the same to him. Biting my lip. Sipping on a last drop of the champagne wiping my lip so much seductively. Low key insinuating that I’m ready to give him some head. But I know he ain’t ready yet.
“You can use some more champagne, waiter refill the goddess glass please?”
“Yes,sir. Here you are miss enjoy!”
“"Are you trying to get me drunk so you can fuck me, lol?”
“No no no. Lol If I wanted to fuck you I would put you on this table in front of everyone and give them a real show.” “But I wanna make love to you. Tonight. Take my hand. This is how you should be treated.”
Ain’t gon lie to y'all this man is swooping me off my feet. I take his hand he pays the waiter for dinner. Leads me to the elevator as soon as the door close. He kisses me softly on my neck and on my lips passionately and deep. With a little French tongue action. The sparks between done turned into fire that we can’t no longer control. We bust in room tripping over furniture but not losing the rhythm not messing up the flow. Then I hear my song on the radio. He tells me he likes this song too ,but wants the instrumental and the song on repeat so he synced his phone to his speaker.
I probably shouldn’t be around you
'Cause you get wild, wild, wild
You looking like there’s nothing that you won’t do
Ayy, girl that’s when I told you
 When I’m with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I’m with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I’m with you, all I get is wild thoughts🎶
Now if you’re wondering why we’re listening to music so much. Because we’re music lovers, we listen to music that matches our love mood. It’s perfect for our vibe . Kissing and, touching, and rubbing, going back and forth but , once again. Here we go with them damn second thoughts. I tried to stop him saying I gotta go. I have to call my husband and let him know what’s going on. “I gotta go. .. I .. I can’t do this.”
“No no come on. Where you going?”
I run to the bathroom tried to call my husband. What the fuck that’s the fifth time he declined me. Hell nah. What the fuck is going on…
“Mmmm ahhh fuck daddy…”
“Hello.. what the hell!!! Hello ”
“I’m busy. Leave me the fuck alone!!!.”
“You know what take all the fucking time you need. I’M DONE WITH YOU I WANT A DIVORCE!”“
*call ended*
Tried to hold back my tears and regain my composure and head out. But by the time I open the door, I can tell he heard everything. I tried running away but he softly takes my arm and whispers in my ear. "It’s ok baby. Just give into me.”
So I do finally let loose. He kiss me I kiss him back. I push him down on the couch and straddle him kiss bite his neck. And pull off his shirt. Slide down to unzip his pants and throw them on the other side of the room. Untie his shoes and I take those off along with his socks too.
He tries to take off my coat but I stop him and push his hands away.
“If you want me to let loose and give in to you. Then lay back and relax for me.”
“Yes ma'am. Do your thang baby. ”
“You know I always wanted to give out a lap dance. I guess now is my chance. Turn that song up for me .”
The volume gets higher and higher. 🎶Shawty, this gonna be your favorite song… this is the remix.🎶 Hearing that piano playing smoothly with them fingers snapping and then the hi-hat and the drums make me look deep inside of all the shit that fucking piece of shit putting me through. And I start dancing like a pro stripper. I see him pull some bands out of his pockets and he throw them at me being my motivation.
“Yeah baby, there you go. Mmm shit that’s sexy as fuck. Keep going.”
Body rolling flipping my hair. Doing a spilt in the air. Twerking on him.
🎶Bring that shit back, let you hear somethin’ twice Ask how to keep drama clear from her life Said, “I don’t know, girl, but here’s some advice Stop bein’ friendly to the fuckboys (yeah) Stop bein’ friendly to the fuckboys (yeah) Stop bein’ friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein’ friendly to the fuckboys" (Hold up) Hold up, I’m who you’ve been cravin’ for The one that you save it for Hop in the shower and shave it for Come and watch Power the day before🎶
When Louso repeatedly said “stop being friendly to the fuck boys.” The more I forgot about my future ex husband and I walked slow and sexy back to my ex. And leaned down to his level.
“You ready to see what I got on under this coat?”
“Hell yeah. But take your time baby. ”
“Ok. Here we go.” Untie one bow after the other, taking it off my shoulders nice and slow, and let flow and drop onto the floor. Twirl my phat ass in his face and tease him real good making sure he can’t touch or get it. But I slip up on purpose and let him catch me. He pulls me to him and I look down but he puts his hand under my chin and left my head up. And looks at me deep in my eye. “No longer will you need to look down anymore, that’s over now baby. For now on. You keep your pretty head up. Now look at me.”
He stands up and picks me up off my feet and place me on the bed. Put my legs and feet in the air while my heels are still on. Kisses me from my feet, to my calves, to my legs, to my thighs, to my pussy, to both sides of my hips, to my stomach, to my breasts, to my neck, to my lips, mmmm sending chills to my spine his kisses was amazing setting me on fire, got me going crazy again.
“Mmmm shit. This feels so good. Keep going.”
“Ahhh wet this dick up for me baby.”
“Ok daddy.” “Ummm mmmm ahh mmm slurrp”
“Shhiit, hell yeah. Mmm yea baby suck that dick baby. Fuck.”
“Mmmm ahhh mmmm *chokes on it*”
He picks me up and puts me on his dick and lays me down on my back and he makes love to me.
“Hitting and stroking that pussy nice and slow.. mmm fuck!”
“Ahhhh yesss… this.. feel so.. damn amazing.”
“Yeah baby. I told you. I got you. Mmm shit.”
Ahhh fuck. I never had it like this before. I mean damn. He was deep in my pussy had me creaming and leaking sweet juices all over the bed and his dick. But he was taking his time with it. Every time I tried to look away. He moves my head to him and tells me to look at him.
“Every time you look away I will go harder and deeper. … ok think I’m playing mmm mmm mmm .”
“Oooh fuck you not playing damn. Ok ok ok mmm shit yes yes yes yes fuck I’m squirting already but keep going.”
“You can scratch me up if you want to. It’s all good baby. Ahhhh fuck hell yeah.”
“Ahhh shit yesss don’t stop. Don’t stop.”
“Baby you’re phone blowing up…‘mmmm fuck why now.”
“It’s prolly work …. ohhh shit.”
“Won’t me to answer it? Hmm won’t big daddy to answer it? Mmmm”
“'Mmmm fuck that phone and focus on this pussy.”
“Ohhh yes, my queen. Ahhhh fuck fuck shit.”
*8 missed calls* *2 voicemails* *1Text Notification* “Husband: baby I’m sorry call let’s talk”
“You’re phone ringing again, baby lemme answer this shit.”
“But baby don’t stop.” I say with a naughty pouty face.
“Don’t worry baby Ima still hit this pussy. And talk at the same time… it’s your husband. Allow me.”
“Hey baby look it’s not what seems....”
“Hey ,sorry, bruh she's really occupied with me right now. ”
“Her ex nigga who’s about to be her new nigga all over again. Don’t believe me? Moan baby!!!”
“Ahhhh fuck yesss yesss yesss don’t stop ooh ohh ohh ohhh yes yes don’t stop.”
“ Well as you can clearly hear the lady is done with you and just getting started with me. Deuces nicca!” *Slide To Power Off* “Mmmm that shit was sexy daddy. Made me wetter.”
“Mmmm lol I can tell. I got you, don’t worry. I told you baby. Now bend over for daddy …. yeah… arch that back mmm yes just like that take this dick.” “Ahhhh yes yes daddy daddy yes damn.”
“Throw that ass back …. ohhhhh hell yea!!! There ya go.”
“Mmmmm shit I’m creaming and cumming again.”
“It’s ok just let it all go on my dick. Making love to this pussy. How feel baby? ”
“ It feels soooo fucking good daddy damn I needed this …. fuccck!!!!!!!”
“I know baby I know Gotdamn!!!! ”
To be continued….
🎶Baby you know who I am and girl I know just who you are We ain’t gotta rush into shit cause being in love is too hard I’m tired of all these flashing lights, girl we should just fuck in the dark Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah yeah yeah Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga🎶
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lucindadixon · 7 years
holdontohopelove replied to your link: M*A*S*H - Best of Hawkeye/Margaret
Any chance you’d be willing to post the list itself to Tumblr? The link doesn’t work and I would loveeee the list of episodes.
Sure, here it is!
The following is a list of episodes with good HM scenes (or, on occasion, just good Margaret scenes, because I love her sfm) and a brief description of why I'm including it. Some are big important scenes, others are just little tiny things that no one but a die hard shipper would even notice.  I'm doing this primarily for my own reference, but if someone else gets something out of it, all the better.
 Season One
 Ep. 12  Dear Dad - First kiss!  Hawkeye walks up to Frank and Margaret, asks Frank to hold his drink, grabs Margaret, dips her and kisses the bejeezus out of her!  Margaret is speechless and weak-kneed when he's finished. Frank refers to Hawk as an animal and Margaret agrees, but she obviously does not consider that to be a bad thing.
 Ep. 21  Sticky Wicket - Hawkeye is deeply troubled about a patient who isn't getting any better.  Margaret assisted him on the surgery and seeks him to out try and figure out what went wrong.  Hawk is kind of rude to her actually, but when he eventually figures out the problem, it's her he hauls out of bed to operate with him.  While they are still a long way from the friends they end up being, it's obvious in this episode that they respect each other professionally.
Season Two
Ep. 6 Kim - Because it's Hawkeye she clings to when she's scared, not Frank.
Ep. 11  Carry on Hawkeye - Everyone has the flu but Hawkeye and Margaret and they have to work together to keep things running.  There's a great scene where they have to give each other flu shots - Hawkeye, of course, wants his in his tushie.  There are definite shades here of the friendship they eventually develop.  In fact, he even refers to her as 'nurse, friend, and all round good egg', and you can tell she's pleased.  One of my Top 10 HM episodes
Ep. 14  Hot Lips and Empty Arms - Nothing specifically HM (and there's a bit of Margaret/Trapper) but I'm including it anyway because it has some great Margaret scenes and she is just so stinking cute when she's bombed.
Ep. 15  Officers Only - Hawkeye tries to convince Margaret to agree to allowing enlisted men in the new O club.  There is dancing involved.  Frank is jealous.  Unfortunately he fails to convince her, but it's cute while it lasts.
Season Three
Ep. 4  Iron Guts Kelly - A visiting General dies in Margaret's tent and she seeks out Hawk and Trapper to help her cover it up.  Nothing specifically HM, but a really hilarious episode.
Ep. 7  Check-up - I'm torn on this one.  I decided to include it only because Hawkeye giving Margaret her check-up was cute, especially the fact that he shaved before it.  But then he basically calls her fat.  Huh?  It also features Drunk!Margaret which I love, but is kinda heavy on the Trapper/Margaret which I don't.
Ep. 9  Alcoholics Unanimous - Frank outlaws booze, so of course Margaret, Hawk, and Trap get drunk together and then make fun of Frank when he finds them.  Really funny scene.
Ep. 10  There's Nothing Like a Nurse - Because she quite enjoys her goodbye kiss.
Ep. 13  Mad Dogs and Servicemen -  Margaret and Hawk have words several times when she disagrees with the way he treats a soldier with what he believes to be hysterical paralysis. Also, Radar is bitten by a dog and needs rabies shots and there is a wonderful scene where Margaret kindly reads him a letter from a girl wanting to correspond with a serviceman.
Ep. 16  Bulletin Board - Because they're laughing and covered in mud.
Ep. 19  Aid Station - Hawkeye and Margaret (and Klinger) are sent to an Aid Station at the front.  There's a cute scene on the way where Margaret won't let Hawk change a flat tire because his hands are too valuable.  Once there, they work incredibly well together and the professional respect between them is obvious.  She tells a wounded soldier that he's lucky because Hawkeye is the best. He encourages her to start a surgery without him.  There is a sweet scene where they talk at the end of the day and end up going to sleep curled up together.  And when they get back to camp, he kisses her on the cheek.  One of my Top 10 HM episodes.
 Season 4
Ep. 3  It Happened One Night - Hawk and Margaret work the night shift in Post Op together.  When they relieve Frank, he says he's leaving them to "carry on".  The look they give him is priceless.  Later, a can of beans Hawk was heating on the stove explodes and gets all over them.  Margaret laughs as he uses his finger to taste the sauce on her face.  Best exchange of the night:  Patient:  "I hate your guts."  Margaret: "My guts are not here for you to love."  One of my Top Ten HM episodes
Ep. 10  Dear Peggy - Because she gets in the jeep as he admires her best side.
Ep. 11  Of Moose and Men - Hawkeye has to operate on a Colonel he's offended.  Margaret is very impressed with his work and tells him as much.  So naturally, he hits on her and pisses her off.  Just prior, there's a sweet scene when she covers him with a blanket as he sleeps in Post Op.
Season 5
Ep. 1  Bug Out - While the rest of the camp bugs out, Hawkeye, Margaret, and Radar remain behind to look after a patient who can't be moved. There is a nice scene where they talk about being afraid.  Later, as they are about to leave the camp, Margaret tells Hawkeye he should be proud of the lives he's saved.  He tells her she should be as well and kisses her on the cheek.  One of my Top 10 HM Episodes
Ep. 2  Margaret's Engagement - Because he fixes her boo-boo and tells her to knock off the insensitivity.
Ep. 3  Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Because he knows her by her perfume.
Ep. 5  The Nurses - Hawkeye helps a nurse Margaret has confined to quarters have a rendezvous with her husband by "quarantining" him in Margaret's tent.  Margaret's pain at being rejected by the other nurses is heartbreaking.
Ep. 7  Dear Sigmund - Because she's playing poker in the Swamp wearing boxer shorts.
Ep. 11  The Colonel's Horse - Margaret needs an appendectomy and Hawkeye is the only surgeon she wants.  He pays her a tent call for a pre-op exam but she won't let him because he won't lay off the sexual innuendo.  She ends up waking him in the middle of the night to do the operation.  There is a cute scene at the end where he takes his patient for a stroll around the compound.  She thanks him for doing a wonderful job and he offers her a guarantee: every thousand miles he'll probe her chassis.
Ep. 19  Hepatitis - Hawkeye is examining everyone for hepatitis, including Margaret.  Hawkeye: "You're going to get a shot too."  Margaret (shaking her brush at him):  "So are you, kiddo."  She confides in him a problems she's having with her fiance's mother, he admires her caboose, she tells him off.  He tells her she's magnificent, inside and out.  Aww.
Ep. 21  Movie Night - Because he wants to hear her sing.
Season 6
Ep. 1  Fade in, Fade out - Because he was drooling over her bikini picture.  And because he was genuinely interested in why she was upset.
Ep. 7  In Love and War - Included only for the HM scene at the end where they commiserate over Hawkeye's lost love and Margaret's cheating husband.  Otherwise, not at all ship-friendly.
Ep. 9  Images - Margaret becomes upset after hearing that a stray dog she's grown attached to has been killed by a jeep.  Hawkeye sees that she's emotional and tries to get her to talk.  She doesn't want to admit to it and accuses him of always trying to get in her head. Eventually he succeeds in getting her to break down, and he holds her while she cries.
Ep. 12  Comrades in Arms (Pt 1) - Hawkeye and Margaret are stranded alone together in an abandoned hut while on a trip to the 8063.  They find comfort in each other's arms while shelling goes on all around them.  In addition to the kissing (squee!), I love that when she is going to sleep, she says to announce himself if he's coming over to her in the middle of the night so she doesn't brain him with a big stick thinking he's the enemy.  Hint, hint, perhaps?  One of my Top 10 HM episodes.
 Ep. 13  Comrades in Arms (Pt 2) - Margaret is kind of weird and OOC in the first half of the episode and it's a uncomfortable to watch her being all mushy and trying to make Hawkeye into something he's not. The ending scenes though, first with Hawkeye confessing to BJ that he felt something for her, and then the two of them making peace, make up for the bad beginning.  The whole 'who's smiling' bit at very end is adorable.  One of my Top 10 HM episodes.
Ep. 14  The Merchant of Korea - I love the scene in Margaret's tent when Hawkeye goes to invite her to the poker game.  Something about the way she casually picks up his hand and moves it out of her way instead of just commanding him to move it is adorable.
Ep. 15  The Smell of Music - Because of her brilliant three-wave plan to clean the boys and stop the French horn.
Ep. 16  Patient 4077 - Margaret loses her wedding ring and Hawk and BJ buy her a replacement.  She's a bitch about it at first, but after Klinger sets her straight, she says she likes it better than the original.
Ep. 19  What's Up Doc - Margaret confesses to Hawkeye that she fears she may be pregnant.  It's touching how concerned he is for her.  They perform surgery on Radar's rabbit's ovaries to do a pregnancy test. In my Top 10 HM Episodes
Season 7
Ep. 1  Commander Pierce - Because she's beautiful when she's overworked and because since when did he join the army?
Ep. 2  Peace on Us - I could write a book on this one.  I love how the only thing that gets though to Hawkeye when he's ranting about the army's rule change is Margaret's confession that Donald has run out on her.  And later, when they hug at the red party and she puts her hand on the back of his head and pulls him down like she's about to kiss him...swoon... (see icon). She's kind of all over him in this episode, both during the party and the next morning.  In my own personal head-canon, they totally fell off the 'just friends' wagon that night. On of my Top 10 HM episodes.
Ep. 7  They Call the Wind Korea - Because he never let's her get away with 'I'm fine' when she's not.  And because she lays her head on his shoulder.
Ep. 12  Out of Gas - A couple of cute moments.  While they're playing poker he calls her 'toots' and she doesn't even get mad.  When she passes out from the ether, he revives her.   And when she wakes him up to go into surgery, he ask her to help him up, which she does, and get him something to lean against, preferable her, which rates a smile.
Ep. 13  An Eye for a Tooth - Hawkeye's hungover and Margaret's in an incredibly good mood.  She starts tickling him at the breakfast table and then loads his coffee up with sugar, leading to a food fight!  Charles manipulates them into a prank war, but they team up and get him in the end.
Ep. 16  Inga - Even though Hawk spends most of the episode chasing another woman, I have to include this one because Margaret completely pwns him in the scene outside the mess tent, telling him off for being sexist. I find his accusation of jealousy interesting though, in that he seems to mean he thinks Margaret is jealous of Inga professionally, but Margaret takes it to mean being jealous over Hawkeye's attention.  Seems like maybe he unintentionally strikes a bit of a nerve, even if that isn't what prompted the fight..  And then it's just sweet when she makes him go to the movies with her at the end and they walk off with their arms around each other.
Ep. 19  Hot Lips is Back in Town - Because he does his best to make sure she's okay after her divorce papers arrive, at least until he passes out.  And she is absolutely trying not to laugh when he interrupts the triage lesson.
Ep. 20  C*A*V*E - Hawkeye and Margaret help each other work through their phobias (claustrophobia and loud noises, respectively) when the 4077th is forced to evacuate to a cave during an attack and then they have to take a critical patient back to operate on him.  BJ:  "Boy, I can't leave you two in the backseat of anything."  Um, what?  Has he seen things we have not? In my Top 10 HM episodes.
Season 8
Ep. 2  Are You Now, Margaret - A congressional aide is convinced Margaret is a communist sympathizer.  Nothing specifically HM, but it shows how far she's come that every single person was on her side.
Ep. 11  Lifetime - Because she's Hot Streak Houlihan and they work so well together.
Ep. 12  Dear Uncle Abdul - Because her valiant foot locker gave it's life so she might live.  Not HM, just really funny.
Ep. 13  Captains Outrageous - Because they really should own a bar together.
Ep. 14  Stars and Stripes -  After Margaret's date with Scully goes south, Hawkeye tries to give her a pep talk.  She includes Hawk in her list of failed relationships - I think this is the only time the events of CIA are ever referenced, however obliquely.  Later she describes her ideal man as being 20% her father, 10% Scully, 10% Hawkeye, 3% Frank Burns and 1% her ex-husband.  I love that he rates higher than Frank.
Ep. 16  Bottle Fatigue - Because she's the only one defending his cranky arse when he gives up drinking, even though he doesn't appreciate it.
Ep. 25  April Fools - Because she's Margaret the Menace and they steal her tent.
Season 9
Ep. 5  Death Takes a Holiday - Margaret, Hawkeye and BJ struggle to keep a soldier alive until December 26 so his kids don't have to remember Christmas as the day their father died.
Ep. 17  Bless You Hawkeye - Because she checks him for fever and sits by his bedside.
 (Sheesh. What happened, Season 9?  Where be all the HM?)
Season 10
Ep. 3   Rumor at the Top - No HM, but Margaret's attempts at making Col. Potter sound senile are quite amusing.
Ep. 4  Give 'em Hell Hawkeye - Because they sit awfully close together even though there are more chairs.
Ep. 11 The Birthday Girls - No HM, but Margaret and Klinger are really sweet in this one.
Ep. 14  The Tooth Shall Set You Free - Because he refills her coffee cup without her even having to ask.
Ep.  15  Pressure Points - Because she makes a good catch.
Ep  16  Where There's a Will There's a War - Hawkeye writes out a will during a harrowing visit to an aid station.  He leaves Margaret his Groucho glasses to remind her of how much he enjoyed her rarely seen silly side.  There is a flashback of a sleep-deprived Hawk and Margaret making bad puns and cracking up while taking inventory in the supply tent.
Ep.  20  Picture This - Charles, BJ and Hawkeye are fighting and Hawkeye moves out of the Swamp. It's Margaret who goes to trick Hawkeye into going back, while Klinger and Father Mulcahy go to BJ and Charles.
Season 11
Ep. 1  Hey Look Me Over - Because they dance the Lindy Hop. Sadly, off screen.
Ep. 2  Trick or Treat - Because he really likes her sexy costume.
Ep. 7  Settling Debts - Not HM, but included because Margaret does such a bang-up job of stalling Colonel Potter.
Ep. 10  U.N., the Night, and the Music - Margaret takes an interest in a U.N. representative who has suffered an injury that has left him impotent.  He confides in Hawkeye, who tries to run interference.  Included because the U.N. guy originally thinks Hawk and Margaret are more than friends and because Margaret thanks Hawkeye for "trying to be a jerk".
Ep. 15  As Time Goes By - Margaret decides to make a time capsule to commemorate the 4077th.  Hawkeye volunteers to help and they spend the episode arguing over what would be appropriate to include, Margaret wanting a military theme and Hawkeye goes more for the human side of the war.  In the end she is more agreeable to his way of thinking after they hear the story of a chopper pilot's heroism and then when she sees the items he's chosen.
Ep. 16  Goodbye, Farewell and Amen - A couple of little things in this one, and of course, one great big thing.  First, when BJ leaves the first time, it's Margaret he chooses to have explain things to Hawkeye for him.  Then, when he gets back from the psych hospital and goes right into surgery, it's Margaret that helps him through it.  And what can I say about their final scene?  I love that moment of understanding between them where they each know exactly what the other is thinking ("So, ah, listen..."  "Yeah.") and then they just grab onto each other at the same time.  That was one hell of a goodbye kiss.  To me what is happening here is that they are admitting, to themselves and to each other, just how much more there was to their relationship than the friendship they had eventually settled into.  That their reasons for not being together, while valid as far as they went, were no longer important in the face of probably never seeing each other again. Also, all shippiness aside, this is an incredible series finale.  Charles and the musicians make me cry every time, as does BJ's final goodbye note. One of my Top 10 HM Episodes
everytimeyougo 's Top Ten Hawkeye/Margaret Episodes
10.  Carry On Hawkeye
9.   It Happened One Night
8.   C*A*V*E
7.   Bug Out
6.   What's Up Doc?
5.   Comrades in Arms (Pt 2)
4.   Aid Station
3.   Goodbye, Farewell and Amen
2.   Peace on Us
1.   Comrades in Arms (Pt 1)
Honorable mentions:  Sticky Wicket, The Colonel's Horse, Hepatitis, Images, The Merchant of Korea, Where There's A Will, There's A War
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